WBB Illini fall to Nebraska in the BTT
- By Illinitime2
- Henson Court
- 4 Replies
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It’s really the opposite. The trans’ Mom is the bully.Login to view embedded media
Imagine being against Moms like this
Not a shocker. This is kind of the I’m going to make Mexico pay for the wall. If anyone voted for Trump because he was going to release the Epstein files, they are morons. That isn’t a reason to vote for anyone. Might be about 1/10 of 1% reason out of 100? Need to get rid of government waste (ACB has been a big disappointment at times. Not as conservative as advertised), forever wars, shut down the border, get the illegals out of here, boost energy sector, get the economy pumping again. It’s a tall task, but some great things have already happened in this Admin, especially regarding the border.Shocker of the day, the Trump admin will not be releasing the Epstein files. Remember all that nonsense about transparency?
Trump knew this all along, and knew it would not get exposed. Biggest gator in the swamp.
She's still StupidI did not know this about her. If this is true, she just decided to have a schtick to become famous. She's not the dim bulb she portrays, but the grift is strong with this one.
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