This affects us all

The other engineer bitter about his life ... is this a professional thing? Both of you have complained about the money lawyers make too, it's so weird. I've never once thought about whether you are overcompensated or undercompensated, but man both of you don't like attorneys.

Guys, you are both compensating for something. That's for you and your therapist to hash out, but I'm pretty sure I've nailed it. You both think they should have been compensated better and recognized more. Oh well ... too old to turn it around in both cases.

Also, here you go TJ. I don't bring what I do, how much money I make, how big of a house I live in, or what car I drive (it's actually old and unimpressive, cars are not my thing). How do any of those things matter to the quality of my argument? Duke did a nice little write up on Page 81 of their law magazine way back in 2004 (fun accomplishment but hardly relevant).

My father in law was an engineering graduate and a lawyer…a practicing patent attorney. A very smart man who hated the legal profession. Something about educated and articulate liars and hypocrites was what he always said.
Also, TJ, you don't even argue with me; you complain that (a) I'm not a Republican (I'm not); (b) someone who is more conservative than not must vote for Trump (a ridiculous notion considering that I'm not a populist like Trump and expect a certain level of decorum/decency in a President, which Trump cannot accomplish); and (c) that JeffT and I are personally responsible for all the things Biden has done that you don't like.

Republicans had a 45-year-old superstar running for the nomination, a man who does everything right in both politics and life. Fights all the conservative battles and has enough of a populist streak to fuse the two major wings of the conservative movement. They had a couple of competent establishment options in Haley and Scott. Instead, they are plowing forward with a 77-year-old sociopath who is headed to prison if he loses (and currently has set up a potential case that may go to the jury a few weeks before the election, brilliant stuff there). To say the least the word "disappointing" comes to mind and I personally am not planning on miring myself in the continued stupidity of a Trump-led GOP.
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My father in law was an engineering graduate and a lawyer…a practicing patent attorney. A very smart man who hated the legal profession. Something about educated and articulate liars and hypocrites was what he always said.

At this point enough other professions have seen major scandals that "lawyers" don't quite have the monopoly on hatred they once did. I also think some of the mandates regarding ethical conduct may have helped clean up some of the worst aspects of the profession from before I was licensed.

But it's not a profession for people who see the world in black and white (most engineers and definitely you, though probably not TJ). You are an advocate for a position, no matter if said position is strong/weak or right/wrong. I personally think that a criminal defense attorney defending a guilty man is doing a noble service (the Constitution requires the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to exercise its punishment authority and everyone is entitled to that standard), but I don't think that's a popular position among the public. Lawyers exist in a gray area where ultimately you have to convince a small group of people you don't know that your side is right, so you'd better be a good advocate. It's also why most cases (both civil and criminal) are resolved via mutual agreement and not trial, a lot of risk associated with handing your fate to 6-12 random people who know nothing of the facts before they sit down.
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You’re the first person I’ve ever encountered who has accused “neoconservatives” of being complicit in DEI. It basically became of FP moniker in the 2000s, but neocons were actually the vanguard on the right in attacking the failed social policies of the 1960s in connection with their impact on the black urban population.

You can dislike neocons all you want, but you’ve made clear that you care about the problems in black America and would like to see more Republican outreach. In the history of the GOP, the neoconservative movement is the wing of the party who sought this. Things like race neutrality, improving urban education, designing social policy to promote work rather than sloth … this was a major part of the neonconservative agenda.

I have been been on record that the neoconservative movement is not what it once was. When the neoconservative movement started in the 60’s, they were counter-culture to the liberals who had moved too far to the left. Foreign policy wasn’t a consideration in the movement. It’s clearly evolved into something it wasn’t nearly 40-50 years ago. It’s the neocon wing of the Republican Party that likes nation building and intervening, even as it has been a failure by any sane definition.

