This affects us all

Trump is imperfect. RFK Jr is imperfect. RDS is imperfect.

If you understand that the left has lost their mind, you will need to vote for the R nominee. Even if that person is not who you would choose given better options. I didn't like Romney or McCain, but pulled the lever for what I thought was the best option. It really is not more complex than that.

I am not chasing fairy tales with thestonedax
You are right VOTE FASCIST. What a long ways the Repubs have fallen.
The pandemic did not cause inflation. The federal responses to it did.
- Flooding the economy with 8 trillion dollars Way more than was needed And who wanted to keep the country locked down and keep spending more?
- increasing the cost of labor by Paying people to stay home unnecessarily
- decreasing the supply of goods and services by unnecessarily prolonged lockdowns.
Which do you prefer. The strongest economy in the world coming out of a pandemic, or lower inflation?
Which do you prefer. The strongest economy in the world coming out of a pandemic, or lower inflation?
LOL. Biden’s economy is not strong. Inflation is a tax on poor people and people on fixed incomes. What was the price of gas when Trump was President? Close to half of what that is now. It narrows the radius lower class/lower middle class can go to find work. Why does your party hate poor people so much?
All those tweets should keep everyone busy for a while. Interesting info and perspectives.
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This is what I mean about not seeing reality. The NY case is a state case which is a weak case.
The Georgia case is a state case. The DC and the Florida cases are Federal cases.

The DOJ has nothing to do with the state cases.

Most objective people can see that the Georgia and Florida cases are legitimate cases. In particular, the Florida case is very strong. Unlike every other politician that was found to have classified documents, Trump decided to fight against turning them over. The only way he does not get convicted is if he gets a favorable jury in Florida.

I believe that both Biden and Trump are corrupt as hell. You can see it with Biden but you ignore it with Trump.
That is not seeing reality.
Lumping state and federal cases into the DOJ was just laziness on my part. The left has spent 7 years investigating/ impeaching and charging DJT and people close to him with crimes. It has been nonstop. Hillary wiped her illegal servers and phones of classified data. That was fine. Trump didn't want to turn it over, but in the end they did get it. It was dumb, for sure. But I thought we didn't prosecute recklessness with classified material ...well, until we do.
The Biden family has spent years selling influence to countries that have gained quite a bit during the Biden presidency and it appears that is just fine with you and thestonedax.

One of the scariest things that can happen to the US is having a leader that is beholden to others. You are fine with it. That is detached from reality.
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Lumping state and federal cases into the DOJ was just laziness on my part. The left has spent 7 years investigating/ impeaching and charging DJT and people close to him with crimes. It has been nonstop. Hillary wiped her illegal servers and phones of classified data. That was fine. Trump didn't want to turn it over, but in the end they did get it. It was dumb, for sure. But I thought we didn't prosecute recklessness with classified material ...well, until we do.
The Biden family has spent years selling influence to countries that have gained quite a bit during the Biden presidency and it appears that is just fine with you and thestonedax.

One of the scariest things that can happen to the US is having a leader that is beholden to others. You are fine with it. That is detached from reality.
Again you see the crimes of the left but ignore the crimes of Trump. You are blind and willfully ignore reality. Keep believing in Saint Trump. The man who has stated he will use the DOJ as a weapon against former members of his own administration and will use the military to quell demonstrations on the day of his inauguration. Quite a guy.
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LOL. Biden’s economy is not strong. Inflation is a tax on poor people and people on fixed incomes. What was the price of gas when Trump was President? Close to half of what that is now. It narrows the radius lower class/lower middle class can go to find work. Why does your party hate poor people so much?
LOL one if your weakest posts yet. I guess that limit on driving to find work is why unemployment is at record lows in this hot economy.
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Again you see the crimes of the left but ignore the crimes of Trump. You are blind and willfully ignore reality. Keep believing in Saint Trump. The man who has stated he will use the DOJ as a weapon against former members of his own administration and will use the military to quell demonstrations on the day of his inauguration. Quite a guy.
Crimes like recklessly handling classified information? Please. I responded to that.

He also said Hillary was going to jail. So what??? The world is on fire under Biden, but at least everything costs way more! Print money and send to some proxy war overseas in a country your family received millions from. Crime is up everywhere and our border is wide open for anyone, from anywhere to come in and the US taxpayer has to foot the bill. Nice vote!
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LOL one if your weakest posts yet. I guess that limit on driving to find work is why unemployment is at record lows in this hot economy.

