This affects us all

Why would libertarians elect a wannabe authoritarian?
Hit too close to home apparently.
Fortunately, unlike some obvious posters on here, I don’t suffer from mental health or substance abuse issues so that doesn’t “hit close to home” at all. And speaking of mental health issues, TDS is a common and severe mental health issue and unfortunately affects some posters on here.
Let me simplify this for you…. It’s one thing to dislike Trump for his personality yet appreciate his America-first policy. It’s quite another for the dislike of his personality to metastasize into a delusional, foaming-at-the-mouth condition that causes someone to actually vote for the corrupt, mentally deficient, America-last d-bag sleepy Joe. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone like that, do you?
In closing, the derogatory term “anti-vaxxer” is a blatantly misleading term. What I believe you are actually referring to are those who are skeptical of the Covid vaccine in particular rather than opposing ANY vaccine- you know, the ones that have been properly developed and safely used for years or even decades.

Anyway, happy Memorial Day to you and everyone else on here and I hope your grills and smokers are dialed in and you all have a great day.
Fortunately, unlike some obvious posters on here, I don’t suffer from mental health or substance abuse issues so that doesn’t “hit close to home” at all. And speaking of mental health issues, TDS is a common and severe mental health issue and unfortunately affects some posters on here.
Let me simplify this for you…. It’s one thing to dislike Trump for his personality yet appreciate his America-first policy. It’s quite another for the dislike of his personality to metastasize into a delusional, foaming-at-the-mouth condition that causes someone to actually vote for the corrupt, mentally deficient, America-last d-bag sleepy Joe. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone like that, do you?
In closing, the derogatory term “anti-vaxxer” is a blatantly misleading term. What I believe you are actually referring to are those who are skeptical of the Covid vaccine in particular rather than opposing ANY vaccine- you know, the ones that have been properly developed and safely used for years or even decades.

Anyway, happy Memorial Day to you and everyone else on here and I hope your grills and smokers are dialed in and you all have a great day.

You think it’s a mental health issue to vote for Biden? What a take!

My dude … politics are too important if you think that. I don’t think it about Trump GE voters (some of his primary voters are a different animal, that’s a pathology that would take multiple books to unravel).

As for the vaccine stuff, I noted no rebuttal. But yes, it’s much more problematic to dislike vaccines generally than just the Covid one. My issue with the anti Covid vaccine isn’t people not wanting it, it’s the delusional lunacy about how the Covid vax is evil or a government plot or whatever. That line of thinking literally killed people who might have taken it and been better off.
You think it’s a mental health issue to vote for Biden? What a take!

My dude … politics are too important if you think that. I don’t think it about Trump GE voters (some of his primary voters are a different animal, that’s a pathology that would take multiple books to unravel).

As for the vaccine stuff, I noted no rebuttal. But yes, it’s much more problematic to dislike vaccines generally than just the Covid one. My issue with the anti Covid vaccine isn’t people not wanting it, it’s the delusional lunacy about how the Covid vax is evil or a government plot or whatever. That line of thinking literally killed people who might have taken it and been better off.

When people like Fauci did everything they could to deceive the public about COVID, and lied about its ability to keep people from getting sick or spreading the virus, it was no surprise that people thought the worst of the vaccine.

Didn’t help that leaders of the Dem party weren’t sure if they would take it if it was initiated by Trump. That alone made people wonder how political all of it was.

A lot of people, and both parties, led to the hysteria around the vaccine.

Forcing healthy people, who had been exposed to COVID endlessly, to get the vaccine, was a mistake.
When people like Fauci did everything they could to deceive the public about COVID, and lied about its ability to keep people from getting sick or spreading the virus, it was no surprise that people thought the worst of the vaccine.

Didn’t help that leaders of the Dem party weren’t sure if they would take it if it was initiated by Trump. That alone made people wonder how political all of it was.

A lot of people, and both parties, led to the hysteria around the vaccine.

Forcing healthy people, who had been exposed to COVID endlessly, to get the vaccine, was a mistake.

Beating around the bush entirely.

