This affects us all

I don't think it's about checking his score so much as he probably has an extra club in his bag called the foot wedge.
On the weekends at my Club in NJ, the course could get slow and it was accepted practice on just a "nice day on the links" to stand behind the hole with your feet in a V to reduce the time lining up/reading of the 3 putts !

"Within the leather" putts were good.
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This is leadership and why the world calmed down when Trump Admin occupied the WH.

This lady is Sage Steele the Daughter of my teammate at Manlius. Gary "Gummy" Steele who graduated from West Point and just had his 78 birthday !

He and his long time Wife were married at the West Point Chapel. Her Parent's refused to attend ! For years Gummy wrote letters to his In-Laws telling them about events in his family, with no reply. After OVER 10 years there was a reconciliation of her Parents. His nick name from his hands as a TE on the Army football team ! The first 3 year African-American Starter at Army ! He was recently awarded Hall of Fame status at West Point. His Dad was a Mustang in WW 2 and retired as a LT. Col. !

Gummy is a prostate cancer survivor !

Duty, Honor, Country !

What was more interesting was the George Floyd expose that was made by a Minny TV news reporter and her husband a retired LT on the Minny PD.

If some may recall I was very angry of the Police on the scene from what was reported by the PD and Media outlets.
Here are the real events;
1. Floyd was handcuffed and resisting being placed in the patrol car.
2. He started with the "I can't breath !" while still upright.
3. There is video of him ingesting a pink pill as he was in his car.
a.) At a prior arrest he was caught attempting to ingest pills.
4. At 38 seconds of him being on the ground, EMS was requested Code 3 !
5. The restraint method was TAUGHT to the Minny PD in the Academy and at yearly in-service training .
a.) There are photo and illustrations of how and where the knee should be placed. It was within training.
b.) The 4 Star and 1 Star Police Chief the training officer LIED under oath ! That the restraint wasn't taught.
c.) The Judge refused to allow the printed Training Manuel into evidence.
d.) Body cam footage showing proper procedure was not allowed into evidence.
6. FD and EMS were given the incorrect address to give assistance, and it took the FD over 20 minutes to find the scene, 8 blocks from the FD station.
7. EMS were giving him oxygen and CPR, with the oxygen tubing not attached to the oxygen tank. useless.
8. Autopsy !
a.) FBI involved within 12 hours.
b.) 75 % blockage of one artery to brain.
c,) No evidence of bruising in the neck area.
d.) No evidence of strangulation.
e.) Eventual drugs screen showed TOXIC levels of Meth and 300 + % FATAL levels of Fentanyl !
f.) Forensic MD's (2) hired by the family NEVER physically examined the body.

There's more !
  • Wow
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File under you can't make this up !
There's a sucker born every second!

Holder's of the DJT units from the IPO have been executing their warrants for MORE stock. (Unknown exercise pricing, which goes to the company.)
102 Million DOLLARS received to the company !
There is approx $ 140 + millions to be exercised !
The underlying stock has been in the mid 30's recently ! Unit or single shares unknown.

Another financial article cleans up the above.
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What was more interesting was the George Floyd expose that was made by a Minny TV news reporter and her husband a retired LT on the Minny PD.

If some may recall I was very angry of the Police on the scene from what was reported by the PD and Media outlets.
Here are the real events;
1. Floyd was handcuffed and resisting being placed in the patrol car.
2. He started with the "I can't breath !" while still upright.
3. There is video of him ingesting a pink pill as he was in his car.
a.) At a prior arrest he was caught attempting to ingest pills.
4. At 38 seconds of him being on the ground, EMS was requested Code 3 !
5. The restraint method was TAUGHT to the Minny PD in the Academy and at yearly in-service training .
a.) There are photo and illustrations of how and where the knee should be placed. It was within training.
b.) The 4 Star and 1 Star Police Chief the training officer LIED under oath ! That the restraint wasn't taught.
c.) The Judge refused to allow the printed Training Manuel into evidence.
d.) Body cam footage showing proper procedure was not allowed into evidence.
6. FD and EMS were given the incorrect address to give assistance, and it took the FD over 20 minutes to find the scene, 8 blocks from the FD station.
7. EMS were giving him oxygen and CPR, with the oxygen tubing not attached to the oxygen tank. useless.
8. Autopsy !
a.) FBI involved within 12 hours.
b.) 75 % blockage of one artery to brain.
c,) No evidence of bruising in the neck area.
d.) No evidence of strangulation.
e.) Eventual drugs screen showed TOXIC levels of Meth and 300 + % FATAL levels of Fentanyl !
f.) Forensic MD's (2) hired by the family NEVER physically examined the body.

