This affects us all

You mean like the Republicans telling the people not to obey mask requirements, or vaccine requirements, or that the election was stolen?
Not quite, but nice try. The president of the United States is telling people to disobey a federal court decision. That is more egregious than any other example you can try to counter with.
You fell deep into the stupid well. If the kids get vaccinated, who cares if the deer have Covid? Instead you say "the deer have it , let's not bother getting the kids vaccinated". WAFI
So let’s say we achieve a 100% vaccination rate. Every single human being on earth. We’ll still get it and spread it. Also, we’ll all be at risk of the very real and very serious side effects. Again, this illness is a big nothing to 99% of people.
He has greater reason to be impeached than Trump. That much is certain. He and his admin are busy assaulting the Constitution and knowingly hurting US citizens…let alone allowing the border crisis to happen. They caused it. Every murder by an illegal alien or an unvetted refugee is on President Joe “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” Biden.
Complete horseshit. The vaccine was originally marketed as stopping the spread and thus ending the pandemic. It will do neither.

“If 75 percent to 80 percent of Americans are vaccinated, then by the end of 2021, we can reach a degree of normality, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases”

The media and brainwashed dumbasses like you vilified anyone who chose to remain unvaccinated.

Just straight up making shit up here. You love to talk about cult leaders while blindly following anything Fauci says. Brainwashed.
Everyone that is a MD expert in public health and all epidemiologists say so. On the other hand, someone that puts pills into dixie cups in an old person's home in EBF Illinois says it is all bullshit. Gee, whom do I believe?
nd had no inflation or supply problems.
BS, remember the shelves empty of paper towels, TP, bleach wipes, any cleaner, soap. Beef and pork expensive and hard to get because all of the packing house workers had Covid. Save it Kellyann.
Yeah, one where you don’t continue to get and spread the illness.
If CNN told you rain wasn’t wet, you’d be frothing at the mouth arguing with us and calling us a cult for believing rain actually was wet. o_O o_O
I am chuckling as I NEVER watch CNN.
He didn't stutter at all in the 70s tape. It is just a habit for this man.

Joe Biden is set to launch his second run for the presidency today but it will likely be overshadowed by some candid comments made in an interview with Jason Horowitz of the New York Observer.

Most noteworthy is what he says about Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said.
Holy Freak! You don't remember that from 2007? It was all over the news. How do you deal with the fact that despite that being known and repeated endlessly, Obama picked him for his VP?
How did vaccine status even come up? The lady who cuts my hair had a client leave her after 10 years because she was not vaxxed. She went to use some guy instead - little does she know her new guy is HIV positive.

Another person asked the lady who cuts my hair how she feels about unvaxxed clients. She said she doesn't care since their health information is none of her business.
Unfortunately zealots start the conversation and she is an anti-vaccine zealot. Kinda sad as she was very calm pre-covid. Biden forcing vaccinations may be what put her over the top but watching Tik Tok also gets her riled up. Just a side show in the crap covid is causing.
BS, remember the shelves empty of paper towels, TP, bleach wipes, any cleaner, soap. Beef and pork expensive and hard to get because all of the packing house workers had Covid. Save it Kellyann.

I remember the FIRST TP shortage, say Hello Johnny Carson.
Everyone that is a MD expert in public health and all epidemiologists say so. On the other hand, someone that puts pills into dixie cups in an old person's home in EBF Illinois says it is all bullshit. Gee, whom do I believe?
You believe the guy who once said little kids would get AIDS from being in the same house as HIV positive people.
Holy Freak! You don't remember that from 2007? It was all over the news. How do you deal with the fact that despite that being known and repeated endlessly, Obama picked him for his VP?

Stone, you are old enough to remember this one too!

“In 1973, during a speech at the City Club in Cleveland, Biden told an audience that the Nixon-era resurgence of Republicans in the South was a good thing,” Grim writes:

“I think the two-party system,” he said, “although my Democratic colleagues won’t like my saying this, is good for the South and good for the Negro, good for the black in the South. Other than the fact that [southern Senators] still call me boy, I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit.”
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Unfortunately zealots start the conversation and she is an anti-vaccine zealot. Kinda sad as she was very calm pre-covid. Biden forcing vaccinations may be what put her over the top but watching Tik Tok also gets her riled up. Just a side show in the crap covid is causing.
I’ve found it to be the opposite. The unvaxxed (far different from anti vaccine) don’t give a rip and know it is not their business. This lady is in another category.

As for Tik Tok, oh boy. That is a Chinese spy tool used to gather data on any and all users. Delete and avoid!
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Everyone that is a MD expert in public health and all epidemiologists say so. On the other hand, someone that puts pills into dixie cups in an old person's home in EBF Illinois says it is all bullshit. Gee, whom do I believe?
You’re such a dipshit. You have no idea what I do.

Do you even know how they came up with that 90% or you just taking their word for it?

The “vaccines” are less effective than originally thought and the R0 of the variants keeps increasing. This isn’t going away based on some magical % vaccinated anymore. Keep spreading the bullshit your masters feed you though. You’re definitely saving lives.
Trust the science
No , trust Alex Berenson(a failed journalist) Joe Rogan, any unknown poster on FB or the RW internet that doesn't know squat, and the "Doctors" appearing on Fox that have been wrong every step of the way.
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No , trust Alex Berenson(a failed journalist) Joe Rogan, any unknown poster on FB or the RW internet that doesn't know squat, and the "Doctors" appearing on Fox that have been wrong every step of the way.