No Dems believe that the vax is evil and now most love it, so acting like that is even relevant is poor argumentation. No Republicans seize on the “Trump created it” stuff either.

So that leaves us with Fauci. First, anti-vax sentiment far predated Covid (that stupid lunacy isn’t new). Second, of all the things Fauci is associated with, Operation Warp Speed is about dead last on the list. It wasn’t Fauci who created this or was even a primary promoter (Trump, correctly in my view, promoted it more than the Fauc).

Republicans are in the throes of a conspiracy-addled mindset where it seems like they are paranoid of anything coming from central authority. I don’t love central authority much myself, but it’s not hard to evaluate things issue by issue, after which it becomes obvious that the problem with the government is largely competence and rarely malfeasance.
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Beating around the bush entirely.

No Dems believe that the vax is evil and now most love it, so acting like that is even relevant is poor argumentation. No Republicans seize on the “Trump created it” stuff either.

So that leaves us with Fauci. First, anti-vax sentiment far predated Covid (that stupid lunacy isn’t new). Second, of all the things Fauci is associated with, Operation Warp Speed is about dead last on the list. It wasn’t Fauci who created this or was even a primary promoter (Trump, correctly in my view, promoted it more than the Fauc).

Republicans are in the throes of a conspiracy-addled mindset where it seems like they are paranoid of anything coming from central authority. I don’t love central authority much myself, but it’s not hard to evaluate things issue by issue, after which it becomes obvious that the problem with the government is largely competence and rarely malfeasance.

Don’t disagree. Gross incompetence at the highest levels of govt.

I don’t believe there was a massive conspiracy to control us. But some of their decisions made it easy for people to believe that. Firing doctors, nurses, police, etc., who had been exposed to COVID on a daily basis, for over a year…..that alone allowed people to see that the “experts” were not following science. If they weren’t following science, it became easy for people to think it was all about control.

6 feet apart, masking toddlers, closing parks and beaches, arrows in grocery store aisles….a bunch of stuff that didn’t follow science. Not surprising people lost even more faith in our govt and the “experts”.

If any of this sounds unreasonable or anti vax, just a reminder that I received 2 shots.
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Don’t disagree. Gross incompetence at the highest levels of govt.

I don’t believe there was a massive conspiracy to control us. But some of their decisions made it easy for people to believe that. Firing doctors, nurses, police, etc., who had been exposed to COVID on a daily basis, for over a year…..that alone allowed people to see that the “experts” were not following science. If they weren’t following science, it became easy for people to think it was all about control.

I don’t see any need to give the same people that think Trump is America’s greatest businessman the benefit of the doubt. This is not about facts or justice or whatever could make sense, it’s a temper tantrum about the way they see the world not being adhered to by others.

None of this is debating whether a healthy 35 year old should take the Covid vax. Of course there’s a good argument not to.

I just don’t see these folks as any different than those who believed others should be forced to vaccinate their children.
I don’t see any need to give the same people that think Trump is America’s greatest businessman the benefit of the doubt. This is not about facts or justice or whatever could make sense, it’s a temper tantrum about the way they see the world not being adhered to by others.

None of this is debating whether a healthy 35 year old should take the Covid vax. Of course there’s a good argument not to.

I just don’t see these folks as any different than those who believed others should be forced to vaccinate their children.

No doubt that many Trump enthusiasts are also fine with control, if it aligns with their beliefs.
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No doubt that many Trump enthusiasts are also fine with control, if it aligns with their beliefs.

General anti-vax sentiment was not exclusive to either side pre COVID. Now … not many of those folks remaining on the left.
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No doubt that many Trump enthusiasts are also fine with control, if it aligns with their beliefs.

Also I don’t think you are anti-vax, I just think you are trying to explain something that cannot be logically explained.
They’ve already tried during Covid you lefty cuck.
They way I recall the lock downs and mask mandates and closing of schools, is that the Lefty Trump was the President, and your boy De Santis was the Governor of Florida. I live in probably the most Red and most conservative county in Florida, and the Red conservatives locked it down and imposed mask mandates for many months.
They way I recall the lock downs and mask mandates and closing of schools, is that the Lefty Trump was the President, and your boy De Santis was the Governor of Florida. I live in probably the most Red and most conservative county in Florida, and the Red conservatives locked it down and imposed mask mandates for many months.