There's more !
I don’t remember but did he die on the scene?
File under you can't make this up !
There's a sucker born every second!

Holder's of the DJT units from the IPO have been executing their warrants for MORE stock. (Unknown exercise pricing, which goes to the company.) 102 Million warrants executed ! The underlying stock has been in the mid 30's recently ! Unit or single shares unknown.
This dumbass is still pumping his meme stonk.
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I don’t remember but did he die on the scene?
The EMS were giving CPR on the gurney in the ambulance, but after they pulled away ? It wasn't clearly noted.

In the ICU at the hospital I worked at, it was not unusual to give CPR for 30 + minutes to allow drugs given to work.
This dumbass is still pumping his meme stonk.
This is why we can't have nice things...

If this was a pink sheet listed company this might be a "pump and dump" .

But being on the Russell 1,000 and 3,000 makes it unlikely as well as the NASDQ.
This dumbass is still pumping his meme stonk.
Vax rage is back and powerful! Tell me, with DJT at $31.78 at this moment, are you shorting it?

On another note, aren't you the guy who wants Trump to drop out despite the fact Trump defeats all other elected Democrats by even bigger margins?

Happy Independence Day, Icky! I'm sure you like me were glad to see that woman being awarded $700,000 for standing up to the vaccine mandate and being unlawfully fired. May all of the brave heroes who took a stand be similarly compensated. Compliance, as you know, is easy. Standing up to tyranny is hard. I suspect a lot of companies are making deals with these folks complete with NDAs.
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I have seen the numbers approaching 400. With NJ and Del and Pa and Wash going Red !

73 % of all registered/likely to vote EITHER party, have agreed that Brandon is too infirm with dementia to serve !
It's not even Labor Day yet. There's a long time to go.
This lady is Sage Steele the Daughter of my teammate at Manlius. Gary "Gummy" Steele who graduated from West Point and just had his 78 birthday !

He and his long time Wife were married at the West Point Chapel. Her Parent's refused to attend ! For years Gummy wrote letters to his In-Laws telling them about events in his family, with no reply. After OVER 10 years there was a reconciliation of her Parents. His nick name from his hands as a TE on the Army football team ! The first 3 year African-American Starter at Army ! He was recently awarded Hall of Fame status at West Point. His Dad was a Mustang in WW 2 and retired as a LT. Col. !

Gummy is a prostate cancer survivor !

Duty, Honor, Country !

Sage is extremely intelligent and professional. She is a broadcasting talent for sure.
And you as a practicing Attorney, have TDS, not some made up thing. It would be hilarious, if not also true !

You have a lack of critical thinking skills and are completely out of touch with reality.

I posted yesterday that Trump was likely to win the election. How deranged. I do not like Trump, as he's a megalomaniacal con artist who has snowed people like yourself under for nearing a decade. Not sure how that is deranged, I personally think it's because I have higher standards for the country than you do.
You have a lack of critical thinking skills and are completely out of touch with reality.

I posted yesterday that Trump was likely to win the election. How deranged. I do not like Trump, as he's a megalomaniacal con artist who has snowed people like yourself under for nearing a decade. Not sure how that is deranged, I personally think it's because I have higher standards for the country than you do.
I no longer believe the proclamation's of the FBI, NIH, EPA, SEC, CDC, IRS. DHS, or many other 3 or 4 abbreviations for Federal agencies, and to you with TDS (note the 3 letters), this makes out of touch with reality ?

Was he closing the Southern border ? Reducing inflation, funding Historic Black Universities, hiring more minorities into the job markets, making the USA energy independent and the # 1 oil producer in the World, these are SNOW JOBS, I can get behind with a Vote, rather than some old chants of Russia, Russia, Russia.
Gag me. Michelle Obama is likely Dem candidate, as she polls better than Kamala. What has she ever done to suggest she can be a President?
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