This affects us all

The "blood on his hands" narrative is a stupid one.
As much as I hold Trump accountable for his poor leadership in the covid crisis, Biden and Mayorkas need to be held accountable for opening the border and Mayorkas even lies about the border in Congress. Riley would most likely be alive today, if not for the open border. You likely didn’t even read the article and just read the headline. They have blood on their hands. More blood is coming. Since you say the narrative is stupid, I know the opposite is correct. You don’t even come close to the odds of Sex Panther where 60% of the time, you are right 100% of the time. It’s more like 1%.
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As much as I hold Trump accountable for his poor leadership in the covid crisis, Biden and Mayorkas need to be held accountable for opening the border and Mayorkas even lies about the border in Congress. Riley would most likely be alive today, if not for the open border. You likely didn’t even read the article and just read the headline. They have blood on their hands. More blood is coming. Since you say the narrative is stupid, I know the opposite is correct. You don’t even come close to the odds of Sex Panther where 60% of the time, you are right 100% of the time. It’s more like 1%.

Any chance you could make the same good argument without the hysterical "they killed this American"? No, dude, the person who killed that Riley girl in Georgia is the murderer. It's not a politician. It's the murderer.

We have individual accountability in this country. It used to be only the left that denied this. Group accountability is emotional whacking off. Policy arguments don't require oversell, especially if they are correct.
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Interesting. What was the government initiative that led to speeding up the release of these vaccines and who takes credit for leading that initiative? Seems like that person should be held accountable.
The above is why I can’t take politician fanboys seriously. The left won’t praise Trump for being in charge when the vaccine was shelled out in miraculous time (many made fun of him for saying it would be ready as quick as it was. Some even said they wouldn’t take it) and the right won’t complain about how the vaccine was shelled out in record time under Trump.
The above is why I can’t take politician fanboys seriously. The left won’t praise Trump for being in charge when the vaccine was shelled out in miraculous time (many made fun of him for saying it would be ready as quick as it was. Some even said they wouldn’t take it) and the right won’t complain about how the vaccine was shelled out in record time under Trump.
The insane tribalism (that mostly only exists online from my experience) doesn’t allow you to have a nuanced opinion on pretty much anything. I’d reckon a vast majority of the population has a very rational take that lies squarely in the middle.

That’s why it’s so fun to poke at Dr. TJ. He’s so dug in that he contradicts himself constantly.
See Stone, Covid is not dead! They just continue to change the “rules” that kept us safe, LOL. The totally made-up unscientific crap they pushed and mandated. It was all about control, not public safety.

  1. Wear a mask that doesn’t filter Covid
  2. Stay 6 feet apart
  3. Quarantine for 5 days
  4. Take a perfect shot that will stop infection and transmission.
  5. Without the jab, you won’t survive Winter of Death 4 (since I’ve already survived winters of death 1, 2 and 3). It is 75 in Phoenix today with Spring Ball happening all around the Valley

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I missed it, I have you muted because I don't need to see all your drivel. I've explained to you repeatedly that I will not be a member of a party led by Donald Trump even if I favor Republicans on more issues than Dems. I will probably vote for mostly Rs in the fall, but certainly not Trump. America is a great country, and I'm opposed to con artists/sociopaths leading it.

Also Republicans are the party blocking the Ukraine aid bill, not Dems. The GOP is clearly less aligned with me on the current situation. You think "Biden caused the war." I think that's a ridiculous notion when quite clearly Putin caused the war. Could Biden being weak in Afghanistan have emboldened Putin? Yep. Let's send aid so he's not further emboldened.

So, effectively, to cover your derangement you lied about the Dems being better on those issues you cited with the exception of Ukraine - where you want to KILL Russians.

It's cool being muted since I unfollowed you on X due to your non-stop Trump derangement.
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Any chance you could make the same good argument without the hysterical "they killed this American"? No, dude, the person who killed that Riley girl in Georgia is the murderer. It's not a politician. It's the murderer.

We have individual accountability in this country. It used to be only the left that denied this. Group accountability is emotional whacking off. Policy arguments don't require oversell, especially if they are correct.
Any chance you can recognize it’s more likely that girl is still alive and not attacked by an illegal alien if Trump border policies were still in effect? I also couldn’t care less what you think of selling political arguments when I was addressing someone else entirely who will never be sold on anything MSNBC and Mother Jones don’t tell him what to believe.
People took and benefited from the vaccines for a wide variety of reasons. You insist on painting anyone that took them has “fearful” because of some kind of weird inferiority complex. It makes you feel heroic and gives you a sense of self worth because there’s something missing in your life. That’s all fine, but the picture you’re painting simply isn’t true.