I believe RDS followed the recommendations of public health lefties for about six weeks, mostly because he didn’t want to defy Trump.
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# 1 issue to likely Voters = Economy.

70 % of USA living paycheck to paycheck.

I ass/u/me that 99 % of us Posters are in the 30 % that not only don't have to live paycheck to paycheck, but have actual disposable funds !

Yeah, Illini !

Our layer chicken's are laying so many eggs that Matt/Amanda 2 youngest boys go around the neighborhood selling 12 eggs for $ 5.00 !

So we have that as well !
" Arrest, Expel, Deport ", Alan Dershowitz's answer to riots on campus currently, getting some traction !
They way I recall the lock downs and mask mandates and closing of schools, is that the Lefty Trump was the President, and your boy De Santis was the Governor of Florida. I live in probably the most Red and most conservative county in Florida, and the Red conservatives locked it down and imposed mask mandates for many months.

He was one of the first to remove restrictions, and Dems in his state wanted him to wait longer.

“Are they trying to kill us” was the response from the left when Governors like RDS reopened the economy in their states.

Your recall is always inaccurate.

He was one of the first to remove restrictions, and Dems in his state wanted him to wait longer.

“Are they trying to kill us” was the response from the left when Governors like RDS reopened the economy in their states.

Your recall is always inaccurate.


Ron DeSantis wasn't always a COVID rebel: Looking back at the Florida governor's initial pandemic response​

By Laura Doan
June 15, 2023 / 1:46 PM EDT / CBS News
Presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been bringing up early pandemic history on the campaign trail, pitching himself to primary voters as the governor who led the conservative rebellion against COVID health guidance.

"I was the leader in this country in fighting back against Fauci," DeSantis said in an interview on "The Ben Shapiro Show." "We bucked him every step of the way."

During an appearance on the The Glenn Beck Radio Program, DeSantis said Florida was "one of the few who stood up, cut against the grain" when reopening schools and businesses. And he took jabs at the COVID record of his 2024 opponent President Donald Trump.

"When he turned the country over to Fauci in March of 2020, that destroyed millions of people's lives," DeSantis said.

In Florida, throughout March 2020 and the first months of the pandemic, DeSantis himself made many calls about closures and stay-at-home orders that hewed fairly closely to the health guidance by federal health officials at the time. And when compared to fellow Republican governors, DeSantis' reopening does not look exceptionally aggressive. But the Florida governor did take the lead in opposing mask and vaccine mandates.

Florida's early lockdown resembled those in much of U.S.

DeSantis declared a state of emergency on COVID in Florida before the U.S. had declared its state of emergency. He closed schools in the early weeks of the pandemic just as all 49 other states did; in fact, Florida schools closed to in-person instruction a couple of days before New York schools did.

By March 16, 2020, when about 6,000 cases of COVID were confirmed in the U.S., President Donald Trump's administration announced social distancing guidelines and states around the country began to issue stay-at-home orders. Just four days later, DeSantis started a partial shutdown of Florida stores and beaches.

After Trump extended national safer-at-home guidelines, the governor issued his version of a 30-day stay-at-home order on April 1, asking people to refrain from non-essential activities. Previously, he'd been resisting, even amid reports that people were flocking to Florida during spring break.

"When the president did the 30-day extension, to me that was — people aren't just going to go back to work. That's a national pause button," DeSantis said.
Yes God Bless DeSantis, he is mobilizing for antibody treatment, expensive and next to impossible to get, but won't let schools and businesses require masks or proof of vaccinations, and did not encourage vaccinations so Florida is the leader in Covid and deaths. You don't see a little inconsistency there?

