This affects us all

I keep laughing that you cannot understand the point that, because I believe America is pretty awesome - more awesome than my firm policy beliefs for America's best governance - I cannot countenance Trump in the White House. This is not that hard, I wouldn't vote for him to be a town dogcatcher, let alone POTUS. You can allow that to upset you, or understand that I believe America is a whole lot bigger than the next 4 years of mostly dumb political fights.

As I've probably said, when I believed the policy issues - Covid response - were more important than the person in office, I voted for Trump (2020). He's also DQ'd himself even further subsequent to 2020, so there's that morass.

"I cannot countenance Trump in the White House." - says the guy who voted for Trump in 2020.
  • Wow
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CNN did a better job than I expected. They challenged Joe on his results, which I didn't anticipate. I think the money added to the national debt per president was slanted in JB favor by a wide margin by using a favorable way to measure. Trump was smart not to argue their numbers. He was more disciplined than I anticipated, but his constant bragging of "being the greatest" is not only annoying, but wasted time that he could be stating facts about their records. He didn't dwell on the obvious cognitive decline of JB, but clearly called it out the once.

The Biden campaign doest want to take Joe down, but could easily be overruled as he and Jill clearly are taking orders from someone.
I agree that Trump missed an opportunity by constantly repeating the hyperboles instead of actual facts. He lied a bunch and rarely said anything of actual substance, but I think that was about the best you’re ever going to get out of him. He was measured and withheld the childish stuff and let Biden dig his own grave.
It wasn’t on tape delay.
The moderators were fair.
The mics shutting off were a good thing.
They stood.
Biden wasn’t hopped up on drugs.
The debate style was overall good and I thought it was most well run in years.

So pretty much everything I saw this week from Republican talking points ended up being complete bullshit.

Because every last one of those takes was intended as an excuse.

Turned out Trump dumptrucked Biden and no excuses were needed. So they all looked silly.

And instead of celebrating a CLEAR debate win, people are defending their own terrible pre-debate takes.
In a hilarious twist of events, Trump beats Biden so bad that the Democrats will undoubtedly replace him with someone that is infinitely more electable.

There’s still time for the Republicans to do the same.
95 % of ALL Dem convention voters have already pledged their vote to Brandon.
CNN did a better job than I expected. They challenged Joe on his results, which I didn't anticipate. I think the money added to the national debt per president was slanted in JB favor by a wide margin by using a favorable way to measure. Trump was smart not to argue their numbers. He was more disciplined than I anticipated, but his constant bragging of "being the greatest" is not only annoying, but wasted time that he could be stating facts about their records. He didn't dwell on the obvious cognitive decline of JB, but clearly called it out the once.

The Biden campaign doest want to take Joe down, but could easily be overruled as he and Jill clearly are taking orders from someone.

Good post. I find the Trump tack of saying everything he does is/was the "greatest in the history of America" quite endearing. It's actually gotten to the point of funny. Biden did it several times too, which just added to the comedy of the whole event.

I made it about 30 minutes into the debate before I stopped paying close attention because Biden was getting utterly wrecked. Not because Trump was good (he was better than I thought, as he actually had some good talking points especially on the economy), but because Biden put up an entire debate worth of the 10 seconds that ruined Marco Rubio's campaign (and arguably the modern GOP). But if nothing else, Trump keeps it entertaining, which is probably how he's still viable.
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CNN has rigged debates before . This is hardly an illogical conclusion. Biden not being able to take advantage does not mean the deck wasn’t stacked. This is almost as bad as “elections are secure in the US” and then brushing aside Kennedy /nixon

Kennedy/Nixon took place in 1960. There was large amounts of cheating at times in the late 1800s too. I have no idea how something that happened 60 years ago bears any relevance on the ability for a party to cheat today.

Modern technology and its ability to link voters to specific appearances at the ballot box is why it's hard to cheat. It's also why the system works better in person and why there are good arguments against mail balloting, which I make. The problem with cheating in mail balloting is that someone/a small group could do cheating in the amount of hundreds of votes, but to get a conspiracy big enough to swing states (which would require tens of thousands of votes, if not a hundred thousand plus, you'd need way too many people for one conspiracy).

I realize you are prone to believing in conspiracies. I can't change that. But when they turn out to be foolhardy, I'd go with self-reflection over self-defense.
We will see
Nowhere that I've read or seen is saying Trump will Win the Black, Women's, Independent voting blocks.

What I have seen/read/heard is the movement from Brandon to Trump in those blocks is so large a % shift is to make Brandon unelectable !
I am not smart enough to know whether Biden gets replaced, but my word he should be replaced.

