This affects us all

I am betting there will be zero convictions for this. I am still trying to figure out how the crime rates drop 🤷‍♂️

It’s amazing how people put more trust in videos they see on social media than they do on actual data.

Again, the crime rate is plummeting (and the murdered bodies aren’t being hidden by the police) because the circumstances that led to the crime spike have been removed.

I guarantee that you could find a large group of idiots fighting back in 2019. But we wouldn’t have needed to make claims about national crime data then … for the usual political reasons.
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He didn't look much better walking on the stage. I saw him stepping down off a plane and across the Tarmac several days back, and he looked like those residents at my mother's facility, wishing they had their walker. Even if he was sharp as a tack at all times, which we see he is not, the visuals of a leader that old is costing him a lot of votes.
There is the party and the family at this point. The party is not going to push him out, but will be glad if he chooses t step down. I think his wife will call the shots. She needs to realize that he is at the end and should enjoy his last 5-10 years. She will have to convince him that he has dedicated his life since his 20's to public service, and now needs to step down, and she has to do so without killing his spirit.
The party will be thrilled as ANYONE in their 50's that is not as defective a human as Trump, will win. If they were smart, they would give Biden the nomination at the convention, and then have him give a swan song after accepting. That will allow him and the DNC to choose the candidate, and not the delegates.
hahahaha …look who is moving the goalposts? Have you plastered pics of Gavin newsome over your headboard yet?
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It’s amazing how people put more trust in videos they see on social media than they do on actual data.

Again, the crime rate is plummeting (and the murdered bodies aren’t being hidden by the police) because the circumstances that led to the crime spike have been removed.

I guarantee that you could find a large group of idiots fighting back in 2019. But we wouldn’t have needed to make claims about national crime data then … for the usual political reasons.
The only person hammering on or even bringing up the murder rate is you. Evrytime someone mentions crime, that is your pivot. The major problem you rarely seem to acknowledge is the lack of prosecutions/ convictions for crime. I find it interesting you are amazed people believe their own eyes as opposed to the flawed numbers coming out that you reference.
The only person hammering on or even bringing up the murder rate is you. Evrytime someone mentions crime, that is your pivot. The major problem you rarely seem to acknowledge is the lack of prosecutions/ convictions for crime. I find it interesting you are amazed people believe their own eyes as opposed to the flawed numbers coming out that you reference.

This is a perfect encapsulation of not understanding data. First, you live in an area with literally zero crime, so your entire perspective is “online.” In a nation of 335M, I can supply you with an endless stream of crazy ass videos - at any time in any year, not just 2024 - to manipulate your understanding of reality. I find it sad anyone is manipulated, but at least you are far from alone.

I bring up the murder rate because it is the most reliable indicator of crime trends, as it is the one not subject to manipulation. However, sex crimes are down, and aggravated assaults are down too. Property crime stats were mixed in 2023 … I’d expect them to be generally down in 2024.

I’m going to link for you Glenn Loury’s conversation a few months ago with the best right of center criminologist I know about. You should watch it.
A worthy watch for anyone here who wants to understand US crime trends in recent years. Lehman is with the conservative think tank Manhattan Institute.

This is a perfect encapsulation of not understanding data. First, you live in an area with literally zero crime, so your entire perspective is “online.” In a nation of 335M, I can supply you with an endless stream of crazy ass videos - at any time in any year, not just 2024 - to manipulate your understanding of reality. I find it sad anyone is manipulated, but at least you are far from alone.

I bring up the murder rate because it is the most reliable indicator of crime trends, as it is the one not subject to manipulation. However, sex crimes are down, and aggravated assaults are down too. Property crime stats were mixed in 2023 … I’d expect them to be generally down in 2024.

I’m going to link for you Glenn Loury’s conversation a few months ago with the best right of center criminologist I know about. You should watch it.
Stop with your first sentence. The data is garbage.
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Stop with your first sentence. The data is garbage.

Per usual, you post stupid things.

Again, I knew everything I needed to know about you when you demanded more running when 95% of football teams began passing more (for the obvious reason it works).

As I’ve said repeatedly, crime won’t be an issue discussed in 2028 like it is today, because it will continue declining no matter if Biden or Trump wins. We are really debating what happened with crime from 2020-22, not what is happening today.

Also watch the video. It will spell out what has happened and how it is changing.

@dtrain, you are avoiding a new variable that is impacting crime in America. These crimes weren't so common pre 2020.

Don’t forget, murder is up significantly in both of our cities.
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@dtrain, you are avoiding a new variable that is impacting crime in America. These crimes weren't so common pre 2020.

There were 21,500 murders in the US in 2023 (rounded).

You all are talking about a total of less than 20 of them, probably less than 10.

Remember when the Floyd and a few other cop killings were waived out a proof of a massive phenomenon? That was a lie. There was no phenomenon. Now perhaps there was some truth in the argument that black men face somewhat worse treatment from police, but this did not mean police were gunning them down in large numbers.

