Current events

Never said that, only that the (R)s are too weak to get control of their party. It simply took someone who gave the appearance of listening to voters and the house of cards folded. It's institutional failure that DJT simply exploited.
National dislike of Swillery !

Here's Jeff Asher's dashboard on the murders in the biggest 277 American cities (or at least all of the big ones plus a good sample of the smaller areas in the country). If we maintain the current pace through end of the year, we will end up with a 2024 homicide rate in the lowest 5 years of the past 60. Tracking for about a 4.6-4.7 homicides per 100K Americans, the low of the past 60 years is 4.4/100K.

Big Will responding to this because it destroys his narrative.

Big Will ... you realize this dude is not affiliated with the FBI, right? He's just taking the PD-issued crime reports (which in some places come daily), and plugging them into his database. He's created this himself. I found this guy linked in a Wall Street Journal piece too ... the bastion of lefty thought the Murdoch-owned WSJ is.
I’m not voting for either candidate. I’m still hopeful Trump backs out last minute, for any reason.

Guess what Trump gave us? He gave us Fauci as the leader of the country in 2020, and 4 years of Biden/Harris. He has set the GOP back more than anyone before him. I don’t want to give him 4 more years to put the last nail in the GOP coffin.

I’m not voting for someone if I think they are responsible for millions of deaths. TJ thinks the Trump/Fauci vaccines have done that. If killing millions doesn’t disqualify you as a candidate, you just might be in a cult. Remember when TJ thought the Trump vaccine killed the golfer that killed himself, and came here to celebrate? I do. That’s the person you are on the side of here.

I will write in a candidate that I think is a decent person and a leader. We don’t have a candidate with those qualities right now, and I’m not a tribal person. I vote for quality candidates, don’t just follow party lines.
The Wuhan Flu is the responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party ! $ 7,000,000 + deaths.

Partially funded by a section of the USA Federal government ! Letting the CCP do extremely dangerous experiments in Level 2 ( US Dentist offices !) instead of Level 4 !!!!

Is Dr Flip Flop in jail either from # 45 OR # 46 ?
Have I called you a terrorist sympathizer ever?

Oh ... imagine that.

Greenwald and Taibbi have long histories of arguing positions maximally favorable to the current Russian regime, despite obvious evidence to the contrary. I don't know Greenwald's history with Russia, but I do know Taibbi reported there for quite some time in his life (maybe he fell in love with Russia, maybe he's a useful idiot for Russian operatives, maybe they pay him, but his opinions on Russia are mostly devoid of a connection to reality).

There are certainly arguments against, say, supporting the Ukrainian war effort. I personally find them extremely non-compelling, but I don't find them problematic in terms of being argued. But those who make these arguments all have strange ties to Russia and/or a long history of being pro-Kremlin. (It's why I don't find the fact that Seymour Hersh thinks America blew up the pipeline compelling, he thinks America was behind every bad act of the 20th and 21st century at this point).

From my end, when every person arguing for a position has red flags around them, you have to start to why normal brains aren't taking the position.
You haven’t. When the gulf wars started , this is what people who opposed war were called. Ironically, I supprted it at the time but realize now it was a mistake. Also, probably most people who opposed it were Democrats.
article said:
Carty pines for the GOP that drew her in at the age of 18: a party defined by lower taxes, less regulation, respect for the courts and the Constitution. She wishes the GOP would support reasonable gun safety measures, and let women – not politicians or judges – make difficult decisions about reproductive rights.

“A ‘Never Trump’ Republican,” Carty said. “That is how I would best label myself.”
She sounds like a feelings over facts Democrat. Longs for the 80’s. Voted for Clinton and Biden. Haley is brought up in this article multiple times. Nobody of any intelligence wanted her. The only thing she got right was abortion and Trump has picked up that policy from her. She’s offended by “cat lady”, but she has a 5 year old, so she took offense to something that essentially didn’t pertain to her.

Big Will responding to this because it destroys his narrative.

Big Will ... you realize this dude is not affiliated with the FBI, right? He's just taking the PD-issued crime reports (which in some places come daily), and plugging them into his database. He's created this himself. I found this guy linked in a Wall Street Journal piece too ... the bastion of lefty thought the Murdoch-owned WSJ is.

You continually attempt to say the Crime Rate is down , using whomever you want to use so as claim your stats are correct !

So I have to respond till you respond to facts.

Like the murder rate being UP OVER 20 %, not down 7 % like you love to post. OR the national crime stats NOT being collected in 50 % of ALL police departments the US by the FBI !

