Current events

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You would believe the RW nuts refuted by the responsible officials and the residents.
Here is actual Veniz gang activity in last few months; ALL illegals !

Multiple stolen cell phones, I Pads, purses stolen by Veniz gang illegal gangs. Matt and his unit make multiple arrests (Matt alone OVER 50 !). One guy uses his 1 phone call to alert gang leader in Bronx. He flees to Chicago, Matt follows, but Chicago PD fouls up paperwork, Guy flees to Tulsa, Matt ordered home, FBI takes up chase. 2 months later Matt tracks his cell location back to NYC. Arrests guy on multiple charges. Gang specializes in cracking codes on devices and emptying bank accounts and charge cards. (Unlike the FBI with Crooks phone !) Gang flies their hacker to NYC from Florida !

Gangs taking over the control of migrant shelters !

Nobody deported as yet !
The security failures are inexcusable…
Here you guys go : From the ONLY person here who has been involved with the Secret Service and protection of a "high value group !"
!. Where; NYC, Manhattan, Theatre District to Empire State Building, Afternoon.
2. Who ? Michelle Obama, her 2 daughters and her Father/Mother.
3. Who involved ? USSS (Uniform (( With Dogs)) & Plain clothes), NYSP, NYPD, USA Green Berets, Andrews Security.( We had the Security contract for the Empire State Building.).
4. Meetings started 1 month in ADVANCE with everyone above.
5. What it involved to see a play. Route planned, NYPD deployed steel barricades along the planned routes. NYPD uniform personnel about every 20 yards along the entire route. Sealed closed ( Welded all manhole covers.) NYPD and USSS Snipers deployed above for visual coverage of the group at ALL times along the route. Bomb sniffing dogs deployed to sniff the theatres and the ESB. Closed some entrances to building. Shut down all elevators but the one they used. Green Berets Squad with Medical Supplies had to RUN up the stairs (Yes OVER 84 floors), because Michelle didn't want to see them ! USSS in elevators with them and on Observation Deck (Second elevator bank !).

A colossal SNAFU or DEI hires in Butler, Pa ?
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“This started because of a gang takeover”

“66 crimes at the property so far this year”

Tell me more, Florida man

Aspen Grove controversy

The owner of the 99-unit apartment complex at Aspen Grove Apartments at 1568 Nome St. told Sentinel Colorado earlier this week the Aurora Police Department has failed to control what he says is unchecked Venezuelan gang activity at his apartment buildings. The city denies that and points to a property manager facing court action for numerous health and safety code violations at the building dating back to 2019 — before Venezuelan immigrants arrived in Colorado — as the real problem.

All of the residents at Aspen Grove, listed in city records as “1568 Nome” face eviction next week as the city is moving to close down the complex, stating that the complex is uninhabitable. The owner of the complex refers to it as “Aspen Grove,” some city records and online rental sites refer to it as “Fitzsimons Place.”

Aurora provided photos and records to the media yesterday documenting consistent and widespread rat, mice and cockroach infections, piles of garbage, dangerous electrical and plumbing issues among other health and safety problems.

The city has moved to shut down the complex through municipal “nuisance” laws, citing the catalog of documented crimes and upkeep.
You are so sure on a complete absence of fact. Did he get ordered to deploy prior to retiring ? How about telling us how much time took place between him saying he was retiring and actual orders to deploy? Days, weeks, months? That would be an actual fact instead of pure conjecture on your part. See what his commander has to say.
I'll take the word of the NG that had to replace him !
I'll take the word of the NG that had to replace him !
How about looking at a calendar when he filed for Congress more than a year before unit deployed, and take the word of commander that said it was sour grapes and BS by the guy you believe only because he tells Swiftboat BS.
His commander said there were rumors of going to Iraq when he retired.

In many cases there is some knowledge of deployment before orders are issued.

The NG just doesn't deploy to a combat area without LOONG time notice. They FIRST get WRITTEN NOTICE that they are going to some base in the US for training to make the UNIT combat ready.

Our Admin has already told you this.

Take a gander at "THE NCO Creed !"
Walz probably shouldn’t have said that he carried a gun in war unless he actually fought in a war.

He could mention that he was AN ASSISTANT high school football Coach.

His .12 +, reading for flunking his breathalyzer reading and driving 96 MPH while being stopped by a Trooper, are BOTH high readings ! Depending on the Breathalyzer Model used it could have bee as high as .14 &, BAC. He and his Wife should thank the Trooper, for likely saving his life and any passengers !

I took a 40 hour course with NJSP on Advanced DWI knowledge. The last day 1 of the class has a buddy drive them to the class. One guy is tasked to drinking his favorite alcoholic beverage ALL DAY ! He is tested at end of class for his BAC reading and coordination tests, The guy blew .14% BAC.

This VP guy is just a bull pooper on his resume !
The NG just doesn't deploy to a combat area without LOONG time notice. They FIRST get WRITTEN NOTICE that they are going to some base in the US for training to make the UNIT combat ready.