Ronald Reagan was not a neocon by today’s standards. He was not a nation builder looking to go to war at every turn. The current crop of Neo’s have been very wrong about foreign policy and exporting democracy. The neocon movement I grew up with has been dead a long time. You ask how neocons let DEI happen. And before I begin, I want to say I’m not accusing you or think you are a horrible person. I think we could go back not too far in this thread and find posts of yours that say weird stuff isn’t being pushed/taught in public schools. It is happening. If it wasn’t, RDS wouldn’t have signed the “Don’t Say Gay” law, which of course didn’t actually say “Don’t Say Gay”, but that didn’t stop the dishonest national media from running with the phrase. RDS has pulled the budget of DEI from every state run college and university. Where are the neocons (the elected and their media friends) when all of this is happening? Silent. Florida is a red state, just like TX. There is no way Dallas schools aren’t sneaking in crap. The suburbs of course can be different, which insulates us somewhat from what is happening to others.

The current Republican counter culture movement, MAGA, isn’t too dissimilar to the spawning of neoconservatism in the 60’s with the exception of the who and where and unfortunately the narcissist who tapped into the movement. It’s a necessary movement to the more violent lurch left by the democrats than anything in the 60’s and 70’s. This time around the Left controls the media, the education system and the higher levels of GSO, which means it is going to be much harder to counter. I will not be listening to Taylor Swift telling me I am being too loud. Neocons, Libertarians, Moral Majority, Paleoconservatives. They are all full of good ideas as well as bad ideas in execution. I have educated opinions, which lead me to independence within the party and without the party as a voice. As always you are free to believe what you wish.
At this point enough other professions have seen major scandals that "lawyers" don't quite have the monopoly on hatred they once did. I also think some of the mandates regarding ethical conduct may have helped clean up some of the worst aspects of the profession from before I was licensed.

But it's not a profession for people who see the world in black and white (most engineers and definitely you, though probably not TJ). You are an advocate for a position, no matter if said position is strong/weak or right/wrong. I personally think that a criminal defense attorney defending a guilty man is doing a noble service (the Constitution requires the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to exercise its punishment authority and everyone is entitled to that standard), but I don't think that's a popular position among the public. Lawyers exist in a gray area where ultimately you have to convince a small group of people you don't know that your side is right, so you'd better be a good advocate. It's also why most cases (both civil and criminal) are resolved via mutual agreement and not trial, a lot of risk associated with handing your fate to 6-12 random people who know nothing of the facts before they sit down.
They look to get people like me, engineers, tossed off juries as they prefer emotional, gullible and not bright jurors. Tells me all I need to know about what is required of the job.
I have been been on record that the neoconservative movement is not what it once was. When the neoconservative movement started in the 60’s, they were counter-culture to the liberals who had moved too far to the left. Foreign policy wasn’t a consideration in the movement. It’s clearly evolved into something it wasn’t nearly 40-50 years ago. It’s the neocon wing of the Republican Party that likes nation building and intervening, even as it has been a failure by any sane definition.

Ronald Reagan was not a neocon by today’s standards. He was not a nation builder looking to go to war at every turn. The current crop of Neo’s have been very wrong about foreign policy and exporting democracy. The neocon movement I grew up with has been dead a long time. You ask how neocons let DEI happen. And before I begin, I want to say I’m not accusing you or think you are a horrible person. I think we could go back not too far in this thread and find posts of yours that say weird stuff isn’t being pushed/taught in public schools. It is happening. If it wasn’t, RDS wouldn’t have signed the “Don’t Say Gay” law, which of course didn’t actually say “Don’t Say Gay”, but that didn’t stop the dishonest national media from running with the phrase. RDS has pulled the budget of DEI from every state run college and university. Where are the neocons (the elected and their media friends) when all of this is happening? Silent. Florida is a red state, just like TX. There is no way Dallas schools aren’t sneaking in crap. The suburbs of course can be different, which insulates us somewhat from what is happening to others.

The current Republican counter culture movement, MAGA, isn’t too dissimilar to the spawning of neoconservatism in the 60’s with the exception of the who and where and unfortunately the narcissist who tapped into the movement. It’s a necessary movement to the more violent lurch left by the democrats than anything in the 60’s and 70’s. This time around the Left controls the media, the education system and the higher levels of GSO, which means it is going to be much harder to counter. I will not be listening to Taylor Swift telling me I am being too loud. Neocons, Libertarians, Moral Majority, Paleoconservatives. They are all full of good ideas as well as bad ideas in execution. I have educated opinions, which lead me to independence within the party and without the party as a voice. As always you are free to believe what you wish.