The FBI ESTIMATES crime rates ! As an organization in upper management they are AWFUL !

The Head of the FBI thinks that DJT wasn't hit by a bullet, or 1 Dead and 2 other attendees aren't wounded.

Meanwhile I also give personal life experiences from my OWN relatives in the LARGEST PD in the World !
( Matt was just assigned to investigate a string of high end watch robberies that are all over $ 25,000 a watch.
Because he solved a gang from 2 years ago that were going into bars and robbing high value watches usually under $ 10,000.) This guy follows a target and chokes the victim out !

He still can't get permission from Bragg to go to NJ or RI to arrest gangs of car jacking or home invasions !
The GOP is in position to lose to Harris, after losing to Biden, because people abandoned their values to continue voting for Trump. You can blame people like me all you want, but a look in the mirror might help at some point. None of you would have voted for Trump 10 years ago. You thought he was a celebrity Democrat. Now you guys can’t stop voting for him, despite a proven inability to lead. It’s maddening.
I have surrendered no values to vote for DJT attempting to raise the livings of lower to middle class Americans !
Raising wages for those Americans, no matter their race, sex, or religious creed.

I can recall being at a political $ 1,000 a plate Dinner to retire the campaign debt for the Democratic loser for NYC Mayor.

He had a table and he was a Democrat, but not a celebrity those days !

Look in the mirror ? Watch Ryan again to motivate you off the couch ! I thought more of you !
Because Vegas is almost completely service workers. Midwest, not so much.
My 3 Sisters worked for tips at the Jersey Shore, under 1/2 mile from the Atlantic Ocean.

1 of my Granddaughters declined the Sandy Hook Conn FULL scholarship to U Conn to pay her own way to South Carolina, how ? TIPS.

Now her Sister has the same decision to make ! Shes been working for tips since her freshman year in HS ( Sr in Sept )
The Military Industrial Complex, National Security State, weren't these left wing boogeymen from the past? Combine with surveillance conspiracies and they are now fears of the Right.
I know they exist since Ike !
This illustrates why he is losing, he is focused on NUTTY conspiracies, and crowd size.

"Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she 'A.I.’d' it, and showed a massive 'crowd' of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!"
"She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the 'crowd' looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake 'crowds' at her speeches."
AI has proven her attendees don't exist, except in her mind !
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You haven’t. When the gulf wars started , this is what people who opposed war were called. Ironically, I supprted it at the time but realize now it was a mistake. Also, probably most people who opposed it were Democrats.

Not many folks think the first Gulf War was a mistake. Interestingly a similar situation to Russia/Ukraine.
Not many folks think the first Gulf War was a mistake. Interestingly a similar situation to Russia/Ukraine.
The first Gulf War was not a mistake. Desert Shield. Then Desert Storm. It was done correctly with superb diplomacy creating the coalition forces. Ukraine isn’t similar.
The first Gulf War was not a mistake. Desert Shield. Then Desert Storm. It was done correctly with superb diplomacy creating the coalition forces. Ukraine isn’t similar.

Way to not make an argument. A larger neighbor invades a weaker one without any real justification. Very similar. The international community in the West heavily opposes it. Also similar.

Biggest difference is no one wants a direct hot conflict with a nation of 150M with nukes.
You continually attempt to say the Crime Rate is down , using whomever you want to use so as claim your stats are correct !

So I have to respond till you respond to facts.

Like the murder rate being UP OVER 20 %, not down 7 % like you love to post. OR the national crime stats NOT being collected in 50 % of ALL police departments the US by the FBI !

The FBI ESTIMATES crime rates ! As an organization in upper management they are AWFUL !

The Head of the FBI thinks that DJT wasn't hit by a bullet, or 1 Dead and 2 other attendees aren't wounded.

Meanwhile I also give personal life experiences from my OWN relatives in the LARGEST PD in the World !
( Matt was just assigned to investigate a string of high end watch robberies that are all over $ 25,000 a watch.
Because he solved a gang from 2 years ago that were going into bars and robbing high value watches usually under $ 10,000.) This guy follows a target and chokes the victim out !

He still can't get permission from Bragg to go to NJ or RI to arrest gangs of car jacking or home invasions !

Please provide any bit of evidence the murder rate was up in 2023 or 2024. We will wait forever.

If you are arguing it was up from some arbitrary point 5 or 10 years ago, that’s fine. But it’s not a current crime trend either.

