Current events

I don't know why Walz retired and neither do you. There will never be any factual proof as to why he retired.

However, if you look at the circumstances around his retirement, the most likely explanation was that he did not want to go to Iraq. He was in such a hurry to retire that he did not finish his training for a higher rank.

Are there other possible explanations? Yes.
However, they are less credible but still may be true. From my perspective, I will stick with the most credible explanation until additional information proves otherwise.
You are so sure on a complete absence of fact. Did he get ordered to deploy prior to retiring ? How about telling us how much time took place between him saying he was retiring and actual orders to deploy? Days, weeks, months? That would be an actual fact instead of pure conjecture on your part. See what his commander has to say.
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You are so sure on a complete absence of fact. Did he get ordered to deploy prior to retiring ? How about telling us how much time took place between him saying he was retiring and actual orders to deploy? Days, weeks, months? That would be an actual fact instead of pure conjecture on your part. See what his commander has to say.
His commander said there were rumors of going to Iraq when he retired.

In many cases there is some knowledge of deployment before orders are issued.

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His commander said there were rumors of going to Iraq when he retired.
Why not tell the whole story, it was months after he said he was retiring to run for Congress . Commander said story is Bullshit! Right?
Walz probably shouldn’t have said that he carried a gun in war unless he actually fought in a war.
context, he was making an anti automatic weapon statement saying that they were guns of war which should not be available to public. Didn’t say he carried in combat.
Why not tell the whole story, it was months after he said he was retiring to run for Congress . Commander said story is Bullshit! Right?
Rumors of Iraq deployment - March 2005
Retired - May 2005
Orders - August 2005

Believe what you want and so will I.

Actually, I don't really care since I am not voting in the presidential election.
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Rumors of Iraq deployment - March 2005
Retired - May 2005
Orders - August 2005

Believe what you want and so will I.

Actually, I don't really care since I am not voting in the presidential election.
BTW, I respect your decision to abstain from the Presidential election. I won't be able to give you crap for the next 4 years for voting for the wrong ticket, so in that regard, your 2024 choice is no fun! 🤣
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Dumb people don’t get law degrees from Cal.
That is evidence she is a good student. I have seen plenty of "smart" people when it comes to grades and education and testing, yet from a practical sense in real life application that brain power doesn't connect. If Harris was that bright in application, she would be doing press conferences and interviews instead of being hidden or using a teleprompter. She's a PR disaster waiting to happen.
Looks like Kinzinger is getting pwned.

Kinzinger did one of the most dangerous peacetime jobs in the service and MAGA craps all over him (I’ve even seen it regarding his military service). He also flew in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I think he has the right to (correctly) assess Vance’s job in the military. Of course Vance served his country and has not in any way embellished said service.
That is evidence she is a good student. I have seen plenty of "smart" people when it comes to grades and education and testing, yet from a practical sense in real life application that brain power doesn't connect. If Harris was that bright in application, she would be doing press conferences and interviews instead of being hidden or using a teleprompter. She's a PR disaster waiting to happen.

This is evidence of a lack of public speaking ability. I again reference GWB.

Here’s a dirty little secret. You get into the best schools by excelling at intelligence tests.

That said, I’m sure she was boosted by affirmative action. But even then, it takes solidly above average ability to get it (just not elite).

Btw this is a comparison with Trump, who publicly struggles to write a rational thought. That is … not good.

Interesting article on changes in Trump's speech patterns over the years. Article does not draw any specific conclusions.

Note: Article is not political in any way.
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Interesting article on changes in Trump's speech patterns over the years. Article does not draw any specific conclusions.

I particularly like the part where they point out how low Trump’s speaking level has always been lol.

