Current Events.

My point is that EVERY famous person has been photographed with Diddy. It was ridiculous to post a picture of him with Clinton and make some asinine statement. Right over your head.

Got it. Didn’t see the picture of him with Clinton.

Diddy has some dirty friends, that’s for sure. I’m guessing we won’t hear much about them.
What I said is that college educated voters are leaving the Republican party. This has nothing to do with leftist educational brainwashing. These voters are long time Republicans who are leaving the party. They were "Country Club Republicans" who don't fit with Trump and MAGA.
My ex-wife received her BS in 1991. She was a bigger conservative her entire life Than I and even waited in line for 10 hours to meet GWB when he was in office. She went back to law school just over 10 years ago. She came out a far leftwing loon. She now reads the NYT and WaPo daily. It is hard to take you serious if you honestly don't have a grip on what US Colleges have become.
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Trump has made it clear moderate Republicans are not welcome in the party.
The demographic trends are clear: higher educated people are leaving the party and are being replaced by working class folks.
This is not about the merits of MAGA; it is about how the Republican party is being shaped by Trump demographicly. There are big changes in the composition of both parties.
Are the moderate Rs the ones loving the war in Ukraine?
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My ex-wife received her BS in 1991. She was a bigger conservative her entire life Than I and even waited in line for 10 hours to meet GWB when he was in office. She went back to law school just over 10 years ago. She came out a far leftwing loon. She now reads the NYT and WaPo daily. It is hard to take you serious if you honestly don't have a grip on what US Colleges have become.
Many people have just a Bachelors degree and were Republican and have left the party. These people have had no interaction with higher education for years yet they are leaving the Republican party.
If you look at the data analytics from the 2020 election, Trump lost because he alienated suburban Republicans.
My ex-wife received her BS in 1991. She was a bigger conservative her entire life Than I and even waited in line for 10 hours to meet GWB when he was in office. She went back to law school just over 10 years ago. She came out a far leftwing loon. She now reads the NYT and WaPo daily. It is hard to take you serious if you honestly don't have a grip on what US Colleges have become.
That Goddarned Law School brainwashed her. LOL
My ex-wife received her BS in 1991. She was a bigger conservative her entire life Than I and even waited in line for 10 hours to meet GWB when he was in office. She went back to law school just over 10 years ago. She came out a far leftwing loon. She now reads the NYT and WaPo daily. It is hard to take you serious if you honestly don't have a grip on what US Colleges have become.

Social contagion. Women have always been more vulnerable. Not surprising to see it in the burbs.
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Judge not lest ye be judged. So everyone who is not MAGA has a moral deficit. Got it.
You are sounding more and more like stonedhead every day. What do you think “country club republicans” do? Who do you think they are. They certainly are arrogant and make sure others aren’t worthy. Don’t pull a Bible verse out of your butt just to misuse it. “Decorum” for decorum’s sake isn’t morals.