I’m literally citing to independent sources tracking the daily crime rate, not the FBI. Everyone who tracks this shows murder down currently and by a lot. This is not some ploy, it’s the fact that Floyd/Covid drove the spike and now it’s fading away.
Way to not make an argument. A larger neighbor invades a weaker one without any real justification. Very similar. The international community in the West heavily opposes it. Also similar.

Biggest difference is no one wants a direct hot conflict with a nation of 150M with nukes.
I was agreeing with you about Gulf War 1. As for similarities, the only thing similar is large nation attacks smaller nation. The reason for invasion is different, the response is completely different.
I was agreeing with you about Gulf War 1. As for similarities, the only thing similar is large nation attacks smaller nation. The reason for invasion is different, the response is completely different.

The response has been markedly similar except for obvious reasons no one wants a major war (which Saddam couldn’t produce).

The invasion is viewed as highly invalid and unrelated to a longstanding dispute. Saddam wanted oil, Putin wants (allegedly) a larger buffer against the West (I really think he views this more as a legacy project towards his view of Russian greatness). Both Saddam and Putin had long histories of conflict for which they were mostly responsible.

I know you agreed on Gulf War 1. Me personally, I think domestic political considerations are causing you to dismiss obvious similarities. Just not how I roll, I don’t care what the GOP or other voters or whatever is perceived to have changed from the passage of time. I try to apply the same principles regardless of exterior conditions, of course my principles could be wrong.

I suppose the big difference is that we have left the Cold War mentality. At that time, the West felt functionally united because of the historical Russian threat. Interestingly Putin is at least trying to bring that back on a smaller scale with his moves the last 2.5 years.
Not much related to the X post below…Does Byron Donalds have interest in moving up the ladder? He has been quite good interviewing on different networks since he was elected.


Yep- our elections are safe and secure…. 🤣

So a single case of voter fraud involving registering in different places (not double voting, which is the usual complaint) reveals that our elections are corrupt? Do you believe this to be true?

It’s the equivalent of saying that a single police involved shooting means that the cops are systematically racist.
Not much related to the X post below…Does Byron Donalds have interest in moving up the ladder? He has been quite good interviewing on different networks since he was elected.

The distinction is one applies only to service and hospitality workers, not wall street or financial sector.
The response has been markedly similar except for obvious reasons no one wants a major war (which Saddam couldn’t produce).

The invasion is viewed as highly invalid and unrelated to a longstanding dispute. Saddam wanted oil, Putin wants (allegedly) a larger buffer against the West (I really think he views this more as a legacy project towards his view of Russian greatness). Both Saddam and Putin had long histories of conflict for which they were mostly responsible.

I know you agreed on Gulf War 1. Me personally, I think domestic political considerations are causing you to dismiss obvious similarities. Just not how I roll, I don’t care what the GOP or other voters or whatever is perceived to have changed from the passage of time. I try to apply the same principles regardless of exterior conditions, of course my principles could be wrong.

I suppose the big difference is that we have left the Cold War mentality. At that time, the West felt functionally united because of the historical Russian threat. Interestingly Putin is at least trying to bring that back on a smaller scale with his moves the last 2.5 years.
Putin invaded Ukraine because the US leadership was weak, US diplomacy was poor and there was valid consideration of Ukraine being offered membership in NATO. Hussein entered Kuwait because he was done with Kuwaiti oil production costing Iraq.

Bush formed a coalition of unbelievable girth from all over the world, including Arab countries. Ukraine invasion? Not so much. They couldn’t even agree on how to route equipment and what equipment to send to a country being invaded by Putin.

A huge difference between the two invasions is US leadership. Gulf 1 was a Republican President who had the backing of the vast majority of Americans. OTOH, this invasion occurred under weak Democrat leadership, the same as Crimea. Obama’s team including Hillary Clinton set the world on fire for 8 years, completely misunderstanding the Arab Spring, etc. The junior dopes in his Admin are now setting foreign policy and of course are completely out of their depth. These second stringers from the Obama Admin have made China and Russia allies. It used to be we could count on both of them not working together. Economic sanctions don't work well when other large countries become markets for Putin's Russia.

Another difference between the two invasions is what it means to US voters (citizens). As an example, after 9/11 the people understood the purpose of the mission and supported it. The purpose of spending US taxpayer/printed money on a non-NATO country is extremely foggy. What was Biden and his son doing in Ukraine when he was VP?

Times have changed. Bush 43/Cheney and much of that Admin embellished about Iraq/Hussein to start a war. Between Afghanistan and Iraq, more people have come to the idea that the US doesn’t need to constantly be in wars. Viet Nam should have been the last of it. Unfortunately history repeats itself for those who forget. The insanity of the Afghan conflict/occupation is how the US government helped the mujahideen and finally Russia left. It was the Soviet's Viet Nam. Bush 43 went for the occupation anyway. The US replaced the Taliban with the Taliban. A classic case of the exporting of democracy not working for the umpteenth time. That idea is past its prime.