There's a lot to unpack here, but let's be clear. I'm good with the argument that neocons morphed away from away from a group most concerned with "the problems of urban America" to one more fixated on FP. The truth is that the neocon movement included both ends of that discussion. It became more affiliated with the FP issue post-2000. Now I think you find neocons from center right Dems to members of MAGA, as it's just not that relevant and the movement is currently fractured. I suspect we see a more coherent resurgence of a similar movement in the next decade.

Reagan was a hero to neocons; he had a very aggressive FP. And while I think Reagan was well aligned with that part of the party, Reagan was a fusionist conservative who satisfied a broad coalition very well. I call him a Western conservative - small government rational social conservative who believed in a muscular America as a beacon of goodness on Earth (he was absolutely a "city on the hill" diehard, which is probably the thing I think Trump MAGA gets wrong).

I don't think you are going to find me claiming there is "no weirdness in school." You will find me claiming stuff like this is oversold by the RW media as more common than it really is. I supported the "Don't Say Gay" law, and think it was a good move by RDS; the state has an interest in the appropriate curriculum for K-12 students. I really, really support RDS's anti-DEI actions that @ILisBest t has posted about, I think the problems in the academy are a bigger deal than stray weirdos in education.

I know you reference "MAGA" as something independent of Trump. I just don't see that. He's a spiritual leader in the first degree. MAGA without Trump would be the Indian independence movement without Gandhi. Maybe you are describing something more like the Tea Party???
You are a bitter old man who obviously thinks he should have had more success or recognition than he did.

It’s been obvious for years. You calling people who have laughably owned you in debate after debate stupid is the highest form of compensation. As I’ve said repeatedly, I muted you months ago because I don’t care what you think about anything. And yet your pathological insecurities require continued stalking. @Ickrame83 called you out for this after like 3 posts on here.

Also congrats on the shitty looking 1200 square foot home in Key West. No one is impressed. I will spare you the embarrassment of linking it.
The stalking thing is weird. I have two houses have you checked the other one out yet?

I’m offended by the comment about my “shitty looking” house. It’s actually very nicely done. Well decorated in a tropical sort of way with lots of original Florida Highwaymen art. You should consider that we‘re empty nesters and not in need of large amounts of space. Especially since we’re outside most of the time.

And I live in a very nice part of Key West with lots of multi million dollar homes nearby. So no matter what Zillow says it would sell for a million. I certainly wouldn’t trade for anything in Texas…been there, done that. Nice people but a crappy climate to live in and we prefer outdoor activities.
Blaming Spider-Man GIF

When the engineers and attorneys from this thread see each other at the Final Four. You guys are all very impressive, 😂
The stalking thing is weird. I have two houses have you checked the other one out yet?

I’m offended by the comment about my “shitty looking” house. It’s actually very nicely done. Well decorated in a tropical sort of way with lots of original Florida Highwaymen art. You should consider that we‘re empty nesters and not in need of large amounts of space. Especially since we’re outside most of the time.

And I live in a very nice part of Key West with lots of multi million dollar homes nearby. So no matter what Zillow says it would sell for a million. I certainly wouldn’t trade for anything in Texas…been there, done that. Nice people but a crappy climate to live in and we prefer outdoor activities.
I don't understand why people talk about their homes, cars, stock holdings etc. to make themselves look good. Nobody cares.
I don't understand why people talk about their homes, cars, stock holdings etc. to make themselves look good. Nobody cares.

These pissing contests are hilarious. Just hoping we don’t get pictures to see who is more endowed. Seems like we are pretty close to that happening.
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These pissing contests are hilarious. Just hoping we don’t get pictures to see who is more endowed. Seems like we are pretty close to that happening.

Outside of pointing out that I got an A+ in Stats from a brilliant professor at UI to rebut NEO's claim I couldn't possibly engage in such analysis, I am distinctly trying to stay away from hyping myself. I'm just making fun of the two engineers who are super bitter about something. It's not me that is what's really driving their being upset (actually in NEO's case, it probably is, he's still mad about Weber, shit NEO I think you are really smart guy who is hardwired against thinking outside the box and struggles with people who do).
And apparently dmoron cared enough to stalk my house. Scary.

