This affects us all

My understanding is it is boiler plate but I’m not going to claim every federal search warrant everywhere is identical.
I will ask a question an Attorney should not ask, since I don't know the answer prior to a asking, but it's OK since I'm not an Attorney.

1. How many Federal search warrants, if any have you prepared ?
2. How many clients of yours if any have been so served ?
3. Last time a Federal Search Warrant was issued to a President or ex President, with the Judges OK to use Deadly Force, if you know ?
Sam Snead always said to not play a $ 5 dollar Nassau if you could feel callouses on your opponent's hand at the hand shake.

I saw a framed behind glass of a Trump scorecard at his Bedminster Golf clubhouse. I forget the course, but it was for the Amateur course record !

Autographed by him and attested by his playing Partners that day.
Here we go to correct your incorrect TDS thoughts on Jan 6 Th.

In the self-proclaimed largest investigation in FBI history !

They arrested over 1,200 people !

Fischer vs US was a police officer who was convicted of obstruction, along with ANOTHER 320 charged citizens ! ( The hundreds I spoke of in an earlier post.). The LA Times article I read, made no distinction of charged convicted or charged and waiting trial !

This is the sad part. If they are willing to lie about something so blatantly obvious, it makes it easy to question everything they say. Easy to think they have the worst intentions.

Same thing happened with Fauci. When he was so clearly wrong/dishonest early with COVID, he lost everyone’s trust. That made it easier for conspiracies to take life.
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This is the sad part. If they are willing to lie about something so blatantly obvious, it makes it easy to question everything they say. Easy to think they have the worst intentions.

Same thing happened with Fauci. When he was so clearly wrong/dishonest early with COVID, he lost everyone’s trust. That made it easier for conspiracies to take life.
The sad part is there are voters that will not hold them accountable.
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  • Haha
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Probably neither. And definitely not Vivek.

Rumored final three is Vance, Burgum, and Rubio.
Vance/Burgum do absolutely zero for him. Rubio? I think Rubio is fine, but they are both from Florida. I’m not sure who Rubio pulls unless Rubio is normal enough to get some Never Trumper votes back. What do you think these three bring to the table, and especially Rubio?
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Vance/Burgum do absolutely zero for him. Rubio? I think Rubio is fine, but they are both from Florida. I’m not sure who Rubio pulls unless Rubio is normal enough to get some Never Trumper votes back. What do you think these three bring to the table, and especially Rubio?

I hate Vance and he’s a total sycophant. I also think he brings very little to Trump beyond some populist ideas, many of which Trump seems less concerned about than he did in 2016 anyways.

Burgum would at least help a little and he’d probably toss $50-100M of his own money into the race. He’s reassuring to suburbanites as seemingly normal but he has signed some pretty hard right legislation in North Dakota.

Rubio is easily Trump’s best electoral choice. Suburbanites like him. Women like him. He’s supported by almost all GOP groups, tho perhaps not beloved by MAGA. And he’s Hispanic when Trump is much more likely to make inroads into this coalition than he will among black voters. Plus Rubio will likely claim Nevada as his “home state” to address the issue related to two candidates from the same state, and that is both helpful because Nevada is a swing state and it allows him to bring up his “son of a bartender” working class roots as the reason for the move (his parents worked in Vegas casinos for a time).

Tim Scott, Ben Carson and Elise Stefanik are allegedly still under consideration but not first tier. Scott probably helps a bit with black men and suburbanites, but honestly he’s boring, too much of a sycophant, and not from a swing state. I don’t see it with him. The other two seem less likely.

If Trump wants to win and maximize any win, Rubio is the easy choice. People will like it, he will destroy Kamala in a debate, and he’s a good campaigner.

But with Trump, who knows???
You aren’t a libertarian so don’t worry.

I like the ideology. The current Americanized version - which seems to have been the Rand Paul wing of the GOP plus a few others - very kooky.
I would think the endless foreign war people are kooky
You aren’t a libertarian so don’t worry.

I like the ideology. The current Americanized version - which seems to have been the Rand Paul wing of the GOP plus a few others - very kooky.
You look like a kook claiming Rand Paul is a kook.