US demographics are completely different than 1990. We are much more diverse ethnically. I think it is important to get back to shared values of the Melting Pot, as opposed to this Tossed Salad nonsense, but regardless of those concepts, the diversity of the US population means is we are no longer connected to Europe the way we have been since 1620. Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, African-Americans. None of these groups are tied into a European "homeland".

Now add on that many European countries didn't pay their fair share for NATO. Why did so many previous Presidential Administrations accept this? The former President you despise woke these countries up. Trump made the correct point. If those European countries do not meet their obligations, why would we come to their aid? As an attorney, surely you understand what happens when contractual obligations aren't met. NATO has some serious issues and we need to look hard at what the solution is. America now has both the EU and UK trying to rule over our country as if we are subjects with the EU threatening Musk about his Trump interview. The EU has no jurisdiction over the US. The UK has some government officials claiming they are going to extradite US citizens for making social media posts about what is happening in their country. That's what unfettered globalism has accomplished. Europeans thinking they can make Americans conform to their garbage laws on US soil. We are a sovereign nation.
Putin invaded Ukraine because the US leadership was weak, US diplomacy was poor and there was valid consideration of Ukraine being offered membership in NATO. Hussein entered Kuwait because he was done with Kuwaiti oil production costing Iraq.

Bush formed a coalition of unbelievable girth from all over the world, including Arab countries. Ukraine invasion? Not so much. They couldn’t even agree on how to route equipment and what equipment to send to a country being invaded by Putin.

A huge difference between the two invasions is US leadership. Gulf 1 was a Republican President who had the backing of the vast majority of Americans. OTOH, this invasion occurred under weak Democrat leadership, the same as Crimea. Obama’s team including Hillary Clinton set the world on fire for 8 years, completely misunderstanding the Arab Spring, etc. The junior dopes in his Admin are now setting foreign policy and of course are completely out of their depth. These second stringers from the Obama Admin have made China and Russia allies. It used to be we could count on both of them not working together. Economic sanctions don't work well when other large countries become markets for Putin's Russia.

Another difference between the two invasions is what it means to US voters (citizens). As an example, after 9/11 the people understood the purpose of the mission and supported it. The purpose of spending US taxpayer/printed money on a non-NATO country is extremely foggy. What was Biden and his son doing in Ukraine when he was VP?

Times have changed. Bush 43/Cheney and much of that Admin embellished about Iraq/Hussein to start a war. Between Afghanistan and Iraq, more people have come to the idea that the US doesn’t need to constantly be in wars. Viet Nam should have been the last of it. Unfortunately history repeats itself for those who forget. The insanity of the Afghan conflict/occupation is how the US government helped the mujahideen and finally Russia left. It was the Soviet's Viet Nam. Bush 43 went for the occupation anyway. The US replaced the Taliban with the Taliban. A classic case of the exporting of democracy not working for the umpteenth time. That idea is past its prime.

US demographics are completely different than 1990. We are much more diverse ethnically. I think it is important to get back to shared values of the Melting Pot, as opposed to this Tossed Salad nonsense, but regardless of those concepts, the diversity of the US population means is we are no longer connected to Europe the way we have been since 1620. Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, African-Americans. None of these groups are tied into a European "homeland".

Now add on that many European countries didn't pay their fair share for NATO. Why did so many previous Presidential Administrations accept this? The former President you despise woke these countries up. Trump made the correct point. If those European countries do not meet their obligations, why would we come to their aid? As an attorney, surely you understand what happens when contractual obligations aren't met. NATO has some serious issues and we need to look hard at what the solution is. America now has both the EU and UK trying to rule over our country as if we are subjects with the EU threatening Musk about his Trump interview. The EU has no jurisdiction over the US. The UK has some government officials claiming they are going to extradite US citizens for making social media posts about what is happening in their country. That's what unfettered globalism has accomplished. Europeans thinking they can make Americans conform to their garbage laws on US soil. We are a sovereign nation.

I don't agree with everything in this post, but it's a well constructed argument. I do agree that the domestic politics are very different today than they were back then, and I find that largely unfortunate. Ukraine was nowhere near being offered NATO membership (and still isn't); however, it was obviously moving westward, tho even then I don't think that's what drove Putin invading.

