This affects us all

My Grandson # 1 who is in the USMC had to remove some of his tats that were visible, had to get them removed before he was allowed to enlist.

They cost him big bucks and a year of his life,
As I understand it, and I may be wrong, I don't think there's much of any restrictions for most military branches anymore? If there are some there aren't many.

She recently did some ink on a guy we know I don't even know what branch he's in just that he's some sort of special forces and goes all over the world on sudden deployments and is gone until he's back..
Of course nhump thinks this is funny. He like a big chunk on the left, hates this country

Yep, he is a fool. In his twisted illogical mind, he thinks dis-respect for the politician Adam K. translates to "Not honoring a veteran". Life is a bit more complicated than veteran = good. Not all veterans are good people. More importantly, when a veteran chooses a political side they are fair game. Tulsi Gabbard is a veteran that I wholly respect as a politician despite not appreciating most of her views. And while Jimmy Carter is now the 2nd worst president in recent times (Jimmy thanks God for Joe Biden every day), he is a good man and respected veteran. John McCain......classic example of the two sides of a veteran.

Oh well.
Who the F is he, LOL. They had to shit can him after bad mouthing his superior officers.

First, he is a true Patriot who loves the Corps (Corpse according to Obama) and the United States of America - and would die for our freedom.

Second, I agree with you that they had to make an example of him.

His message is correct, however. There is zero accountability for this F.U. in Afghanistan and it all starts with the Resident in Chief blaming Trump.
Here's my question. And it applies to whether Trump was still president or we're talking under Biden. Would it have been a more pragmatic move to announce, say, June 1, everyone has until Aug. 31 to get out and start evacs 3 months ago?

No agenda. No passive aggressive questioning. I'm honestly curious. My hunch is Trump would have handled this better if for no other reason, as others have alluded to, he'd have scared the crap out of "whoever" that if a single American soldier is threatened, much less parished, all hell would break loose. Whereas Biden *seems* a bit too passive. Not sure if that's a fair assessment or not. I'll leave that to you experts ---- and I mean that sincerely, because the remarks on this board, as I've said before, are WAY more intuitive than anything I watch on the news.

But, that said, hindsight or foresight is 20/20. Just seems we knew this was coming. So why not get out ahead of it a bit more and get things moving right after Memorial Day? Or would that not have been a feasible move ---- again, regardless, if DJT or Biden is/was prez? Thanks in advance to your responses.

Go Illini!
Here's my question. And it applies to whether Trump was still president or we're talking under Biden. Would it have been a more pragmatic move to announce, say, June 1, everyone has until Aug. 31 to get out and start evacs 3 months ago?

No agenda. No passive aggressive questioning. I'm honestly curious. My hunch is Trump would have handled this better if for no other reason, as others have alluded to, he'd have scared the crap out of "whoever" that if a single American soldier is threatened, much less parished, all hell would break loose. Whereas Biden *seems* a bit too passive. Not sure if that's a fair assessment or not. I'll leave that to you experts ---- and I mean that sincerely, because the remarks on this board, as I've said before, are WAY more intuitive than anything I watch on the news.

But, that said, hindsight or foresight is 20/20. Just seems we knew this was coming. So why not get out ahead of it a bit more and get things moving right after Memorial Day? Or would that not have been a feasible move ---- again, regardless, if DJT or Biden is/was prez? Thanks in advance to your responses.

Go Illini!
Trump is a dick.

Biden is a pussy.

The Taliban knew that when they decided to do what they do. Complicate it with all these other arguments.

This isn't really directed at you.
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Trump is a dick.

Biden is a pussy.

The Taliban knew that when they decided to do what they do. Complicate it with all these other arguments.

This isn't really directed at you.
Thanks for the reply buddy. Makes sense, believe it or not =).

Go Illini!
Here's my question. And it applies to whether Trump was still president or we're talking under Biden. Would it have been a more pragmatic move to announce, say, June 1, everyone has until Aug. 31 to get out and start evacs 3 months ago?