This is the same thing. There is certainly truth in mass illegal immigration being problematic/bad. But it doesn’t mean there’s a crime or murder wave because of it. There simply isn’t.
And let’s be real, for some of the same reasons Floyd was waived around in 2020, the illegal immigrant murders of women are being waived around this year.

Both sides got an election to win. I have no elections to win.
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There were 21,500 murders in the US in 2023 (rounded).

You all are talking about a total of less than 20 of them, probably less than 10.

Remember when the Floyd and a few other cop killings were waived out a proof of a massive phenomenon? That was a lie. There was no phenomenon. Now perhaps there was some truth in the argument that black men face somewhat worse treatment from police, but this did not mean police were gunning them down in large numbers.

This is the same thing. There is certainly truth in mass illegal immigration being problematic/bad. But it doesn’t mean there’s a crime or murder wave because of it. There simply isn’t.

How many would have to be raped and/or murdered before it’s considered a wave?

Some areas are better than before. Others are worse. The places taking in a ton of migrants (Denver is an example) are having problems, and we should recognize that.
How many would have to be raped and/or murdered before it’s considered a wave?

Some areas are better than before. Others are worse. The places taking in a ton of migrants (Denver is an example) are having problems, and we should recognize that.

No one is downplaying the absurdity of sanctuary cities and the burdens of mass illegal migration by saying that a handful of murders isn’t a particularly good argument against the actual problems brought by mass illegal migration.
Per usual, you post stupid things.

Again, I knew everything I needed to know about you when you demanded more running when 95% of football teams began passing more (for the obvious reason it works).

As I’ve said repeatedly, crime won’t be an issue discussed in 2028 like it is today, because it will continue declining no matter if Biden or Trump wins. We are really debating what happened with crime from 2020-22, not what is happening today.

Also watch the video. It will spell out what has happened and how it is changing.
Dude, you think Ukraine blew up nord stream 2 which shows complete lack of critical thinking. As far as running the ball, Georgia and Michigan have won 3 titles in a row doing that. There are multiple ways to win. Keep trusting data that is not complete.
Poor deranged, it is all falling apart

Wait until independents actually figure out the 34 convictions Trump received were a f'ing joke. The one that was hilarious from a Trump Orange Man standpoint was after the civil suit with what's her face who wasn't believable, he still opened his mouth more, so the judge increased the damages owed somewhere around $80 mil, IIRC. Trump isn't such a great negotiator in some instances. He needs to heed Kenny Rogers' lyrics..."You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run."
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This is a perfect encapsulation of not understanding data. First, you live in an area with literally zero crime, so your entire perspective is “online.” In a nation of 335M, I can supply you with an endless stream of crazy ass videos - at any time in any year, not just 2024 - to manipulate your understanding of reality. I find it sad anyone is manipulated, but at least you are far from alone.

I bring up the murder rate because it is the most reliable indicator of crime trends, as it is the one not subject to manipulation. However, sex crimes are down, and aggravated assaults are down too. Property crime stats were mixed in 2023 … I’d expect them to be generally down in 2024.

I’m going to link for you Glenn Loury’s conversation a few months ago with the best right of center criminologist I know about. You should watch it.
Of course, at this stage of my life I am tucked away in a low crime town.

My perspective is that there are cameras/ phones everywhere. Murder will be prosecuted 100% of the time with a major punishment. The criminals all know this. It should be down.

All lower level crimes appear to be at the mercy of the prosecutorial discretion of the prosecutor or their office. There are many social justice warriors that are choosing to not prosecute all crimes. It would seem to me, this would lower crime rates.

I am not even touching on the data piece problems, but who knows what is even real there 🤷‍♂️
Comparing a month of temperatures between two selected years does not prove or disprove climate change. It is a silly exercise. As far as the chart goes, one would need to run a regression analysis to see if there is a trend. Just by eyeballing the data points it looks like there is an upward trend.
Of course the climate is changing but no one can successfully and directly link it to CO2 levels
This is a perfect encapsulation of not understanding data. First, you live in an area with literally zero crime, so your entire perspective is “online.” In a nation of 335M, I can supply you with an endless stream of crazy ass videos - at any time in any year, not just 2024 - to manipulate your understanding of reality. I find it sad anyone is manipulated, but at least you are far from alone.

I bring up the murder rate because it is the most reliable indicator of crime trends, as it is the one not subject to manipulation. However, sex crimes are down, and aggravated assaults are down too. Property crime stats were mixed in 2023 … I’d expect them to be generally down in 2024.

I’m going to link for you Glenn Loury’s conversation a few months ago with the best right of center criminologist I know about. You should watch it.
I tell you about actual Police arresting people and you ignore the facts.