Based on yesterday, Trump will wreck Biden again in the September debate. I actually think Trump is going to see the value of the discipline he showed in the debate, he's getting praised for it (which he loves). He might even become more disciplined in his campaign (and this is his best operation of his three campaigns).

Now Trump could select JD Vance as his Veep nominee and go on a three month bender of lunacy. But honestly, I don't think he will if Biden's still around. Trump can taste a victory, and he's going to toss out the two federal cases against himself to boot. It's that close.

If you are the Dems, your only viable hope now is getting someone else and throwing Trump off his game. He will lose his shit if he has to face a different opponent. That's your best shot.

That said, Biden is in total control here.
I am not smart enough to know whether Biden gets replaced, but my word he should be replaced.

Based on yesterday, Trump will wreck Biden again in the September debate. I actually think Trump is going to see the value of the discipline he showed in the debate, he's getting praised for it (which he loves). He might even become more disciplined in his campaign (and this is his best operation of his three campaigns).

Now Trump could select JD Vance as his Veep nominee and go on a three month bender of lunacy. But honestly, I don't think he will if Biden's still around. Trump can taste a victory, and he's going to toss out the two federal cases against himself to boot. It's that close.

If you are the Dems, your only viable hope now is getting someone else and throwing Trump off his game. He will lose his shit if he has to face a different opponent. That's your best shot.

That said, Biden is in total control here.
At the rate he’s declining, he may not physically make it to November. He’s reached the stage where he’s going to start have serious health issues related to the dementia. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s unable to walk properly by November.
At the rate he’s declining, he may not physically make it to November. He’s reached the stage where he’s going to start have serious health issues related to the dementia. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s unable to walk properly by November.
The end stages of dementia is a steep cliff….i will say this though, the Kamala Harris people will lose their minds if it’s not her…
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If you think they’re going to Weekend at Bernie’s him all the way to November, you’re dumber than I thought.
You fellows see what this guy continues to do to insult posters. These pledges can only be released by Brandon to vote for another, prior to the vote for the Presidental candidate. NOT in November.

First this guy should look up the methodology to declare a Democratic Presidential candidate, which he obviously doesn't know. That is what the various State primaries are voted to determine.

My Great Uncle Ewing was the Republican Chairman of the National Finance Campaign. As a reward he was made Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the sections of the federal Govt that he ran were the Secret Service and the IRS.
Kennedy/Nixon took place in 1960. There was large amounts of cheating at times in the late 1800s too. I have no idea how something that happened 60 years ago bears any relevance on the ability for a party to cheat today.

Modern technology and its ability to link voters to specific appearances at the ballot box is why it's hard to cheat. It's also why the system works better in person and why there are good arguments against mail balloting, which I make. The problem with cheating in mail balloting is that someone/a small group could do cheating in the amount of hundreds of votes, but to get a conspiracy big enough to swing states (which would require tens of thousands of votes, if not a hundred thousand plus, you'd need way too many people for one conspiracy).

I realize you are prone to believing in conspiracies. I can't change that. But when they turn out to be foolhardy, I'd go with self-reflection over self-defense.
The second worse debate was JFK/Nixon and was because tv viewers though Nixon needed a shave !

Dueling by Golf clubs was better than Hamilton/Burr dueling !
  • Haha
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I see the FBI continues to cover themselves with glory !

The "largest investigation in FBI history ", falls apart .

Supreme Court rules today that all obstruction arrests, convictions, incarcerations, all waiting for trial, were overcharged (including Trump.) and are NG.

Use of deadly force at the Trump residence was authorized for a document disagreement. So you could have had a fire fight between Secret Service Protection Detail and FBI agents.

That Agents searched The First Lady's underwear drawer and laid out fake and empty paperwork to be photo'd.
Technically, yes. But there is definitely a wizard behind the curtain at this point.

I'm saying he's in control of whether he withdraws.

Of the Presidency? Who bleeping knows?!

Be glad our opponents are even more incompetent than you could ever imagine.

He forget to mention POS nuland. Nuland has her hands in this mess.

The idea that Russia was going to withdraw from occupied Ukrainian territory in April 2022 (or whatever) in return for "no NATO" is, yet again, too insane for words. RFK Jr. is, of course, entirely crazy on almost every issue he offers a real position.

Putin invaded with the distinct goal of toppling the Ukrainian government. Quite likely, he was also hoping to add about 2/3s of Ukrainian territory and leave a rump, defanged state towards Poland and Hungary. What stopped him? Battlefield losses and a massive retreat of much of his invading force. What is stopping him from that now? A crappy army that can't penetrate 5 miles towards Kherson despite throwing waves of fresh meat against the Ukrainian defenders. Ukraine's military has some real limitations itself, but it is capable on defense.

I see the FBI continues to cover themselves with glory !

The "largest investigation in FBI history ", falls apart .

