This affects us all

Not going to lie, I am almost certain that a big part of the reason I’ve fallen out with the GOP is that I care far more about my tax rates, the situation in Ukraine, the economy, the quality of education and a whole host of quality of life issues than I ever will about someone else’s transgender children or screaming about pedophiles.

The right has gotten so incredibly weird (as weird as the left), and it doesn’t have the self-awareness to notice.
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Relevance? The vaccine was a Godsend. What was better Polio unvaccinated or developing the vaccine?

What was better was a well-tested, properly manufactured Polio vaccine numb-nuts. When things get rushed they sometimes get screwed up and the victims in this case were children - a group you have consistently shown great disregard for during the COVID years.
People woke up> Never thought I would here you support wokeism! Woke up to what? DUH. We woke up and the pandemic that killed millions went away. Too bad we didn't wake up sooner. DUH!
Yes, case in point our very own @JeffT818 stopped getting boosted after like 3-4 shots. When I go through airports, only the die-hard liberals are still wearing masks. A scam is a scam is a scam. Once people realized it was just the flu, it was game over.

Will you be getting the CDC February 27, 2024 recommended COVID-booster? You would have to pretty stupid not to get it.
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Not going to lie, I am almost certain that a big part of the reason I’ve fallen out with the GOP is that I care far more about my tax rates, the situation in Ukraine, the economy, the quality of education and a whole host of quality of life issues than I ever will about someone else’s transgender children or screaming about pedophiles.

The right has gotten so incredibly weird (as weird as the left), and it doesn’t have the self-awareness to notice.

How has your concern with tax rates turned you away from the GOP? Genuinely curious.

The GOP isn’t the party talking about minor attracted people.
Dems will wait as long as they can to replace Biden and try to sneak a far lefty pretending to be a classically liberal politician onto the ballot. You watch. Polls will tighten immediately and will give clearance for multiple mail/in ballot mischief.
Agreed. Here is a blast from the past - it looks like 54 percent give or take are this stupid...LOL.

Not believable. 54% of Republicans aren’t that stupid.
How has your concern with tax rates turned you away from the GOP? Genuinely curious.

The GOP isn’t the party talking about minor attracted people.

Rillaman you've posted probably 100 times on transgenderism since I showed up in this thread in the last 4 months. If I've posted once on it (and I certainly agree that boys shouldn't play girls' sports), it was one time too many.

I'm saying the priorities of the modern GOP aren't my priorities. Sure, Republicans remain closer to me on taxes, hell I think Trump is great on an issue like deregulation and reducing the bureaucracy. These items have entirely stopped mattering to the conversation in the Republican Party, and we are getting politicians who match that decline. I've done my best to point out how this will end for the GOP (terribly I think), but no one is listening.
That’s what we used to consider a trans child, and people understand that exists in very rare situations. According to the attached article, approximately 1 in 2,000.

Kids saying they want to change gender during elementary or middle school is a social phenomenon, and it’s enhanced by prescription drugs and depression. Often accompanied by a single Mom.

We should be compassionate about all of these people. We should also try every other intervention other than hormone therapy and surgery. We should get back to teaching kids to accept and love who they are, instead of telling them they can and should change who they are physically.

1 in 2,000 have both genitalia. That is only 1 of 60 gender disorders in the Medical category of Disorders of Sexual Development. Some kids have no genitalia, some have male but female chromosomes, some have female genitalia and male chromosomes, the variety of disorders is staggering. Go back to worrying about illegal aliens rather than people you have no idea what they are dealing with. No, gender confusion is not purely a mental disorder as the well versed Bung has stated.
What was better was a well-tested, properly manufactured Polio vaccine numb-nuts. When things get rushed they sometimes get screwed up and the victims in this case were children - a group you have consistently shown great disregard for during the COVID years.
That was 1952, one of the first tries at vaccination. Science has been vaxxing now for 70 years,Snowflake.
Rillaman you've posted probably 100 times on transgenderism since I showed up in this thread in the last 4 months. If I've posted once on it (and I certainly agree that boys shouldn't play girls' sports), it was one time too many.

