This affects us all

It's funny. For all the back and forth on this thread, we are way ahead of Fauci on the science.

In fact, @illinimike and I have been saying it will be boosters for life for a long time. Everything Fauci says in this paragraph has been known for a long time.

"And if you look at Israel, which is always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak and their vaccine response, and in every other elements of the outbreak, they are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection, but against hospitalizations and to some extent, death, which is starting to now involve all age groups," said Dr. Fauci. "It isn't just the elderly. So if one looks back at this, one can say, do you know it isn't as if a booster is a bonus, but a booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have.""

It's funny. For all the back and forth on this thread, we are way ahead of Fauci on the science.

In fact, @illinimike and I have been saying it will be boosters for life for a long time. Everything Fauci says in this paragraph has been known for a long time.

"And if you look at Israel, which is always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak and their vaccine response, and in every other elements of the outbreak, they are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection, but against hospitalizations and to some extent, death, which is starting to now involve all age groups," said Dr. Fauci. "It isn't just the elderly. So if one looks back at this, one can say, do you know it isn't as if a booster is a bonus, but a booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have.""
“Boosters for life for a long time”…when can we expect the boosters to get parole?
  • Wow
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At least @stoneaxe27 won't label Michael Granata a traitor. And @JeffT818 would feel great about not firing him for being unvaccinated. But, he is dead from the VAX and he did suffer. But, a true "Patriot" who could have kept his job, per Jeff, had he lived.

Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata February 21, 1965 – November 1, 2021

Michael, a longtime resident of Gilroy, passed away on November 1, 2021. Never a kinder more gentle man did I know than my husband, Michael.

For those who knew Mike, you know that he was a good and honest man. He was kind, considerate, and always polite.

Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death. Message from Mike: “Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out. So, here is my message: I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated. On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”
  • Wow
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is there a bigger POS than Bernie Sanders?
-Never had a real job
-collected welfare
- Communist
-resents all the people that actually create wealth, jobs and advancement in society
-subscribes to economic theory that is practiced in the former eastern block, Venezuela(inflation rate over 4000% and N Korea.

is there a bigger POS than Bernie Sanders?
-Never had a real job
-collected welfare
- Communist
-resents all the people that actually create wealth, jobs and advancement in society
-subscribes to economic theory that is practiced in the former eastern block, Venezuela(inflation rate over 4000% and N Korea.

Yes, Poopy Pants. Biden, has never had a real job either yet his family is extremely wealthy. While Bernie dreams of turning the US into Russia, Biden is executing the plan.
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Good luck to all of you. May the 10 or so of you who post in this thread enjoy your conspiracy theories and your stories regarding the greatness of Trump.

I just like the USA to be able to fill up their gas tanks for under $ 100.
The smartest thing the dems have done is hide this woman. No one likes her from the right or the left.

Tell me the Vice President isn't doing anything without telling me she isn't doing anything.

And anyone paying attention knows there is a much higher than 0% chance she will be in charge sometime in the next few years.
What exactly is your concern? It is my understanding that the information will remain with the organization unless there has been a change that I am not aware.
It’s seasonal in the sense that hot/cold weather makes it worse.

Masks don’t work.

The vaccine is a thearapeutic.

The virus isn’t going away.

Non N95 masks aren’t very effective
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And anyone paying attention knows there is a much higher than 0% chance she will be in charge sometime in the next few years.

Hillarious. If the VP was man they wouldn’t be circling the wagons as much. But because it’s a woman in power they must go into protect mode
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At least @stoneaxe27 won't label Michael Granata a traitor. And @JeffT818 would feel great about not firing him for being unvaccinated. But, he is dead from the VAX and he did suffer. But, a true "Patriot" who could have kept his job, per Jeff, had he lived.

Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata February 21, 1965 – November 1, 2021

Michael, a longtime resident of Gilroy, passed away on November 1, 2021. Never a kinder more gentle man did I know than my husband, Michael.

For those who knew Mike, you know that he was a good and honest man. He was kind, considerate, and always polite.

Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death. Message from Mike: “Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out. So, here is my message: I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated. On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”
That almost has a hint of being honestly written by Mike. NOT!

Jeff is fine missing mean tweets while the left continues to attack the Constitution and the brilliance of the document. “The Senate was a bad idea”. What an idiot. Without the Senate there would not have been nor will there be a United States. Who teaches these clowns US history?