Weird, a couple years ago you were talking about how he killed people because he didn’t have the mandates and requirements. Now a couple years later, you are saying he was a lockdown and mask mandate guy. Your recall sucks. LOL
Weird, a couple years ago you were talking about how he killed people because he didn’t have the mandates and requirements. Now a couple years later, you are saying he was a lockdown and mask mandate guy. Your recall sucks. LOL
Pointing out inconsistencies, and damn accurate, as was my recall of how he locked down the state when covid hit, I was here. Go back to analyze whether Florida has the same amount of tourists in the summer.
Pointing out inconsistencies, and damn accurate, as was my recall of how he locked down the state when covid hit, I was here. Go back to analyze whether Florida has the same amount of tourists in the summer.

This is what dishonest people do when they lose an argument. They change the argument. Don’t get upset because I know Florida (and RDS decisions) as well as, or more than, the guy that lives in Florida.

I’ve also been to Florida 4 times since the start of COVID. 3 times in the summer. Packed every time. Disney, Tampa, Clearwater Beach….doesn’t matter where you go, Florida is always busy.

I don’t blame you for wanting to shift this conversation away too. Another dishonest conversation on your part.
This is what dishonest people do when they lose an argument. They change the argument. Don’t get upset because I know Florida (and RDS decisions) as well as, or more than, the guy that lives in Florida.

I’ve also been to Florida 4 times since the start of COVID. 3 times in the summer. Packed every time. Disney, Tampa, Clearwater Beach….doesn’t matter where you go, Florida is always busy.

I don’t blame you for wanting to shift this conversation away too. Another dishonest conversation on your part.

Truth. Btw, he got this line of argument from Trumpers trying to excuse that pussy Donald’s weakness in the face of lefty pressure on Covid.

Kemp, RDS and then Abbott reopened well before Trump wanted them to, thankfully.
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I believe RDS followed the recommendations of public health lefties for about six weeks, mostly because he didn’t want to defy Trump.
and you know what, that was a reasonable response at that time. I don't criticize any government official at that time, for anything they tried. we were dealing with a pandemic that hadn't been seen since over 100 years.
This is what dishonest people do when they lose an argument. They change the argument. Don’t get upset because I know Florida (and RDS decisions) as well as, or more than, the guy that lives in Florida.

I’ve also been to Florida 4 times since the start of COVID. 3 times in the summer. Packed every time. Disney, Tampa, Clearwater Beach….doesn’t matter where you go, Florida is always busy.

I don’t blame you for wanting to shift this conversation away too. Another dishonest conversation on your part.
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Weird, a couple years ago you were talking about how he killed people because he didn’t have the mandates and requirements. Now a couple years later, you are saying he was a lockdown and mask mandate guy. Your recall sucks. LOL
It’s not just his recall that sucks.
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Truth. Btw, he got this line of argument from Trumpers trying to excuse that pussy Donald’s weakness in the face of lefty pressure on Covid.

Kemp, RDS and then Abbott reopened well before Trump wanted them to, thankfully.
“It’s just too soon.” - Donald Trump
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Truth. Btw, he got this line of argument from Trumpers trying to excuse that pussy Donald’s weakness in the face of lefty pressure on Covid.

