This affects us all

I would think the endless foreign war people are kooky

Kooky? No.

Might be wrong tho. Might not. It’s very unprovable. I personally am for an aggressive FP and would note that America’s retreat from the world stage since 2010 has witnessed a dramatic rise in conflicts across the globe. Think of it as the geopolitical version of police retreat.

We also haven’t fought in a major foreign conflict since about 2008 tho. Afghanistan was never a huge commitment of troops and had limited casualties by year, just drug on for close to a generation. Which was at least 8 years too long.
What can be is burdened by what is happening now
What can be is unburdened without Kamala. LOL. She isn’t the droid the Dems are looking for. She is a bubblehead. Someone gave her that catch phrase to use. It isn’t clever, it isn’t catchy and in some ways is difficult to understand. It’s awful.
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All of that is systematically about a group of people that are unelected who are trying to control democracy. And I think that that's the most troubling takeaway from this.

And the people that you thought were so anti-Trump, right? That they would do anything to make sure that Donald Trump was unelected. Well, they're actually not that anti-Trump, they're just pro-power because the thing that they care more about than their hatred of Donald Trump is their desire to stay in power.
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Collin Rugg is wrong. This is called something being on the tip of the tongue. Do old people have senior moments? Yes. I dislike Nancy and there isn’t any way she isn’t lying through her false teeth about Biden being sharp, but why lie about Pelosi having a senior moment?

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The fact that Biden isn’t quitting (or at least is resisting it) is hilarious. They are going to have to dope him up for the next debate lol.
I saw the video of Biden of walking off the debate stage with assistance from his wife. He is so physically feeble that he has a high risk of a serious fall. If his wife wants him to stay in the race, I wonder what her agenda is.

I thought CNN said 20% more
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I saw the video of Biden of walking off the debate stage with assistance from his wife. He is so physically feeble that he has a high risk of a serious fall. If his wife wants him to stay in the race, I wonder what her agenda is.
He didn't look much better walking on the stage. I saw him stepping down off a plane and across the Tarmac several days back, and he looked like those residents at my mother's facility, wishing they had their walker. Even if he was sharp as a tack at all times, which we see he is not, the visuals of a leader that old is costing him a lot of votes.
There is the party and the family at this point. The party is not going to push him out, but will be glad if he chooses t step down. I think his wife will call the shots. She needs to realize that he is at the end and should enjoy his last 5-10 years. She will have to convince him that he has dedicated his life since his 20's to public service, and now needs to step down, and she has to do so without killing his spirit.
The party will be thrilled as ANYONE in their 50's that is not as defective a human as Trump, will win. If they were smart, they would give Biden the nomination at the convention, and then have him give a swan song after accepting. That will allow him and the DNC to choose the candidate, and not the delegates.
He didn't look much better walking on the stage. I saw him stepping down off a plane and across the Tarmac several days back, and he looked like those residents at my mother's facility, wishing they had their walker. Even if he was sharp as a tack at all times, which we see he is not, the visuals of a leader that old is costing him a lot of votes.
There is the party and the family at this point. The party is not going to push him out, but will be glad if he chooses t step down. I think his wife will call the shots. She needs to realize that he is at the end and should enjoy his last 5-10 years. She will have to convince him that he has dedicated his life since his 20's to public service, and now needs to step down, and she has to do so without killing his spirit.
The party will be thrilled as ANYONE in their 50's that is not as defective a human as Trump, will win. If they were smart, they would give Biden the nomination at the convention, and then have him give a swan song after accepting. That will allow him and the DNC to choose the candidate, and not the delegates.

5-10 years? I think that clock started a few years ago.

The rest of the post was pretty good.
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Collin Rugg is wrong. This is called something being on the tip of the tongue. Do old people have senior moments? Yes. I dislike Nancy and there isn’t any way she isn’t lying through her false teeth about Biden being sharp, but why lie about Pelosi having a senior moment?

She uses all her available IQ for picking stocks !