Jeff is fine missing mean tweets while the left continues to attack the Constitution and the brilliance of the document. “The Senate was a bad idea”. What an idiot. Without the Senate there would not have been nor will there be a United States. Who teaches these clowns US history?
If you think the Constitution is so brilliant regarding the Senate, let's go back to what it requires-the Senators from each state are selected by that state's legislatures. Senators aren't even elected under the Constitution. Senate provisions are antiquated when a state has 40,000,000 and others have 700,000.
I just read a sorta funny comment about San Francisco. Per local law, you are allowed to steal up to $950 in goods from Walgreens or wherever with little to no consequences. At least Walgreens is closing many of their stores as a result. But the reality is that is tax free theft. If you include the avoided tax it is an additional $82 worth you are allowed to steal (8.625%) ......

So glad they only have 2 senators, who both are terrible. Unfortunately California is migrating out their warped citizens to surrounding states which is going to drag America into the trash bin along with the coastal elites.
For all of the people that wanted...and still want kids out of schools, you did this. You are all awful POS. You cared about yourself more than the kids. This pandemic has taught me a lot about our society. If there is a Hell, it will be full in the coming years.

If you think the Constitution is so brilliant regarding the Senate, let's go back to what it requires-the Senators from each state are selected by that state's legislatures. Senators aren't even elected under the Constitution. Senate provisions are antiquated when a state has 40,000,000 and others have 700,000.
Thanks for the numbers, Captain Obvious. The smaller states did not want the larger states to rule them. It was a great compromise. As usual, your ilk no nothing of the why’s of history and prefer to just ruin everything from willful ignorance.
That almost has a hint of being honestly written by Mike. NOT!

Only Democrats exploit people's death to serve an agenda. See the Wellstone Memorial in Minnesota. See the death of the great civil rights activist last year. See the death of John McCain - a willing pawn of the Democrats even in death.

The vaccine killed this man. If he had not taken it, you label him a traitor. Now, he is just a patriot....a dead patriot.
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Jeff is fine missing mean tweets while the left continues to attack the Constitution and the brilliance of the document. “The Senate was a bad idea”. What an idiot. Without the Senate there would not have been nor will there be a United States. Who teaches these clowns US history?

Like I said, Jeff will be dead in 30 years, he has no kids, and the future of the United States of America is of no concern to him. He just wants his handout so that he can retire, buy a second home, and drive his EV around America enjoying life. With the exception of the handout, I think that is a great plan. But, his lack of concern for the future of the country allows him to support Biden and the Democrats.
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For all of the people that wanted...and still want kids out of schools, you did this. You are all awful POS. You cared about yourself more than the kids. This pandemic has taught me a lot about our society. If there is a Hell, it will be full in the coming years.

I've said it for over a year now, the youth of America in 20-30 years will absolutely vilify today's leaders for destroying their childhoods and all that entails. Honestly, the adults in this country represent the most selfish generation in American history. It's all about them the future be damned.
For all of the people that wanted...and still want kids out of schools, you did this. You are all awful POS. You cared about yourself more than the kids. This pandemic has taught me a lot about our society. If there is a Hell, it will be full in the coming years.

The academic side of this is pretty awful. Wait until the social aspect rears it’s head. That pre-K thru 2 grade age group needs to interact with peers and see facial expressions/reactions to learn social skills. They’ve been stuck in front of screens or masked for 18 months instead. Half of them have parents telling them if you go out of the house and be an actual kid you could die. Going to be bad.
The academic side of this is pretty awful. Wait until the social aspect rears it’s head. That pre-K thru 2 grade age group needs to interact with peers and see facial expressions/reactions to learn social skills. They’ve been stuck in front of screens or masked for 18 months instead. Half of them have parents telling them if you go out of the house and be an actual kid you could die. Going to be bad.
I have a 1st grader and a 4th grader. When I went to their parent teacher conferences it was sobering. The teachers showed us charts of how our kids were doing in comparison to the average kid. Luckily, my kids were at or well above the norms for kids their age. When my wife made a comment how poor our daughter was doing (slightly above average in math) the teacher showed her another chart how kids were doing in the whole 4th grade. It was awful to look at. Almost all of the kids were below average in everything.

Well, if it's late, Illinois has a small lead, and it is 4th and 1, we may just go for it.....

A hockey game was cancelled due to a COVID outbreak on a fully vaccinated team....go figure. This vax does not work.

The Ottawa Senators are fully vaccinated and are now canceling games because of an outbreak on the fully vaccinated team.

With COVID spreading among the vaccinated, Ottawa / Ontario only allow fully vaccinated (super spreaders) to attend games. Ironic.

  • Like
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Well, if it's late, Illinois has a small lead, and it is 4th and 1, we may just go for it.....

A hockey game was cancelled due to a COVID outbreak on a fully vaccinated team....go figure. This vax does not work.

The Ottawa Senators are fully vaccinated and are now canceling games because of an outbreak on the fully vaccinated team.

