This affects us all

I would put him into the "gimmick" type O. IF we are talking about the Army O.

Like what you would see from the early Paul Johnson Navy O.

Putting NFL QB's at risk of injury, when their contract is the majority of $ available is too risky, IMO.

That's Jeff Monken. He's the Army HC.

Todd Monken is Jeff's cousin, I believe.
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Btw, Trump is definitely surging in polls post debate. Trump will win barring one of two outcomes.

1. Biden quits and is replaced by a candidate America comes to like (Gavin Newsom that is most certainly not).

2. Trump realizes things are good, and sabotages himself. He's been more disciplined this entire campaign, primaries included. I personally think it's age that's helping, as he's just not as energetic - and thus crazy - as he was 6-10 years ago. A bad start on the "don't be crazy" train would be ... picking someone like JD Vance as Veep, as he comes off both smarmy/unlikeable and doesn't appeal politically to centrists.
Btw, Trump is definitely surging in polls post debate. Trump will win barring one of two outcomes.

1. Biden quits and is replaced by a candidate America comes to like (Gavin Newsom that is most certainly not).

2. Trump realizes things are good, and sabotages himself. He's been more disciplined this entire campaign, primaries included. I personally think it's age that's helping, as he's just not as energetic - and thus crazy - as he was 6-10 years ago. A bad start on the "don't be crazy" train would be ... picking someone like JD Vance as Veep, as he comes off both smarmy/unlikeable and doesn't appeal politically to centrists.
I believe he is more refined because of the former RDS campaign operative whom RDS fired. She immediately went to Trump. Outside of Trump not handling his sh!t in court, he has mostly been level-headed. Perhaps it’s a combination of his age and her political wisdom.
Looking at Trump's swing, you would have to be an idiot to believe he could be a club champion anywhere
Trump is a good golfer, Jeff. Is he as good as he says he is? Not a chance. But, the late Rush Limbaugh would always complement Trump's golfing abilities. At the end of the day, his ability to play golf is completely irrelevant.

Did you know Nero was an excellent musician / thespian and always had a captive audience?
First, ZH is economic balderdash. It's a political website claiming to be something else.

Second, these things cannot both be true. All the new jobs cannot have been taken by illegals and the huge majority of new jobs can't be government. They need to pick a lane, as they advocate both.

Here's what is actually going on in the job market. The US - because the Baby Boomers are hitting retirement age - has a very tight labor market. It means that the country is going to have a low unemployment rate unless the economy is quite bad. I'm not sure why this has been so very hard for many economic commentators to recognize, but it's been a thing since we got out of Covid (and explains why our low unemployment rate isn't as correlated with a "great economy" as it has historically been. This is also going to drive higher wages and more inflation than we are used to (tho it doesn't really explain the inflation out of Covid, which was a function of supply chains and excessive government spending).
If you notice, I believe he is referring to the last two months of data where most openings are government heavy. Also, the trend line on private sector openings is at least a bit disturbing. I don’t know about illegals taking jobs as it appplies to this data as I am sure you can’t legally hire someone without a work permit. Not sure how it is accurately reported. I don’t believe the two discussions are mutually exclusive anyway.
First, ZH is economic balderdash. It's a political website claiming to be something else.

Second, these things cannot both be true. All the new jobs cannot have been taken by illegals and the huge majority of new jobs can't be government. They need to pick a lane, as they advocate both.

Here's what is actually going on in the job market. The US - because the Baby Boomers are hitting retirement age - has a very tight labor market. It means that the country is going to have a low unemployment rate unless the economy is quite bad. I'm not sure why this has been so very hard for many economic commentators to recognize, but it's been a thing since we got out of Covid (and explains why our low unemployment rate isn't as correlated with a "great economy" as it has historically been. This is also going to drive higher wages and more inflation than we are used to (tho it doesn't really explain the inflation out of Covid, which was a function of supply chains and excessive government spending).
I always think of ZeroHedge as the first home I bought as a 25 yo. First thing I did after the wife and I moved in was go out to the overgrown hedges on the property and chopped them all down to zero.
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Trump is a good golfer, Jeff. Is he as good as he says he is? Not a chance. But, the late Rush Limbaugh would always complement Trump's golfing abilities. At the end of the day, his ability to play golf is completely irrelevant.

Did you know Nero was an excellent musician / thespian and always had a captive audience?
I agree that Trump's golfing ability is irrelevant. Who knows what is real handicap is? He cheats so much it is impossible to tell. The funny thing is that if he played better his score wouldn't go down but his cheating would decrease.
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It looks like the temperature has went up about degree in the last 100 years or so per the chart which agrees with the data relative to the earth as a whole. My point is that the chart has no relevance to the future. It does not prove or disprove climate change. Much of the info on social media about climate change does not prove or disprove climate change. Just a bunch of irrelevant facts about the past. The scope of human activity today is much larger than 100 or even 50 years ago so the predictive power or past data is very limited in regards to the future. Circumstances have changed greatly.
Depends on the accuracy of temps measured 100 years ago and the machines used then vs now.
You should listen to the Podcast I linked, with two conservatives discussing what's actually happened and where we are headed.

