This affects us all

Stone Head - Poopy Pants swore an oath to uphold the constitution. Never mind the fact that he is not. Why would he swear to uphold something that is such trash according to you? As you will note, Senators are now elected by a vote of the people (plus Democratic cheating) in all 50 states. The Constitution contains provisions that allow it to be amended. The small states don't want to be dominated by the big states - like Florida, Texas, or California. It's a great system that allows states to govern their people as they wish to be governed.

You hate what Florida has become and can't stand Governor Ron Desantis. Fortunately, you can be a man who backs up your talk with action. You can move to Illinois, New York, or California - three places where you can live under great governance. Sadly, you are full of hot air and remain in Florida. Perhaps the absence of tourists in the summer is a big draw to you?
What are you -in kindergarten "poopy pants". Grow up.
As the English say: Biden and Harris are shits and giggles. Kinda fits as long as I don't need to hear her giggle again. Joe's pants are doctor Biden's problem. Sad we have someone so incompetent as President.
Not a tenth as incompetent as Trump and I didn't hear you complaining about him.
If you think the Constitution is so brilliant regarding the Senate, let's go back to what it requires-the Senators from each state are selected by that state's legislatures. Senators aren't even elected under the Constitution. Senate provisions are antiquated when a state has 40,000,000 and others have 700,000.

You avoid the issue of my post about there being no direct election of Senators under the Constitution. Instead you give some infantile rant. I hope you didn't teach civics.
Wrong, Dippy. You keep deflecting from the why.
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What are you -in kindergarten "poopy pants". Grow up.
Zip it, old man....

Not a tenth as incompetent as Trump and I didn't hear you complaining about him.
That is a completely moronic post. Trump’s time pre-Covid were a boon to ALL AMERICANS. Biden and his entire administration are complete swamp rats and fools to the core. Every single thing they’ve done (or not done) has been a total disaster.
Name one good, successful thing they’ve done. Just one....
OT - Technology. It is a long story but I took a picture of a bottle of wine at our local grocery and sent it with a comment to my brother and sister. If you look at the link below, I was wondering why someone would buy wine with the label "19 Crimes" (winery is in Australia). Anyway, my sister responds that their bottles are AR enabled and if you get the app you can scan the label and watch a short video talking about various crimes in Australia. I did it using my electronic picture of the wine but it turns our you can just go to their website and scan the various bottles with the app and watch all the videos.

Here is the link to their website. So liberal, conservative, or in-between, here is something to entertain yourself with and a possible Christmas gift if you like it. You are welcome.

It is a crazy world we are living in.

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The cure IS worse than the disease. It was in question for a while, but the #s speak for themselves.
At least we don't have to widen our search for the country of origin....."old
friend ".
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City of Chandler poaching officers from states that like @JeffT818 s idea of mandating vaccines.

Stay safe Jeff! Hopefully your community activists will keep you safe.

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Vaccine effect on reducing transmission - Lancet

This study confirms that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and also accelerates viral clearance in the context of the delta variant. However, this study unfortunately also highlights that the vaccine effect on reducing transmission is minimal in the context of delta variant circulation. These findings have immediate public health implications.
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When politicians are so disingenuous as Biden and Gavin Newsom it is no wonder Americans are distrustful of them. The latest is Biden sent a firm letter yesterday to the FTC to investigate "illegal conduct" by oil and gas companies causing $5 a gallon gas in California. Gavin Newsom is 100% with this fearless leader. The left wing media is 100% with this fearless leader.

If he wants to lower gas prices he might want to consult with Trump. Or maybe he can beg OPEC again, it is such a good look for the US.

ps. was it a real paper letter with postage or an email? A paper letter sounds so forceful the FTC surely would get off their butts and find someone other than Biden/Newsom responsible.

You can't make this stuff up.
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If he wants to lower gas prices he might want to consult with Trump. Or maybe he can beg OPEC again, it is such a good look for the US.
Yeah do what Trump did, embarrass yourself and the US by shamelessly lying to cover up the torture, murder, and dismemberment of a resident of the US that was a journalist for a US newspaper, as an ass kiss to the Crown Prince. I like the way you think.
A couple of weeks ago an EIU student committed suicide. Last week an EIU student was unsuccessful in his attempt. The EIU hotline and EIU doctors/caregivers are overworked and flooded with kids...KIDS!!!...calling and coming in because of depression and suicidal thoughts. EIU declared an emergency mental health day this week so class was canceled on Tuesday. Some teachers canceled class for the whole week.
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Yeah do what Trump did, embarrass yourself and the US by shamelessly lying to cover up the torture, murder, and dismemberment of a resident of the US that was a journalist for a US newspaper, as an ass kiss to the Crown Prince. I like the way you think.

