This affects us all

Icky. Yet another quality Icky post.

Well, today brings yet another shock death of a 30 year old PGA Tour player and winner. He WD yesterday after feeling unwell and DIED suddenly at 30. Vontae and now World top 60 Grayson Murray dead - both younger than Icky. What could have killed them? Go take the booster Icky since you know it to be harmless.
LOL the insanity on this Board is incredible.
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Facts don’t matter in your pretend world. Why would he want Trump who, when in charge of the US military as the CIC, smashed up 600 Russian mercs from the Wagner Group? Biden smashes nothing except the poop in his pants when he sits down. You’re all about sources. It’s a direct ****ing quote.
Oh by the way your projection is laughable. It is Trump that has to wear adult diapers as he poops in pants. See trial reports and nickname that Cohen revealed.
Russia? Russia?

Holy shit this is laughably ignorant.

Russia has meddled with the hope of undermining the US and in some cases attempting to make it more likely American servicemen die in the ME, Africa and now Europe for more than a decade.

Putin hates us. Thinking otherwise is just foolish.

China is far less antagonistic to the US. It does compete with us some economically tho and not always fairly. I’m suspicious of most things China does, but Russia is an open enemy.
Head in the sand. Damn, what a naive take on China,
I knew you were a Trumper. Why do you keep denying it? Don't have the cajones to admit it.
I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. Your party has went off the deep end. Voting for a guy who I can’t stand personally but had good policy in no way makes me a Trumper, especially considering I voted for a different candidate in the primary. Perhaps your braincells don’t connect correctly that the specific “Republicans” who are working very hard to elect Joe Biden. That’s why I loved the endorsement. It forces more of the anti-Trumpers to get their heads out of their asses and vote to get a Republican in the White House. Your party needs a dose of STFU this November.
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Oh by the way your projection is laughable. It is Trump that has to wear adult diapers as he poops in pants. See trial reports and nickname that Cohen revealed.
I don’t need to project, Dippy. There’s actual video of Biden pooping his pants like a little kid in front of the White House.
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He’s at least a decade behind on China.
I expect little of a guy who is voting for Biden. Biden sold out to China long ago and it’s a stubborn fact that China gave Hunter a ton of money.

China infiltrated DiFi for two decades and old Fang Fang got herself a Democrat on the Intelligence committee. With DiFi and Swawell it is not treason since they were just dupes. But old Joe brought Hunter to China for a reason. Who has Russia infiltrated of late? My error, Russia bought the Bidens too! Note: I don’t disagree on most of his Russia assessment, but China is clearly our #1 geopolitical foe and it is not even close.
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I expect little of a guy who is voting for Biden. Biden sold out to China long ago and it’s a stubborn fact that China gave Hunter a ton of money.

China infiltrated DiFi for two decades and old Fang Fang got herself a Democrat on the Intelligence committee. With DiFi and Swawell it is not treason since they were just dupes. But old Joe brought Hunter to China for a reason. Who has Russia infiltrated of late? My error, Russia bought the Bidens too! Note: I don’t disagree on most of his Russia assessment, but China is clearly our #1 geopolitical foe and it is not even close.
Agree. Train is right about Russia. They don’t go away, if they are left alone. Iranian regime stirs up much and assists Rocketman. A strong military is a big deterrent to actual conflict. Trump admin drying up the funds Iran could use stopped a lot of the nonsense, not just in the middle east, but with NK. Strong leadership makes the difference.
Lotta people want to refuse to read what someone says, for reasons that seem unclear.

Russia militarily opposes US interests and efforts to kill American soldiers where they can. China doesn’t do anything of the sort. It is possible that China could invade Taiwan, which would radically change the equation.

China being less bad than Russia doesn’t make China a great ally. It doesn’t even mean China doesn’t behave adversarially to the US, especially on certain economic issues. Interestingly it seems to be a rare point of agreement between Rs and Ds.

But based on history, both short and long, China is an internally focused power that really cares a whole lot about controlling its own citizens and entrenching government power. Its big foreign forays (the Belt and Road Initiative) even seem to be most focused on ensuring markets for Chinese made goods. Russia is a gangster state with a much greater external focus, far less internal control, and a far bloodier history.
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I don’t need to project, Dippy. There’s actual video of Biden pooping his pants like a little kid in front of the White House.
Right just like the R congress woman reported last year too. Funny how whatever Trump does gets projected onto Biden.
Here’s another guy saying Biden voters aren’t very smart.

Republicans now making the argument that stronger criminal justice measures during the nation’s highest crime era were racist. Man I wonder what the skin color of the overwhelming majority of the victims of those criminals were.

There were a few excesses, drug sentencing being the biggest. But this is way broader.
Icky. Yet another quality Icky post.

Well, today brings yet another shock death of a 30 year old PGA Tour player and winner. He WD yesterday after feeling unwell and DIED suddenly at 30. Vontae and now World top 60 Grayson Murray dead - both younger than Icky. What could have killed them? Go take the booster Icky since you know it to be harmless.

His parents confirmed he killed himself.
I don’t need to project, Dippy. There’s actual video of Biden pooping his pants like a little kid in front of the White House.
I give him the poop in his pants to Brandon not actually doing same.

I do give him the pricing of gas currently around $ 3.50 +/- in the W of WP area UP from the $ 1.80 +/- when he took over !

Yes, that means the $ 80 +/- we spend for gas for our 2 cars has approx. DOUBLED monthly !
Republicans now making the argument that stronger criminal justice measures during the nation’s highest crime era were racist. Man I wonder what the skin color of the overwhelming majority of the victims of those criminals were.

There were a few excesses, drug sentencing being the biggest. But this is way broader.