Kemp, RDS and then Abbott reopened well before Trump wanted them to, thankfully.
I know you and Rilla others on here really like DeSantis. Bored before dinner so I will give you my take. My problem with him is that he is too smart to just play the political savior of the right. He is in the Hawley, Cruz vein. He locked it down for Covid as the rest of the country did. My son, whose schooI was closed for 2 years and I were in the only car on the road. I went to the office every day. Nothing was open until some weeks later when McDonalds drive in opened. As I said, shut down was reasonable, who knew what we were dealing with, the hospitals were full. After a few months DeSantis decided to play the "open the state up" game although it wasn't, he put the call on the counties and cities. While he talked tough, my county was shut down for close to a year, mask mandate about a year and a half. Courthouse was closed for many months, emergency matters only for over a year, and then only Zoom for many months more. Most of the state was like that. Had to sit in the parking lots to eat at any restaurant that tried to survive. I don't believe restaurants opened for close to a year. Of course many never reopened. Then he hires a anti-vaxxer Surgeon General as a political show. As I said everything is performative with him. State leaders did whatever he asked as they were sure he was going to be President. Passed a law granting exemption from the Public Records Act so that the amount he was spending on travel, or any travel gifts are not disclosed.(must be a reason to hide them) Amended the law that prevent an elected official from from running for an office while he already held an elected office. In the mean time wind damage on house insurance is either unavailable or thousands per month. Car insurance keeps climbing. Banning books and going after trans more important.
I know you and Rilla others on here really like DeSantis. Bored before dinner so I will give you my take. My problem with him is that he is too smart to just play the political savior of the right. He is in the Hawley, Cruz vein. He locked it down for Covid as the rest of the country did. My son, whose schooI was closed for 2 years and I were in the only car on the road. I went to the office every day. Nothing was open until some weeks later when McDonalds drive in opened. As I said, shut down was reasonable, who knew what we were dealing with, the hospitals were full. After a few months DeSantis decided to play the "open the state up" game although it wasn't, he put the call on the counties and cities. While he talked tough, my county was shut down for close to a year, mask mandate about a year and a half. Courthouse was closed for many months, emergency matters only for over a year, and then only Zoom for many months more. Most of the state was like that. Had to sit in the parking lots to eat at any restaurant that tried to survive. I don't believe restaurants opened for close to a year. Of course many never reopened. Then he hires a anti-vaxxer Surgeon General as a political show. As I said everything is performative with him. State leaders did whatever he asked as they were sure he was going to be President. Passed a law granting exemption from the Public Records Act so that the amount he was spending on travel, or any travel gifts are not disclosed.(must be a reason to hide them) Amended the law that prevent an elected official from from running for an office while he already held an elected office. In the mean time wind damage on house insurance is either unavailable or thousands per month. Car insurance keeps climbing. Banning books and going after trans more important.
What books did DeSantis ban that you can’t read now?
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and you know what, that was a reasonable response at that time. I don't criticize any government official at that time, for anything they tried. we were dealing with a pandemic that hadn't been seen since over 100 years.

I think that’s a totally fine take.
I know you and Rilla others on here really like DeSantis. Bored before dinner so I will give you my take. My problem with him is that he is too smart to just play the political savior of the right. He is in the Hawley, Cruz vein. He locked it down for Covid as the rest of the country did. My son, whose schooI was closed for 2 years and I were in the only car on the road. I went to the office every day. Nothing was open until some weeks later when McDonalds drive in opened. As I said, shut down was reasonable, who knew what we were dealing with, the hospitals were full. After a few months DeSantis decided to play the "open the state up" game although it wasn't, he put the call on the counties and cities. While he talked tough, my county was shut down for close to a year, mask mandate about a year and a half. Courthouse was closed for many months, emergency matters only for over a year, and then only Zoom for many months more. Most of the state was like that. Had to sit in the parking lots to eat at any restaurant that tried to survive. I don't believe restaurants opened for close to a year. Of course many never reopened. Then he hires a anti-vaxxer Surgeon General as a political show. As I said everything is performative with him. State leaders did whatever he asked as they were sure he was going to be President. Passed a law granting exemption from the Public Records Act so that the amount he was spending on travel, or any travel gifts are not disclosed.(must be a reason to hide them) Amended the law that prevent an elected official from from running for an office while he already held an elected office. In the mean time wind damage on house insurance is either unavailable or thousands per month. Car insurance keeps climbing. Banning books and going after trans more important.

You think RDS can control insurance rates? C’mon, that’s ridiculous. You live in a state that gets hit by hurricanes every year. State Farm and other carriers have abandoned the SE, because they were losing $ down there. That’s why your insurance has gone up. My friend in NOLA has similar issues for similar reasons.

RDS told restaurants to reopen well before most other states. Your county leadership sucks, you should move. These are ridiculous criticisms. He’s a Republican so you can’t stand him, just be honest about it.

