This affects us all

Oh it is only bad optics? You posted that it was "freaking anarchy" "all is lost" makes us "no better than a third world nation" "disgusting, appalling, illegal" "lawlessness". LOL
Right. The freaking prez is telling everyone to ignore the federal courts stay. If he’s saying things like that, it sends a message to ignore authority and many people will take that to ignore everyone from police to bosses/managers, teachers…. anyone with authority. Hell, your people are already doing just that. Man, anything to defend your lord sleepy
I think it is funny the guy would call anyone an idiot given what he did. However, this is another example of why I hate social media so much. I drilled down to the the story and yes he did repeatedly say he was an idiot but more importantly he also said he has a credible self defense claim. However, that is never mentioned in the tweet.
Once again, social media is used to inflame instead of inform.
I think it is funny the guy would call anyone an idiot given what he did. However, this is another example of why I hate social media so much. I drilled down to the the story and yes he did repeatedly say he was an idiot but more importantly he also said he has a credible self defense claim. However, that is never mentioned in the tweet.
Once again, social media is used to inflame instead of inform.

Oh come on. I don’t think Toobin saying it was self defense is going to change anyone’s mind. I know people that believe it was self defense that still think he should be convicted of murder. One article is unlikely to change someone’s mind. Just a funny headline, and odd that Toobin kept his job.
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Because if 90% of the people get it. there is no more pandemic. You guys are lost in the weeds. Covering for your cult leader.

Are we going to vaccinate 90% of the deer too? This thing isn’t going away, no matter how many kids you forcefully vaccinate.

What a retarded stance. The fully vaxxed are getting and spreading the rona. That means it’ll never end unless a real vax is discovered. And for 99% of people, the Rona is no biggie.
A real vaccine. You live in an alternate reality, like a cult.
to ignore authority and many people will take that to ignore everyone from police to bosses/managers, teachers…
You mean like the Republicans telling the people not to obey mask requirements, or vaccine requirements, or that the election was stolen?
Are we going to vaccinate 90% of the deer too? This thing isn’t going away, no matter how many kids you forcefully vaccinate.

You fell deep into the stupid well. If the kids get vaccinated, who cares if the deer have Covid? Instead you say "the deer have it , let's not bother getting the kids vaccinated". WAFI
You mean like the Republicans telling the people not to obey mask requirements, or vaccine requirements, or that the election was stolen?

They are all hypocrites. Telling people to mask up, but not doing it yourself, sends just as poor a message. Both sides showed major hesitancy about the vaccine when the other side was in office. Both sides have talked about elections being stolen.

Screw politics, I'm going to focus on vaccinating every animal on the planet! Probably shouldn't have played around with viruses like this in a lab.
You fell deep into the stupid well. If the kids get vaccinated, who cares if the deer have Covid? Instead you say "the deer have it , let's not bother getting the kids vaccinated". WAFI

No, I'm just not naive. This thing isn't going away.

No, I don't think I need to bother vaccinating my kids against something they have been exposed to for the last 2 years. I'm sure you think I should keep masking my 3 year old indefinitely too, because #partyofscience.
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You love to talk about oil prices because it is the only item you can link to Biden in some fashion. You ignore all the rest like food prices and chip shortages because the reasons are macro in nature and have nothing to do with Biden. Keep playing that one note!

I think you must have me confused with someone else regarding Biden. I have never been a Biden fan but I believe he was the lesser of two evils. You keep assuming I am as passionate about Biden as you are about Trump. I am certainly not. I don't see either side as that much different than the other in terms of behavior and tactics. Democrats and Republicans are both brimming with hypocrisy yet they only see it in the other side and never in themselves. So much passion without any self-awareness.

Politics is a cesspool and almost all politicians are corrupt. That is why I have never been passionate about politics. The only honest politician I have ever seen was Peter Fitzgerald, the one term Senator from Illinois.
He retired from politics after one term because the state Republican party would not support his reelection because he was too honest and would not play the corruption game. He actually had the nerve to recommend a lawyer for the US attorney of Northern Illinois who actually was independent and went after one of ultimate scumbags, George Ryan. It was the seat that Obama won to become Senator. Funny how things work out!

