Current Events.

You may be right. I did forget that most of the delegates were for Trump. God knows what candidate they would have selected.

It would have led to massive chaos, and even if they chose RDS quickly, he would have been left with little time. In a time of major crisis.

As much as I dislike Trump, him dying would be awful for the GOP right now. Would be incredibly awful for the country as a whole. We look so weak right now. 2 assassination attempts on an USA Presidential candidate in 2024. Everyone knows that 1st one was easily preventable. We have seen the videos. We are all very lucky that crazy kid missed. When it comes to security, we look weak on the global stage. Or worse.
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Trump has a net favorability rating of -10 and he is the most attractive candidate? Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million to Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton was an awful candidate. Trump then lost to the living mummy in 2020. Trump sure is a powerhouse candidate! I am sure the Republicans could have done better.
What did McCain or Romney win? Dole? Bush won only electoral vote in 2000 and parlayed 9/11 and wars into a popular win in 2004.
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What did McCain or Romney win? Dole? Bush won only electoral vote in 2000 and parlayed 9/11 and wars into a popular win in 2004.
McCain, Romney and Dole only ran one time. They all ran against strong candidates. Bush only lost the popular vote by a little over 500,000 votes. Trump is running three times. In 2016, Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million in 2016 and lost in 2020 even though he ran against some of the weakest candidates in history. Imagine a debate of Trump vs. Obama, it would have been a massacre.
There are many people who lack smarts and common sense but it’s not something to brag about.
You can have both smarts and common sense and not vote for Trump. It is fact that since 2016 or it bit prior the Republican Party's base has become less educated. College grads are leaving the Republican Party.
You can have both smarts and common sense and not vote for Trump. It is fact that since 2016 or it bit prior the Republican Party's base has become less educated. College grads are leaving the Republican Party.
Someone can feel free to not vote for trump all they want. But to then take that vote and vote for the Kackler is pure insanity.
College kids are being inundated with far-left propaganda (by design), no wonder they’re leaving the GOP. Normal, sane kids aren’t.
“I am unworthy , I am unworthy” 🤡
As usual you look at who writes an article and all other discussion as opposed to facts. The part of the story that mattered was the Gallup poll. I’ll see your 🤡 and raise it. 🤡🤡
As usual you look at who writes an article and all other discussion as opposed to facts. The part of the story that mattered was the Gallup poll. I’ll see your 🤡 and raise it. 🤡🤡
And has been pointed out by another poster, Gallup is crap, close to Rasmussen.
Someone can feel free to not vote for trump all they want. But to then take that vote and vote for the Kackler is pure insanity.
College kids are being inundated with far-left propaganda (by design), no wonder they’re leaving the GOP. Normal, sane kids aren’t.
It's college graduates of all ages. Trump is gaining blue collar workers (look at the Teamsters) and losing the college graduates. Where I live in Naperville, used to be a solid Republican district now it is purple with a Democratic congressman. The other portion of Naperville in a different district has a Democrat as well. Trump is losing the suburban vote.
It's college graduates of all ages. Trump is gaining blue collar workers (look at the Teamsters) and losing the college graduates. Where I live in Naperville, used to be a solid Republican district now it is purple with a Democratic congressman. The other portion of Naperville in a different district has a Democrat as well. Trump is losing the suburban vote.
this is more of an indictment of the left wing propaganda pushed by the university systems
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this is more of an indictment of the left wing propaganda pushed by the university systems
That doesn't explain why historically Republican suburbs are turning blue.
These are people who are switching from Republican to either Independent or Democrat. Many of these people are what Trump calls RINOs. They clearly are not comfortable with MAGA.
That doesn't explain why historically Republican suburbs are turning blue.
These are people who are switching from Republican to either Independent or Democrat. Many of these people are what Trump calls RINOs. They clearly are not comfortable with MAGA.
You just said college grads are not republicans and I am telling you it’s the leftist educational brainwashing
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Wait. I thought is was the RW that supported Putin. At least that’s what the stoneaxe poster claims.

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No surprise. Democrats are criminals.
One thing Crowley is wrong about is expectation of what will happen to these people responsible. Not one thing. There is no accountability in Washington DC. Just look at how DHS/SS is stonewalling Congress. And yet we are supposed to feel guilty that the Burbs are turning blue? Not gonna happen.
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One thing Crowley is wrong about is expectation of what will happen to these people responsible. Not one thing. There is no accountability in Washington DC. Just look at how DHS/SS is stonewalling Congress. And yet we are supposed to feel guilty that the Burbs are turning blue? Not gonna happen.
They openly do what has for years been under the table because you are right…they can get away with it
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You just said college grads are not republicans and I am telling you it’s the leftist educational brainwashing
What I said is that college educated voters are leaving the Republican party. This has nothing to do with leftist educational brainwashing. These voters are long time Republicans who are leaving the party. They were "Country Club Republicans" who don't fit with Trump and MAGA.
As usual you did not read as it states that the DOD, while Trump was President, unnecessarily delayed the National Guard on 1/6 "due to optics". That is what the 1/6 Committee determined. The entire Crowley piece as is typical is RW BS and a lie.
Remember when you lied that Myorkas wasn’t flying in migrants ? Remember when you lied about Biden not dropping out ? Remember when the Steele dossier was actually valid ? Remember when Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation ? I can go on and on but yeah Trumpbws he said asked for help and your criminals wanted a false flag operation to cast doubt on a political dissident ….
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Ad nauseum of pages from same old, same old.

I'm STILL voting from my pocket and wallet. Yes I have a lawn ! (Matt cuts it on his riding mower !)

Cheapest Gas W of WP ? $ 2.999 for 85 octane!

See you AFTER the Election.
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That doesn't explain why historically Republican suburbs are turning blue.
These are people who are switching from Republican to either Independent or Democrat. Many of these people are what Trump calls RINOs. They clearly are not comfortable with MAGA.
What the hell is wrong with making America great again? I posted a long paragraph to dtrain several weeks ago about some of the things MAGA stands for and I don’t feel like typing them again but if you are not comfortable with what MAGA is all about, you have no business in this country as far as I’m concerned. All anti-MAGA’s will do is continue and worsen the disaster that is the sleepy administration.
What the hell is wrong with making America great again? I posted a long paragraph to dtrain several weeks ago about some of the things MAGA stands for and I don’t feel like typing them again but if you are not comfortable with what MAGA is all about, you have no business in this country as far as I’m concerned. All anti-MAGA’s will do is continue and worsen the disaster that is the sleepy administration.
Trump has made it clear moderate Republicans are not welcome in the party.
The demographic trends are clear: higher educated people are leaving the party and are being replaced by working class folks.
This is not about the merits of MAGA; it is about how the Republican party is being shaped by Trump demographicly. There are big changes in the composition of both parties.
What I said is that college educated voters are leaving the Republican party. This has nothing to do with leftist educational brainwashing. These voters are long time Republicans who are leaving the party. They were "Country Club Republicans" who don't fit with Trump and MAGA.
Congrats to the snobby aholes leaving the party. I can’t stand snobs. Never have, never will.
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