This affects us all

Doctors and experts are just now acknowledging something a lot of us have known for months. Maybe we need new experts.
One thing is for certain. We need new journalists, trained at real journalism schools, as opposed to the supposed journalism we have now that is slanted to whatever side the news agency desires. Very few investigative journalists left in this world, very few curious journalists and very few who have the ability to remove their team ball cap to report a story.
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One thing is for certain. We need new journalists, trained at real journalism schools, as opposed to the supposed journalism we have now that is slanted to whatever side the news agency desires. Very few investigative journalists left in this world, very few curious journalists and very few who have the ability to remove their team ball cap to report a story.
Journalism is dead. It's now just telling a side of a story. Right or Left.
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I agree that he is only human, but he is an expert, maybe the expert in his field. To say that he is corrupt makes you a conspiracy nut, and I hope the Doctors aren't taking your recommendations.
Is Fauci wrong yet again by acknowledging seasonality with covid? Something that you have loudly claimed as ridiculous. Are you coming around to the idea yet?
I agree that he is only human, but he is an expert, maybe the expert in his field. To say that he is corrupt makes you a conspiracy nut, and I hope the Doctors aren't taking your recommendations.
Lying to the public multiple times in the middle of a pandemic while filming a Disney documentary isn’t corrupt at all..

The conspiracy theory defense is all you have. It’s a lame ass attempt to delegitimize differing opinions and deflect from the fact you might be wrong. God forbid you think for yourself.
Appeal to authority marks you as the nincompoop I thought you to be. It has nothing to do with authority, it has to do with possessing the ability to think rationally and listen to those that have specialized training and education, plus follow the same path to defeating this pandemic, that we have followed for a century. I hope you are working a mop at work, and not even passing out pills prescribed by others. Did you tell the Doctors at work that they are mistaken and the vaccine was bullshit, and the residents shouldn't take it? 🤡
This is so dumb. “Listen to the experts”. It’s like having a dull engineer run a car company into the ground. Well, at least he was an expert.
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One thing is for certain. We need new journalists, trained at real journalism schools, as opposed to the supposed journalism we have now that is slanted to whatever side the news agency desires. Very few investigative journalists left in this world, very few curious journalists and very few who have the ability to remove their team ball cap to report a story.

Agreed. Most are infotainers, not journalists or reporters.
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Is Fauci wrong yet again by acknowledging seasonality with covid? Something that you have loudly claimed as ridiculous. Are you coming around to the idea yet?
I never claimed it was ridiculous, said it was one factor. But since the corrupt , incompetent Fauci says seasonality is involved, I guess you and Rilla and the rest of the Fauci haters now change your minds, and would believe seasonality is not a factor. (by the way we were discussing climate as a factor. Climate doesn't fully explain why the desert SW and California are now realizing upticks.)
I never claimed it was ridiculous, said it was one factor. But since the corrupt , incompetent Fauci says seasonality is involved, I guess you and Rilla and the rest of the Fauci haters now change your minds, and would believe seasonality is not a factor. (by the way we were discussing climate as a factor. Climate doesn't fully explain why the desert SW and California are now realizing upticks.)

We don’t change our position based on the messenger. We aren’t that mentally weak.

Glad that Fauci woke up. Was pretty concerning that he hadn’t acknowledged the obvious.
Lying to the public multiple times in the middle of a pandemic while filming a Disney documentary isn’t corrupt at all..

The conspiracy theory defense is all you have. It’s a lame ass attempt to delegitimize differing opinions and deflect from the fact you might be wrong. God forbid you think for yourself.
Save it.
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I never claimed it was ridiculous, said it was one factor. But since the corrupt , incompetent Fauci says seasonality is involved, I guess you and Rilla and the rest of the Fauci haters now change your minds, and would believe seasonality is not a factor. (by the way we were discussing climate as a factor. Climate doesn't fully explain why the desert SW and California are now realizing upticks.)
This is yet another flaw in your logic. You’re completely incapable of nuance. Whether it be masks, vaccines, mandates, or anything in modern politics, you’re either all in or all out.

I’m capable of acknowledging Fauci does some things correctly while also calling out his bullshit. Cult members like you are incapable of that. He’s like Jesus to you now. It’s really no different than the QAnon Trumpers.

The vaccines are wonderfully effective therapeutics that prevent most high risk individuals from experiencing negative outcomes. They’re also only effective for a short amount of time and do very little to benefit those with healthy immune systems. Mandates are pointless for those folks because they don’t prevent infection. See how easy that is?
We don’t change our position based on the messenger. We aren’t that mentally weak.

Glad that Fauci woke up. Was pretty concerning that he hadn’t acknowledged the obvious.
Except I didn't change it. Go look as it is so important to you. You still are arguing that Florida was slammed this summer.
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Mandates are pointless for those folks because they don’t prevent infection. See how easy that is?
They prevent hospitalization and dying. That is the point you can't admit despite your scientific training. You lose even more credibility as you are full into the Fauci corrupt /badman position of the Trump cult. Fauci is one person, every honest Doctor, expert in infectious diseases and public health all agree. Is that because the entire medical community is corrupt? Only the hacks on Fox disagree and it is easy to see that they would say anything to get airtime.
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I never claimed it was ridiculous, said it was one factor. But since the corrupt , incompetent Fauci says seasonality is involved, I guess you and Rilla and the rest of the Fauci haters now change your minds, and would believe seasonality is not a factor. (by the way we were discussing climate as a factor. Climate doesn't fully explain why the desert SW and California are now realizing upticks.)

Nice try. That is like Rillaman arguing that it is the warm climate down here.

