Current events

... and we got suckers like you telling us he’s the only line of defense. Comical ...
Never said that, only that the (R)s are too weak to get control of their party. It simply took someone who gave the appearance of listening to voters and the house of cards folded. It's institutional failure that DJT simply exploited.
Trump has had 2 positive moments in this campaign run. He easily defeated Biden in the debate, and he survived an assassination attempt. Other than that, it’s just the same old Trump, but older. Not very good at campaigning and winning elections.
This illustrates why he is losing, he is focused on NUTTY conspiracies, and crowd size.

"Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she 'A.I.’d' it, and showed a massive 'crowd' of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!"
"She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the 'crowd' looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake 'crowds' at her speeches."
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Never said that, only that the (R)s are too weak to get control of their party. It simply took someone who gave the appearance of listening to voters and the house of cards folded. It's institutional failure that DJT simply exploited.
There will be a thousand scholarly books written trying to understand how a party of strength, patriotism, financial conservatism gives themselves up completely to a bankrupt, conman that cares nothing for the country.
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There will be a thousand scholarly books written trying to understand how a party of strength, patriotism, financial conservatism gives themselves up completely to a bankrupt, conman that cares nothing for the country.
Maybe, though since the winner writes the history the R(s) are apt to be memory-holed in the end. But if it does happen, hopefully the best of them won't conflate the symptom (Trump) with the cause(s), whatever exactly they were. As football season approaches the analogy that leaps to mind is: one team played to win, the other played scared/not to lose.
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I’m not voting for Harris, this tweet does not address people like me.

You’re voting for the guy that you think is responsible for endless death and vaccine injury.
LOL. While you may not vote for Harris, you are too “good” to vote for Trump. Amazing how much you whine and moan about Harris/Biden and crime in Colorado and then choose to effectively sit this election out. Your inability to choose the lesser of two evils leads to the greater evil having a chance to continue to f up Colorado. When it happens, you deserve it and everything that comes with it.

I’m voting for the guy who didn’t mandate the vax, bud. I’m also voting for the guy with whom I and you agree with 90 percent of the time. MAGA and AAs told Trump to pound sand when he encouraged people to take the vax.
I’m not voting for either candidate. I’m still hopeful Trump backs out last minute, for any reason.

Guess what Trump gave us? He gave us Fauci as the leader of the country in 2020, and 4 years of Biden/Harris. He has set the GOP back more than anyone before him. I don’t want to give him 4 more years to put the last nail in the GOP coffin.

I’m not voting for someone if I think they are responsible for millions of deaths. TJ thinks the Trump/Fauci vaccines have done that. If killing millions doesn’t disqualify you as a candidate, you just might be in a cult. Remember when TJ thought the Trump vaccine killed the golfer that killed himself, and came here to celebrate? I do. That’s the person you are on the side of here.

I will write in a candidate that I think is a decent person and a leader. We don’t have a candidate with those qualities right now, and I’m not a tribal person. I vote for quality candidates, don’t just follow party lines.
You’ve gone batshit crazy rill. I suspected it killed the golfer, didn’t say it killed Grayson. I strongly suspect it killed Vontae Davis who died 4 months ago. Has a cause of death pending autopsy been released on the totally healthy 2x pro bowler?

You sound like Stone, but lack the courage of Stone.

I’ll note deranged Train who would never vote for Harris is now apparently voting for Harris. And he says she is smart too due to a piece of paper ignoring ample evidence to the contrary. OTOH, a UPenn Wharton MBA does not mean you are smart by default. Trump has blown up Train’s brain and it is hilarious to watch. Or was it the vax? (Second part is a joke, maybe)
You’ve gone batshit crazy rill. I suspected it killed the golfer, didn’t say it killed Grayson. I strongly suspect it killed Vontae Davis who died 4 months ago. Has a cause of death pending autopsy been released on the totally healthy 2x pro bowler?

You sound like Stone, but lack the courage of Stone.

I’ll note deranged Train who would never vote for Harris is now apparently voting for Harris. And he says she is smart too due to a piece of paper ignoring ample evidence to the contrary. OTOH, a UPenn Wharton MBA does not mean you are smart by default. Trump has blown up Train’s brain and it is hilarious to watch. Or was it the vax? (Second part is a joke, maybe)
Trump spent two years at Penn and received a BS in Economics. Trump does not have an MBA.
You’ve gone batshit crazy rill. I suspected it killed the golfer, didn’t say it killed Grayson. I strongly suspect it killed Vontae Davis who died 4 months ago. Has a cause of death pending autopsy been released on the totally healthy 2x pro bowler?

You sound like Stone, but lack the courage of Stone.

I’ll note deranged Train who would never vote for Harris is now apparently voting for Harris. And he says she is smart too due to a piece of paper ignoring ample evidence to the contrary. OTOH, a UPenn Wharton MBA does not mean you are smart by default. Trump has blown up Train’s brain and it is hilarious to watch. Or was it the vax? (Second part is a joke, maybe)

I thought the rumor with Vontae was a reaction to medication, but admittedly have not looked into it much. Family might not want that information to come out, best not to speculate. Didn’t serve you well with the golfer.

