Current Events.

If the US had terrorists at their border who had recently staged an attack that killed scores of people in the US and the US sent exploding pagers, radios etc., people in the US would be cheering.

Israel is at war with terror groups that want to destroy it if they could. I don't see a problem with what they did. Screw around with Israel and you better watch out. I think it is a pretty sound message to send to people who want you to cease to exist.

I guess Israel is not allowed to strike back at its enemies.
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IIRC, you suggested that NIKE open a facility in the inner city. It is completely unrealistic. Manufacturing shoes is a very labor intensive process. Nobody is going to open a facility in the US where labor costs are 30-60x that of Asia.

Now I suppose if NIKE marketed this line of shoes as being made in the US to help rebuild American inner cities it might work. It would have to be a premium product that would serve a niche market. You could not bring general shoe manufacturing to the US.

Back in the day when I worked in an office with a suit and tie, I would wear Allen Edmonds shoes. They are manufactured in the US with a price range of $300 -$400 for dress shoes. It is possible to manufacture premium products in the US but the markets for those products will be much smaller.
It isn’t unrealistic at all. They spend millions of dollars paying influencers like Kaepernick, as opposed to actually making a difference in urban communities. You put some plants in the inner cities, make sure there is police protection, I would as a taxpayer be willing to subsidize the in plant child care for 4 years. Add in some retail establishments to serve the community (more police protection and prosecution of even petty shoplifting. It can happen. You thought Biden would be a moderate. You were wrong. You are wrong about this, as well. Gordon Gekko was wrong. Greed is not good. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. It’s true. It doesn’t say money is the root of all evil. US chartered corporations need strong incentives to stop selling out American citizens. And you are wrong. I’ve actually presented this idea to some Democrats of significant wealth and they like the idea. Instead of being a negative nellie, perhaps you can come up with a solid plan to help the urban community building its tax base to gentrify without displacing the people living in the neighborhood.
It isn’t unrealistic at all. They spend millions of dollars paying influencers like Kaepernick, as opposed to actually making a difference in urban communities. You put some plants in the inner cities, make sure there is police protection, I would as a taxpayer be willing to subsidize the in plant child care for 4 years. Add in some retail establishments to serve the community (more police protection and prosecution of even petty shoplifting. It can happen. You thought Biden would be a moderate. You were wrong. You are wrong about this, as well. Gordon Gekko was wrong. Greed is not good. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. It’s true. It doesn’t say money is the root of all evil. US chartered corporations need strong incentives to stop selling out American citizens. And you are wrong. I’ve actually presented this idea to some Democrats of significant wealth and they like the idea. Instead of being a negative nellie, perhaps you can come up with a solid plan to help the urban community building its tax base to gentrify without displacing the people living in the neighborhood.
I hope you are right and it works. I am not philosophically opposed to your idea. Public corporations for the most part are focused on shareholder value. Chicago has food deserts because grocery chains don't want to put stores in areas that are not profitable. Most public corporations just don't care.

I know how bad it is in undeserved neighborhoods. I lived in one for 15 years where I was literally the only white person living there. Heard gunshots right in front of my home.
AIPAC is made up of American Jews that support Israel. If Chinese are caught bribing politicians, the politicians are convicted and can go to prison. The numerous Russians and Americans caught collaborating in Trump's 2016 election were being prosecuted until the corrupt Bill Barr shut it down. You know, politicizing the Justice Department.
You complain about Barr, who was confirmed his first stint as AG 100-0 ! (Pre TDS'ers)
I have never participated in a discussion to fix the inner cities so I don't know where that is coming from.

The only thing I have against MAGA people is that they continue to believe and perpetuate the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. There was no proof of any widespread fraud yet they continue to believe Trump's BS. When the integrity of our elections are called into question, it tears at the fabric of our country. They are the unwitting dupes of Russia and China who try to cause unrest in our country. Is it not funny that there was no election fraud in 2016 when Trump won but it only became an issue in 2020 when he lost.

I just watched the new documentary Stop the Steal on HBO. The documentary contains interviews exclusively with Republicans who were directly involved in the election and it becomes obvious that the the idea that the election was stolen was a big lie with absolutely no substance.

For the sake of the country, I hope Trump gets crushed in the election so this election fraud crap can be put to rest. If Trump loses and the election is close, then there will be more unrest that will all be based on a lie.
The FIRST presidential candidate to claim election fraud was Swillery !
What losing presidential candidate refused to recognize the legitimacy of an election due to voter fraud before Trump?

Hillary made her claim based on Russian interference but made no claim about voter fraud. Hillary is an ass and her claims were just sour grapes. However, her claims are not nearly as damaging as a claim of widespread voter fraud.

Even in 1960, Nixon conceded and did not claim he lost because of voter fraud.
But he HAD, compliments of Chicago !
This is a great read. This younger person sees the issues well.

Republicans are leaving that party too.

We haven’t seen a political realignment like this in the U.S. since the mid 60’s through the early 80’s.
Republicans are leaving that party too.

We haven’t seen a political realignment like this in the U.S. since the mid 60’s through the early 80’s.
We haven’t. I will be staying with the Party that understands what the definition of a woman is.
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Even if Nixon won Illinois, he still would have lost.
Stages of this
1. American elections are completely secure
2. There is only sparse examples of fraud
3. It happens but It wouldn’t have made a difference in that state anyway
4. Even if he would have won Illinois, he would have lost the presidency
5. Final stage …it’s a good thing they cheated because the other guy should never be president .