Trump is the candidate for dumb (or angry) people. Unfortunately that’s far too many GOP primary voters.
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Kinzinger did one of the most dangerous peacetime jobs in the service and MAGA craps all over him (I’ve even seen it regarding his military service). He also flew in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I think he has the right to (correctly) assess Vance’s job in the military. Of course Vance served his country and has not in any way embellished said service.
Kinzinger wasn't there with Vance in Iraq. I believe I posted from X a member of Vance's unit suggesting they were under fire and that included Vance. If I didn't, I'll find it and post it. Unlike you, I've let his peers assess his (Kinzinger) comment and in fact, the majority of former military posting about Kinzinger's post don't see it the way he does.
This is evidence of a lack of public speaking ability. I again reference GWB.

Here’s a dirty little secret. You get into the best schools by excelling at intelligence tests.

That said, I’m sure she was boosted by affirmative action. But even then, it takes solidly above average ability to get it (just not elite).

Btw this is a comparison with Trump, who publicly struggles to write a rational thought. That is … not good.
I'm not a fan of 43, but GW was far superior at public speaking than Harris ever was or will be. Bush also wasn't afraid to give interviews, which was good strategery..
Kinzinger wasn't there with Vance in Iraq. I believe I posted from X a member of Vance's unit suggesting they were under fire and that included Vance. If I didn't, I'll find it and post it. Unlike you, I've let his peers assess his (Kinzinger) comment and in fact, the majority of former military posting about Kinzinger's post don't see it the way he does.

Lol … Twitter partisans … sure sign of objectivity.
I have extensive experience with how Army National Guard deployments worked for Iraq and Afghanistan. (You might call me an expert).

Soldiers know months before the official alert is issued that their unit is earmarked for deployment. Sometimes even longer. This is especially true of officers and senior enlisted Soldiers. A warning order is issued by DoD well in advance of the alert. (Warning orders put the wheels in motion and allow commanders to start preparing their unit). At the battalion level, it’s even more likely they would know many months in advance.

By the time we were a couple of years into these deployments, there was a very detailed system for tagging units for deployment.

For units not stop-lossed, it wasn’t all that uncommon for eligible Soldiers to retire before the alert was sent down. It is extremely unusual for a Command Sergeant Major not to deploy with his battalion, however. Usually, something like that is because of a health issue that makes him / her non-deployable.
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This is evidence of a lack of public speaking ability. I again reference GWB.

Here’s a dirty little secret. You get into the best schools by excelling at intelligence tests.

That said, I’m sure she was boosted by affirmative action. But even then, it takes solidly above average ability to get it (just not elite).

Btw this is a comparison with Trump, who publicly struggles to write a rational thought. That is … not good.
This in comparison with someone that struggles " with the passage of time, as time passes bye " ? (As she waves her arms, before the cackle !)
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I have extensive experience with how Army National Guard deployments worked for Iraq and Afghanistan. (You might call me an expert).

Soldiers know months before the official alert is issued that their unit is earmarked for deployment. Sometimes even longer. This is especially true of officers and senior enlisted Soldiers. A warning order is issued by DoD well in advance of the alert. (Warning orders put the wheels in motion and allow commanders to start preparing their unit). At the battalion level, it’s even more likely they would know many months in advance.

By the time we were a couple of years into these deployments, there was a very detailed system for tagging units for deployment.

For units not stop-lossed, it wasn’t all that uncommon for eligible Soldiers to retire before the alert was sent down. It is extremely unusual for a Command Sergeant Major not to deploy with his battalion, however. Usually, something like that is because of a health issue that makes him / her non-deployable.
Thank you for clearing up the rumors and misinformation.

I wouldn't call it Stolen Valor, just stretching the facts. There is a site for Stolen Valor, where an Ex Navy Seal, investigates men who claim being retired SEALS, and reports them to various places like the VFW or VA or lonely ladies (with or without cats, he and his Wife have cats !) that are getting scammed out of usually money !

The NG units would also be deployed to a base in Continental US for advanced deployment training, PRIOR (Usually about 6 montha after their original official notice of deployment,) to being sent overseas !
He also failed to complete his training for promotion to Command Master Sergeant, so his rank at separation was reduced.

