Current events

I believe Dr. TJ is voting for economy, border policy, proper diplomacy and use of military. What are you voting for? Serious question not meant to be rude.

I’m not voting for either candidate. I’m still hopeful Trump backs out last minute, for any reason.

Guess what Trump gave us? He gave us Fauci as the leader of the country in 2020, and 4 years of Biden/Harris. He has set the GOP back more than anyone before him. I don’t want to give him 4 more years to put the last nail in the GOP coffin.

I’m not voting for someone if I think they are responsible for millions of deaths. TJ thinks the Trump/Fauci vaccines have done that. If killing millions doesn’t disqualify you as a candidate, you just might be in a cult. Remember when TJ thought the Trump vaccine killed the golfer that killed himself, and came here to celebrate? I do. That’s the person you are on the side of here.

I will write in a candidate that I think is a decent person and a leader. We don’t have a candidate with those qualities right now, and I’m not a tribal person. I vote for quality candidates, don’t just follow party lines.
The GOP is in position to lose to Harris, after losing to Biden, because people abandoned their values to continue voting for Trump. You can blame people like me all you want, but a look in the mirror might help at some point. None of you would have voted for Trump 10 years ago. You thought he was a celebrity Democrat. Now you guys can’t stop voting for him, despite a proven inability to lead. It’s maddening.
I’m not voting for either candidate. I’m still hopeful Trump backs out last minute, for any reason.

Guess what Trump gave us? He gave us Fauci as the leader of the country in 2020, and 4 years of Biden/Harris. He has set the GOP back more than anyone before him. I don’t want to give him 4 more years to put the last nail in the GOP coffin.

I’m not voting for someone if I think they are responsible for millions of deaths. TJ thinks the Trump/Fauci vaccines have done that. If killing millions doesn’t disqualify you as a candidate, you just might be in a cult. Remember when TJ thought the Trump vaccine killed the golfer that killed himself, and came here to celebrate? I do. That’s the person you are on the side of here.

I will write in a candidate that I think is a decent person and a leader. We don’t have a candidate with those qualities right now, and I’m not a tribal person. I vote for quality candidates, don’t just follow party lines.
Your abstention from the race won’t change anything, but you probably already know that. Neither will voting for 3rd party candidates. The Republicans and Democrats find ways to swallow movements and remain the only two parties. I appreciate you writing a candidate in though. I’ve done that. I wrote in a cartoon celebrity in 96. Trump isn’t going to back out at the last moment. The best thing Trump could do is dump Vance and install Tulsi as his VP.

Trump did give us Fauci. The first 3 years he was really good though despite all the opposition, including the F-stick Paul Ryan, who worked against Trump and his policies. 43 wasn’t very good in crisis either and left the next admin with 2 foreign wars of which one was a lie and the other was a wrong tactic. Let’s not forget the economic crisis where the government intervened to save Detroit and banks that were “too big to fail”.

If you want to know who set the GOP back, you should look squarely at the Romneys/Bushes/Cheneys of the party. This group is all for world citizenship and 100% free trade and yet when all that doesn’t work out they just pump money to Wall Street, Too Big To Fail financial institutions and the corporations of which were negatively impacted by the greed of predatory lending.
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Trump has had 2 positive moments in this campaign run. He easily defeated Biden in the debate, and he survived an assassination attempt. Other than that, it’s just the same old Trump, but older. Not very good at campaigning and winning elections.
He isn’t. He needs to counter Harris and he hasn’t figured it out yet. She OTOH is a shape shifter. Goes to Vegas and copies Trump’s idea of not taxing tips verbatim. Why didn’t she do that in Wisconsin and Michigan? I’m sure the Press will love the idea now that the team is on board.
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The GOP is in position to lose to Harris, after losing to Biden, because people abandoned their values to continue voting for Trump. You can blame people like me all you want, but a look in the mirror might help at some point. None of you would have voted for Trump 10 years ago. You thought he was a celebrity Democrat. Now you guys can’t stop voting for him, despite a proven inability to lead. It’s maddening.
The GOP is in a position to lose because some people in the party are actively attempting to get the other team elected or just won’t vote for Trump. This isn’t Dole vs Clinton or McCain/Romney vs Obama. The Dems have run some quite crappy candidates over the years and I don’t recall them doing the same.
The GOP is in position to lose to Harris, after losing to Biden, because people abandoned their values to continue voting for Trump. You can blame people like me all you want, but a look in the mirror might help at some point. None of you would have voted for Trump 10 years ago. You thought he was a celebrity Democrat...
The GOP has been on a path of self-immolation for some time. All they want is a seat at the table for the uniparty grift. They were so weak a celebrity democrat took them over. And they're still too weak to take it back from him. That their voting membership (of which I am not one) still favors Trump is much more of an indictment of the party than the voters IMO.

I disagree with almost everything the Dem party of the last 10 years stands for based on the implications of their M.O., but I have to give them credit--at least they're able to get the things they set out to do done. I'm skeptical the republican party is salvageable as an entity to balance out the (D)s. Without Trump they are just a zombie party of yes-men/women.
The GOP has been on a path of self-immolation for some time. All they want is a seat at the table for the uniparty grift. They were so weak a celebrity democrat took them over. And they're still too weak to take it back from him. That their voting membership (of which I am not one) still favors Trump is much more of an indictment of the party than the voters IMO.

I disagree with almost everything the Dem party of the last 10 years stands for based on the implications of their M.O., but I have to give them credit--at least they're able to get the things they set out to do done. I'm skeptical the republican party is salvageable as an entity to balance out the (D)s. Without Trump they are just a zombie party of yes-men/women.

Without Trump we had the most conservative Congress in nearly 100 years and thwarted basically the whole Obama agenda for his last six years.

And then Trump took over and Dems started winning. Weird how that works.

Trump has been devastating for the GOP agenda and we got suckers like you telling us he’s the only line of defense. Comical.

Can’t wait for this great country to beat populism again.
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This is true, but frankly, Trump needs to get his head out of his butt and get into the public more. Speak with more reason, less focus on Walz military and Kamala covering for Biden, etc. focus on the policies that were demonstrably positive during his admin and others that had some positive results, but could have been a lot better with less resistance from the long time DC politicians. I would bring Tulsi Gabbard along to be a warmup speaker.

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The GOP isn’t going back to being the party of Wall Street, union busting, and military adventurism. Perhaps it could once again be committed to fiscal responsibility, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The change is at least semi-permanent, and the candidate for President in 2028 will actually inherit a broader coalition.

This is not normal . Some evil has its grip on the entire west.

And yet the LP type Republicans have no answers for this other than their clan likes wars and at any chance possible gives more power to the surveillance state. No one at upper levels of government, who are a part of the DC insider team, are ever held accountable. Bringing government officials to Capitol Hill for questioning is nothing more than a dog and pony show.

Edit: quoted wrong post. Changed to correct one to make more sense.
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Goes to Vegas and copies Trump’s idea of not taxing tips verbatim. Why didn’t she do that in Wisconsin and Michigan?
Because Vegas is almost completely service workers. Midwest, not so much.
Trump is apparently coming back to X (formerly known as Twitter). Might be time for BigWill to sell his shares of TruthSocial.

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