This affects us all

All doing a Trump strategy to RDS would do is make him stronger as a candidate because it would be unjustifiable on every level. Trump’s con artistry and playing fast and loose with every rule makes him an easy target.

It is not like Biden is getting a pass on being investigated. If Trump wins, maybe there’s not enough on Joe, but there will be prosecutions of people around Old Joe.
The Left was extremely tough on W. Neocons, paleocons, Libertarians, Lincoln Project. All together. I don't trust fairness toward any Republican candidate, not just solely the POTUS candidates either. Republicans kick Santos to the curb while Dems keep Menendez. Republicans aren't even playing in the same league.
The Left was extremely tough on W. Neocons, paleocons, Libertarians, Lincoln Project. All together. I don't trust fairness toward any Republican candidate, not just solely the POTUS candidates either. Republicans kick Santos to the curb while Dems keep Menendez. Republicans aren't even playing in the same league.
Primaries aren’t democratic processes as some poster that will go unnamed stated. But the Republican primary process is certainly closer to it than the Democrat one. Just ask Bernie Sanders about that and ask him twice. Republicans pretty much let registered voters decide their candidate…even Democrats pretending to be one.

Two conclusions…what’s the angst about how Republicans “let” Donald Trump get nominated? He got nominated by their voters. And second if Dems are willing to overrule the will of their own voters who thinks they won’t do the same in a general election?
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The Left was extremely tough on W. Neocons, paleocons, Libertarians, Lincoln Project. All together. I don't trust fairness toward any Republican candidate, not just solely the POTUS candidates either. Republicans kick Santos to the curb while Dems keep Menendez. Republicans aren't even playing in the same league.

The difference with Trump is none of that stuff worked. I don’t know of huge judgments and criminal charges against any major figures from those movements.

You are arguing you don’t think the left is fair or honest. I am arguing that shit doesn’t work against almost anyone.
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Trilateral Commission or Soros? Get the tin foil hat on.
No idea what those are but I know I heard from liberals that critical race theory wasn’t being taught in schools. Technically true they just want to teach a ciricullum based on the acceptance of that theory. So when people give me half truths to hide what they’re doing I know their motives are nefarious
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The difference with Trump is none of that stuff worked. I don’t know of huge judgments and criminal charges against any major figures from those movements.

You are arguing you don’t think the left is fair or honest. I am arguing that shit doesn’t work against almost anyone.
I think a Kamala Harris Venn diagram would be helpful here.
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Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows.

Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.
Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s first transcribed interview with the committee was conducted on January 28, 2022. In it, he told Cheney and her investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city.

He also testified President Trump had suggested 10,000 would be needed to keep the peace at the public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021. Ornato also described White House frustration with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller’s slow deployment of assistance on the afternoon of January 6, 2021.

Not only did the committee not accurately characterize the interview, they suppressed the transcript from public review. On top of that, committee allies began publishing critical stories and even conspiracy theories about Ornato ahead of follow-up interviews with him. Ornato was a career Secret Service official who had been detailed to the security position in the White House.

Cheney frequently points skeptics of her investigation to the Government Publishing Office website that posted, she said, “transcripts, documents, exhibits & our meticulously sourced 800+ page final report.” That website provides “supporting documents” to the claims made by Cheney and fellow anti-Trump enthusiasts.

Imagine that. The one sided kangaroo court seemed fair.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows.

Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.
Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s first transcribed interview with the committee was conducted on January 28, 2022. In it, he told Cheney and her investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city.

He also testified President Trump had suggested 10,000 would be needed to keep the peace at the public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021. Ornato also described White House frustration with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller’s slow deployment of assistance on the afternoon of January 6, 2021.

Not only did the committee not accurately characterize the interview, they suppressed the transcript from public review. On top of that, committee allies began publishing critical stories and even conspiracy theories about Ornato ahead of follow-up interviews with him. Ornato was a career Secret Service official who had been detailed to the security position in the White House.

Cheney frequently points skeptics of her investigation to the Government Publishing Office website that posted, she said, “transcripts, documents, exhibits & our meticulously sourced 800+ page final report.” That website provides “supporting documents” to the claims made by Cheney and fellow anti-Trump enthusiasts.

Imagine that. The one sided kangaroo court seemed fair.
Save it, this lie has been posted by BIGWill a hundred times and it is completely false and only believed on extreme RW websites.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows.

Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.
Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s first transcribed interview with the committee was conducted on January 28, 2022. In it, he told Cheney and her investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city.

He also testified President Trump had suggested 10,000 would be needed to keep the peace at the public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021. Ornato also described White House frustration with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller’s slow deployment of assistance on the afternoon of January 6, 2021.

Not only did the committee not accurately characterize the interview, they suppressed the transcript from public review. On top of that, committee allies began publishing critical stories and even conspiracy theories about Ornato ahead of follow-up interviews with him. Ornato was a career Secret Service official who had been detailed to the security position in the White House.