I'm saying the priorities of the modern GOP aren't my priorities. Sure, Republicans remain closer to me on taxes, hell I think Trump is great on an issue like deregulation and reducing the bureaucracy. These items have entirely stopped mattering to the conversation in the Republican Party, and we are getting politicians who match that decline. I've done my best to point out how this will end for the GOP (terribly I think), but no one is listening.

I annoyed people a few years ago by repeatedly talking about the insane COVID response. You know I was correct with most of my assessments about that topic.

Anything that clearly impacts kids in a negative way bothers me greatly. This new push around gender identity bothers me greatly, and I see people supporting it every day. I’ll continue to speak up against it.

Staying silent is fine. That’s what the majority of people do. If it makes you feel superior, that’s awesome for you.
Not going to lie, I am almost certain that a big part of the reason I’ve fallen out with the GOP is that I care far more about my tax rates, the situation in Ukraine, the economy, the quality of education and a whole host of quality of life issues than I ever will about someone else’s transgender children or screaming about pedophiles.

The right has gotten so incredibly weird (as weird as the left), and it doesn’t have the self-awareness to notice.
So, Train, tell us how the Dems are better than the GOP on tax rates, Ukraine, the economy, quality of education, and quality of life issues.
That was 1952, one of the first tries at vaccination. Science has been vaxxing now for 70 years,Snowflake.
No, it was 1954. His vaccine was fine; however, the manufacturing process was screwed up. (See Boeing for a modern day analogy).

VAERS reports are at an all-time high. So much for 70 years of science. J&J was pumped into Cmore, Best, Train, and millions more......within a year the CDC banned its use in the USA. Science.....yep. Fauci told us it was 100 percent safe. it was not. Proper testing over 5-10 years would have identified the potential flaws, but these things were forced into people only 10 months after the first case in the USA. Don't talk to me about science.
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1 in 2,000 have both genitalia. That is only 1 of 60 gender disorders in the Medical category of Disorders of Sexual Development. Some kids have no genitalia, some have male but female chromosomes, some have female genitalia and male chromosomes, the variety of disorders is staggering. Go back to worrying about illegal aliens rather than people you have no idea what they are dealing with. No, gender confusion is not purely a mental disorder as the well versed Bung has stated.

You always tell me to stay out of conversations out of my field. Well, you’re a legal assistant. Meanwhile, I talk to business owners, CFOs and HR departments about mental health and the cost of their healthcare on a daily basis. The cost of gender therapy, gene therapy, etc.

I’d venture to guess I know much more about the statistics and variables surrounding mental health than you do. You’re right, it’s not just purely a mental disorder. Now we can add social contagion to the equation.

Stay in your lane stone.
I annoyed people a few years ago by repeatedly talking about the insane COVID response. You know I was correct with most of my assessments about that topic.

Anything that clearly impacts kids in a negative way bothers me greatly. This new push around gender identity bothers me greatly, and I see people supporting it every day. I’ll continue to speak up against it.

Staying silent is fine. That’s what the majority of people do. If it makes you feel superior, that’s awesome for you.

I hate to tell you, bud, but while you may have discussed Covid a lot on here, I'm not sure anyone I've ever met discussed the failures more than me. So the self-glorification should end for purposes of discussing this topic with me.

Painting yourself as morally righteous when it looks like obsession is a defense mechanism against the argument I'm making. As I've said, the right's obsession with fringe topics makes the right far less palatable to the average person. Transgenderism isn't a nothing topic, it shouldn't be avoided at all costs. But it's also simply not a front burner issue regarding the quality of most American's lives. And yet ...

So as Republicans go further down rabbit holes (this topic holds 10x the importance on the right that it actually possesses in our society), the party and the people in it lose touch with those who can actually help the party make the political gains those on the right actually want. I find this behavior utterly insane, but it's now the raison d'etre of the right.

Any which way, I also want to note that claiming "all transgender people are mentally ill" is ridiculous. I actually think in the majority of cases you are probably right. But there are sane people, due to genetics, issues at birth, or just miswiring on this topic, who struggle with gender identity. Making blanket statements that all such people have mental problems is a sure way to lose the argument that "transgenderism is often but not always a sign of mental illness."
No, it was 1954. His vaccine was fine; however, the manufacturing process was screwed up. (See Boeing for a modern day analogy).