Jobs related to war and Only Fans are driving the Biden economy.

Yes, I’m joking about Only Fans. Well, kind of. We can all see Biden’s economy with our eyes. Homelessness is skyrocketing, biggest increase since the govt started keeping track.

Crimes like recklessly handling classified information? Please. I responded to that.

He also said Hillary was going to jail. So what??? The world is on fire under Biden, but at least everything costs way more! Print money and send to some proxy war overseas in a country your family received millions from. Crime is up everywhere and our border is wide open for anyone, from anywhere to come in and the US taxpayer has to foot the bill. Nice vote!
All you do is focus on Biden. Biden is a bad president I am not talking about Hillary. Trump stated he would start DOJ investigations against people like Bill Barr who were not sufficiently loyal to him. This is a man who should never be president again.
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ON FIRE!! Let's set our hair on fire. Hyperbole anyone?

Jews are afraid to walk across campus in Biden’s America. The Middle East and Russia/Ukraine are on fire all the time.

Biden is weak, and the world is suffering because of it.

Your party wants people thrown in jail, and kicked off campus, for using the wrong pronoun. But you have no problem with Jews being threatened on campuses across the country. You belong to a not serious party, and one that is setting us back decades.
LOL one if your weakest posts yet. I guess that limit on driving to find work is why unemployment is at record lows in this hot economy.
LOL. The US economy is not “hot”. Inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years. 17.1% overall rise in consumer pricing since your corrupt poopy pants President took office. Gasoline up 50%. Adjusting for inflation, real weekly earnings have dropped 3.9%. Despite these supposed record low unemployment figures, the poverty level has remained the same since a year before Biden took office. Why does your party hate poor people?
ON FIRE!! Let's set our hair on fire. Hyperbole anyone?
Name all the wars that started under Trump because of Trump policy? You cant. Not only did he clean up ISIS, he drew down Afghanistan to small numbers, had the Iranian regime choking on lack of money so much so younger generations were ready to revolt. The Iranians are the #1 funder of terrorism world wide. No money for them, means no money for terrorist organizations. You vote for fools. You make dumbassed, disinformative posts that Trump is Putin’s bitch, yet Putin didn’t do squat while Trump was in office. NK and “Rocket Man” didn’t fire any rockets when Trump was President. Business is back to usual since Poopy Pants took office. Money flowing through Iran, IRG trained terrorists murdering civilians en masse. You have a lot to answer for.
Jews are afraid to walk across campus in Biden’s America. The Middle East and Russia/Ukraine are on fire all the time.

Biden is weak, and the world is suffering because of it.

Your party wants people thrown in jail, and kicked off campus, for using the wrong pronoun. But you have no problem with Jews being threatened on campuses across the country. You belong to a not serious party, and one that is setting us back decades.
Biden weak, that is why respected around the world, rebuilt Nato after Trump tried to shut it down. Trump was strong- that is why he was considered a clown and Putin's, Xi's and Kim's bitch. Oh I forgot he and dweeb son in law were MBS' bitches too. Don't make me laugh.
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had the Iranian regime choking on lack of money so much so younger generations were ready to revolt. The Iranians are the #1 funder of terrorism world wide. No money for them, means no money for terrorist organizations
Again you make crap up. Iran was blocked from accessing their oil revenue. Trump, yes your tough guy, removed the block allowing Iran to get their oil revenue. But hell keep bragging how a gallon of gas was cheaper while Trump was President. You can't have it both ways.
Biden weak, that is why respected around the world, rebuilt Nato after Trump tried to shut it down. Trump was strong- that is why he was considered a clown and Putin's, Xi's and Kim's bitch. Oh I forgot he and dweeb son in law were MBS' bitches too. Don't make me laugh.

He got NATO to help fund his never ending war in Ukraine, woohoo!

Ukrainians weren't dying by the thousands under Trump. Neither were Israelis and Palestinians. But ya, things are going swimmingly for all the dead children funded by Iran/USA. I'm sure all the dead children are glad Biden isn't "Putin's bitch".

You are a shill for the pharmaceutical industry and the war industrial complex.

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