Cheney frequently points skeptics of her investigation to the Government Publishing Office website that posted, she said, “transcripts, documents, exhibits & our meticulously sourced 800+ page final report.” That website provides “supporting documents” to the claims made by Cheney and fellow anti-Trump enthusiasts.

Imagine that. The one sided kangaroo court seemed fair.
That entire committee was a joke. It wasn't the least bit interested in truth. But that didn't stop people from believing everything coming out of the committee. I can't imagine how any Republican still approves of that committee, how Cheney and Kinzinger found their way onto the committee and never bothered to present the other side. What those 2 did is inexcusable. I get more embarrassed as time oes by with what the Republicans did to Clinton.
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Take your pick but no way in hell am I voting for the guy who apologizes to the illegal alien murderer who he allowed to roam free in America. I’m not dumb enough to sit the election out either just because Trump “offends” me.

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Oh my.

Your analogy is something akin to there were American warships and frogmen in the area of the explosion a few days prior to it.

No such evidence exists. A bunch of complete idiots who are good at manipulating right wing talk radio and Internet loser listeners and readers repeat the same BS enough, they apparently know their audience is stupid enough to listen. It’s a really sad reflection on you all, but whatever. You keep promoting Gateway Pundit & Co., I will keep rolling my eyes and pointing out that your evidence is literally nothing beyond a likely diplomatic threat 9 months before the explosion.
You can spin and justify and call out news sources that have nothing to do with this discussion all you want but the bottom line is Joe effin Biden literally said he’d end the pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did, and the pipeline was blown up. You’re being intentionally obtuse on this topic…
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It is a waste of time arguing with him. His cult leader can do no wrong. It is the prosecutors persecuting him, it is the FBI persecuting him. It is the court's persecuting him. Porno stars he paid are lying about him. The world's greatest victim with a persecution complex and the cult followers swallow it. Amazing!!
You appear to be a Democrat and likely an old school liberal one?

But just like populists taking over the Republican Party Progressives have taken over the Democrats. My opinion is that liberal Democrats were misguided and their policies mostly counterproductive. But Progressive and their whacked, upside down, logic defying notions are down right dangerous! Equity is the most dangerous idea yet as it’s a threat to the meritocracy that made your life wonderful.

Democrats put Joetato out there in 2020 not because he was the sharpest tool in the shed…far from it. They put him out there because they knew most of the rest of their candidates couldn’t win a popular election. Once Joetato got elected he became a useful idiot for the far left Progressives. Literally he’s a tool!

So I do believe that Progressives have an agenda that their pushing but hiding from a public that they know doesnt want their nonsense.
Name an X-rated book that is located in such a library.
There aren’t any anymore in Florida. No one memorizes the names and places where books are found in elementary schools. The books that have been found have been reported on. Quoted. How is this a relevant question? If you’re interested Google it.

I was on the Walmart website at one point and it happened to be Pride Month. Somehow they were featuring merchandise for the occasion, including books. So I just browsed them and read the descriptions The titles were familiar as to what was found in elementary schools and even Walmart had recommended age limits for them. Most of which would translate to high school age. I do not remember the names and I’m not taking the time to look them up.

I have homes in both Key West and Traverse City. Both those places have significant gay populations. I have gay neighbors and acquaintances most of whom you wouldn't know it to look at them. They’re just people wanting to live their lives in the manner they please and no one cares! None of them are the in your face accept me or I’ll ostracize you types.

it’s weird in both places the gays I know don’t put pride flags on their houses or pride signs in their yards. Especially in Traverse City it’s the guilty, white, straight liberals that all have “Up North Pride“ yard signs out. Right next to their “Black Lives Matter” signs. I call it the Progressive two pack…virtue signaling to make themselves feel better. It’s kind of sad because it’s really all about themselves especially since the black population up north is slim to none.
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Name an X-rated book that is located in such a library.

Please do your own research from now on…

It seems you are attempting to defend this disgusting lib behavior but at least do your own homework.

Please do your own research from now on…

It seems you are attempting to defend this disgusting lib behavior but at least do your own homework.
Love this quote which shows the logic of lefties-

“"It's censorship by pulling books off the library shelves that might cause panic, or somebody might be upset about. It is not up to anyone else to decide what my child can read," said Jessica Bergeron.”

Go online or go to any of numerous book stores and buy it for your kid!

All you hear about is how DeSantis is a book banner…he is not. My wife was a teacher before she became a curriculum coordinator for her districts ESL and foreign language programs. The state board of education always had input into what text books were used in classrooms. I would assume the state had similar responsibilities in regard to school libraries.
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Please do your own research from now on…

It seems you are attempting to defend this disgusting lib behavior but at least do your own homework.
They are not X-rated pornographic books They are literature with sexual content and profanity. The main messages of these books are not controversial in any way.