No agenda. No passive aggressive questioning. I'm honestly curious. My hunch is Trump would have handled this better if for no other reason, as others have alluded to, he'd have scared the crap out of "whoever" that if a single American soldier is threatened, much less parished, all hell would break loose. Whereas Biden *seems* a bit too passive. Not sure if that's a fair assessment or not. I'll leave that to you experts ---- and I mean that sincerely, because the remarks on this board, as I've said before, are WAY more intuitive than anything I watch on the news.

But, that said, hindsight or foresight is 20/20. Just seems we knew this was coming. So why not get out ahead of it a bit more and get things moving right after Memorial Day? Or would that not have been a feasible move ---- again, regardless, if DJT or Biden is/was prez? Thanks in advance to your responses.

Go Illini!

Well, you don’t announce anything. But, you inform top allies, notify registered Americans, etc. thereby producing the result you seek. It’s really not that hard if you let the real generals plan the operation like Trump did with ISIS in Syria. ISIS was gone in a flash there as you may recall.

Biden is weak, spineless, and cognitively gone. Yesterday he said we will get you as he announced we are still leaving ASAP. The enemy knows Trump will issue the kill orders. Obama was a drone warrior too and he even selected the targets.
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Well, you don’t announce anything. But, you inform top allies, notify registered Americans, etc. thereby producing the result you seek. It’s really not that hard if you let the real generals plan the operation like Trump did with ISIS in Syria. ISIS was gone in a flash there as you may recall.

Biden is weak, spineless, and cognitively gone. Yesterday he said we will get you as he announced we are still leaving ASAP. The enemy knows Trump will issue the kill orders. Obama was a drone warrior too and he even selected the targets.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. I'm not a huge Trump guy nor do I hate Biden or anything like that. I've always said I'm on the fence when it comes to politics. I'll vote for whoever I think is best for the country whether a Democrat or a Republican. In my useless opinion, I think that's the way it should be but seemingly rarely is (both from my family's side and my in-laws' side).

And if I vote Democrat, I have no problem criticizing said person or listening to criticism of said person. Same with the Republican I vote for. I think that makes for productive discourse, as willy-nilly as that may come across. To that end, I love good political discussions, because I always feel like I come away from it more informed. And to be honest, I feel that way more when I'm talking to a Republican than a Democrat.

That said, in baseball terms, Trump ---- who I certainly do not always agree with by any stretch ---- has struck me, at least as president, as an effectively wild pitcher to where he'll throw one at your head and then paint the outside corner with a blistering fastball on the next pitch ---- whereas Biden strikes as someone who will chuck a batting practice fastball right down the middle on 2-0.

Not sure if that's a fair analysis ---- in fact, it very well may be a stupid one =) ---- just how I "gauge" it. Thanks again for your reply as well TJ. Hopefully we get a W today and then again Dec. 22 =).

And, in full disclosure, I voted for my newborn son in 2016, because I despised both Hillary and Trump. And then I voted for Trump in 2020. My wife is a huge Trump supporter so, to use Pulp Fiction as a backdrop, with Samuel L said when he took a big bite of the Big Kahuna burger, paraphrased, "My wife is a vegetarian, which, basically makes me a vegetarian too." While I likely would not have voted for Biden regardless, I probably would have just voted for one of you all if not for being cross-examined by my wife, LOL. Just pray we have no more American casualties (or any others, which I know basically is a pipe dream at this point). This has been beyond tragic.

Thanks again TJ, IMAN and all of you, Democrat or Republican. Please keep this discussion going. Again, I know I sound like a kiss-a$$, but it's so much more informative than anything else I read/watch. You all have an incredible feel for politics. You all should be proud of yourselves for your analysis of this stuff; it's way better than anything I could come up with.

Go Illini!
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. I'm not a huge Trump guy nor do I hate Biden or anything like that. I've always said I'm on the fence when it comes to politics. I'll vote for whoever I think is best for the country whether a Democrat or a Republican. In my useless, I think that's the way it should be but seemingly rarely is (both from my family's side and my in-laws' side).

