This affects us all

The problem is that some people have compromised immune systems and/or are medically unable to get the shot. If you are an EMT, you should not be putting people at risk who have medical issues.
Also, why do the majority have to lose to the fractional minority? Those who are medically unable to get the shot probably number in the hundreds nationwide....
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As a business owner I certainly understand your position. I am not saying a mandate is right or wrong; just that companies need direction from the government on how to handle COVID in the workplace. I can work in either environment; I just need to make sure the company is protected from a risk management perspective. Like I said previously, I don't feel that strongly about vaccine mandates either way.
Make everyone, vaxxed and non-vaxxed, sign a waiver- “due to the spread of corona by both vaxxed and un-vaxxed people, the company cannot guarantee anyone’s health.”


Trump White House Repeatedly Blocked Critical COVID Warnings, Officials Tell House Probe​

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention," said CDC expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who said she was reprimanded for doing so.

The Donald Trump administration intervened multiple times to block critically important warnings to the public from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as COVID-19 was exploding across the nation, top health officials have told congressional investigators, according to newly released interviews and other records released Friday.
A furious Trump immediately curtailed CDC officials’ media appearances after agency health expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier warned early last year that the spread of COVID-19 was inevitable, she told the House select subcommittee on the pandemic.

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention,” Messonnier told investigators, but she was later reprimanded for the warning, including by then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.
The CDC held no news briefings between early March 9 and the end of May last year as the pandemic was building and despite repeated requests from the agency, The Washington Post noted.
Trump appointees also pressured the agency to change its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports to align with the White House’s optimistic messages about COVID-19, health officials said.
In the newly released excerpts of information from White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, she accused Trump’s controversial White House adviser Scott Atlas of working to cut access to COVID-19 tests last year.

“This was an intent of Scott Atlas when he came to the White House, to change the testing guidance,” Birx said.
Trump frequently complained publicly that U.S. statistics looked bad because too many tests were revealing the nation’s high number of cases. Stopping tests was his solution to minimizing the appearance of a problem.
“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any,” Trump insisted in June last year.
Birx said that Atlas triggered changes to CDC testing recommendations two months later that called for excluding people without visible symptoms, even if they had been exposed to infected people.

“This document resulted in less testing and … less aggressive testing of those without symptoms that I believed were the primary reason for the early community spread,” Birx told investigators.
In information from Birx released by the subcommittee last month, Birx said she believes the COVID-19 death toll could have been cut as much as 40% with better decisions by the Trump White House.
Trump himself admitted to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward that he knew COVID was “deadly stuff,” but that he deliberately downplayed the risk to the public.
“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward, the journalist reported in his book “Rage.” “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”
In February 2020 Trump said there were only 15 cases of COVID-19 in the nation, and that it would soon be “close to zero.” He also said that “like a miracle” the virus would “disappear,” and congratulated himself on doing a “pretty good job.”
Since then, 762,000 Americans have died of COVID.
Ummmmmm...... this has been covered ad nauseam.
They are the super-spreaders that they whined about for the last year and a half.
There is no evidence that the vaccinated are spreading the virus more than the unvaccinated.
In fact, there are new studies coming out yet to be peer reviewed that indicate that the vaccinated may indeed spread less virus than the unvaccinated.
Are you under the impression that being vaccinated means you can't contract or spread the virus?
No, however it is less likely that you will contract the virus. That all that matters as regards to liability for a health care provider.


Glad to see you’re coming around on Fauci.
762,000 Americans have died while Fauci was advising both Trump and Biden. The Disney documentary is pretty touching though.

Nothing in that article is new. It’s clickbait trash for brainwashed dinguses like you. Last I checked Trump isn’t president anymore. You accuse these guys of spreading RW propaganda.. wtf do you think that article is?
As a business owner I certainly understand your position. I am not saying a mandate is right or wrong; just that companies need direction from the government on how to handle COVID in the workplace. I can work in either environment; I just need to make sure the company is protected from a risk management perspective. Like I said previously, I don't feel that strongly about vaccine mandates either way.
I do not need the government providing direction. They didn’t provide any direction or advice to run it previously. From a risk management standpoint, they could have just said this is an illness and spare everyone frivolous lawsuits. Fairly simple expectations.