VAERS reports are at an all-time high. So much for 70 years of science. J&J was pumped into Cmore, Best, Train, and millions more......within a year the CDC banned its use in the USA. Science.....yep. Fauci told us it was 100 percent safe. it was not. Proper testing over 5-10 years would have identified the potential flaws, but these things were forced into people only 10 months after the first case in the USA. Don't talk to me about science.
Interesting. What was the government initiative that led to speeding up the release of these vaccines and who takes credit for leading that initiative? Seems like that person should be held accountable.
I hate to tell you, bud, but while you may have discussed Covid a lot on here, I'm not sure anyone I've ever met discussed the failures more than me. So the self-glorification should end for purposes of discussing this topic with me.

LOL - we have the same attribute here
Painting yourself as morally righteous when it looks like obsession is a defense mechanism against the argument I'm making. As I've said, the right's obsession with fringe topics makes the right far less palatable to the average person. Transgenderism isn't a nothing topic, it shouldn't be avoided at all costs. But it's also simply not a front burner issue regarding the quality of most American's lives. And yet ...

It’s turned into a bigger topic because of DEI, pride, media glorification, etc. Let’s not act like it isn’t promoted now like never before.

So as Republicans go further down rabbit holes (this topic holds 10x the importance on the right that it actually possesses in our society), the party and the people in it lose touch with those who can actually help the party make the political gains those on the right actually want. I find this behavior utterly insane, but it's now the raison d'etre of the right.

Any which way, I also want to note that claiming "all transgender people are mentally ill" is ridiculous. I actually think in the majority of cases you are probably right. But there are sane people, due to genetics, issues at birth, or just miswiring on this topic, who struggle with gender identity. Making blanket statements that all such people have mental problems is a sure way to lose the argument that "transgenderism is often but not always a sign of mental illness."

I’ve never said that all transgender people are mentally ill. I’ve said that it very often is a result of people who are depressed, on medication, etc. But I’ve always acknowledged a very small % have a real, physical medical situation.
You always tell me to stay out of conversations out of my field. Well, you’re a legal assistant. Meanwhile, I talk to business owners, CFOs and HR departments about mental health and the cost of their healthcare on a daily basis. The cost of gender therapy, gene therapy, etc.

I’d venture to guess I know much more about the statistics and variables surrounding mental health than you do. You’re right, it’s not just purely a mental disorder. Now we can add social contagion to the equation.

Stay in your lane stone.

The last paragraphs come off so poorly because you are so dismissive. Do I think you are right in most cases that this is a mental disorder for many (and social contagion for some)? Sure ... you are.

But it's not for everyone. And the majority of people innately appreciate this, so you undermine much of your point with the attitude.
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I annoyed people a few years ago by repeatedly talking about the insane COVID response. You know I was correct with most of my assessments about that topic.

Anything that clearly impacts kids in a negative way bothers me greatly. This new push around gender identity bothers me greatly, and I see people supporting it every day. I’ll continue to speak up against it.

Staying silent is fine. That’s what the majority of people do. If it makes you feel superior, that’s awesome for you.
The neocons blame the Party and in particular Trump for making them uncomfortable. It isn’t the Party. Shit. Donald Trump is more of a neocon than Ron DeSantis. Direct quote from Irving Kristol (Bill’s dad)…the godfather of Neoconservatism. Straight from “The Neoconservative Persuasion”, The Weekly Standard, Volume 008, Issue 47, August 25, 2003

”Neocons do not like the concentration of services in the welfare state and are happy to study alternative ways of delivering these services. But they are impatient with the Hayekin notion that we are on the road to serfdom. Neocons do not feel that kind of alarm or anxiety about the growth of the state in the past century, seeing it as natural, indeed inevitable ... People have always preferred strong government to weak government, although they certainly have no liking for anything that smacks of overly intrusive government. Neocons feel at home in today's America to a degree that more traditional Conservatives do not. Though they find much to be critical about, they tend to seek intellectual guidance in the democratic wisdom of de Tocqueville, rather than in the Tory nostalgia of, say, Russell Kirk”…

…"one can say that the historical task and political purpose of Neoconservatism would seem to be this: to convert the Republican party, and American Conservatism in general, against their respective wills, into a new kind of Conservative politics suitable to governing a modern democracy."
LOL - we have the same attribute here

It’s turned into a bigger topic because of DEI, pride, media glorification, etc. Let’s not act like it isn’t promoted now like never before.