As far as “bunkering down,” you’re also exaggerating to prop yourself up. I, just like millions of others, worked throughout the pandemic and lived fairly normal lives. My kids also attended school in person outside a couple of months when staff wasn’t available. We also vacationed a few times and I even did some hiking just like you!

In addition to repeatedly painting yourself as some kind of pandemic era hero, you also feel the need to constantly brag to us about your unspectacular accomplishments. I don’t know what’s missing in your life that’s causing this behavior, but it’s pretty sad.
Sorry Dr. B.O., I got out and observed the genuine fear that people had of COVID. I also witnessed the complete lack of fear of COVID in rural communities. On the fear side, I'll never forget one lady boarding a plane in SLC in mid-May 2020. She berated the boarding agent because a passenger was standing too close to her. It was genuine fear. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why she entered that tube for 2 full hours. On that same trip I saw US government officials chatting away unmasked in an area where masks were mandated. Worst pandemic? Not what I saw. In Puerto Rico, old San Juan was DEAD. My beautiful hotel (La Concha Renaissance - highly recommend) had 38 / 350 rooms occupied. I had 3 pools to myself and models were doing photoshoots on normally packed, but now empty Carolina Beach. An entire city / island dependent on tourism was devoid of tourists with an 8 PM curfew. Talk about an economic nuke.

On the no-fear side, my family visited Universal's water park in June 2020 and it was PACKED (sorry Stone, people were visiting Florida in large numbers - in large part because of RDS). Only the staff were masked since it was a water park. In rural communities across the southern swath of America it was 2019 and nothing had changed for people. In airport settings, people were looking at each other as though there was a murderer in their midst (today, these people are called "Newcomers").

I do understand many took it because they were compelled to take it. My hope is these people can sue the crap out of somebody. As I recall, you took it to expand / maintain your business.

It's great your kids benefited from in person learning and that you got out, vacationed, and even hiked! It was a good time to do that stuff. I can assure you most people were bunkering down as airports were empty and my commute to work was easy no matter the time. I did do a R2R hike in the Grand Canyon in August 2020 and only saw a handful of people on a normally busy trail (fewer Americans traveling and foreigners banned). Mountain Goats were on Bright Angel trail - the busiest trail in the Canyon.

If you are ever in Arizona, let's meet up and climb Flat Iron (it is a hike).
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In addition to repeatedly painting yourself as some kind of pandemic era hero, you also feel the need to constantly brag to us about your unspectacular accomplishments.
Lastly, Icky, I know it makes you feel good calling my accomplishments unspectacular. That's awesome. Most people do great work in complete anonymity. But really, you should just say thank you.

If you have ever used a cell phone and cellular networks in the past 30 years, you are directly benefiting from my work - especially if you live in the Chicago-Central Illinois-Indy-Milwaukee/Madison area.

If you were a US citizen as of 2010, you are benefiting from my work, and I can proudly say that you will be benefiting from my work for another 40 years at minimum. If NICOR is one of your utilities, once again you are benefiting from my work. My greatest accomplishment however is my kids.

My daughter's past, current, and future research may save your life, your wives' life, or even your kid's lives. It is sure to positively impact countless lives around the world.

You're welcome.
So, effectively, to cover your derangement you lied about the Dems being better on those issues you cited with the exception of Ukraine - where you want to KILL Russians.

It's cool being muted since I unfollowed you on X due to your non-stop Trump derangement.

You’re ****ing stupid. I never said Dems were better or worse on any one of those issues, I said they were more important than transgenderism to me. I was literally agnostic on partisan politics as applied to those issues. The response above is absurdly silly in light of what I posted.

Do you think the reason you haven’t had the life success you hoped is because you just aren’t as smart as you thought you were at 25? Or was it something else? Ickrame sees exactly what I see … someone whose political views and approach are very much motivated by compensation for other life issues. I personally think for you it’s career … you have a nice life too, nothing to compensate for honestly. But we all can tell, something is missing.
Lastly, Icky, I know it makes you feel good calling my accomplishments unspectacular. That's awesome. Most people do great work in complete anonymity. But really, you should just say thank you.

If you have ever used a cell phone and cellular networks in the past 30 years, you are directly benefiting from my work - especially if you live in the Chicago-Central Illinois-Indy-Milwaukee/Madison area.