I tell/show you the ESTIMATES that the FBI now promotes as facts, but high crime areas like 90 % of the State of New York don't report ANY crimes to the FBI. Houston with 250,000 crimes that not only didn't report but DIDN'T even investigate !

What expertise do you have to declare any criminal act as an indicator ? As a Attorney in Texass how many MURDER/MANSLAUGHTER crimes have you Defended Or Prosecuted.

Just say you have no experience and go onto something else !
hahahaha …look who is moving the goalposts? Have you plastered pics of Gavin newsome over your headboard yet?
What goal posts?
I would love to see someone in his 50's running. But I don't believe the party is "going to pull the nomination" from Biden. I don't even think they can as he has enough nominators on his side thru primaries. It is going to have to be his decision (or along with wife). I do have a candidate that is bright, articulate, young and a strong military background that I believe would result in a landslide win for the Dems. But I am not going to bother to post as an intelligent discussion is impossible on this Board. I will tell you that Trump is scared to death of Newsom as are you MAGA. He will turn Trump into a steaming heap. That is why Trump and MAGA are preemptively attacking Newsom.
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Of course the climate is changing but no one can successfully and directly link it to CO2 levels
Jeff is moving or has moved to Florida. The high point of Florida, which I have summitted twice, is all of 345 feet above sea level and a stone's throw from Alabama. Whether Jeff cares to admit it or not, his actions tell you he is not worried about rising sea levels or any of that other climate non-sense.

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What goal posts?
I would love to see someone in his 50's running. But I don't believe the party is "going to pull the nomination" from Biden. I don't even think they can as he has enough nominators on his side thru primaries. It is going to have to be his decision (or along with wife). I do have a candidate that is bright, articulate, young and a strong military background that I believe would result in a landslide win for the Dems. But I am not going to bother to post as an intelligent discussion is impossible on this Board. I will tell you that Trump is scared to death of Newsom as are you MAGA. He will turn Trump into a steaming heap. That is why Trump and MAGA are preemptively attacking Newsom.
LOL, stone-head. Why is Trump preemptively attacking Newsom? For one, he enjoys it. Most importantly, and I believe Obama did this to Romney, Obama defined Romney before Romney was even on the air. It is smart politics. That is why in Arizona I have seen a ton of ads telling me how great things are in Arizona - messages personally approved by your dementia ridden candidate (and Train's too!).
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I see your cognitive decline is on par with Biden's. You and Icky should have a beer together - you guys have some world class responses to several posters. Per Icky, I am something along the lines of a mentally unstable douche. Seriously, that was the most hurtful thing he could say to me and he really hurt Best's feelings, too, with his cutting language.
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Per Icky, I am something along the lines of a mentally unstable douche.
...and dumb. Romney was a declared candidate and was soon to be the Republican Candidate. Newsom is a Governor that is fully supporting Biden at this time. What motivates Trump is fear.
Wait until independents actually figure out the 34 convictions Trump received were a f'ing joke. The one that was hilarious from a Trump Orange Man standpoint was after the civil suit with what's her face who wasn't believable, he still opened his mouth more, so the judge increased the damages owed somewhere around $80 mil, IIRC. Trump isn't such a great negotiator in some instances. He needs to heed Kenny Rogers' lyrics..."You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run."
I was surprised when I read that his tv show: "The Apprentice" was the # 1 rated show on the boob tube !

We had never watched it for the time it took to change the channel !
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Comparing a month of temperatures between two selected years does not prove or disprove climate change. It is a silly exercise. As far as the chart goes, one would need to run a regression analysis to see if there is a trend. Just by eyeballing the data points it looks like there is an upward trend.
An upward trend of what? it started at around 89 degrees and may be sitting at 90 in the last measurement. It hasn't risen in any significance whatsoever. It's truly bizarre to crap on a post showing at most 1 degree difference which was in response was to a famous writer/leftist who had a spread of 11 degrees 80 degrees to 91 degrees. Scary novel writer passes on scary misinformation. 2020 Joetato voter goes after the response and not the fearmonger.
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...and dumb. Romney was a declared candidate and was soon to be the Republican Candidate. Newsom is a Governor that is fully supporting Biden at this time. What motivates Trump is fear.
Fear of what ? His Pent home on Fifth Ave, being called tacky for all the gold ?

40 years ago the Dentist Mary Anne worked for at 2 E 52 (Right off Fifth Ave) used to send Mary Anne down to pick up gold fixtures for his condo in NYC. Tacky is as tacky does.
An upward trend of what? it started at around 89 degrees and may be sitting at 90 in the last measurement. It hasn't risen in any significance whatsoever. It's truly bizarre to crap on a post showing at most 1 degree difference which was in response was to a famous writer/leftist who had a spread of 11 degrees 80 degrees to 91 degrees. Scary novel writer passes on scary misinformation. 2020 Joetato voter goes after the response and not the fearmonger.
We've debunked this stuff a year ago !