Actually you talked about your house, I just pointed out it's nowhere near as impressive as you told us. Great job bro.

And again, I've muted you and repeatedly told me I am happy to have you do the same to me. And alas ... you just keep trying to overcome Ls from 15 years ago that even I don't care about. Stop the stalking.
Actually you talked about your house, I just pointed out it's nowhere near as impressive as you told us. Great job bro.

And again, I've muted you and repeatedly told me I am happy to have you do the same to me. And alas ... you just keep trying to overcome Ls from 15 years ago that even I don't care about. Stop the stalking.
I was responding to your strange thought that somehow I’m unhappy with my life because you post nonsense that I’m obligated to refute? Or is it because I dislike lawyers? And I never said the house was impressive. I said the location was. Bad job there with facts bro

Either way I was pointing out I live in two very desireable locations where I have nice homes. That does make me very happy along with having a part time professional gig. Interesting job but without the 40 hour work weeks. The cars and the boat are an added bonus.

I’m not unhappy at all…more sad for you
Outside of pointing out that I got an A+ in Stats from a brilliant professor at UI to rebut NEO's claim I couldn't possibly engage in such analysis, I am distinctly trying to stay away from hyping myself. I'm just making fun of the two engineers who are super bitter about something. It's not me that is what's really driving their being upset (actually in NEO's case, it probably is, he's still mad about Weber, shit NEO I think you are really smart guy who is hardwired against thinking outside the box and struggles with people who do).
A+ in stats! That just got upgraded from”my professor really liked me”. Somehow I would have been more likely to believe it if that part came out first.
I was responding to your strange thought that somehow I’m unhappy with my life because you post nonsense that I’m obligated to refute? Or is it because I dislike lawyers? And I never said the house was impressive. I said the location was. Bad job there with facts bro

Either way I was pointing out I live in two very desireable locations where I have nice homes. That does make me very happy along with having a part time professional gig. Interesting job but without the 40 hour work weeks. The cars and the boat are an added bonus.

I’m not unhappy at all…more sad for you
Most of all I’m happy that I was, am and will be smarter than dmoron.
Outside of pointing out that I got an A+ in Stats from a brilliant professor at UI to rebut NEO's claim I couldn't possibly engage in such analysis, I am distinctly trying to stay away from hyping myself. I'm just making fun of the two engineers who are super bitter about something. It's not me that is what's really driving their being upset (actually in NEO's case, it probably is, he's still mad about Weber, shit NEO I think you are really smart guy who is hardwired against thinking outside the box and struggles with people who do).

Just giving you guys a hard time. It’s cheap entertainment. I think a lot of us have some similar character traits, whether we want to admit it or not.
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I don't understand why people talk about their homes, cars, stock holdings etc. to make themselves look good. Nobody cares.
Here’s Jeff. Are you the same Jeff who is retiring to Florida? Are you the same Jeff that isn’t worried about Biden’s 21st century high mortgage rates since, drumroll please, you will be paying cash for your home? Gosh darn, how did I know that? Oh yeah, you told us that your ability to pay cash is a significant advantage in the current market.

Now, personally, I think it is commendable that you have put yourself in this position and congratulate you. But, why the high horse when others offer similar facts? You hypocritical Biden voters.
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Here’s Jeff. Are you the same Jeff who is retiring to Florida? Are you the same Jeff that isn’t worried about Biden’s 21st century high mortgage rates since, drumroll please, you will be paying cash for your home? Gosh darn, how did I know that? Oh yeah, you told us that your ability to pay cash is a significant advantage in the current market.

Now, personally, I think it is commendable that you have put yourself in this position and congratulate you. But, why the high horse when others offer similar facts? You hypocritical Biden voters.
I hope he’s not intending to vote for the same nonsense here that’s forcing him to move from wherever? Wouldn’t surprise as liberals are slow learners.
Just giving you guys a hard time. It’s cheap entertainment. I think a lot of us have some similar character traits, whether we want to admit it or not.
I didn’t notice that dmoron’s professor got upgraded to “brilliant”. WOW A+ from a brilliant professor. I’m sure the course title will soon be upgraded too?
I was responding to your strange thought that somehow I’m unhappy with my life because you post nonsense that I’m obligated to refute? Or is it because I dislike lawyers? And I never said the house was impressive. I said the location was. Bad job there with facts bro

Either way I was pointing out I live in two very desireable locations where I have nice homes. That does make me very happy along with having a part time professional gig. Interesting job but without the 40 hour work weeks. The cars and the boat are an added bonus.