If you were a US citizen as of 2010, you are benefiting from my work, and I can proudly say that you will be benefiting from my work for another 40 years at minimum. If NICOR is one of your utilities, once again you are benefiting from my work. My greatest accomplishment however is my kids.

My daughter's past, current, and future research may save your life, your wives' life, or even your kid's lives. It is sure to positively impact countless lives around the world.

You're welcome.
The fact that you felt compelled to type all this out to a stranger on a message board that you affectionately call Dr. B.O. just proves my point.
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Any chance you can recognize it’s more likely that girl is still alive and not attacked by an illegal alien if Trump border policies were still in effect? I also couldn’t care less what you think of selling political arguments when I was addressing someone else entirely who will never be sold on anything MSNBC and Mother Jones don’t tell him what to believe.

The girl is also alive if the murderer’s parents never copulate. Sweet.

Claiming “the blood is on the hands” of politicians is ridiculous and could be applied in countless situations where politicians are not the one’s directly acting.
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Lastly, Icky, I know it makes you feel good calling my accomplishments unspectacular. That's awesome. Most people do great work in complete anonymity. But really, you should just say thank you.

If you have ever used a cell phone and cellular networks in the past 30 years, you are directly benefiting from my work - especially if you live in the Chicago-Central Illinois-Indy-Milwaukee/Madison area.

If you were a US citizen as of 2010, you are benefiting from my work, and I can proudly say that you will be benefiting from my work for another 40 years at minimum. If NICOR is one of your utilities, once again you are benefiting from my work. My greatest accomplishment however is my kids.

My daughter's past, current, and future research may save your life, your wives' life, or even your kid's lives. It is sure to positively impact countless lives around the world.

You're welcome.

What are you compensating for? We’d all like to know.

Me personally, I don’t care what cellular technology you were involved with just like I don’t expect you to care that I have a law degree.
Covid is the flu per WSJ and CDC. Imagine that. The flu is a killer and no joke like pneumonia. Which is exactly what Covid is and was

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Covid is the flu per WSJ and CDC. Imagine that. The flu is a killer and no joke like pneumonia. Which is exactly what Covid is and was

Dr. TJ forgot to actually read the article.

From the article:

Just like the flu?​

Covid-19 hospitalization and death numbers are still higher than those of the flu, but the gap has narrowed since earlier in the pandemic.

However, public health officials cautioned that Covid still isn’t the same as the flu or other respiratory viruses. “Let’s be clear. Covid-19 is not the flu,” said Jackson at the CDC. “It still causes more serious illness and leads to more lasting effects,” he said.
So RFK says something with no support from anyone but conspiracy theorist cranks (again, even the Russians don't think it was the US), and he pulled off some boffo performance.

Got it.

RFK Jr. is a total idiot btw. There's nothing intelligent or impressive about him besides his apparent commitment to physical fitness.
It’s absolutely unbelievable that you think this is a conspiracy theory…..the Russians btw absolutely think it was the US .
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See Stone, Covid is not dead! They just continue to change the “rules” that kept us safe, LOL. The totally made-up unscientific crap they pushed and mandated. It was all about control, not public safety.

  1. Wear a mask that doesn’t filter Covid
  2. Stay 6 feet apart
  3. Quarantine for 5 days
  4. Take a perfect shot that will stop infection and transmission.
  5. Without the jab, you won’t survive Winter of Death 4 (since I’ve already survived winters of death 1, 2 and 3). It is 75 in Phoenix today with Spring Ball happening all around the Valley

You disregard the fact that the virus is continuing to morph and the human immune system is adapting to the virus. I know this is probably too complicated for you to comprehend. Science is making its best determinations of what steps to take. NO GUARANTEES WERE MADE. No one said the shot was PERFECT, you lie. it was the best chance we had. Did you have any friends that were TOUGH GUYS that thought like you and Joe Rogan, and when they came down with COVID and realized/was ready to die cut a commercial begging people not to make the same mistake, and to get the vaxx?
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It’s absolutely unbelievable that you think this is a conspiracy theory…..the Russians btw absolutely think it was the US .
Same response I had months back. Who gives a shit who did it, it hurts Russia. Glenn Greenwald and RFK, Jr are Russian dupes, as are what is called the Republican party. You dupes should be ashamed.
You disregard the fact that the virus is continuing to morph and the human immune system is adapting to the virus. I know this is probably too complicated for you to comprehend. Science is making its best determinations of what steps to take. NO GUARANTEES WERE MADE. No one said the shot was PERFECT, you lie. it was te best chance we had. Did you have any friends that were TOUGH GUYS that thought like you and Joe Rogan, and when they came down with COVID and realized/was ready to die cut a commercial begging people not to make the same mistake, and to get the vaxx?
Dr. TJ’s stance is much more extreme than Joe Rogan. Rogan is actually pretty rational if you’d listen to what he says instead of reading headlines about him.