If someone blocks the public from seeing something, do you automatically assume they are hiding something? Just curious if you are consistent here.
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RDS told restaurants to reopen well before most other states.
Again, performative. The market was not ready. No workers, no suppliers, people afraid to leave home. Cities and counties had mask mandates. Not his fault, but what he said didn't matter.
You think RDS can control insurance rates?
Yes the state can. Some of you might not like this approach, but Florida took care of the problem for a couple of decades. The state has to get involved, they created Citizens Insurance a state company that offered incredibly low rates,. Several years back a politically connected fat cat convinced Tallahassee to spin off a big chunk of the policies to his private company. I was one of them. Just before Ian they dropped most people including me(the week before). No one is in the market now. State has to design and set up a government solution as private insurance refuses to get in(I don't blame them what Co. can take a multi-billion $ hit?)
Again, performative. The market was not ready. No workers, no suppliers, people afraid to leave home. Cities and counties had mask mandates. Not his fault, but what he said didn't matter.

He did what he could, and used his leadership position to tell businesses to reopen.

Yes, some liberal cities and counties fought him hard. It must have been a bizarro world where you lived, compared to where I live. I’d bet the % of people that were afraid to leave there home in September of 2020 was less than 5 here. Of course my Governor (Dem) left it to the counties and people loved him for that. Didn’t call it performative, and it led to my red county opening up quickly.

If what he said didn’t matter, he wouldn’t bother you so much.
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Yes the state can. Some of you might not like this approach, but Florida took care of the problem for a couple of decades. The state has to get involved, they created Citizens Insurance a state company that offered incredibly low rates,. Several years back a politically connected fat cat convinced Tallahassee to spin off a big chunk of the policies to his private company. I was one of them. Just before Ian they dropped most people including me(the week before). No one is in the market now. State has to design and set up a government solution as private insurance refuses to get in(I don't blame them what Co. can take a multi-billion $ hit?)

They are dropping people too. Shitty situation, but I have trouble blaming the Governor.

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Truth. Btw, he got this line of argument from Trumpers trying to excuse that pussy Donald’s weakness in the face of lefty pressure on Covid.

Kemp, RDS and then Abbott reopened well before Trump wanted them to, thankfully.
Trump was a Democrat until some time in the early 2000’s, IIRC. In crisis he ran back to his Democrat roots. He also wasn’t perceptive enough to figure out how much BS Fauci and Birx were feeding him.
He did what he could, and used his leadership position to tell businesses to reopen.

Yes, some liberal cities and counties fought him hard.

If what he said didn’t matter, he wouldn’t bother you so much.
I live in probably the most conservative and Red county, as I posted.
I know you and Rilla others on here really like DeSantis. Bored before dinner so I will give you my take. My problem with him is that he is too smart to just play the political savior of the right. He is in the Hawley, Cruz vein. He locked it down for Covid as the rest of the country did. My son, whose schooI was closed for 2 years and I were in the only car on the road. I went to the office every day. Nothing was open until some weeks later when McDonalds drive in opened. As I said, shut down was reasonable, who knew what we were dealing with, the hospitals were full. After a few months DeSantis decided to play the "open the state up" game although it wasn't, he put the call on the counties and cities. While he talked tough, my county was shut down for close to a year, mask mandate about a year and a half. Courthouse was closed for many months, emergency matters only for over a year, and then only Zoom for many months more. Most of the state was like that. Had to sit in the parking lots to eat at any restaurant that tried to survive. I don't believe restaurants opened for close to a year. Of course many never reopened. Then he hires a anti-vaxxer Surgeon General as a political show. As I said everything is performative with him. State leaders did whatever he asked as they were sure he was going to be President. Passed a law granting exemption from the Public Records Act so that the amount he was spending on travel, or any travel gifts are not disclosed.(must be a reason to hide them) Amended the law that prevent an elected official from from running for an office while he already held an elected office. In the mean time wind damage on house insurance is either unavailable or thousands per month. Car insurance keeps climbing. Banning books and going after trans more important.

Your son’s school closed and you were the only car on the road? Only car on the road when?

Where do you live? 2 years is insane.

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