Supreme Court rules today that all obstruction arrests, convictions, incarcerations, all waiting for trial, were overcharged (including Trump.) and are NG.

Use of deadly force at the Trump residence was authorized for a document disagreement. So you could have had a fire fight between Secret Service Protection Detail and FBI agents.

That Agents searched The First Lady's underwear drawer and laid out fake and empty paperwork to be photo'd.

Big Will, the case involves about 100 prosecutions of 750 or so. But I think the Court got the case totally right. And use of deadly force is boilerplate in every one of these types of search warrants. Put down the MAGA Zealot magazine for a day.
So it starts:

A 24 year old Army NY National Guard women.

Was "Suggested" by her Superior Officer that she have a Covid vaccine shot.
She had the shot and "immediately" experienced 3 heart attacks and a STROKE (caps added) !
19 months later she was labeled fit for duty !
The DOD has refused to pay her $ 70,000 medical/hospitalization bill !

The Congress has indemnified Big Pharma from suits on their "emergency" drugs that they made Billions of dollars !
  • Angry
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The idea that Russia was going to withdraw from occupied Ukrainian territory in April 2022 (or whatever) in return for "no NATO" is, yet again, too insane for words. RFK Jr. is, of course, entirely crazy on almost every issue he offers a real position.

Putin invaded with the distinct goal of toppling the Ukrainian government. Quite likely, he was also hoping to add about 2/3s of Ukrainian territory and leave a rump, defanged state towards Poland and Hungary. What stopped him? Battlefield losses and a massive retreat of much of his invading force. What is stopping him from that now? A crappy army that can't penetrate 5 miles towards Kherson despite throwing waves of fresh meat against the Ukrainian defenders. Ukraine's military has some real limitations itself, but it is capable on defense.

Big Will, the case involves about 100 prosecutions of 750 or so. But I think the Court got the case totally right. And use of deadly force is boilerplate in every one of these types of search warrants. Put down the MAGA Zealot magazine for a day.
The warrant overreached in both it's search and method of search. In New Jersey use of deadly force is NOT one of the 6 instances it is allowed ! I know not in Texass or DC or Florida, but I've never seen it on any warrant I served.

I subscribe to the following 2 magazines: Chicken Mag, Hudson Valley Mag. Sorry to bust your TDS !

You are incorrect on the numbers, look up the hundreds of numbers charged, then reply.
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"I cannot countenance Trump in the White House." - says the guy who voted for Trump in 2020.

If the Covid regime came back, I'd likely vote for Trump.

But seriously, considering his post-2020 election antics, I think it's pretty fair to say that voting for Trump in 2024 and 2020 are different things. That doesn't mean I think you shouldn't vote for Trump in a general election, have at it. There are credible cases for him, just not ones for me barring a total change in the country's circumstances in the next 6 months.
The warrant overreached in both it's search and method of search. In New Jersey use of deadly force is NOT one of the 6 instances it is allowed ! I know not in Texass or DC or Florida, but I've never seen it on any warrant I served.

I subscribe to the following 2 magazines: Chicken Mag, Hudson Valley Mag. Sorry to bust your TDS !

You are incorrect on the numbers, look up the hundreds of numbers charged, then reply.

It's like 100 people who will need to be resentenced due to this change. I read about 45 will likely have their conviction vacated completely, as they weren't charged under other statutes. But I will say you are correctly pointing out that those who haven't been convicted will see this type of charge dismissed, I just don't know how many folks that applies to.
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It's like 100 people who will need to be resentenced due to this change. I read about 45 will likely have their conviction vacated completely, as they weren't charged under other statutes. But I will say you are correctly pointing out that those who haven't been convicted will see this type of charge dismissed, I just don't know how many folks that applies to.
I just checked with a Detective with the largest police force in the World.

He has served warrants for all ages of people for Felony warrants in multiple States. Approaching 200 + Felony arrests, this year, $1,000 minimum. With multiple Departments, INCLUDING, the FBI !

Not only is it NOT boiler plate, but he's never heard of this !
I just checked with a Detective with the largest police force in the World.

He has served warrants for all ages of people for Felony warrants in multiple States. Approaching 200 + Felony arrests, this year, $1,000 minimum. With multiple Departments, INCLUDING, the FBI !

Not only is it NOT boiler plate, but he's never heard of this !

It's in all/most federal search warrants.

Btw, the FBI knew Trump and Melania weren't there and scheduled the raid at that time.

This argument comes from the cauldron of MAGA absurdity. No one was going to shoot Trump unless he picked up an AK and went full "say hello to my little friend" on them.
  • Sad
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My favorite part of today in this thread is there's a single Trump fan able to enjoy last night's trouncing because so many were setting low expectations prior to the debate they have to clean up their mess.

