This affects us all

One more on covid. The CDC is reporting today that 99.9% of people over 65 have had at least one dose of the covid vaccine. I personally know enough of these stubborn older folk that this can not be true. Nothing in America is 99.9%. My guess is their computer has been programmed to do some math and no is watching the inputs or outputs to see if they are correct. But they report it as fact on their website.

Of course it could be true but Hunter also could be an artist......
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You get a lot of your news from Jalen Rose…?

I expect highly paid media people to put in minimum effort when discussing a major story on a national network.

I’d express the same disappointment if someone incorrectly reported that someone was dead because of the vaccine. Incorrectly reporting it over and over again is embarrassing. Don’t talk about something if you don’t know the basic facts.

If you are going to repeat a talking point that someone is dead, confirm the person is dead. I know, that’s expecting a lot, and it’s super racist of me. What a ridiculous world.
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Who could have guessed the northeast would be next (raises hand)?

The Atlantic finally had an article on seasonality a couple days ago. We need new experts.
Kind of like FOX and Tucker paying for the kid's defense and being imbedded at the trial. Give me a break with the victim hood. Those mean lefty news organizations sure hate white people. LOL
So the leftwing news networks completely lie to their viewers is ok because Fox spent money to help an innocent kid.

Some weird whataboutism
What I hate most is that racism exists. It still seeps and oozes around everywhere in our culture. In some places it doesnt seep and's not even hidden. But focusing on something being racist when it isnt, really hurts everyone.

The only way to truly defeat racism is time and proper parenting. I never met my great grandfather. I am betting he was racist. Why? Because my grandpa was. He loved the Cosby Show. To quote him "That *N expletive* makes me laugh." Im betting that his father would have been irate that black people were even on the tv. But my grandpa, while being racist, could bring himself to watch it and thoroughly love it. My step dad would never say the n word, but he was always throwing around they, them or other obvious descriptors of black people. Or the age old crap about you can't take the street out of them was his favorite. Racist. Me, Ive never used the word. I never will. I cuss like a sumbitch. But never that word. But racism still exists with me. When a white guy walks into my business I dont mentally note that he is white. If a black guy walks into my business I cant keep the voice in my head from saying "That's a black guy". Hopefully my son sees people for just being people. He will never see me acting racist so it wont come natural to him. Time and proper parenting throughout that time will prevail.
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You have one pitch buddy. It’s weak. You lose every argument, and go to race. Posting about ESPN (and other networks) repeatedly getting a story wrong has nothing to do with race. You have repeatedly ignored true stories because you don’t like the messenger. If you look for race in every message, you’ll find it. Your lens is slanted, not my posts.

He’s typical of the left. They don’t care about facts. Only ideology and the pursuit thereof. They wield racism like a red lightsaber. They are the dark side
Nah, can’t be true…..

Are you sure this is saying what you think it does ?
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Media. Is. Straight. Trash. They instigate all of it.
Who the heck is Drew Holden and who cares what he thinks? Some people need to get a life and forget the conspiracy and victim hood. Try the Boys and Girls Club, or Meals on Wheels or the Animal Shelter.
Who the heck is Drew Holden and who cares what he thinks? Some people need to get a life and forget the conspiracy and victim hood. Try the Boys and Girls Club, or Meals on Wheels or the Animal Shelter.
Ummm.. you have no answer to the brazen lies that are promoted by the media. Instead, “just stick your head in the sand”
This whole Rittenhouse ordeal has been pretty wild, and frankly scary. It’s amazing the lies that are willingly being spread by the media.
It won’t be long before the game shows like The Running Man are on TV with Killian pumping Cadre Cola while his stalkers beat up and murder supposed criminals.
Who the heck is Drew Holden and who cares what he thinks? Some people need to get a life and forget the conspiracy and victim hood. Try the Boys and Girls Club, or Meals on Wheels or the Animal Shelter.

There you go again, all about the messenger. Do you realize how anti fact you have become? Radicalized. Proof that even the highly educated are vulnerable.

Zero issue with the President of the United States tweeting a picture of a teen and calling them a white supremacist with no proof that he is? I guess expectations of the Pres are at a new low.
Hilarious, @JeffT818 says he is for the police but fails to understand that he is voting for the party of “get rid of the police”.

This organized crime is the future brought to you by saps like Jeff looking for a handout (Who can’t handle mean tweets)
This is due to George Soros and people that think like him(and they also run the media and Hollywoo).
Yes. The Democrats have acted as if Biden had some mandate. This explains how badly the Dems and particularly Clueless Joe have went awry.

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