Jeff, I spoke about more than oil prices - it just failed to register with you. Shocking, I know. As I said, one of the first things the Democrats did is implement long term unemployment benefits through Labor Day. When people get paid more not to work than they do to work - they choose "No Work"! You should know, you wanted a HANDOUT so that you could retire at 60 thereby opening a high level position for the next generation. Free Money disincentives work. You are living proof of that.

This labor shortage cascades across the supply chain. Fewer truckers makes the ones willing to work more expensive. The same holds true in the service industry, defense, etc., etc. etc. That equals inflation. Further, how many additional trillions have the Democrats spent since the election? They passed stimulus in February / March. Another 1.2 T this month and want to add 3.5T more.

Lastly, Biden's vaccine mandate has already gotten thousands of healthcare workers fired. It has caused workplace disruptions at countless companies including American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, Boeing, GE, etc. I believe the truckers and port workers are also slow playing efforts making the supply chain worse.

Biden's weakness with China further exacerbates the chip problem. China has been doing a lot of saber rattling since 20 January 2021 over Taiwan. Where are a lot of chips made? Taiwan. Hence, the 30B investment in Phoenix that is ongoing. It all adds up to incompetence at the top as these problems just didn't happen under Trump. If there was an issue of getting goods around the country, Trump waived regulations allowing truckers more hours on the road. With adults who love the country in charge, these are easy problems to solve. As a Republican, I can say that if you put Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Kristi Noem, Mike Pence, or Donald J. Trump in charge - these problems get solved. But, you voted for brain-dead Biden and these problems were created.
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Because if 90% of the people get it. there is no more pandemic. You guys are lost in the weeds. Covering for your cult leader.

If 90 percent of the people get the vaccine it will be worse than ever. See well vaccinated Vermont with cases well above year ago levels. Go figure.

As for the 'Rona, a great little case study happened at a small theater recently (high school age production). The lead singer in a small theater had COVID! Mind you, a small room that seats 50. 20 people in the cast, room holds 50 masked attendees.

Well, over several shows, at least 20 audience members got sick (no one was obligated to report - so number likely higher). The two I know are unvaccinated and recovering at home. 8 of the 20 cast members got sick with the 'Vid. All 8 were fully vaxxed. My friend's daughter who apparently had a bout of it last summer was in the cast and did not get sick or test positive. Score one for natural immunity!!

Bottom line is the fully vaxxed are super spreaders. They not only get it but they spread it big time. The masks in the audience were as worthless as advertised. Lastly, the vaccine does not work unless you have a very low standard.
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You fell deep into the stupid well. If the kids get vaccinated, who cares if the deer have Covid? Instead you say "the deer have it , let's not bother getting the kids vaccinated". WAFI
How about this: If the vulnerable get vaccinated, who cares if the kids have Covid? And further, how does Covid go away if people who get the vaccine can get and spread Covid? You logic chain is broke.
Let's try again. The vaccine doesn't stop you from testing positive, it sometimes prevents any symptoms(often in those vaccinated) and it prevents hospitalizations and serious cases( a couple of days of minor symptoms are common). This was always known by all but the totally uninformed or intentionally confused and confusing. Why all of this repeated non-sense about the vaccine doesn't work.
Complete horseshit. The vaccine was originally marketed as stopping the spread and thus ending the pandemic. It will do neither.

“If 75 percent to 80 percent of Americans are vaccinated, then by the end of 2021, we can reach a degree of normality, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases”

The media and brainwashed dumbasses like you vilified anyone who chose to remain unvaccinated.

Because if 90% of the people get it. there is no more pandemic. You guys are lost in the weeds. Covering for your cult leader.

Just straight up making shit up here. You love to talk about cult leaders while blindly following anything Fauci says. Brainwashed.
Complete horseshit. The vaccine was originally marketed as stopping the spread and thus ending the pandemic. It will do neither.