Batshit crazy because I won’t vote for people that I don’t believe can lead the country. I guess I don’t want to be sane.
Trump spent two years at Penn and received a BS in Economics. Trump does not have an MBA.
That’s fine and thank you. Personally, for me a degree is an indicator but not an absolute. I’ll just say I know MBAs from great schools and I wonder what they were taught. Likewise, Kamala and Joe are both pretty dumb, so I question the degrees of their respective institutions.
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That’s fine and thank you. Personally, for me a degree is an indicator but not an absolute. I’ll just say I know MBAs from great schools and I wonder what they were taught. Likewise, Kamala and Joe are both pretty dumb, so I question the degrees of their respective institutions.
I will tell you this. I received a MBA from Northwestern and it wasn't very difficult.
My concentrations were finance, economics and management.
I thought the rumor with Vontae was a reaction to medication, but admittedly have not looked into it much. Family might not want that information to come out, best not to speculate. Didn’t serve you well with the golfer.

Batshit crazy because I won’t vote for people that I don’t believe can lead the country. I guess I don’t want to be sane.
You are just wishy washy and will continue to whine and moan about Colorado’s and America’s decline while waiting for the perfect candidate to arrive. Good luck with that.

I’ve searched Vontae Davis COD several times. NADA. It’s been 4 months and 1 week. Only foul play has been ruled out. Autopsy reports are public records generally speaking and toxicology takes a max of 8 weeks.

Best not to speculate for a vaxxed person. For me, I wonder why a perfectly fit 35 year old man drops dead unexpectedly. He is an Illini legend and my interest remains. The Tim Lavery COD got out pretty quickly.
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You are just wishy washy and will continue to whine and moan about Colorado’s and America’s decline while waiting for the perfect candidate to arrive. Good luck with that.

I’ve searched Vontae Davis COD several times. NADA. It’s been 4 months and 1 year. Only foul play has been ruled out. Autopsy reports are public records generally speaking and toxicology takes a max of 8 weeks.

Best not to speculate for a vaxxed person. For me, I wonder why a perfectly fit 35 year old man drops dead unexpectedly. He is an Illini legend and my interest remains. The Tim Lavery COD got out pretty quickly.

One of us might be batshit crazy.
You’ve gone batshit crazy rill. I suspected it killed the golfer, didn’t say it killed Grayson. I strongly suspect it killed Vontae Davis who died 4 months ago. Has a cause of death pending autopsy been released on the totally healthy 2x pro bowler?

You sound like Stone, but lack the courage of Stone.

I’ll note deranged Train who would never vote for Harris is now apparently voting for Harris. And he says she is smart too due to a piece of paper ignoring ample evidence to the contrary. OTOH, a UPenn Wharton MBA does not mean you are smart by default. Trump has blown up Train’s brain and it is hilarious to watch. Or was it the vax? (Second part is a joke, maybe)
She’s being hidden by the Dems, but she is really smart despite all evidence to the contrary? Obama must not think she is very bright or she would be taking on the MSM already. What they are doing is building her up into some super human of which she is the opposite and then when she stumbles and bumbles, people will give her the benefit of the doubt. It takes serious mental gymnastics for a real Republican to vote for Kamala and her VP.

Walz appears to be a habitual liar. He claimed the team he head coached won a state football championship. He HC’d the Freshman team. That team didn’t have a post-season. So what state championship did he win? The varsity team won it. He lied about being a CFM. Dems are trying to present him as a good ol’ midwestern boy when he is extremely far to the left and past Bernie. Only the Republicans have Romney lovers dumb enough to illogically root for the other team. We have some conservative Supreme Court Justices who aren’t getting any younger, too. They want to punt so more KJB’s can be placed on the Court.

Trump was awarded an Ellis Island Medal of Honor alongside Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks. The particular award is for “individuals who have made it their mission to share with those less fortunate, their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity. They do so while acknowledging their debt to their ethnic heritage as they uphold the ideals and spirit of America.” I never have been enamored with Trump. He certainly has his own issues, but he has done some great things with his money and not concerned himself with people knowing about it. FI, when Jennifer Hudson’s family members were murdered, he had her and some other family members stay at Trump Tower in Chicago. He made sure they were safe and he footed the bill. There are plenty of stories like that one. You just won’t hear them from the people who need to think the absolute worst of him even though his policies will be far superior to the other team.
The GOP isn’t going back to being the party of Wall Street, union busting, and military adventurism. Perhaps it could once again be committed to fiscal responsibility, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The change is at least semi-permanent, and the candidate for President in 2028 will actually inherit a broader coalition.

Right now it’s getting 46.5% of the popular vote, not sure that coalition is as good as many keep telling me.

I tend to think that Trump broadened the possible voters - while losing lots of reliable suburban types - more because the hyper politicization he ushered in caused certain folks, largely minorities and some working class whites drifting right, to realize that the GOP was a little closer to their views than they realized.
Never said that, only that the (R)s are too weak to get control of their party. It simply took someone who gave the appearance of listening to voters and the house of cards folded. It's institutional failure that DJT simply exploited.