Then everything I've said will make great sense, because I knew this stuff (and not from them). I've been saying it here for 9 months now.

Again, congrats to Trump for "lowering the crime rate" in the mid to late 2020s. It's a foregone conclusion should he win, without him doing anything.

Humorously, I've never once argued Biden did anything to lower the crime rate, he didn't. But it really had nothing to do with him (or Trump) that it went up either.
Humorously, I've never said that Trump lowered OR raised the crime rate !

Effective and continual policing leads to lower crime rates. The Rudy/Bratton concept of arresting all crimes leads to lowering crime rates ! PERIOD.

The VAST majority of people are law abiding and peaceful. BUT the criminals are criminals. If they believe they can steal or assault without retribution they WILL reoffend. Approx 12 % + of all people that were cited for jumping turnstiles in the subway under Rudy/B had their records searched and had ACTIVE warrants for other criminal acts. Which they had to go to trial and prison.

Biden's attempts to change crime rates back in the day, the Omnibus Crime Rate (or whatever he calls it.) bill he takes credit for passing, generally just lengthened Federal prison terms for Black people for various primarily marijuana drug offenses.
Which is HUGELY hypocritical with Kamala's stance of long convictions (Which she takes pride for, while using marijuana herself!) using this law in Calif.

Any person here believing Statistics gathered by a 3 or 4 letter Federal Organization, should rethink their positions !

I have NO clue what happened to this relatively simple post ?

Didn’t some message board expert on here say the US government wasn’t flying immigrants anywhere?
Trump is a good golfer, Jeff. Is he as good as he says he is? Not a chance. But, the late Rush Limbaugh would always complement Trump's golfing abilities. At the end of the day, his ability to play golf is completely irrelevant.

Did you know Nero was an excellent musician / thespian and always had a captive audience?

Trump is a good golfer, which makes the cheating more telling and more bizarre. But of course he's never been good enough to win club championships at a real club, and without those kind of things he couldn't sell himself some crazy narrative about being almost as good as PGA Tour players but better at business or something.

Quite the psychological profile.
I agree that Trump's golfing ability is irrelevant. Who knows what is real handicap is? He cheats so much it is impossible to tell. The funny thing is that if he played better his score wouldn't go down but his cheating would decrease.
I hope the next time you play 18 with Trump that you take the time to check his score !

You do know that golf handicaps under 20 are hard to achieve, especially when the course has a high Slope rating.
I sort of doubt most members are under 20 or close to scratch !

My friend became a member at what used to be Greg Norman's course in Hobe Sound, The Medalist. Norman was blackballed when he tried to join The Jupiter Island CC, so he bought land across the Intercoastal Waterway and built the course. My friend won the Club Amateur Championship over Mike Schmidt !
The story was that a new member came down for a round, sponsored by a member. He dropped off his membership fee, which was $ 75,000 back in the day and picked up a caddy and off for a great day of golf. 2 hours later he came back to the pro shop, drenched in sweat and out of golf balls. He asked for his check back, tore it up into little pieces and disappeared !
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Trump is a good golfer, which makes the cheating more telling and more bizarre. But of course he's never been good enough to win club championships at a real club, and without those kind of things he couldn't sell himself some crazy narrative about being almost as good as PGA Tour players but better at business or something.

Quite the psychological profile.
Quite the TDS profile !

Good grief…. “ethnic media”.
The left are all about identifying people by their physical characteristics. Colossal waste of money too…
I hope the next time you play 18 with Trump that you take the time to check his score !

You do know that golf handicaps under 20 are hard to achieve, especially when the course has a high Slope rating.
I sort of doubt most members are under 20 or close to scratch !

My friend became a member at what used to be Greg Norman's course in Hobe Sound, The Medalist. Norman was blackballed when he tried to join The Jupiter Island CC, so he bought land across the Intercoastal Waterway and built the course. My friend won the Club Amateur Championship over Mike Schmidt !
The story was that a new member came down for a round, sponsored by a member. He dropped off his membership fee, which was $ 75,000 back in the day and picked up a caddy and off for a great day of golf. 2 hours later he came back to the pro shop, drenched in sweat and out of golf balls. He asked for his check back, tore it up into little pieces and disappeared !
I don't think it's about checking his score so much as he probably has an extra club in his bag called the foot wedge.
This guy makes Graduates of the USNA look bad.

AAA Triple Rated, Tax Exempt Bonds ...... Paying 12 %
Jimmy Carter served admirably in the Navy. I appreciate that he has a nuclear attack Submarine named for him. He was one of the worst, if not the worst, Presidents of all time. Clueless about policy both foreign and domestic. His politics and diplomacy set aside, he has also positively impacted people through Habitat for Humanity and being a decent person. The same cannot be said of many former Presidents, such as Obama.