I’m not unhappy at all…more sad for you

I’m just offering explanations for the pathological weird behavior over losing an argument years ago. I feel like Shannon became a trigger for old wounds as you immediately became and have remained far worse.

And yes, it’s clear you don’t like me, lawyers, or the fact you got owned about Weber. Beyond that I can only speculate on your pathological issues with me. I think you are a smart guy with major personality defects (or at least ones you’ve stopped hiding on a message board).

It is what it is. You can continue making yourself look like a weirdo or not. I will continue to say BU is great and BB will be fired sooner rather than later. As with everything, we shall see. Based on history, I expect two more things for you to add to the insecurity pile.
Just giving you guys a hard time. It’s cheap entertainment. I think a lot of us have some similar character traits, whether we want to admit it or not.
Don’t you think it’s kind of weird that some message board poster goes to the trouble to find out the details on your house. It read like he knows the size and apparently what mine looks like. Thats some serious creeping.
I’m just offering explanations for the pathological weird behavior over losing an argument years ago. I feel like Shannon became a trigger for old wounds as you immediately became and have remained far worse.

And yes, it’s clear you don’t like me, lawyers, or the fact you got owned about Weber. Beyond that I can only speculate on your pathological issues with me. I think you are a smart guy with major personality defects (or at least ones you’ve stopped hiding on a message board).

It is what it is. You can continue making yourself look like a weirdo or not. I will continue to say BU is great and BB will be fired sooner rather than later. As with everything, we shall see. Based on history, I expect two more things for you to add to the insecurity pile.
The guy who went to the trouble to find my house on the internet is calling me weird!
Here’s Jeff. Are you the same Jeff who is retiring to Florida? Are you the same Jeff that isn’t worried about Biden’s 21st century high mortgage rates since, drumroll please, you will be paying cash for your home? Gosh darn, how did I know that? Oh yeah, you told us that your ability to pay cash is a significant advantage in the current market.

Now, personally, I think it is commendable that you have put yourself in this position and congratulate you. But, why the high horse when others offer similar facts? You hypocritical Biden voters.

TJ you’ve led a successful life. Who do you care so much how Jeff is leading his?

I’m sure you are good at what you do as well. And hey, you nailed Brock Purdy like a boss.

I still think you are extremely wrong about Trump and should know better.
The guy who went to the trouble to find my house on the internet is calling me weird!

I’ve saved this for months hoping to never need to use it. You emailed me about something years ago so I know your name, extremely easy to find an address to go with it.

You can look up anything about me and I won’t care. Nothing bad out there except how much Trump lovers hate me!
NEO … I muted you to avoid this nonsensical back and forth where you try to self-atone for being wrong over a decade ago. Who cares? It’s been so long I see Bruce on the BTN and mostly enjoy his commentary.

And the muting has only increased the stalking. You could of course take up the offer and mute me back, but you just can’t bring yourself to do that.

That’s why I went with “pathologically weird metallurgist.”
I’ve saved this for months hoping to never need to use it. You emailed me about something years ago so I know your name, extremely easy to find an address to go with it.

You can look up anything about me and I won’t care. Nothing bad out there except how much Trump lovers hate me!
Still to go to the trouble to find my house that actually is in Key West…the only thing I ever stated. That‘s a little weird and something I’m not going to do to anyone on a message board.
NEO … I muted you to avoid this nonsensical back and forth where you try to self-atone for being wrong over a decade ago. Who cares? It’s been so long I see Bruce on the BTN and mostly enjoy his commentary.

And the muting has only increased the stalking. You could of course take up the offer and mute me back, but you just can’t bring yourself to do that.

That’s why I went with “pathologically weird metallurgist.”
And yet you selectively respond to my posts.
I’ve saved this for months hoping to never need to use it. You emailed me about something years ago so I know your name, extremely easy to find an address to go with it.

