Current events

At this point you could basically move anywhere else. But you keep telling yourself that lived experience trumps data, it’s a totally normal outlook (also entirely wrong).

Heck even Portland is getting its act together these days!

“Even Portland!”

This is how bad crime has gotten. You are celebrating Portland only having 73 murders last year. In 2016, there were 14 murders in Portland.

When people say things are getting better, they are ignoring the fact that things are still much worse than they were in the recent past.

Portland, lol. More than 5x the # of murders compared to 7 years prior. Another “crime is going down” success story.

You are celebrating a decrease from apocalyptic times, but not acknowledging murder is still higher than recent norms.
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The 20 year average for murders in Portland is….28.

So at 73, they are at 260% of their 20 year average. Think about the cherry picking necessary to tell the story that murder is down in Portland. Murder is up significantly in recent years.

22 murders in the first 3 months of 2024, so @dtrain79, I think you might hesitate before spiking the football.
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If Republican voters wanted a sober and serious assessment of the issues, they wouldn’t have voted for the Orange Fool a third straight primary. Except they did. They want the show, the idiocy, the hate, the bad blood, they want every bit of it.

We can certainly note that Dems have ample bad ideas, but they aren’t picking people who give us the above list. What does that say about the GOP?
These easily fit Kamala Harris. There is plenty of video of her idiocy.
She has been the US VP for almost 4 years. How many conservative reporters have interviewed her?

If Trump was capable, he would have answered those questions easily.

“I’ve heard her play up different parts of her background to different groups, but that isn’t very important to me and my party. Let’s talk about policy.”

Unfortunately, he’s incapable, and often creates controversy unnecessarily.
If Trump was capable, he would have answered those questions easily.

“I’ve heard her play up different parts of her background to different groups, but that isn’t very important to me and my party. Let’s talk about policy.”

Unfortunately, he’s incapable, and often creates controversy unnecessarily.
Trump is not good with difficult questions. He governed well for 3 of 4 years.

Kamala never takes difficult questions. Biden/ Harris did not govern well for 4 years.

The middle east is on fire, Russia is on the move and we are paying for it. Inflation is crazy high and and unemployment is climbing.

But at least we don't have mean tweets 🤷‍♂️
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Trump is not good with difficult questions. He governed well for 3 of 4 years.

Kamala never takes difficult questions. Biden/ Harris did not govern well for 4 years.

The middle east is on fire, Russia is on the move and we are paying for it. Inflation is crazy high and and unemployment is climbing.

But at least we don't have mean tweets 🤷‍♂️
This is how the press treats Democrats
These easily fit Kamala Harris. There is plenty of video of her idiocy.
The former long-term Republican rep from my district endorsed Kamala. He was a Dem Lite who loved the insider status, never bothered to solve issues, never gave a second thought to the enlargement of government, and supported policies that sent manufacturing jobs overseas many of his constituents could have used. Right now we have Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Denver. Some “Republicans” think punting this election and pushing the Dem candidate over the threshold will work great. What is happening in England right now shows the short-sightedness of that thought process, IMHO. Trump is deranged! I must vote for the other team. This Dem outfit is sending money to the Taliban, supposedly by accident, set the world on fire with bad diplomacy, tried to make a deal that was so dumb even Austin blocked it and old man Doc Brown’s doppleganger just came out for the government to spend even more money, but the next 4 years of the same essential team will somehow be different. That isn’t remotely logical.
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Trump is the worst candidate in modern history, and by fluke of the Electoral College he beat the second worst candidate ever despite losing the popular vote by 2.5%.

Republican voters are so dumb they made him into a heroic figure despite his lifetime of failure. And the polls against Kamala are showing said failure may well continue.

I just check the price for a gallon of gas or a dozen eggs, for the Majority of Americans (Not us posters with $ 99 at least, of disposable income here ) !
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Shot -

Chaser -

Coming to a town near you. I envy the people who live in areas where crime is down.
Or unreported to the FBI.

In one of those crime down cities that Drano is fond of non-researching, NYPD that cut 1 Billion in the Dems defund the police drive, has now authorized certain Detective units for EVERY Detective in those units (Matt is in one !) to work 140 hours OT per quarter automatically without asking for unit supervisor approval.

That for the level of crimes in NYC.

His unit investigates Street Level crimes in Manhattan OVER $ 1,000 per crime !
“Even Portland!”

This is how bad crime has gotten. You are celebrating Portland only having 73 murders last year. In 2016, there were 14 murders in Portland.

When people say things are getting better, they are ignoring the fact that things are still much worse than they were in the recent past.

Portland, lol. More than 5x the # of murders compared to 7 years prior. Another “crime is going down” success story.

You are celebrating a decrease from apocalyptic times, but not acknowledging murder is still higher than recent norms.

First of all, the liberal failings in Portland were not replicated nationwide. I'm just noting they are being rectified even by those dullards.

Second, why do you feel compelled to bring up 5 plus years ago? I've repeatedly (and correctly) explained that (a) yes, crime is up since 2020 and (b) Covid/Floyd was the cause. I mean, I have to explain it almost daily on there.

Third, "apocalyptic" is ridiculous. The 2020/21/22 murder rate - which was very high in the context of the past 10 years - was similar to the early 2000s and about a third lower than it was in the early 1990s. Did we grow up in apocalyptic times? Maybe so ... but I'm skeptical.

Finally, at the current pace in 2024, murders will be around their 2019 level this year.

Me personally, I think you are nationalizing some local issues. Denver appears to have had a real increase in crime (like most of the heavily white Western cities run by lefties) and the Venezuelan immigrant deal is kinda nuts generally. Can't say you shouldn't be mad ... but what does that have to do with other places?
These easily fit Kamala Harris. There is plenty of video of her idiocy.

I don't think Kamala is mentally organized enough to lead a charge of hate and bad blood. Is she bad on policy? Sure, so is her party. (I think Trump is bad on many issues too, just differently.)
Walz is a mediocre choice that avoided internal party fights. I'm not impressed, because a good choice would have helped Kamala. He will not be beset by the problems JD Vance has had.

I personally think Mark Kelly was the right choice. But electorally, Josh Shapiro might have been a bit better.
He has to be sick watching the GOP fumble their message over and over again. He was 100% right about Biden last year.
Frankly, he would have been the best VP choice outside of perhaps Tulsi.
Walz is a mediocre choice that avoided internal party fights. I'm not impressed, because a good choice would have helped Kamala. He will not be beset by the problems JD Vance has had.

I personally think Mark Kelly was the right choice. But electorally, Josh Shapiro might have been a bit better.
I don't think they could actually pick Shapiro based on having served in the IDF. The Dems have created a lot of drama within their own party. It isn't just a Republican thing.
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I don't think they could actually pick Shapiro based on having served in the IDF. The Dems have created a lot of drama within their own party. It isn't just a Republican thing.

I don't think he served with the IDF, I think he did some volunteer service project on an IDF base. But yeah, his accurate assessment of the Palestinian condition presented a real problem for the Dem loonies.

Which is again why Mark Kelly was the best choice. They probably didn't want to give up a Senate seat potentially in 2026 in Kamala won (there'd be a special election if so), but honestly Dems probably lose the Senate majority anyhow so I don't see the downside.