Doctors and experts are just now acknowledging something a lot of us have known for months. Maybe we need new experts.
No , trust Alex Berenson(a failed journalist) Joe Rogan, any unknown poster on FB or the RW internet that doesn't know squat, and the "Doctors" appearing on Fox that have been wrong every step of the way.
I love that you’re so arrogant that you really believe you’re the only person that could possibly discern what is correct and what isn’t. Yet, almost daily you post complete bullshit disseminated by major media outlets that’s later proven false over and over again.

Maybe you should attempt to use whatever brain left that isn’t permanently indoctrinated by the bullshit you consume daily and attempt to think for yourself. You’re so dazed by your hate of the previous administration that you’re completely incapable of independent thought. Wake up.

Doctors and experts are just now acknowledging something a lot of us have known for months. Maybe we need new experts.
Most of the “experts” that are now Twitter famous and appearing on cable news have an invested interest in prolonging this indefinitely. People forget they’re humans too. Most of them are grifters just like Berenson.

People like Stoner that use appeal to authority for their arguments only to site a Twitter or boobtube epidemiologist are goners. They’ll never move on from this. Unfortunately that’s a significant chunk of our population.
People like Stoner that use appeal to authority for their arguments only to site a Twitter or boobtube epidemiologist are goners. They’ll never move on from this. Unfortunately that’s a significant chunk of our population.
Appeal to authority marks you as the nincompoop I thought you to be. It has nothing to do with authority, it has to do with possessing the ability to think rationally and listen to those that have specialized training and education, plus follow the same path to defeating this pandemic, that we have followed for a century. I hope you are working a mop at work, and not even passing out pills prescribed by others. Did you tell the Doctors at work that they are mistaken and the vaccine was bullshit, and the residents shouldn't take it? 🤡
Appeal to authority marks you as the nincompoop I thought you to be. It has nothing to do with authority, it has to do with possessing the ability to think rationally and listen to those that have specialized training and education, plus follow the same path to defeating this pandemic, that we have followed for a century. I hope you are working a mop at work, and not even passing out pills prescribed by others. Did you tell the Doctors at work that they are mistaken and the vaccine was bullshit, and the residents shouldn't take it? 🤡
I believe he to not be anti-vaccine. He is anti-vaccine mandate. Lots of us are. Plus, he recognizes that the vaccine isnt what it was hoped to be.
Like ELI!!

She blamed DeSantis for the peak in Florida a few months ago. She’s terrible, but hey, I’ll give her credit for finally being able to think again.

I’m still holding out hope that you might do the same. One day…
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Appeal to authority marks you as the nincompoop I thought you to be. It has nothing to do with authority, it has to do with possessing the ability to think rationally and listen to those that have specialized training and education, plus follow the same path to defeating this pandemic, that we have followed for a century. I hope you are working a mop at work, and not even passing out pills prescribed by others. Did you tell the Doctors at work that they are mistaken and the vaccine was bullshit, and the residents shouldn't take it? 🤡
Your lame attempts at deflection by mocking my profession are childish and tired. You have no idea what I do. My role is exactly what you describe. I review charts and write recommendations to physicians to change their medications prescribed when current literature conflicts with their prescribing habits. I am also available to consult with them when they have questions and they gladly pay me to do so.

You act like a physician like Fauci is some magic wizard that knows all. He’s a human like the rest of us. He’s corrupt and flawed. You refuse to acknowledge that because you’re a brainwashed cult member.
"The concern among health officials like Fauci is that winter holidays and cold weather will soon bring about more travel and indoor gatherings — where a respiratory virus will transmit more easily."

""So as we go into the winter months with the challenge of a respiratory infection being worse in the winter months, we can get through this if we really put a lot of effort into getting as many people vaccinated as we possibly can," Fauci said."

No , trust Alex Berenson(a failed journalist)
Berenson quit the NYT. That isn’t a fail. He actually is a journalist, unlike the groupthink twats you follow. Berenson is no righty.

Is Bari Weiss a “failed journalist”?
Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan has firsthand knowledge of Covid and it’s treatment, much like you supposedly have first hand knowledge of busy patterns in Florida.
any unknown poster on FB or the RW internet that doesn't know squat, and
Yeah. Blanket statements are lazy, but you haven’t represented yourself as a genius. The US is one of the few places Covid has been politicized. The Democrat authoritarians are playing a game that will be ending up much like the Russia Collusion Delusion with John Durham investigating and a Scooby Doo cartoon. They would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.
the "Doctors" appearing on Fox that have been wrong every step of the way.
You don’t watch Fox, so you would not know. And before you claim you saw something, anyone can parse an interview.
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You act like a physician like Fauci is some magic wizard that knows all. He’s a human like the rest of us. He’s corrupt and flawed
I agree that he is only human, but he is an expert, maybe the expert in his field. To say that he is corrupt makes you a conspiracy nut, and I hope the Doctors aren't taking your recommendations.

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