No, you did not say it was a factor. You mocked me for even mentioning it. I know you hate it when I call you a liar. You are either lying, or you've fooled yourself in to believing that you had it right all along.

Whoever said the left would change their message was right. 1st it wasn't a factor, now it is, and they are trying to act like they said it was a factor the whole time.
Hey @JeffT818 , your foolish take on inflation being no fault of Biden's finds you disagreeing with ..... Biden. No wonder you didn't reply to my post.

Hey @nthomp @stoneaxe27 @JeffT818

Question - how many embassies does the US have in the world? The answer is 2 less thanks to Biden. The embassies in Afghanistan and now Yemen have been overtaken by the Taliban and Iranian-controlled rebels. It sounds like there may even be hostages in Yemen to go along with the thousands of Americans left behind in Afghanistan! There are also 16 - 17 American hostages in that far off land called Haiti. Great vote, guys! American weakness at its finest!

And now that Trump is out of power, Russia is saber rattling again? How can that be? Joe isn't a Putin puppet. Of course, the best news is twitter is much better now. Congrats guys! Chaos!

They prevent hospitalization and dying. That is the point you can't admit despite your scientific training. You lose even more credibility as you are full into the Fauci corrupt /badman position of the Trump cult. Fauci is one person, every honest Doctor, expert in infectious diseases and public health all agree. Is that because the entire medical community is corrupt? Only the hacks on Fox disagree and it is easy to see that they would say anything to get airtime.

What does every doctor and expert in infectious diseases agree about? Certainly not mandates, if that is what you are arguing. Some networks might tell you that, but it’s not true.
They prevent hospitalization and dying. That is the point you can't admit despite your scientific training. You lose even more credibility as you are full into the Fauci corrupt /badman position of the Trump cult. Fauci is one person, every honest Doctor, expert in infectious diseases and public health all agree. Is that because the entire medical community is corrupt? Only the hacks on Fox disagree and it is easy to see that they would say anything to get airtime.
I just said that you idiot. Preventing hospitalization and death in high risk population. Those folks have already been vaccinated.

Mandating vaccines in healthy individuals, especially children is pointless.
Hey @JeffT818 , your foolish take on inflation being no fault of Biden's finds you disagreeing with ..... Biden. No wonder you didn't reply to my post.

The worst part is inflation currently outrunning wages. Especially now that people are quitting their jobs at a record rate:eek:
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Another athlete whose career is over thanks to the vaccine. In his support group, 6 people have already committed suicide.

This doctor who considers me selfish definitely won't be crying at my funeral thanks to the vaccine most likely killing him in his sleep. Only 52 years old.....

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Who cares? Kids are resilient. That’s what the media keeps telling me. At least they have their vax passport and can go to restaurants again!
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They prevent hospitalization and dying. That is the point you can't admit despite your scientific training. You lose even more credibility as you are full into the Fauci corrupt /badman position of the Trump cult. Fauci is one person, every honest Doctor, expert in infectious diseases and public health all agree. Is that because the entire medical community is corrupt? Only the hacks on Fox disagree and it is easy to see that they would say anything to get airtime.
Statins work incredibly well at reducing risk of cardiovascular events and death in high risk individuals with comorbidities. We should mandate that everyone take them just in case.

That’s your logic.

1/3 of those hospitalized have been vaccinated. That’s 1/3, not 1%, for those keeping track.

1/3 of those hospitalized have been vaccinated. That’s 1/3, not 1%, for those keeping track.
Honestly that isnt all that shocking. 71-80% vaxxed so to have 20-29% of the population being un-vaxxed that are taking up 66% of the hospitalizations suggests that the therapeutic is working relatively well.
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listen to those that have specialized training and education, plus follow the same path to defeating this pandemic
There are those that meet your criteria that are speaking out about mask and vax mandates. You don’t hear that because it doesn’t fit the Controlled News Narrative.
How can you think this virus goes away with 100% of people vaxxed when the vaxxed are getting and spreading it at an incredible rate? You, as in you and others with your mentality, HAVE to believe it because the thought of our “leaders” and “experts” being wrong on this scares the living shit out of you. Because if they’re wrong, then all hope is lost, right? There is a recovery process for the mentally and emotionally fragile and damaged people such as yourself. It’s a long and difficult journey and many of you can’t or won’t do it. I hope you and your kind can overcome your crippling fear and join the rest of us in our mentally and emotionally stable society. There is hope......
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1/3 of those hospitalized have been vaccinated. That’s 1/3, not 1%, for those keeping track.
Eventually people will come around to the fact that this is just here now. Unfortunately, it’ll probably be another seasonal wave and spring before it becomes the mainstream narrative.

We’ve never vaccinated a coronavirus into extinction. It was pretty foolish to think we’d accomplish that with the current vaccines. High risk folks will need to get vaccinated prior to the infectious season much like the flu.

The hard part will be regaining our freedoms from all the power hungry idiots insisting on mandating every aspect of our lives. That’s what midterms are for I guess. Gonna be a bloodbath for the Ds.
I agree that he is only human, but he is an expert, maybe the expert in his field. To say that he is corrupt makes you a conspiracy nut, and I hope the Doctors aren't taking your recommendations.
Dude.... that idiot said straight-up that masks won’t do jack shit for this virus. The “expert” that you blindly follow. What did he not know as he immediately did an about-face on mask effectiveness?
Honestly that isnt all that shocking. 71-80% vaxxed so to have 20-29% of the population being un-vaxxed that are taking up 66% of the hospitalizations suggests that the therapeutic is working relatively well.

Correct, no need to exaggerate the numbers.

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