I’ve never said that all transgender people are mentally ill. I’ve said that it very often is a result of people who are depressed, on medication, etc. But I’ve always acknowledged a very small % have a real, physical medical situation.

I don't mind the self-glorification about Covid at all ... it just doesn't seem to undermine an argument being made by someone who took the same positions as you.

What is the percentage of claimed transgenders that aren't suffering from mental illness? 20%, 30%, 40%? Any which way, it's enough that being dismissive hurts your (correct) argument that many are suffering from such issues.

There's some reasonable arguments that the transgenderism fight is an extension of the "gay pride" fight because those organizations had nothing left to do after winning the war on gay rights. I must say, I haven't seen lots of promotion of transgenderism, but I do see a lot of discussion of it ... from both sides of the debate (and who both rub a lot of the folks who aren't invested in this the wrong way).

At the end of the day, the right deciding to go all in on culture wars seems like it will end poorly, but perhaps I will be wrong. The left may be so similarly invested that it's a doom loop we won't escape as way more important issues are ignored.
Interesting. What was the government initiative that led to speeding up the release of these vaccines and who takes credit for leading that initiative? Seems like that person should be held accountable.

I want to be the first to congratulate President Trump for Operation Warp Speed. I think it was a major success, and I also give him credit for not bowing down to the loons that support him and denouncing it.
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The last paragraphs come off so poorly because you are so dismissive. Do I think you are right in most cases that this is a mental disorder for many (and social contagion for some)? Sure ... you are.

But it's not for everyone. And the majority of people innately appreciate this, so you undermine much of your point with the attitude.

Appreciate the feedback, and it’s fair. I’ve gotten too personal with stone, and probably too passionate about the topic. I’m just starting to see some of this in person. The social contagion part. In the neighborhood, among my wife’s friends, at work. It’s happening, and the justification people are giving it is concerning.

Looking at some of the things I’ve shared, you are right. I should take a step back. I don’t delight in any of this stuff, and don’t talk to people like this in person. Again, I appreciate the feedback.
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Appreciate the feedback, and it’s fair. I’ve gotten too personal with stone, and probably too passionate about the topic. I’m just starting to see some of this in person. The social contagion part. In the neighborhood, among my wife’s friends, at work. It’s happening, and the justification people are giving it is concerning.

Looking at some of the things I’ve shared, you are right. I should take a step back. I don’t delight in any of this stuff, and don’t talk to people like this in person. Again, I appreciate the feedback.

I don't think the people who come from the other side of this debate look any better, and they often seem even weirder. How do you explain to normals that "boys should play sports with girls" as some ripped "chick" goes out there and dominates? I don't think you can do it with a straight face.

So RFK says something with no support from anyone but conspiracy theorist cranks (again, even the Russians don't think it was the US), and he pulled off some boffo performance.

Got it.

RFK Jr. is a total idiot btw. There's nothing intelligent or impressive about him besides his apparent commitment to physical fitness.
So RFK says something with no support from anyone but conspiracy theorist cranks (again, even the Russians don't think it was the US), and he pulled off some boffo performance.

Got it.

RFK Jr. is a total idiot btw. There's nothing intelligent or impressive about him besides his apparent commitment to physical fitness.
LOL. I did notice you failed to answer my post with a Dem vs Rep analysis of the issues "that matter" to you.
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Interesting. What was the government initiative that led to speeding up the release of these vaccines and who takes credit for leading that initiative? Seems like that person should be held accountable.
The vaccines were made available to the truly fearful people like you who required an injection to "feel" safe. For others like me who hadn't been bunkering down during the March - June period of 2020 it was quite obvious that I didn't need an injection and more importanty I saw the harm that was being done to locked down places like Puerto Rico firsthand and also to kids.

Trump got multiple vaccines to market. The choice to take it was left up to you Dr. B.O. And take it you did!
LOL. I did notice you failed to answer my post with a Dem vs Rep analysis of the issues "that matter" to you.

I missed it, I have you muted because I don't need to see all your drivel. I've explained to you repeatedly that I will not be a member of a party led by Donald Trump even if I favor Republicans on more issues than Dems. I will probably vote for mostly Rs in the fall, but certainly not Trump. America is a great country, and I'm opposed to con artists/sociopaths leading it.