John was deployed to the Middle East and ALL PILOTS must complete SERE training that are flying into a Combat Area, where they could be subject to torture or psych-ops if shot down or crashed. He was dropped somewhere in the woods of Maine/NH for some weeks, captured ! Lost over 15 pounds in the 2 weeks school.
This is evidence of a lack of public speaking ability. I again reference GWB.

Here’s a dirty little secret. You get into the best schools by excelling at intelligence tests.

That said, I’m sure she was boosted by affirmative action. But even then, it takes solidly above average ability to get it (just not elite).

Btw this is a comparison with Trump, who publicly struggles to write a rational thought. That is … not good.

Here's another "dirty little secret" Actually several in order !

1. Nepotism. (My Dad at Princeton. His Uncle was Valedictorian and on the BOT.)
2. Financial donations by the family. (See Kennedys or Bush Families ! ).
3. Affirmative Action. ( See ex Chancellor just let retire at Harvard,)
4. Athletic prowess. ( Me at Harvard, P-ton, Cornell.)
5. Prep school affiliation with a specific Ivy.
6. Intelligence. ( My Sister with 1,600 SAT's !)
Ridiculous and petty. Should not happen in our country.

Back when I was flying commercial twice a week between Newark and KC, Kan you got to know who were the US Air Marshalls on the flight , if any.

Young, clean cut, boarded prior to normal passengers, flew economy.

They were unfriendly if I asked who they were !
Rumors of Iraq deployment - March 2005
Retired - May 2005
Orders - August 2005

Believe what you want and so will I.

Actually, I don't really care since I am not voting in the presidential election.
AP article today fills in dates for you. He submitted filing to run for Congress in January 2005. Informed Commander and others of intent to retire and run for Congress in March 2005. He retired in May 2005. Order warning of future mobilization issued in August of 2005. Mobilization order in October 2005. Deployed in March 2006.
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There is NO question that he evaded his last overseas deployment !

They can be hell on the family and the service member.

John had 2 overseas deployments as a Pilot in USN active duty;
One to the Western Pacific for about 2 years.
One to the Middle East, also about 2 years.

The airplane he was authorized to fly was too big to land or take off from an aircraft carrier.

Neither overseas was family authorized.

Shore Duty after the second was assigned to Awards Board Pentagon, investigated all proposed awards for Valor present and back to 9/11 all awards Valor, USN & USMC ! Including awards of past and present MOH awards.

Earned MS, Cryptological Computer Science, from Maryland, Summa Cum Laude. Asst Secretary of Navy extended his shore duty 2 additional years, Finally Secretary of Navy ordered him overseas. He had been on the desk so long that he was no longer authorized to fly his model plane. He would have to go back into Pilot training for 2 years to be requalified to fly anything.

USN rules & regs REQUIRE he return to a Pilot slot, but in true Catch 22 service idiocy, there were no planes as his planes had been moved to reserve status, but he was active duty status. He had to go overseas, but he was only authorized to be a "shooter" on an Aircraft Carrier. Those are the guys that sit in those half bubbles on the flight deck, and push the launch button for the catapult to throw the planes aloft ! Meanwhile the Navy had started Fleet 10, which is ALL computer stuff that is HQ in Virginia. So here is John with a BA & MS in computers, but not even the # 2 guy in the Navy could break from the R & R's !

So he gets 6 month deployment notice that is going on an Aircraft Carrier somewhere in Western Pacific no ship name, no known port of call, NO family authorized !

This is AFTER about 10 years, not including the 5 years going thru NAPS & USNA, 2 years Pilot training, 8 years as a Pilot on or off shore.

Wife, "You're Done ! You've only been home enough to get me pregnant twice !"
This is the same girl that told him USMC Infantry was a NO !

We got his resume in front of the right guy and he was HIRED before his in person interview !