Our Admin has already told you this.

Take a gander at "THE NCO Creed !"
Read the time line : over 1 year between filing to run for congress and deployment of unit, 1 year from telling commander he was retiring to deployment, 10 months between retirement and deployment, you swiftboaters lack any credibility. (plus Army tried to force his retirement a year or two earlier due to service related hearing loss and he fought to stay in)
He could mention that he was AN ASSISTANT high school football Coach.

His .12 +, reading for flunking his breathalyzer reading and driving 96 MPH while being stopped by a Trooper, are BOTH high readings ! Depending on the Breathalyzer Model used it could have bee as high as .14 &, BAC. He and his Wife should thank the Trooper, for likely saving his life and any passengers !

I took a 40 hour course with NJSP on Advanced DWI knowledge. The last day 1 of the class has a buddy drive them to the class. One guy is tasked to drinking his favorite alcoholic beverage ALL DAY ! He is tested at end of class for his BAC reading and coordination tests, The guy blew .14% BAC.

This VP guy is just a bull pooper on his resume !
Pathetic attempts.

JD Vance attacks Tim Walz’s military record as election race heats up​

Vance, who served as a correspondent in the marines, accused Walz of ‘stolen valor garbage’
Observers suggested Vance was attempting to “swift boat” Walz – a reference to attacks on John Kerry, the decorated US navy Vietnam veteran and Massachusetts senator who ran for president against George W Bush in 2004.

Bush avoided serving in Vietnam but Republicans attacked Kerry regardless. The Republican operative (and wounded Gulf war veteran) widely credited with coordinating the effort, Chris LaCivita, now runs the Trump-Vance campaign.

Bush served in the Texas National Guard, SAME type of service different State !
The NG just doesn't deploy to a combat area without LOONG time notice. They FIRST get WRITTEN NOTICE that they are going to some base in the US for training to make the UNIT combat ready.

Our Admin has already told you this.

Take a gander at "THE NCO Creed !"
I posted before the administrator. Keep up.
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If Trump would just stick to the script his campaign has given him, he would likely be the next president. Whenever Trump improvises, it is a disaster. However, Trump lacks self discipline and he can't help himself. The next debate (if there is one) could be disastrous. If Harris says something that gets Trump upset, look out.

His last debate threw out a candidate that had received OVER 14,000,000 Dem voters.

Do you really want the lowest rated Vice President since polling began, to cackle her way for the THREE debates he has scheduled ?
I posted before the administrator. Keep up.
Over one year between filing for Congress before his unit deployed, and one year after he told Commander he was going to retire, and 10 months between when he retired and his unit deployed = skipping out on his unit at last minute? BS you have no credibility. If your partisanship causes you to dislike him that is fine, but don't pretend he breached some obligation to his unit.
Having a low IQ is preclusive of intelligent thought, and Trump exhibits this daily.

Imagine working for someone that dumb.
He's so dumb that he Graduated from an Ivy League School that you post hold the intelligentsia in their hallowed halls. A friend's Son graduated from the same school and the same undergrad degree program and received a $ 25,000 signing bonus from a financial firm.
He's so dumb that he has parlayed a $ 1 million graduation from his Father into MULTIPLE BILLIONS of dollars in actual physical liquid assets and even more Billions in paper assets.
He's so dumb he has his own private plane and crew of a Boeing 757 ! ( He bought it used ! ((Smart !))
He's been married 3 times, every time to a better looking woman.
He's so dumb that he has been elected for President and maybe again.
He's so dumb that he made the sitting President to retire !
He's so dumb he could play golf all over the World at his OWN courses, with no tee time necessary.

Isn't time to say your TDS is a little "dumb" !
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Both Trump and Harris doubled down on their ideologies with their VP picks. I guess the message to moderates is screw you. If the center continues to get ignored, it might be time for a third party. It sure would help reduce the power of the political fringes.
Trump and JD aren’t far right….. but Kamala and Tampon Tim are indeed far left.
I don’t know if Pool paid attention to Trump’s last Presidency, but no one could advise him enough to lay off the tweets. Trump really is his own worst enemy. Even some of his biggest fans on X aren’t impressed.

Smart young man. First time Presidential election voter. I will say he doesn’t understand Trump advisors can only do so much.

I give him credit for having put a lot of thought into it given his age and not getting too wound up in the persona trap, which given the four principal actors (nominated and presumptive) is not an easy thing to avoid. Clearly he is aligned with one side over the other--his prerogative. I wish more people would give enough thought to the nation's issues that they could write something like that no matter which side they would come down on.
I give him credit for having put a lot of thought into it given his age and not getting too wound up in the persona trap, which given the four principal actors (nominated and presumptive) is not an easy thing to avoid. Clearly he is aligned with one side over the other--his prerogative. I wish more people would give enough thought to the nation's issues that they could write something like that no matter which side they would come down on.
He really has created a following regarding “climate change”. Information he posts always debunks it.

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