I’ve had my parents in town over the holidays. My Dad has a pretty ridiculous memory, and loves telling stories from the past.
I’m 40 now, and he was telling me how much he struggled during that time in his life. Got let go at 38, when they were building the house I grew up in. My Grandma had to help us. Said he got hired by his current company at 40, and made 37k his first year. My Mom didn’t work and I am one of 3 kids. That’s absolutely unfathomable today.
Of course he said day care cost $50/week. A little different than the $700/week we pay for 2 kids during the summer.
My Dad is a CPA so his mind is always on numbers. I’ve learned more from him than I ever learned in college. Having great parents is so important.
Sorry for the random ramblings, just enjoying this time and thought I’d share.