The point on ethnic backgrounds is interesting. I'd suggest that, if were true, we should be getting more - not less - involved in Latin America, but I think the truth is that Americans desire some retreat from the world stage, which is not shocking since the last true great power conflict ended over 30 years ago. However, will our retreat lead to renewed great power conflict? It is a fair question, I don't want to test the possibility.

On the international coalition, obviously the point of ME allies for Gulf War I was the fact it was a ME war. "The West" is similarly united in both conflicts. Russia has been able to rely on more outside support among America's opposition (some enemies like Iran and NK, some better categorized as opponents like China) than Iraq, but Russia is still at worst a serious regional power with a lot of natural resources and a willingness to support regimes it favors (see Assad for that).

Ultimately, I don't think America's retreat from the world stage is good, and you think it's more necessary. I suspect that said retreat will last a much shorter amount of time than MAGA would prefer, but we shall see!
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Now add on that many European countries didn't pay their fair share for NATO. Why did so many previous Presidential Administrations accept this? The former President you despise woke these countries up. Trump made the correct point. If those European countries do not meet their obligations, why would we come to their aid? As an attorney, surely you understand what happens when contractual obligations aren't met.
It appears that you fail to understand the commitments to the same extent your Trump did and does. There is no payment made to NATO, no dues owed. There was a goal of each member spending 2% of each country's GDP on defense spending. Some did, some did not. Stupid Trump thought they owed dues, like the UN. Putin sure made NATO members realize they needed to up their defense spending and they have, along with two "neutral" countries deciding to join. Putin is not as bright as Trump gives him credit for being.
I don't agree with everything in this post, but it's a well constructed argument. I do agree that the domestic politics are very different today than they were back then, and I find that largely unfortunate. Ukraine was nowhere near being offered NATO membership (and still isn't); however, it was obviously moving westward, tho even then I don't think that's what drove Putin invading.

The point on ethnic backgrounds is interesting. I'd suggest that, if were true, we should be getting more - not less - involved in Latin America, but I think the truth is that Americans desire some retreat from the world stage, which is not shocking since the last true great power conflict ended over 30 years ago. However, will our retreat lead to renewed great power conflict? It is a fair question, I don't want to test the possibility.

On the international coalition, obviously the point of ME allies for Gulf War I was the fact it was a ME war. "The West" is similarly united in both conflicts. Russia has been able to rely on more outside support among America's opposition (some enemies like Iran and NK, some better categorized as opponents like China) than Iraq, but Russia is still at worst a serious regional power with a lot of natural resources and a willingness to support regimes it favors (see Assad for that).

Ultimately, I don't think America's retreat from the world stage is good, and you think it's more necessary. I suspect that said retreat will last a much shorter amount of time than MAGA would prefer, but we shall see!
Sure. I don’t believe the US should leave the world stage, but the way they do it needs to change some. Of course many countries need aid/assistance, but when it is to the detriment of the US citizens, it has to be on the back burner. Americans cannot be last. We have too many internal problems that need to be addressed in a serious way.

We should be more involved in the Americas. Why are we so busy worried about Europe when we have a huge issue right at our southern border? At least RDS had the plan for that one. Our government is so busy playing games elsewhere, they can’t be bothered using our military to not only protect our border, but to eliminate cartels that are extremely harmful to America. Is that bad for the MIC or are the weapons that would be used cheap and not profitable enough to be replaced?

Just as science continually tests itself for truth, members of the Republican Party should be confident enough to look at their own ideas and be honest about what works, what doesn’t, where do we go from here. There are some factions of the Party that won't do that. One example is the sticks who are so anti-abortion they would rather lose elections than compromise in any way. Even two married people do not agree on everything. It takes compromise to have success. The Party has a broader depth to it now and will have even more in the next election cycles. The Party is not going back to what it was. Groups need to have some give, if they want to get back to winning majorities. The deck is stacked against Republicans already with incurious MSM pushing their team while their noses just keeps getting longer and longer from all the fibs they tell.
It appears that you fail to understand the commitments to the same extent your Trump did and does. There is no payment made to NATO, no dues owed. There was a goal of each member spending 2% of each country's GDP on defense spending. Some did, some did not. Stupid Trump thought they owed dues, like the UN. Putin sure made NATO members realize they needed to up their defense spending and they have, along with two "neutral" countries deciding to join. Putin is not as bright as Trump gives him credit for being.
No kidding, Sherlock. They owe x% of their budget for military purposes. They weren’t coming up with the goods and expecting Americans to foot the bill to defend their sorry selves. Here’s the list from 2024 since your administration full of stooges doesn’t care. Weak negotiators.