Rogan regularly admits there’s people that benefited from the vaccine. He’s simply stated it’s wrong to publicly shame and/or censor anyone that pointed out the flaws in the technology or those that decided they didn’t want it. He’s also argued it was wrong to mandate it for young healthy people. He also regularly says the government should have educated the public on ways they could’ve improved their health outside of experimental pharmaceutical interventions. He’s right on all accounts too.

Let’s not pretend you’re any better than Dr. TJ. You’re just as bad, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.
Same response I had months back. Who gives a shit who did it, it hurts Russia. Glenn Greenwald and RFK, Jr are Russian dupes, as are what is called the Republican party. You dupes should be ashamed.
Fine but let’s not pretend it didnt happen by the hands of the CIA…..and do you know who suffers the most? Our so called Allie’s the Germans….the pipeline was German
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Dr. TJ’s stance is much more extreme than Joe Rogan. Rogan is actually pretty rational if you’d listen to what he says instead of reading headlines about him.

Rogan regularly admits there’s people that benefited from the vaccine. He’s simply stated it’s wrong to publicly shame and/or censor anyone that pointed out the flaws in the technology or those that decided they didn’t want it. He’s also argued it was wrong to mandate it for young healthy people. He also regularly says the government should have educated the public on ways they could’ve improved their health outside of experimental pharmaceutical interventions. He’s right on all accounts too.

Let’s not pretend you’re any better than Dr. TJ. You’re just as bad, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.
I am on the side of science. What side are you on, Joe Rogans? We have had this argument before. I listen to what my Doctor and the Medical Professionals in the CDC, NHS state agencies recommends. Educate the public on what intervectin, those other Bull shit cures? Come on.
Fine but let’s not pretend it didnt happen by the hands of the CIA…..and do you know who suffers the most? Our so called Allie’s the Germans….the pipeline was German
I don't hear the Germans complaining, I only hear Russian dupes.
TJ fails to realize that we live in a society where members of the public can hold the following opinions and not have them contradict one another: (a) Covid was a serious disease that resulted in the death of over 1M Americans (even if most were older and unhealthy, they would have lived longer but for Covid); (b) accessibility to vaccines is good and lowered risk for those older and unhealthy people; and (c) mandating an untested vaccine on the general public is bad policy and will lead to a blowback.

All of these things are pretty obviously true, but those most invested in team politics on both sides will never agree with them all.
So, in summary, you like the way Trump handled the Vax and not Biden.

Didn't you just complain everyone interacts with Thestonedax more than you, but you couldn't read TJs posts as you blocked him. Hmmm...
So, in summary, you like the way Trump handled the Vax and not Biden.

Didn't you just complain everyone interacts with Thestonedax more than you, but you couldn't read TJs posts as you blocked him. Hmmm...

Trump was way better than Biden on Covid, hence the reason I voted for him in 2020.

TJ doesn’t respond substantively, he just gets mad I don’t genuflect to Trump.
It’s a different century. Some of the ideas sucked up by otherwise smart people have ended up as fool’s gold. A couple of decades into the 21st Century, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out what ideals haven’t actually worked despite good intentions.
This is what happens when you allow people to freely pass into your country. They lived one way south of the border. They aren’t changing how they are living. Our prison/justice system is way easier than whatever else is out there. While this gang was in the US prior to Trump, Biden/Mayorkas have dialed everything up a few notches. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure that out.
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We know what the sheep that trust western media will believe….tulsi Gabbard was way ahead on this…
Tulsi understands because she still serves in the reserves, IINM. She is a rare individual coming from the Dem side to where she is now. Much respect to her. Total badass whether I agree with her on everything, some things, very few things.
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On a side note: does anyone else get tired of a ton of tweets starting with “just in:” or “breaking:”? I mean it’s X formerly known as twitter.
This is what happens when you allow people to freely pass into your country. They lived one way south of the border. They aren’t changing how they are living. Our prison/justice system is way easier than whatever else is out there. While this gang was in the US prior to Trump, Biden/Mayorkas have dialed everything up a few notches. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure that out.
It’s ok though because the people that told us Russia cut off their own revenue source will give us data that proves this isn’t a major problem….lololol

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