This affects us all

Baker again assures Gorbachev that “neither the President nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes taking place,” and that the Americans understand the importance for the USSR and Europe of guarantees that “not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.” Gorbachev responds by quoting Polish President (and former dictator) Jaruzelski: “that the presence of American and Soviet troops in Europe is an element of stability.”
The quote is from a Russian stooge who implemented martial law in Poland and imprisoned thousands of political activists. He also asked for intervention from the Soviet Union. Not exactly someone who should be used to make your point. Do you think there was more stability during the Cold War? That seems what you are implying.
The quote is from a Russian stooge who implemented martial law in Poland and imprisoned thousands of political activists. He also asked for intervention from the Soviet Union. Not exactly someone who should be used to make your point. Do you think there was more stability during the Cold War? That seems what you are implying.
As usual, his post is non-sensical. Is he trying to prove that the US promised Gorbachev and the USSR that NATO wouldn't move eastward? So freaking what. The USSR is no more, half of the countries in and wanting into NATO are former Republics of the USSR. Trumpists and the MAGA folks are Russian Putin sympathizers. Don't understand why. America love it or leave it.
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Nothing disingenuous about it. There isn’t any reason not to have separate bills for Ukraine and Israel.
The reason is, the Republican nutcases on the right, won't vote for Ukraine unless they have to because it is combined with Israel. I think you and my idiot MAGA Reprsentative can understand that simple concept of politics.
As usual, his post is non-sensical. Is he trying to prove that the US promised Gorbachev and the USSR that NATO wouldn't move eastward? So freaking what. The USSR is no more, half of the countries in and wanting into NATO are former Republics of the USSR. Trumpists and the MAGA folks are Russian Putin sympathizers. Don't understand why. America love it or leave it.
Imagine equating the defense of the Baltics and Eastern Europe with the love for America…..what’s next, if we don’t attack Iran , you don’t love America? you sound like nut job Nikki Haley….
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The quote is from a Russian stooge who implemented martial law in Poland and imprisoned thousands of political activists. He also asked for intervention from the Soviet Union. Not exactly someone who should be used to make your point. Do you think there was more stability during the Cold War? That seems what you are implying.
The first quote is from James Baker….the second is Gorbachev quoting the Polish President .
The Democrats have some real issues on their hands. The Republicans need to can their assault on abortion and welcome more reasonable people into their party. There are many Jews who are seriously looking at the Dem Party and finally realizing they can’t vote for them, but they don’t have anywhere else to go as of this moment.
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