Better start banning books like Lolita and Ulysses. Even Canterbury Tales has some sexual passages

For somebody who rightfully ridicules woke behavior, you are quite the snowflake when it comes to books.

With pornography and highly sexualized music easily accessible by all, you are worried about books?

I thought less governmental intervention and free choice were best.

Banning books like these is just nuts and goes against the principles this country was founded on.
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Please do your own research from now on…

It seems you are attempting to defend this disgusting lib behavior but at least do your own homework.
A lot of the books at the Walmart website had that 14 year old demarcation listed. Thats the age of a freshman in high school so the intent is pretty clear. Not in elementary schools!
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You can spin and justify and call out news sources that have nothing to do with this discussion all you want but the bottom line is Joe effin Biden literally said he’d end the pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did, and the pipeline was blown up. You’re being intentionally obtuse on this topic…

Those are the sources repeating this BS with no support beyond an out of context quote. Seymour Hersh is either a Russian asset or a useful idiot, and he seems to be the one who got all of you riled up, repeated by the usual channels.

It’s going to be hilarious when this turns out to be funded by the party at actual war with Russia. Or some other bizarre group with some strange beef.
They are not X-rated pornographic books They are literature with sexual content and profanity.

Better start banning books like Lolita and Ulysses. Even Canterbury Tales has some sexual passages

For somebody who rightfully ridicules woke behavior, you are quite the snowflake when it comes to books.

With pornography and highly sexualized music easily accessible by all, you are worried about books?

I thought less governmental intervention and free choice were best.

Banning books like these is just nuts and goes against the principles this country was founded on.
Yowza. Youre rationalizing providing these materials in public schools where they’re accessible to every child by saying music and pornography are available somewhere else? Thats a nuance that shouldn’t be lost on anyone!

i always ask people that think providing these materials without restriction and free of charge is OK but why do they never complain about movie access in theaters being restricted?
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Take your pick but no way in hell am I voting for the guy who apologizes to the illegal alien murderer who he allowed to roam free in America. I’m not dumb enough to sit the election out either just because Trump “offends” me.

Don’t worry TJ you can still you are my name on these. I still love you.
There actually are…. It really doesn’t matter if you believe it or not

The book that inspired a lot of these bills is Gender Queer, which was definitely in some school libraries and purely for reasons that strike me as political for those putting it there.

There are ways to abuse these laws, but it’s usually being done by outside individuals making claims lots of books are inappropriate and not the districts themselves.
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They are not X-rated pornographic books They are literature with sexual content and profanity. The main messages of these books are not controversial in any way.

Better start banning books like Lolita and Ulysses. Even Canterbury Tales has some sexual passages

For somebody who rightfully ridicules woke behavior, you are quite the snowflake when it comes to books.

With pornography and highly sexualized music easily accessible by all, you are worried about books?

I thought less governmental intervention and free choice were best.

Banning books like these is just nuts and goes against the principles this country was founded on.
That’s a lot of obfuscation packed into one post!
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They are not X-rated pornographic books They are literature with sexual content and profanity.

Better start banning books like Lolita and Ulysses. Even Canterbury Tales has some sexual passages

For somebody who rightfully ridicules woke behavior, you are quite the snowflake when it comes to books.

With pornography and highly sexualized music easily accessible by all, you are worried about books?

I thought less governmental intervention and free choice were best.

Banning books like these is just nuts and goes against the principles this country was founded on.
Oh dear Jeffrey…. If only we could all be so intellectually and morally progressive as you….

Why can’t you just keep sexually charged materials to the sex-ed class or at home where parents can teach their children?
It’s progressive liberals like you (wanting a free-for-all in the world) that need to have their no-holds-barred policies kept at bay. Sometimes government intervention is necessary when the “no-boundaries” policies of progressive libs are being pushed.
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Yowza. Youre rationalizing providing these materials in public schools where they’re accessible to every child by saying music and pornography are available somewhere else? Thats a nuance that shouldn’t be lost on anyone!

i always ask people that think providing these materials without restriction and free of charge is OK but why do they never complain about movie access in theaters being restricted?
You know what is funny? The one book was made into a movie and was rated PG-13 so anybody could go and see it,
A lot of the books at the Walmart website had that 14 year old demarcation listed. Thats the age of a freshman in high school so the intent is pretty clear. Not in elementary schools!
Correct. I’m not talking about junior high and up…. just keep them out of elementary schools for this little snowflake please….
Oh dear Jeffrey…. If only we could all be so intellectually and morally progressive as you….

Why can’t you just keep sexually charged materials to the sex-ed class or at home where parents can teach their children.
It’s progressive liberals like you (wanting a free-for-all in the world) that need to have their no-holds-barred policies kept at bay. Sometimes government intervention is necessary when the “no-boundaries” policies of progressive libs are being pushed.
The one book Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is not even a book whose main focus is sex.