A few Million $'s here and there start to build up her $ 200,000 salary (pre tax as Speaker !)
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He didn't look much better walking on the stage. I saw him stepping down off a plane and across the Tarmac several days back, and he looked like those residents at my mother's facility, wishing they had their walker. Even if he was sharp as a tack at all times, which we see he is not, the visuals of a leader that old is costing him a lot of votes.
There is the party and the family at this point. The party is not going to push him out, but will be glad if he chooses t step down. I think his wife will call the shots. She needs to realize that he is at the end and should enjoy his last 5-10 years. She will have to convince him that he has dedicated his life since his 20's to public service, and now needs to step down, and she has to do so without killing his spirit.
The party will be thrilled as ANYONE in their 50's that is not as defective a human as Trump, will win. If they were smart, they would give Biden the nomination at the convention, and then have him give a swan song after accepting. That will allow him and the DNC to choose the candidate, and not the delegates.
They need the money !

They have been playing Russian roulette with the real estate properties in Delaware, with 35 or more, refinancings or LOC's on the properties. They still over $ 500,000 on their principal residence in Delaware !
I saw the video of Biden of walking off the debate stage with assistance from his wife. He is so physically feeble that he has a high risk of a serious fall. If his wife wants him to stay in the race, I wonder what her agenda is.
Prior to the debate I thought his "Study team" of 16 + "helpers" would be able to keep him on message for the 2 minutes allowed.

I was watching clips to see if he was able to remain standing for 90 minutes ? He seemed to have a death grip with at least one hand on the edges of the podium at most times ! Till she gathered his left arm and SLOWLY got him down the 3-4 steps.
The fact that Biden isn’t quitting (or at least is resisting it) is hilarious. They are going to have to dope him up for the next debate lol.
My Mom slowly dropped into dementia.

The family decided she could no longer live in our Mother/Daughter, when Mary Anne came from shopping and found 2 service trucks for NJ Natural Gas, 3 police cars, 2 fire trucks, and 2 ambulances for her telling our neighbor she smelled gas because her gas stove pilot light was off and the stove wouldn't light !

We had replaced the old gas stove with one of the NO pilot light stoves !

We researched nursing homes for 2 months and placed her in a nice one. My Sister retired from American Girl Place to visit Mom on a daily basis, Very sad !
5-10 years? I think that clock started a few years ago.

The rest of the post was pretty good.
I also don’t think he has the cognitive ability to decide anything for himself at this point. There’s a reason he campaigned in 2020 from his basement and it wasn’t because of covid.
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It is my understanding that he died of some type of cancer in Delaware.

He did serve overseas, ( I think he was a JAG Officer ?) but it is not likely that he was involved in huge explosions to destroy captured munitions, that may expose those near the emissions to cancer years later, like at the 9/11 excavations or the dumps on Staten Island, Now covered up with several feet of dirt.

Matt's 5 year NYPD Patrol Partner passed away several years ago from cancer. He had volunteered for 100's of hours on the site !

BOTH Presidents have film of their respective "golf" swings.

NEITHER has what would be called a "Ben Hogan" swing !

But the swing from Trump is repeatable and he does get the club face on the ball square, so that has distance and decent accuracy.

Brandon uses a lofted club and tries to steer height rather than let the lofted club do the work. He does keep his head down on chips, but that led to him chipping from a hazard. Kept his head down, but the ball hit a rock in the hazard and bounced behind his, over his head ! he had no idea where the ball went !
No way he's under a 20 on a real course, not putt putt !

The Pros play a different game of Golf !

Nick Price lived down the road from me and had a practice routine. His caddie would put down a big tarp at a known distance, over a sprinkler head. Nick would hit 25 - 50 balls onto the tarp, caddie gather the tarp with the balls, leave the ones off the tarp. 19 Th hole !
The fact that Biden isn’t quitting (or at least is resisting it) is hilarious. They are going to have to dope him up for the next debate lol.
All I can think about with the tight group surrounding and controlling him at this juncture is Weekend at Bernie’s. This is the poorly written sequel Weekend at Biden’s.
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