Trump won. I think he's going to be up 3-4% in polling soon. He couldn't lose from that position, and a state like New Mexico or Virginia might even be in play.

Rs would win the Senate elections in WV - OH - MT - NV to take at least 53 Senate seats. They'd probably win Michigan too. And if Trump switched his endorsement in Arizona to the guy TJ likes ... the GOP would win that race too. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania wouldn't be off the table, and perhaps even a state like New Mexico could get interesting. I guess Maryland would be an option too.
If the Covid regime came back, I'd likely vote for Trump.

But seriously, considering his post-2020 election antics, I think it's pretty fair to say that voting for Trump in 2024 and 2020 are different things. That doesn't mean I think you shouldn't vote for Trump in a general election, have at it. There are credible cases for him, just not ones for me barring a total change in the country's circumstances in the next 6 months.
Think of where we could be if the Dems hadn't been able "find" the largest vote 81 million tally for any Presidential candidate in history and they had gone with just the Obamma numbers either election.

Trump with the largest number of votes for ANY incumbent in history , would be ending in November and hitting golf balls at Doral this Winter. Gas would be under $2 bucks, petroleum reserve would be full, there would be no regional wars, a full 20 foot steel wall up keeping 100,000 illegals a month South of the Border ( Not the retail stores on I-95 in S.C. !), and I'd have no chicken coop 50 feet from my bedroom windows.

RDS with Scott would be running against Newsome and Kamala (VP) !

MAGA hats for 70 % off retail !
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Because everything you read on the internet is true…

All you Trumpers were whipped into a frenzy over a bunch of bullshit excuses in case he sucked. The actual result? The debate format was actually pretty good and Trump made Joe look like a memory care unit escapee.
Here’s the bullshit. You think everything is an excuse for Trump. There was a lot of false info to filter through. A lot more than the 1-2 minute delay I fell for. You claim you aren’t voting for Biden, but Trump wins that debate last night and you’re like we’re f’d. Have you paid any attention at all to the past 3.5 years?
It's in all/most federal search warrants.

Btw, the FBI knew Trump and Melania weren't there and scheduled the raid at that time.

This argument comes from the cauldron of MAGA absurdity. No one was going to shoot Trump unless he picked up an AK and went full "say hello to my little friend" on them.
So it went from "boiler plate" to most. AND they HAD authorization to use deadly force to compile DOCUMENTS, they had had full access to see earlier in the week. !

Only I have been involved with Commercial, City, State and Federal law enforcement in "Protective details on this format. It wasn't even for a President, but Just the First Lady, In-laws, and 2 kids. It started months prior to their visit to NYC ! Took hundred's of law enforcement !

Yet from Lincoln to Reagen the Secret Service has proved one thing they are fallible.
My favorite part of today in this thread is there's a single Trump fan able to enjoy last night's trouncing because so many were setting low expectations prior to the debate they have to clean up their mess.

Trump won. I think he's going to be up 3-4% in polling soon. He couldn't lose from that position, and a state like New Mexico or Virginia might even be in play.

Rs would win the Senate elections in WV - OH - MT - NV to take at least 53 Senate seats. They'd probably win Michigan too. And if Trump switched his endorsement in Arizona to the guy TJ likes ... the GOP would win that race too. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania wouldn't be off the table, and perhaps even a state like New Mexico could get interesting. I guess Maryland would be an option too.
PRIOR to the debate I see posts that are reviewing daily EVERY State for the electoral voting tally. Trump is ALWAYS above 320 votes which is approx 50 MORE than he needs.

AFTER the debate it will be enlightening to see if this is turning into a "Mondale", that's a trouncing, not just a cold !
So it went from "boiler plate" to most. AND they HAD authorization to use deadly force to compile DOCUMENTS, they had had full access to see earlier in the week. !

Only I have been involved with Commercial, City, State and Federal law enforcement in "Protective details on this format. It wasn't even for a President, but Just the First Lady, In-laws, and 2 kids. It started months prior to their visit to NYC ! Took hundred's of law enforcement !

Yet from Lincoln to Reagen the Secret Service has proved one thing they are fallible.

My understanding is it is boiler plate but I’m not going to claim every federal search warrant everywhere is identical.
Here’s the bullshit. You think everything is an excuse for Trump. There was a lot of false info to filter through. A lot more than the 1-2 minute delay I fell for. You claim you aren’t voting for Biden, but Trump wins that debate last night and you’re like we’re f’d. Have you paid any attention at all to the past 3.5 years?
I said we’re ****ed because two old codgers were arguing about who’s lying the most about their golf handicap on the presidential debate while our country is falling apart.

I wasn’t saying we’re ****ed because Trump won it.