“If 75 percent to 80 percent of Americans are vaccinated, then by the end of 2021, we can reach a degree of normality, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases”

The media and brainwashed dumbasses like you vilified anyone who chose to remain unvaccinated.

Just straight up making shit up here. You love to talk about cult leaders while blindly following anything Fauci says. Brainwashed.

I hear it’s actually 93.1%. Let’s be honest, the needle will move if we ever reach 90%.

I love these stupid numbers that mean nothing. They just grab a number out of a hat.
Reading my local newspaper and they have an article discussing health officials in Illinois are gearing up for another wave of Covid. The quote below is why...

"Now, both cases and hospitalizations are rising as the weather turns cold and people spend more time indoors, bringing reminders of the state’s worst surge last fall."
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Reading my local newspaper and they have an article discussing health officials in Illinois are gearing up for another wave of Covid. The quote below is why...

"Now, both cases and hospitalizations are rising as the weather turns cold and people spend more time indoors, bringing reminders of the state’s worst surge last fall."

It's amazing that it took "experts" so long to figure this out.

Meanwhile, we've been testing deer for antibodies this whole time. Why not humans? Remember all the talk about how testing would be a priority during the campaign?
I think it is funny the guy would call anyone an idiot given what he did. However, this is another example of why I hate social media so much. I drilled down to the the story and yes he did repeatedly say he was an idiot but more importantly he also said he has a credible self defense claim. However, that is never mentioned in the tweet.
Once again, social media is used to inflame instead of inform.
Meh. Toobin is an idiot. It doesn't take a social media post to understand that. And it doesn't take a social media post to understand he shouldn't be on TV, even if he said Rittenhouse had a valid self-defense claim.
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It's amazing that it took "experts" so long to figure this out.

Meanwhile, we've been testing deer for antibodies this whole time. Why not humans? Remember all the talk about how testing would be a priority during the campaign?
Some are still holding onto the notion that weather doesnt play a role. Then they will slowly pivot from no role, to a minor role, then to "of course it plays a role, we always knew that".

Even @stoneaxe27 will come around. But not's still too early for him.
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My 'cult leader", stopped immigration BOTH by air and walking across an unprotected border during a pandenic , and had no inflation or supply problems. All while reducing energy prices ( I paid $ 3.30 yesterday in NJ, up from UNDER $ 2.00.), produced thru private industry several vaccines and had fewer people die in the USA while he was President.

How is you're guy doing ?

81 million votes white liberals like @stoneaxe27 and @nthomp will tell you…..😂😂😂
"It's just a stutter".
He didn't stutter at all in the 70s tape. It is just a habit for this man.

Joe Biden is set to launch his second run for the presidency today but it will likely be overshadowed by some candid comments made in an interview with Jason Horowitz of the New York Observer.

Most noteworthy is what he says about Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said.
We have a very good friend who is anti-vaccine. She is a great person and personality but Tik Tok is getting to her. On Sunday we invited her to an event at our church and she apparently cornered a woman and told her off about her vaccine status. On Wednesday that person, who is still upset, told my wife how much she did not appreciate it.

So the point of this post is we all need to calm down about the vaccine, covid, and whatever else causes us to fly off our rockers. The level of vitriol in America is at an all time high. I think the poor administration in Washington contributes but civility still is a virtue that at least I am going to be more mindful of.
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We have a very good friend who is anti-vaccine. She is a great person and personality but Tik Tok is getting to her. On Sunday we invited her to an event at our church and she apparently cornered a woman and told her off about her vaccine status. On Wednesday that person, who is still upset, told my wife how much she did not appreciate it.

So the point of this post is we all need to calm down about the vaccine, covid, and whatever else causes us to fly off our rockers. The level of vitriol in America is at an all time high. I think the poor administration in Washington contributes but civility still is a virtue that at least I am going to be more mindful of.

How did vaccine status even come up? The lady who cuts my hair had a client leave her after 10 years because she was not vaxxed. She went to use some guy instead - little does she know her new guy is HIV positive.

Another person asked the lady who cuts my hair how she feels about unvaxxed clients. She said she doesn't care since their health information is none of her business.