And if I vote Democrat, I have no problem criticizing said person or listening to criticism of said person. Same with the Republican I vote for. I think that makes for productive discourse, as willy-nilly as that may come across. To that end, I love good political discussions, because I always feel like I come away from it more informed. And to be honest, I feel that way more when I'm talking to a Republican than a Democrat.

That said, in baseball terms, Trump ---- who I certainly do not always agree with by any stretch ---- has struck me, at least as president, as an effectively wild pitcher to where he'll throw one at your head and then paint the outside corner with a blistering fastball on the next pitch ---- whereas Biden strikes as someone who will chuck a batting practice fastball right down the middle on 2-0

Not sure if that's a fair analysis ---- in fact, it very well may be a stupid one =) ---- just how I "gauge" it. Thanks again for your reply as well TJ. Hopefully we get a W today and then again Dec. 22 =).

And, in full disclosure, I voted for my newborn son in 2016, because I despised both Hillary and Trump. And then I voted for Trump in 2020. My wife is a huge Trump supporter so, to use Pulp Fiction as a backdrop, with Samuel L said when he took a big bite of the Big Kahuna burger, paraphrased, "My wife is a vegetarian, which, basically makes me a vegetarian too." While I likely would not have voted for Biden regardless, I probably would have just voted for one of you all if not for being cross-examined by my wife, LOL. Just pray we have no more American casualties (or any others, which I know basically is a pipe dream at this point). This has been beyond tragic.

Thanks again TJ, IMAN and all of you, Democrat or Republican. Please keep this discussion going. Again, I know I sound like a kiss-a$$, but it's so much more informative than anything else I read/watch. You all have an incredible feel for politics. You all should be proud of yourselves for your analysis of this stuff; it's way better than anything I could come up with.

Go Illini!

Well, Trump always had a goal in mind, but he was like Mitch “Wild Thing” Williams. It is his style. With NATO, he said we should just blow it the feck up since no one else wanted to pay. He had no intention of killing NATO, but they did promise an extra 100B. He got results. OTOH, these same allies wanted Biden and now they have all been screwed over in Afghanistan. Karma.

Trump got great results across the board. A lot of people were uncomfortable watching the sausage get made. Everyone likes winning wars, but seeing how a war is won is sickening to most of us.
PS: Just for some relief, I am re-watching for about the 20th time the Big Ten Network's replay of our home game against Michigan in 1988-89. I mean, I love the 04-05 team, but no way they beat the 88-89 team at full strength.

I was a freshman in high school at the time, and every game was not on back then. I watched enough to still know how devastating we were, but watching this again in real time, yowsers, this team was an absolute dynamo.

Loads and loads of talent all over the floor. Our guys up and down the floor like it was a track meet, yet executing with pin-point precision. And that includes Michigan and how great it was that year. And we hammered them, 96-84. And did so again at Crisler to wrap up the regular season, 89-73. If Hamilton is at even 85% strength in Seattle, we win that game 81-75 and then decimate Seton Hall in the finals. I'll go to my grave believing that. And I don't think I'm being a homer. Seton Hall liked to press. We'd have shredded it.

Go Illini!
I attended a Wounded Warrior fund raiser last night. This Biden mess was spoke about by the speakers. All of them wanted to stay neutral, but their remarks were transparent enough for us all to know they think this administration totally botched this. I am a veteran and stood for some applause. My wife had to nudge me to stand and I did a quick up and down. You cant help but feel horrific for the fallen and their families after this past week. Those are the true heroes.

A retired top military leader spoke. He served in the ME and had some insight and perspective on loss of life on the battlefield. I find it shocking anyone can defend what happened in Afghanistan this week. I try to respect others having a different opinion, but it is pretty clear that giving the wrong people the wrong power can cost valuable lives and treasure.

Sometimes it is hard to reconcile how people vote the way they do post college. I mean, I get college kids being naive, but past that voting and making decisions on emotion seems dumb or uninformed.