You can look up anything about me and I won’t care. Nothing bad out there except how much Trump lovers hate me!
You’re kind of weirding me out with the stuff on my house. I’m not sure what you were hoping to find or why you‘re “holding on” to what you did. But it’s pretty weird! And in the end you acccomplished what?
According to someone moving to Florida, the economy is doing really well. No. The stock market may be OK, but the market is not the economy.

More than twice as many voters believe Mr. Biden’s policies have personally hurt them as believe his policies have helped them. A majority of voters think the economy is in poor condition.”

Edited for spellling
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According to someone moving to Florida, the economy is doing really well. No. The stock market may be OK, but the market is not the exonomy.

More than twice as many voters believe Mr. Biden’s policies have personally hurt them as believe his policies have helped them. A majority of voters think the economy is in poor condition.”

In fairness, the market is more than OK. But, most people aren’t reaping the rewards. I doubt young adults can be invested when rent and housing costs are very high not to mention taxes and other cost of living measures

John Edwards’ Two Americas is real and Train and Jeff (and me) live in one of them. Unlike those 2, I understand what is happening in the other one.
In fairness, the market is more than OK. But, most people aren’t reaping the rewards. I doubt young adults can be invested when rent and housing costs are very high not to mention taxes and other cost of living measures

John Edwards’ Two Americas is real and Train and Jeff (and me) live in one of them. Unlike those 2, I understand what is happening in the other one.

The idea that give two shits about forgotten parts of rural America is comical to me. You just like they way that part of America votes now so you genuflect to it.

Here’s the hard truth. In the history of this country, when jobs have left, people have left too. Modern social welfare systems disincentivize this (so more people have stayed behind in struggling places), but people lacking purpose have all sorts of life difficulties that those with a purpose mostly avoid.

Republicans used to advocate the solution to this was setting conditions for more economic dynamism and family values. Today … they don’t seem to have any plan beyond tapping into the culture-related anger of those left behind.

This will eventually resolve itself as depopulation of the parts of rural America lacking incentives to draw in new employers will ultimately mean that those areas no longer have an excess population without opportunity.

One of the great ironies of this whole discussion is that the rural south is considerably better off today than it was 40-60 years ago, in large part because southern states have been more economically dynamic and better for attracting biz in that span. Why is the GOP moving away from this emphasis when it’s clearly working?

And btw, if you want good “working class” policy, I’d go with more technical education at an earlier age, investment in trade schools and apprenticeships, worker retraining, and other policies that steer folks into more lucrative careers that don’t require post-HS traditional academic subjects.
Here’s Jeff. Are you the same Jeff who is retiring to Florida? Are you the same Jeff that isn’t worried about Biden’s 21st century high mortgage rates since, drumroll please, you will be paying cash for your home? Gosh darn, how did I know that? Oh yeah, you told us that your ability to pay cash is a significant advantage in the current market.

Now, personally, I think it is commendable that you have put yourself in this position and congratulate you. But, why the high horse when others offer similar facts? You hypocritical Biden voters.
I am just a regular retired CPA. My real estate broker told me that 62% of buyers in the Sarasota area pay cash for their houses. My wife and I are looking for a relatively modest home. So paying cash for a house is not much of an accomplishment.

I have no interest in cars or any other toys. I like to golf on public courses and my clubs are 15 years old. If it was up to me I would were solid color Life is Good t-shirts and shorts everyday. Most days I dress like a bum. My wife is constantly after me to throw away old clothes. I don't give a damn about material possesions. I am moving to Florida because I hate the cold.
I am just a regular retired CPA. My real estate broker told me that 62% of buyers in the Sarasota area pay cash for their houses. My wife and I are looking for a relatively modest home. So paying cash for a house is not much of an accomplishment.

I have no interest in cars or any other toys. I like to golf on public courses and my clubs are 15 years old. If it was up to me I would were solid color Life is Good t-shirts and shorts everyday. Most days I dress like a bum. My wife is constantly after me to throw away old clothes. I don't give a damn about material possesions. I am moving to Florida because I hate the cold.
Wear that anti materialism like a liberal badge of honor?