Trump White House Repeatedly Blocked Critical COVID Warnings, Officials Tell House Probe​

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention," said CDC expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who said she was reprimanded for doing so.

The Donald Trump administration intervened multiple times to block critically important warnings to the public from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as COVID-19 was exploding across the nation, top health officials have told congressional investigators, according to newly released interviews and other records released Friday.
A furious Trump immediately curtailed CDC officials’ media appearances after agency health expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier warned early last year that the spread of COVID-19 was inevitable, she told the House select subcommittee on the pandemic.

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention,” Messonnier told investigators, but she was later reprimanded for the warning, including by then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.
The CDC held no news briefings between early March 9 and the end of May last year as the pandemic was building and despite repeated requests from the agency, The Washington Post noted.
Trump appointees also pressured the agency to change its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports to align with the White House’s optimistic messages about COVID-19, health officials said.
In the newly released excerpts of information from White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, she accused Trump’s controversial White House adviser Scott Atlas of working to cut access to COVID-19 tests last year.

“This was an intent of Scott Atlas when he came to the White House, to change the testing guidance,” Birx said.
Trump frequently complained publicly that U.S. statistics looked bad because too many tests were revealing the nation’s high number of cases. Stopping tests was his solution to minimizing the appearance of a problem.
“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any,” Trump insisted in June last year.
Birx said that Atlas triggered changes to CDC testing recommendations two months later that called for excluding people without visible symptoms, even if they had been exposed to infected people.

“This document resulted in less testing and … less aggressive testing of those without symptoms that I believed were the primary reason for the early community spread,” Birx told investigators.
In information from Birx released by the subcommittee last month, Birx said she believes the COVID-19 death toll could have been cut as much as 40% with better decisions by the Trump White House.
Trump himself admitted to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward that he knew COVID was “deadly stuff,” but that he deliberately downplayed the risk to the public.
“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward, the journalist reported in his book “Rage.” “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”
In February 2020 Trump said there were only 15 cases of COVID-19 in the nation, and that it would soon be “close to zero.” He also said that “like a miracle” the virus would “disappear,” and congratulated himself on doing a “pretty good job.”
Since then, 762,000 Americans have died of COVID.
This is dumb. March 13 schools were shuttered and learning went online in Illinois. BTW, Trump isn’t POTUS any more. These vaccines that you are in love with were made available more quickly because of Mr. Mean Tweets actions to eliminate FDA red tape.


Trump White House Repeatedly Blocked Critical COVID Warnings, Officials Tell House Probe​

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention," said CDC expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who said she was reprimanded for doing so.

The Donald Trump administration intervened multiple times to block critically important warnings to the public from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as COVID-19 was exploding across the nation, top health officials have told congressional investigators, according to newly released interviews and other records released Friday.
A furious Trump immediately curtailed CDC officials’ media appearances after agency health expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier warned early last year that the spread of COVID-19 was inevitable, she told the House select subcommittee on the pandemic.

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention,” Messonnier told investigators, but she was later reprimanded for the warning, including by then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.
The CDC held no news briefings between early March 9 and the end of May last year as the pandemic was building and despite repeated requests from the agency, The Washington Post noted.
Trump appointees also pressured the agency to change its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports to align with the White House’s optimistic messages about COVID-19, health officials said.
In the newly released excerpts of information from White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, she accused Trump’s controversial White House adviser Scott Atlas of working to cut access to COVID-19 tests last year.

“This was an intent of Scott Atlas when he came to the White House, to change the testing guidance,” Birx said.
Trump frequently complained publicly that U.S. statistics looked bad because too many tests were revealing the nation’s high number of cases. Stopping tests was his solution to minimizing the appearance of a problem.
“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any,” Trump insisted in June last year.
Birx said that Atlas triggered changes to CDC testing recommendations two months later that called for excluding people without visible symptoms, even if they had been exposed to infected people.