If you would do some more research, you would find the Strongest Law put on the Federal books was LAUDED BY THE SPONSOR, BIDEN and he is ON record, bragging on his law !

They targeted Marijuana possession/sale of weight. Which turned out to be mainly Blacks at the time !

The current VP was active Prosecuting in Northern Calif, while later admitting she was smoking pot, herself !
If you would do some more research, you would find the Strongest Law put on the Federal books was LAUDED BY THE SPONSOR, BIDEN and he is ON record, bragging on his law !

They targeted Marijuana possession/sale of weight. Which turned out to be mainly Blacks at the time !

The current VP was active Prosecuting in Northern Calif, while later admitting she was smoking pot, herself !

The crime situation was great in the 1980s and 1990s, said only really stupid people.
If you would do some more research, you would find the Strongest Law put on the Federal books was LAUDED BY THE SPONSOR, BIDEN and he is ON record, bragging on his law !

They targeted Marijuana possession/sale of weight. Which turned out to be mainly Blacks at the time !

The current VP was active Prosecuting in Northern Calif, while later admitting she was smoking pot, herself !
Since that is true, you and your son should be all for Biden/Harris.
Icky. Yet another quality Icky post.

Well, today brings yet another shock death of a 30 year old PGA Tour player and winner. He WD yesterday after feeling unwell and DIED suddenly at 30. Vontae and now World top 60 Grayson Murray dead - both younger than Icky. What could have killed them? Go take the booster Icky since you know it to be harmless.
Dr. TJ has a serious problem. Incorrectly blames a tragic death on the vaccine AGAIN.

What kind of sick **** sees a young death and his first instinct is to run to a message board for some kind of gotcha post? A pathetic man consumed by a cult mind virus.
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Lotta people want to refuse to read what someone says, for reasons that seem unclear.

Russia militarily opposes US interests and efforts to kill American soldiers where they can. China doesn’t do anything of the sort. It is possible that China could invade Taiwan, which would radically change the equation.

China being less bad than Russia doesn’t make China a great ally. It doesn’t even mean China doesn’t behave adversarially to the US, especially on certain economic issues. Interestingly it seems to be a rare point of agreement between Rs and Ds.

But based on history, both short and long, China is an internally focused power that really cares a whole lot about controlling its own citizens and entrenching government power. Its big foreign forays (the Belt and Road Initiative) even seem to be most focused on ensuring markets for Chinese made goods. Russia is a gangster state with a much greater external focus, far less internal control, and a far bloodier history.
Agree. In addition, Russia exports hardly anything to the US. The two countries have a very limited economic relationship so Russia has very little to lose in opposing US interests. Russia would like to be a superpower in Europe if it could.

China OTOH exports more to the US then any other country. China and the US need each other economically. China needs to keep its economy strong to keep local unrest to a minimum. China wants to be a superpower economically and militarily dominant in Asia. China is more interested in economic domination than military domination. China's main goals in foreign relations is to open up new markets and make third world countries dependent on China for its goods.

Russia's military objectives pose a much bigger threat to the US than China's military objectives. The good news is that Russia is a second or third rate country at this point. However, if the US would just "ignore" Russia, there would be hell to pay in terms of world stability.
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Just incredibly sad that they even had to go public with it. If you read the comments under the news yesterday, it was 90% nut jobs like Dr. TJ blaming it on vaccines.

If you think about it real hard, Grayson was so upset that Trump gave us vaccines he had to off himself in protest.

Dr. TJ was onto something.
The crime situation was great in the 1980s and 1990s, said only really stupid people.
Refusing to reply to the posted thread isn't really being stupid, but just ignoring the facts.

TDS still !
Since that is true, you and your son should be all for Biden/Harris.

Why should that be true ?

We are not racist !

We are against hypocrites and those receiving multiple millions in bribes !

Those with their head in the sand, should ask/research how the Bidens are able to afford multiple MILLIONS Real Estate.
Refusing to reply to the posted thread isn't really being stupid, but just ignoring the facts.

TDS still !

I think it was completely fine that Biden supported all those bills and everyone here would have voted for them. Claiming Biden is some sort of racist for that is pure delusion, especially as they probably got near 100% GOP support and would again today under the same crime circumstances.
Interesting op ed.

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It’s one thing to have horrible takes kept safely hidden in your mind but why post them for everyone to see?

Hit too close to home apparently.

Here’s the deal, if upon the death of a young person you race to a social media outlet to blame the vax for it, you are troubled. Lots of anti-vaxxers are doing this, and it’s a sign of mental problems or some sort of issue.

If you simply didn’t want to get vaccinated, fine by me.

I was more anti-lockdown and anti-mask than 99% of anti-vaxxers. I was anti-mandate. Get the vax, don’t get it, I don’t care.

Scream from the rooftops about things like “the vax is a means of social control,” “the vax is killing lots of people,” and so on, I care. Those are vicious lies, and for those of us who followed it those lies killed a fair number of Americans in 2021 and 2022 who could have made it through Covid had they gotten a single shot to give them some protection against a worst case Covid outcome.

I’m linking an article that you’ve never come across but something I knew from actually poring over the data myself for two plus years during Covid. During the first year of Covid, red and blue state death rates were basically identical. You had the media out there running around blaming Rs for killing people by reopening and it was blatantly false.

Then comes the vaccines. In blue states (and certain good government red states like Iowa), vaccine penetration was very high. In many red states, especially the Trumpier ones, vaccine penetration is quite low. And all of a sudden the death rates of the two groups wildly diverges, with red states having 38% more Covid-related deaths. Bad luck it was not, the vaccine gave people protection against worst case outcomes. Doesn’t mean it worked perfectly, but it sure worked.

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