What am I supposed to make of the term uniparty? The 2014 GOP was much further away from the Dems than the 2024 GOP, at least on domestic issues.

The current GOP listens to some voters and has disregarded others. As someone in the latter camp, I’m happy to serve my small amount of payback for that.
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The Military Industrial Complex, National Security State, weren't these left wing boogeymen from the past? Combine with surveillance conspiracies and they are now fears of the Right.
Ask eisenhoweR, jfk about that……the intelligence agencies spying on politicians is far from a conspiracy. The FBI certainly spied on MLK and most certainly dangled his vices To blackmail him
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Better than fighting with an actual conservative like Brian Kemp.

I am still a little thrown that the GOP has “grown” in recent years. The party lost badly in 2018, lost in 2020, wildly undeperformed in 2022 (basically a push election which is laughably horrid in those circumstances), and may well lose in 2024.

Its the worst run for a major party in decades really.

For every working class minority attracted, Trump has lost at least as many suburban voters. So the party has changed (IMHO for the worse), and the electoral prospects are worse.
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Ask eisenhoweR, jfk about that……the intelligence agencies spying on politicians is far from a conspiracy. The FBI certainly spied on MLK and most certainly dangled his vices To blackmail him

I’m sympathetic to this take, but why do you have to go back to the 1960s for all your example.

On this one at least, there’s ample evidence of massive data collection overreach for at least a decade after 9-11, hell Russiagate is an example of bad FBI behavior (not to the MLK level).
I’m sympathetic to this take, but why do you have to go back to the 1960s for all your example.

On this one at least, there’s ample evidence of massive data collection overreach for at least a decade after 9-11, hell Russiagate is an example of bad FBI behavior (not to the MLK level).
I honestly believe the evidence we have is likely the tip of the iceberg. I have posted this before but Nixon all but admitted that the intelligence agencies took him down.

In summary….

- too dangerous for women to train against
- has a male karyotype
- had to be put on testosterone suppressants

But you are a bigot/transphobe if you don’t think this person should be able to compete against biological women. Great that they let this person beat the shit out of a bunch of women before leaking the truth.

In summary….

- too dangerous for women to train against
- has a male karyotype
- had to be put on testosterone suppressants

But you are a bigot/transphobe if you don’t think this person should be able to compete against biological women. Great that they let this person beat the shit out of a bunch of women before leaking the truth.

This is what I told you when this first came on. There’s a Y chromosome, but she was raised female. The issue is not transgenderism. It is a sporting question, not a political one. Btw, in Texas, she would be competing in girls HS sports, as the birth certificate decides (in order to limit any efforts of males to invade female sports).

At least in world athletics (track), which I don’t think applies, situations like this require testosterone reduction treatment.
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This is what I told you when this first came on. There’s a Y chromosome, but she was raised female. The issue is not transgenderism. It is a sporting question, not a political one. Btw, in Texas, she would be competing in girls HS sports, as the birth certificate decides (in order to limit any efforts of males to invade female sports).

At least in world athletics (track), which I don’t think applies, situations like this require testosterone reduction treatment.

Y chromosome and higher levels of testosterone tell me that is not a woman. Don’t have to call them a man, but it’s not a woman. Intersex, and should not be participating in women’s sports, especially at the highest level.
I am curious if crime rates are based on convictions. I am sure Dtrain has posted this answer.

My son lives in Minneapolis. He was rear ended in a hit and run scenario in Minneapolis downtown. All three of the passengers in his car were injured and one of them pretty badly. They gave the police the first 4 digits of the license plate, color and make of the car. As we all know, Minneapolis police numbers are way down. Nobody has been arrested. This happened two months ago.

So, I guess the question is if there is a crime in this scenario? I mean, I know there is a crime, but does this count as one for statistical purpose at this point?
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The media has collectively used terms such as “joy” to describe Kamala while collectively stating Trump used a “slur” to describe her. It’s all by design.
That is rich coming from Glenn Greenwald. He sold himself to be a Putin lackey, became a talking head on FOX which is a very large member of "US Corporate Media" and which is "a potent testament to the power of propaganda". Can't make this crap up.
That is rich coming from Glenn Greenwald. He sold himself to be a Putin lackey, became a talking head on FOX which is a very large member of "US Corporate Media" and which is "a potent testament to the power of propaganda". Can't make this crap up.

It is sad to see how easy both sides will back their poor candidate, so passionately. Afraid to criticize, because it might hurt your team.

Independents know that both candidates are terrible.
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It is sad to see how easy both sides will back their poor candidate, so passionately. Afraid to criticize, because it might hurt your team.

Independents know that both candidates are terrible.
Has nothing to do with Glenn Greenwald's criticisms that are aimed at himself. Goes without saying that you guys don't like the candidate. I don't waste my time arguing otherwise with you.
It is sad to see how easy both sides will back their poor candidate, so passionately. Afraid to criticize, because it might hurt your team.

Independents know that both candidates are terrible.
I am not an independent and definitely align with the GOP, but I have openly stated the errors I see from Trump. I think pretending that independents that can't figure out which one they like better enough to cast a useful vote, are the ones to solve the Rubik's cube is a little silly.