This affects us all

All of that Trump/Russia stuff was just a distraction, and the media ate it up. The current President’s family has benefitted significantly more from relationships in China.
The bigger question is why now? Why does Fake News NYT decide to publish this piece on 11/20/21?

With the exception of @stoneaxe27 and deranged @JeffT818 , it is known that the Biden’s are very corrupt. This isn’t news. Rats scrambling to get off a corrupt, sinking ship? Too late, the NYT is an enemy of the people.
I find it extremely comical the amount of people that think Rittenhouse shot 3 black men or that Jacob Blake is dead.
Rittenhouse should end up winning some large sums of money for defamation of character, because as you mention there are a large amount of people who have misinformation of Rittenhouse and it is because of the media and the Democrat politicians who weave narratives. From MSNBC and CNN to elected officials. Even A former SF 49ers NFL QB who will remain unnamed defamed him in a tweet yesterday. The kid from the Kentucky HS paved the way for the lawsuits.
Rittenhouse should end up winning some large sums of money for defamation of character, because as you mention there are a large amount of people who have misinformation of Rittenhouse and it is because of the media and the Democrat politicians who weave narratives. From MSNBC and CNN to elected officials. Even A former SF 49ers NFL QB who will remain unnamed defamed him in a tweet yesterday. The kid from the Kentucky HS paved the way for the lawsuits.
I was talking to my MIL last night and she was outraged that Rittenhouse was not guilty. "If he would have shot and killed 3 white men nobody would care", she said. The moron didnt even know one of those shot was a child rapist, another beat up his grandmother, and then the last was simply a career criminal. It just shows you what news slants are capable of doing.

I think Rittenhouse is an incredible douche bag that never should have been there. But if being stupid were a crime, we would have to quadruple prison capacity in this country.
I was talking to my MIL last night and she was outraged that Rittenhouse was not guilty. "If he would have shot and killed 3 white men nobody would care", she said. The moron didnt even know one of those shot was a child rapist, another beat up his grandmother, and then the last was simply a career criminal. It just shows you what news slants are capable of doing.

I think Rittenhouse is an incredible douche bag that never should have been there. But if being stupid were a crime, we would have to quadruple prison capacity in this country.
I agree he shouldn’t have been there. And I do have to wonder what a kid his age (and non-military) was doing with that particular model of rifle. I’m not sure he’s an incredible douchebag. He’d spent time cleaning grafitti of the HS before the night of the tragedy.

Why aren’t stories like this covered by major media?
Because older white men are the victims of societal and corporate prejudice and the society now favors dark skinned people and women. How can you ever compete? All of your failures are the result of this prejudice against you and not your own shortcomings. It is a conspiracy on a global scale and you are on the losing side.
Because older white men are the victims of societal and corporate prejudice and the society now favors dark skinned people and women. How can you ever compete? All of your failures are the result of this prejudice against you and not your own shortcomings. It is a conspiracy on a global scale and you are on the losing side.
Do you think Rittenhouse should be in prison?
Because older white men are the victims of societal and corporate prejudice and the society now favors dark skinned people and women. How can you ever compete? All of your failures are the result of this prejudice against you and not your own shortcomings. It is a conspiracy on a global scale and you are on the losing side.
You would think the media would want people to know about real threats that are out there.

You sure know a lot about conspiracies.
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Because older white men are the victims of societal and corporate prejudice and the society now favors dark skinned people and women. How can you ever compete? All of your failures are the result of this prejudice against you and not your own shortcomings. It is a conspiracy on a global scale and you are on the losing side.

You better hope the “war” with the right never happens. Your pansy ass will be one of the first to run
You better hope the “war” with the right never happens. Your pansy ass will be one of the first to run

The funny thing is, if you replace “older white men” with “minorities”, and “dark skinned people and women” with “whites” his statement is basically the Dem playbook these days. I wonder if he recognizes how ridiculous that is.

Once again, this hyper focus on race is really going well.
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I just read an opinion piece on boosters with an interesting stat from N Dakota. Since the start of the pandemic, people in N Dakota who have died with breakthrough covid averaged 81 years of age. (Unvaccinated people dying from covid, including during the time before vaccines, averaged 70 years of age.)

His point was questioning boosters and vaccines for young people since probably the majority of those vaccinated that are dying are older people. It is an interesting problem for public health since we all have known from the start that older people are the most vulnerable by far.