With COVID spreading among the vaccinated, Ottawa / Ontario only allow fully vaccinated (super spreaders) to attend games. Ironic.

It's a therapeutic
I have a 1st grader and a 4th grader. When I went to their parent teacher conferences it was sobering. The teachers showed us charts of how our kids were doing in comparison to the average kid. Luckily, my kids were at or well above the norms for kids their age. When my wife made a comment how poor our daughter was doing (slightly above average in math) the teacher showed her another chart how kids were doing in the whole 4th grade. It was awful to look at. Almost all of the kids were below average in everything.
Same thing is happening at our school. My 4th grader was able to stay in school for most of this thanks to some awesome pediatricians that stood up to the school board down here. Only missed spring 2020 and a month around thanksgiving last year.

He’s doing pretty well, but the teacher said overall the kids are way behind. Especially on the social and responsibility type of things (remembering homework, packing bag, organization, interacting with peers, etc). They have no sense of independence whatsoever.

He’s also lost almost 2 full years of youth basketball. His dreams of playing for the Illini are long gone now. lol
Same thing is happening at our school. My 4th grader was able to stay in school for most of this thanks to some awesome pediatricians that stood up to the school board down here. Only missed spring 2020 and a month around thanksgiving last year.

He’s doing pretty well, but the teacher said overall the kids are way behind. Especially on the social and responsibility type of things (remembering homework, packing bag, organization, interacting with peers, etc). They have no sense of independence whatsoever.

He’s also lost almost 2 full years of youth basketball. His dreams of playing for the Illini are long gone now. lol
Maybe he can play BB for Marquette. :)
  • Haha
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Jeff is fine missing mean tweets while the left continues to attack the Constitution and the brilliance of the document. “The Senate was a bad idea”. What an idiot. Without the Senate there would not have been nor will there be a United States. Who teaches these clowns US history?
If you think the Constitution is so brilliant regarding the Senate, let's go back to what it requires-the Senators from each state are selected by that state's legislatures. Senators aren't even elected under the Constitution. Senate provisions are antiquated when a state has 40,000,000 and others have 700,000.
Thanks for the numbers, Captain Obvious. The smaller states did not want the larger states to rule them. It was a great compromise. As usual, your ilk no nothing of the why’s of history and prefer to just ruin everything from willful ignorance.
You avoid the issue of my post about there being no direct election of Senators under the Constitution. Instead you give some infantile rant. I hope you didn't teach civics.
Non N95 masks aren’t very effective

SEE my posts about this same issue again LAST year. Just make sure they are actual N 95's as Chin-na has been proven to make and distribute fakes.

And a trained tech fits you with the proper size mask.
Same thing is happening at our school. My 4th grader was able to stay in school for most of this thanks to some awesome pediatricians that stood up to the school board down here. Only missed spring 2020 and a month around thanksgiving last year.

He’s doing pretty well, but the teacher said overall the kids are way behind. Especially on the social and responsibility type of things (remembering homework, packing bag, organization, interacting with peers, etc). They have no sense of independence whatsoever.

He’s also lost almost 2 full years of youth basketball. His dreams of playing for the Illini are long gone now. lol
Grand Son # 4 is being home schooled this year ( 7th Grade ) so he will turn 19 in June of his Senior High School year. This is what age I was entering UNC in the fall after 2 years PG.
For all of the people that wanted...and still want kids out of schools, you did this. You are all awful POS. You cared about yourself more than the kids. This pandemic has taught me a lot about our society. If there is a Hell, it will be full in the coming years.

It’s a shame you have such a tough time expressing yourself 😂
If you think the Constitution is so brilliant regarding the Senate, let's go back to what it requires-the Senators from each state are selected by that state's legislatures. Senators aren't even elected under the Constitution. Senate provisions are antiquated when a state has 40,000,000 and others have 700,000.

You avoid the issue of my post about there being no direct election of Senators under the Constitution. Instead you give some infantile rant. I hope you didn't teach civics.

Stone Head - Poopy Pants swore an oath to uphold the constitution. Never mind the fact that he is not. Why would he swear to uphold something that is such trash according to you? As you will note, Senators are now elected by a vote of the people (plus Democratic cheating) in all 50 states. The Constitution contains provisions that allow it to be amended. The small states don't want to be dominated by the big states - like Florida, Texas, or California. It's a great system that allows states to govern their people as they wish to be governed.

You hate what Florida has become and can't stand Governor Ron Desantis. Fortunately, you can be a man who backs up your talk with action. You can move to Illinois, New York, or California - three places where you can live under great governance. Sadly, you are full of hot air and remain in Florida. Perhaps the absence of tourists in the summer is a big draw to you?

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