You weren’t embarrassed that Biden’s strategy resulted in 13 service members dying, and us leaving countless weapons in the hands of terrorists. You’re pretty selective with what you are embarrassed about.
Yeah do what Trump did, embarrass yourself and the US by shamelessly lying to cover up the torture, murder, and dismemberment of a resident of the US that was a journalist for a US newspaper, as an ass kiss to the Crown Prince. I like the way you think.
Yeah. As opposed to Biden, who pretty please begged the Taliban to be nice, while they evacuated and are shocked they are going house to house and executing Afghanis who worked with the US.
A couple of weeks ago an EIU student committed suicide. Last week an EIU student was unsuccessful in his attempt. The EIU hotline and EIU doctors/caregivers are overworked and flooded with kids...KIDS!!!...calling and coming in because of depression and suicidal thoughts. EIU declared an emergency mental health day this week so class was canceled on Tuesday. Some teachers canceled class for the whole week.
It’s tough being a kid these days…even college kids. It’s hard to socialize behind masks.
I have 3-4 nursing homes with current outbreaks despite almost 100% vaccination rates. Most residents are handling it fine. The people that are already on hospice or with other underlying issues obviously can’t handle it as well. We usually have influenza A/B outbreaks this time of the year that result in a few deaths too..
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You weren’t embarrassed that Biden’s strategy resulted in 13 service members dying, and us leaving countless weapons in the hands of terrorists. You’re pretty selective with what you are embarrassed about.
Yeah do what Trump did, embarrass yourself and the US by shamelessly lying to cover up the torture, murder, and dismemberment of a resident of the US that was a journalist for a US newspaper, as an ass kiss to the Crown Prince. I like the way you think.

Yawn. That troubles you? Were you not troubled by a US Ambassador who happened to be gay being tortured, sodomized, killed and dragged through the streets of Benghazi ? You know, Benghazi, the place 420 miles away from a major, major United States Air Force base in Sigonella just south of Catania. Unfortunately, Obama and Hillary were unavailable and no planes or troops were sent to save Americans.

The fact is Biden pulled out the tired Democrat playbook. Accuse the oil companies of price gouging after disastrous Democrat energy policies take effect. Resident PP is also being pushed to tap the strategic oil reserves which Trump filled when the oil prices were relatively low thanks to Trump's polices.
Yeah do what Trump did, embarrass yourself and the US by shamelessly lying to cover up the torture, murder, and dismemberment of a resident of the US that was a journalist for a US newspaper, as an ass kiss to the Crown Prince. I like the way you think.

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I have 3-4 nursing homes with current outbreaks despite almost 100% vaccination rates. Most residents are handling it fine. The people that are already on hospice or with other underlying issues obviously can’t handle it as well. We usually have influenza A/B outbreaks this time of the year that result in a few deaths too..
The vaccine most certainly reduces the severity of outbreaks….we are going through a massive surge and about 85 percent of admissions and 90 percent of ICU admissions are unvaccinated at the moment….
Yawn. That troubles you? Were you not troubled by a US Ambassador who happened to be gay being tortured, sodomized, killed and dragged through the streets of Benghazi ? You know, Benghazi, the place 420 miles away from a major, major United States Air Force base in Sigonella just south of Catania. Unfortunately, Obama and Hillary were unavailable and no planes or troops were sent to save Americans.

The fact is Biden pulled out the tired Democrat playbook. Accuse the oil companies of price gouging after disastrous Democrat energy policies take effect. Resident PP is also being pushed to tap the strategic oil reserves which Trump filled when the oil prices were relatively low thanks to Trump's polices.
More whataboutism.
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More whataboutism.

Just playing by your rules, buddy! I'll note you didn't answer the question on Benghazi. You have company in Hillary and Obama as they also didn't answer any questions. To quote "What difference, at this point does it make?" Who cares that the truth about Turkey came out under Trump? The fact is Biden has pulled out the tired Demorat playbook and accused the oil companies of price gouging when in fact the high prices for petrol are a successfully implemented Biden policy.

1979, 1991, 2006, 2011 -- Big Oil is evil!

Last month the Department of Energy accused Mobil and six other major oil companies of overcharging refineries by $1.7 billion since 1973 by selling oil above the price ceiling permitted under domestic crude‐oil controls.

1979!!! After 50 years in the Swamp Biden is still saying the same crap Democrats have been spouting for his entire time in DC!! Amazing ineptitude. Nothing ever gets fixed by Democrats and their playbook never changes. They have added a few chapters on fraud thanks to the Digital Age.
Yeah do what Trump did, embarrass yourself and the US by shamelessly lying to cover up the torture, murder, and dismemberment of a resident of the US that was a journalist for a US newspaper, as an ass kiss to the Crown Prince. I like the way you think.

You get owned on the regular….no way you are a private practice attorney…
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