I'm making no judgement on public health but why not let people decide for themselves? The left wants mandates and some of my anti-vaccine friends want to forbid parents to vaccinate their 5 year olds. Seems like freedom of choice should be something all could agree on.

Here is a link to the relevant page in the N Dakota dashboard if you want to see it.

And of course the NBA supports a child rapist’s death as a tragedy. Let alone there was nothing Rittenhouse did that was “vigilantism”. He was protecting property and the facts showed he acted in self-defense. More reasons not to watch the NBA and it’s spreading of misinformation deliberately and willfully. F Adam Silver.
And of course the NBA supports a child rapist’s death as a tragedy. Let alone there was nothing Rittenhouse did that was “vigilantism”. He was protecting property and the facts showed he acted in self-defense. More reasons not to watch the NBA and it’s spreading of misinformation deliberately and willfully. F Adam Silver.
The vigilantes were the BLM thugs that bur the country for 12 months straight…
Asians should NEVER side with liberal Democrats….ever….remember @nthomp lecturing us about Asian hate….
Who was the President who ignored the Jewish in concentration camps, but put Japanese-Americans in them ?

What was his party ?

Just a reminder, the media is not here to inform or report stories, they now want to create stories, knowing they will inflame.

I wonder what Blake and his family think when they hear he was killed, repeatedly.

Just a reminder, the media is not here to inform or report stories, they now want to create stories, knowing they will inflame.

I wonder what Blake and his family think when they hear he was killed, repeatedly.
Kind of like FOX and Tucker paying for the kid's defense and being imbedded at the trial. Give me a break with the victim hood. Those mean lefty news organizations sure hate white people. LOL
Kind of like FOX and Tucker paying for the kid's defense and being imbedded at the trial. Give me a break with the victim hood. Those mean lefty news organizations sure hate white people. LOL

Well ya, FOX is part of the media. I don’t watch FOX. Well aware they intend to inflame, not inform. Tough to find accurate news these days. Most networks don’t even attempt to offer unbiased reports.

Is it really asking too much for networks to not repeatedly talk about a guy getting killed, when he is still alive? How low can we set the bar?

Your obsession with race is a sickness, shared by many in your party. Notice I didn’t mention race in the post you responded to? Yet again, you injected it in to the conversation.

Just a reminder, the media is not here to inform or report stories, they now want to create stories, knowing they will inflame.

I wonder what Blake and his family think when they hear he was killed, repeatedly.
Blake could be cast as the next James Bond. They could do a remake of You Only Live Twice.
Well ya, FOX is part of the media. I don’t watch FOX. Well aware they intend to inflame, not inform. Tough to find accurate news these days. Most networks don’t even attempt to offer unbiased reports.

Is it really asking too much for networks to not repeatedly talk about a guy getting killed, when he is still alive? How low can we set the bar?

Your obsession with race is a sickness, shared by many in your party. Notice I didn’t mention race in the post you responded to? Yet again, you injected it in to the conversation.
So Fox didn’t call the Russian Collusion correctly? They didn’t have people warning how bad Biden/Harris would be? They had Vindman pegged quickly. They had Hunter’s laptop called correctly. They called Arizona correctly. They aren’t hemorrhaging viewers like CNN.
So Fox didn’t call the Russian Collusion correctly? They didn’t have people warning how bad Biden/Harris would be? They had Vindman pegged quickly. They had Hunter’s laptop called correctly. They called Arizona correctly. They aren’t hemorrhaging viewers like CNN.

Take enough shots, you’re going to score some points. I honestly don’t keep track of any of the major networks hits and misses. Too much opinion and spin for my liking. I’m sure every network has some things they have gotten right.
Your mention of Goebbels is correct. The Dems have been playing the dumbing down of America for some time. Add in the NEA and teachers unions have been busy dumbing down kids compared to other countries and we are headed to commie land. It’s absolutely asinine the nomination of Omarova is acceptable by Democrats, as an example.
Take enough shots, you’re going to score some points. I honestly don’t keep track of any of the major networks hits and misses. Too much opinion and spin for my liking. I’m sure every network has some things they have gotten right.
It appears you get too hung up on the Hannity’s and the Fox & Friends type shows. There are some very good people on that network and some solid investigative reporters.
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You have one pitch buddy. It’s weak. You lose every argument, and go to race. Posting about ESPN (and other networks) repeatedly getting a story wrong has nothing to do with race. You have repeatedly ignored true stories because you don’t like the messenger. If you look for race in every message, you’ll find it. Your lens is slanted, not my posts.
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