“This document resulted in less testing and … less aggressive testing of those without symptoms that I believed were the primary reason for the early community spread,” Birx told investigators.
In information from Birx released by the subcommittee last month, Birx said she believes the COVID-19 death toll could have been cut as much as 40% with better decisions by the Trump White House.
Trump himself admitted to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward that he knew COVID was “deadly stuff,” but that he deliberately downplayed the risk to the public.
“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward, the journalist reported in his book “Rage.” “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”
In February 2020 Trump said there were only 15 cases of COVID-19 in the nation, and that it would soon be “close to zero.” He also said that “like a miracle” the virus would “disappear,” and congratulated himself on doing a “pretty good job.”
Since then, 762,000 Americans have died of COVID.

So MORE have died under Basement Joe than in Pres Trump.

After Chin-na infected the World.
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Ever hear the concept of supply and demand? Most of the inflation right now is caused by a lack of supply.
Have you tried to shop for a new car? The inventory is close to zero. The shortages are mostly due to the inability to produce not overheated demand. Prices are rising a bit due to stimulus money but it is not the main driver and everyone knows it. It is more about foreign plants closing due to COVID rather than overheated demand.

The reason I have not responded to your posts is that I find it rather pointless to attempt any discussion with you since you are so rigid in your beliefs. Similar to real life, I don't spend much time with people who just say "I am right and you are wrong". Life is too short to spend my time like that.
Jeff - I am sorry you didn’t get your handout and will have to work indefinitely. Yes, I believe in capitalism and capitalism is the answer to the supply side. You voted for socialism which creates these problems and fails every time. Again, you are the living excuse. You ignore excessive spending, terrible polices, handouts, and an anti-business attitude. Further, Biden’s mandates that everyone take this vaccine is causing labor strife and getting willing workers fired - while the lazy, scared types refuse to work.

No, I have not been shopping for a car. I do have interest in an EV. My research was enlightening. Did you know the batteries for EVs source materials from very environmentally damaging mining? Further, the carbon footprint for shipping them from Asia is horrendous. Finally, the batteries get their electricity from coal, oil, and natural gas generation (mainly). In short, an EV feels good, but in reality is more damaging to the planet than a good old fashioned car. No educated person would buy one thinking they are helping the planet. I’d say some of them are genuinely cool vehicles with the other ones being subsidized status symbols
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No, however it is less likely that you will contract the virus. That all that matters as regards to liability for a health care provider.
Huh? There is no scientific data to support that statement...
I’m all for a good back-and-forth but throwing around opinions as facts doesn’t help.
What exactly is your concern? It is my understanding that the information will remain with the organization unless there has been a change that I am not aware.
Yes, your ignorance is showing. There is something called PII (Personal Identifiable Information) of which PHI is a specially guarded subset. Personal Health Information is given extra security. Your guys OSHA regulation demands access to PHI. It is right there in the 500 pages. Your visits to a mental health doctor, diseases, treatments
, etc will all be there.

Jeff - I’ve concluded from your past statements that you don’t care what the US looks like in 2071. You don’t have kids and as a result don’t have any skin in the game. You just want to get your handout, buy a second home, retire, and enjoy life. The problem is that the deep state will deny you treatment in 20 years because your life isn’t worth saving for the $$$ necessary to prolong it for 5 years. They won’t stop with a single vaccination and you have rolled over so well that they are now empowered to gain further control over you.
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IOW, “I don’t believe masks are effective”.

Polis has been pretty solid throughout the pandemic. He follows the numbers and provides steady leadership. Doesn’t try to scare people.

I think his experience with COVID helped shape his position. He and his partner tested positive, but were asymptomatic.
Huh? There is no scientific data to support that statement...
I’m all for a good back-and-forth but throwing around opinions as facts doesn’t help.

You have got to be kidding me. There is no evidence to support that the vaccine reduces the chances of infection? There is so much evidence I would have thought such a statement would be taken as a given.
Yes, your ignorance is showing. There is something called PII (Personal Identifiable Information) of which PHI is a specially guarded subset. Personal Health Information is given extra security. Your guys OSHA regulation demands access to PHI. It is right there in the 500 pages. Your visits to a mental health doctor, diseases, treatments
, etc will all be there.