Also Republicans are the party blocking the Ukraine aid bill, not Dems. The GOP is clearly less aligned with me on the current situation. You think "Biden caused the war." I think that's a ridiculous notion when quite clearly Putin caused the war. Could Biden being weak in Afghanistan have emboldened Putin? Yep. Let's send aid so he's not further emboldened.
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The vaccines were made available to the truly fearful people like you who required an injection to "feel" safe. For others like me who hadn't been bunkering down during the March - June period of 2020 it was quite obvious that I didn't need an injection and more importanty I saw the harm that was being done to locked down places like Puerto Rico firsthand and also to kids.

Trump got multiple vaccines to market. The choice to take it was left up to you Dr. B.O. And take it you did!
What a change in tone from your previous post. Shocking.
What a change in tone from your previous post. Shocking.

TJ fails to realize that we live in a society where members of the public can hold the following opinions and not have them contradict one another: (a) Covid was a serious disease that resulted in the death of over 1M Americans (even if most were older and unhealthy, they would have lived longer but for Covid); (b) accessibility to vaccines is good and lowered risk for those older and unhealthy people; and (c) mandating an untested vaccine on the general public is bad policy and will lead to a blowback.

All of these things are pretty obviously true, but those most invested in team politics on both sides will never agree with them all.
The vaccines were made available to the truly fearful people like you who required an injection to "feel" safe. For others like me who hadn't been bunkering down during the March - June period of 2020
People took and benefited from the vaccines for a wide variety of reasons. You insist on painting anyone that took them has “fearful” because of some kind of weird inferiority complex. It makes you feel heroic and gives you a sense of self worth because there’s something missing in your life. That’s all fine, but the picture you’re painting simply isn’t true.

As far as “bunkering down,” you’re also exaggerating to prop yourself up. I, just like millions of others, worked throughout the pandemic and lived fairly normal lives. My kids also attended school in person outside a couple of months when staff wasn’t available. We also vacationed a few times and I even did some hiking just like you!

In addition to repeatedly painting yourself as some kind of pandemic era hero, you also feel the need to constantly brag to us about your unspectacular accomplishments. I don’t know what’s missing in your life that’s causing this behavior, but it’s pretty sad.
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People took and benefited from the vaccines for a wide variety of reasons. You insist on painting anyone that took them has “fearful” because of some kind of weird inferiority complex. It makes you feel heroic and gives you a sense of self worth because there’s something missing in your life. That’s all fine, but the picture you’re painting simply isn’t true.

As far as “bunkering down,” you’re also exaggerating to prop yourself up. I, just like millions of others, worked throughout the pandemic and lived fairly normal lives. My kids also attended school in person outside a couple of months when staff wasn’t available. We also vacationed a few times and I even did some hiking just like you!

In addition to repeatedly painting yourself as some kind of pandemic era hero, you also feel the need to constantly brag to us about your unspectacular accomplishments. I don’t know what’s missing in your life that’s causing this behavior, but it’s pretty sad.

I've expressed the exact same view. Something is missing in TJ's life. I have a guess on what that is.

I don't even mind some of the self-glorification. If someone called TJ dumb, and he listed off his intellectual accomplishments, I'd be cool with that. But we seem way beyond that point, where he randomly tells us some self-annointed awesome characteristic every time someone challenges his opinion, no matter how tangential to the discussion it is.
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TJ fails to realize that we live in a society where members of the public can hold the following opinions and not have them contradict one another: (a) Covid was a serious disease that resulted in the death of over 1M Americans (even if most were older and unhealthy, they would have lived longer but for Covid); (b) accessibility to vaccines is good and lowered risk for those older and unhealthy people; and (c) mandating an untested vaccine on the general public is bad policy and will lead to a blowback.

All of these things are pretty obviously true, but those most invested in team politics on both sides will never agree with them all.
You haven’t been on here long enough. Dr. TJ desperately wants the vaccine to be a death sentence for anyone that didn’t stand up to tyranny and decided to take it.

The most hilarious thing about Dr. TJ’s stance on the vaccines is his orange savior pretty much agrees with all of your points above.
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