Jeff - I’ve concluded from your past statements that you don’t care what the US looks like in 2071. You don’t have kids and as a result don’t have any skin in the game. You just want to get your handout, buy a second home, retire, and enjoy life. The problem is that the deep state will deny you treatment in 20 years because your life isn’t worth saving for the $$$ necessary to prolong it for 5 years. They won’t stop with a single vaccination and you have rolled over so well that they are now empowered to gain further control over you.
Good luck to all of you. May the 10 or so of you who post in this thread enjoy your conspiracy theories and your stories regarding the greatness of Trump.
It’s seasonal in the sense that hot/cold weather makes it worse.

Masks don’t work.

The vaccine is a thearapeutic.

The virus isn’t going away.

When this admin mandated the vaccine, and forced EMT, nurses, firefighters out of a job, they finally admitted that masks are pretty useless. Most of us have known that all along. COVID spread like wildlife in masked facilities like hospitals and nursing homes, where masks are always worn.
When this admin mandated the vaccine, and forced EMT, nurses, firefighters out of a job, they finally admitted that masks are pretty useless. Most of us have known that all along. COVID spread like wildlife in masked facilities like hospitals and nursing homes, where masks are always worn.
I always pointed at nursing home spread as why masks dont work. They were the most protected. Completely isolated to their rooms. Everyone in masks. And it spread like wildfire in there.

I've said this from the beginning. Humans, when faced with adversity, feel like they have to do "something". Wearing masks isnt too far off from having air raid sirens go off once a month and then having the children at schools go under their desks to protect them from a nuclear attack decades ago. It made us feel better that we were doing something to help protect us. Humans need to feel like they have control, even when the situation isnt controllable. It's mostly why people don't like to sit in the back seat of a car or ride in an airplane. It's a sense of helplessness.
Good luck to all of you. May the 10 or so of you who post in this thread enjoy your conspiracy theories and your stories regarding the greatness of Trump.

Good luck to you Jeff. Amazing, triggered by a post that didn't contain the word "Trump" or even a reference to "Trump".

It's despicable that you would have me fired from my job because I don't get the vaccine. My beautiful natural immunity beat COVID again in August per my nurse who has treated numerous COVID patients. Natural immunity vs. COVID almost isn't a fair fight.
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And some European countries have stopped giving Moderna to young people. Meanwhile we look at each other like animals if we even question giving the shot to 5 year olds. What is the risk/reward for young people? When did we stop considering that?
You’re a conspiracy theorist if you decide to pause and look over the facts before you make a decision these days.

Only EUA was granted for 5-12. There’s no FDA approval yet. People are basically signing up to put their kids in a massive drug trial and then virtue signaling by posting about it on social media. Strange times.
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FDA added caution of myocarditis and pericarditis to the official fact sheet of the mRNA vaccines in October. Moderna FDA Fact Sheet (page 5 - Warnings)

Myocarditis and Pericarditis
Postmarketing data demonstrate increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within 7 days following the second dose. The observed risk is higher among males under 40 years of age than among females and older males. The observed risk is highest in males 18 through 24 years of age. Although some cases required intensive care support, available data from short-term follow-up suggest that most individuals have had resolution of symptoms with conservative management. Information is not yet available about potential long-term sequelae. The CDC has published considerations related to myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination, including for vaccination of individuals with a history of myocarditis or pericarditis

That’s all you really need to know. If your kid is healthy and you give them this vaccine, you’re willingly risking a known adverse effect. (And absolving manufacturers of liability). I wouldn’t give it to a healthy male under 40.

When FDA makes changes to labeling like this, we often recommend discontinuing or trying something different. A recent example is FDA added warnings of arrhythmia to a common seizure med/mood stabilizer, Lamictal, in March. We recommended anyone at risk switch to an alternative.

Twitter heroes know better though.
Good luck to all of you. May the 10 or so of you who post in this thread enjoy your conspiracy theories and your stories regarding the greatness of Trump.
Trump’s policies were great. Not sure what that has to do with “the greatness of Trump”. You voted for the worst President in the history of the US. Brandon makes Jimmy Carter look good. The rapid pace of turning everything to crap has been extraordinary and it is all on Brandon and his merry band of lying pinkos.
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ABC/WP has generic ballot with Republicans leading at +10. But yeah, Trump’s policies sucked and Jeff’s vote for Brandon is working out great.
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