The retired General I spoke to last night was brilliant and really gave us all something to chew on. It is a sad time for our country.

Garen, I hope you keep searching for answers and asking questions. That is a better path than most take.

Rylee McCollum, a Marine killed 2 days ago in Afghanistan, was expecting a baby in 3 weeks.
5'9 guy married to a beautiful woman with two beautiful girls (i've posted my family picture) who's the proud owner of a tattoo studio.

Other than that, though, spot on.
Beta male claiming his wife’s business as his own. Talks shit and doxes others on internet to feed his own insecurities then gets offended when the shit comes his way.
Beta male claiming his wife’s business as his own. Talks shit and doxes others on internet to feed his own insecurities then gets offended when the shit comes his way.
Lol. So much projection in this post.

Keep the insults coming man. I guess they make you feel better.

I mean at this point I'd like you to say the meanest things you can possibly think of so you can get it out of your system.

It's coming sooner or later.

And I won't apologize for posting this dickhead's picture as my avatar after his laughing/crying emoji regarding a veteran who was spoke up regarding the absolute debacle that's been our withdrawal from Afghanistan and was fired for it.

Was that funny to you?
Lol. So much projection in this post.

Keep the insults coming man. I guess they make you feel better.

I mean at this point I'd like you to say the meanest things you can possibly think of so you can get it out of your system.

It's coming sooner or later.

And I won't apologize for posting this dickhead's picture as my avatar after his laughing/crying emoji regarding a veteran who was spoke up regarding the absolute debacle that's been our withdrawal from Afghanistan and was fired for it.

Was that funny to you?
Your avatar pic is Nancy???
Lol. So much projection in this post.

Keep the insults coming man. I guess they make you feel better.

I mean at this point I'd like you to say the meanest things you can possibly think of so you can get it out of your system.

It's coming sooner or later.

And I won't apologize for posting this dickhead's picture as my avatar after his laughing/crying emoji regarding a veteran who was spoke up regarding the absolute debacle that's been our withdrawal from Afghanistan and was fired for it.

Was that funny to you?
Doxing someone and making fun of their appearance because you don’t like his politics shows exactly what kind of a piece of shit loser you are.

I don’t like most of what nthomp posts either, but you took it there so enjoy some of your own medicine.
Doxing someone and making fun of their appearance because you don’t like his politics shows exactly what kind of a piece of shit loser you are.

I don’t like most of what nthomp posts either, but you took it there so enjoy some of your own medicine.
You can make fun of someone for being poor and on welfare but making fun of someone's appearance crosses the line? You've tried to take as deep of stabs at me as you've possibly could get off your soapbox.

And I hate to break it to you but I don't care what you have to say about me and beyond simply pointlessly responding nobody else does either.

Keep it up. I lose no sleep over it. You need to at least get a bit more creative, though.
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Doxing someone and making fun of their appearance because you don’t like his politics shows exactly what kind of a piece of shit loser you are.

I don’t like most of what nthomp posts either, but you took it there so enjoy some of your own medicine.
I mean, its not really making fun of his appearance by saying he looks young and inexperienced..... geez
Are you shittin me

Now that is funny!


He looks about 16 years old! Haha!

Also, he can take his garbage-ass takes somewhere else.....
It's the man, the myth, the legend that knows so much from his worldly and lengthy experience in life he clearly can voice a decisive and very educated opinion from his grandma's basement.

Laughing at someone in the military for calling out his superiors and being fired for it.. Mocking him for doing the right thing was the last straw for me and idgaf how much butthurt @lckrame83 who can't stop crying a year after I called him out for straight up lying about saying he wouldn't take the vaccine dislikes it.

That dude holds a grudge like a woman that's been on her period for 65 straight years.

Kramer: I won't get the vaccine
Dhaab: I won't get the vaccine it's nanobots
Kramer: I got the vaccine stop being paranoid
Illinoisman: You once said you wouldn't get the vaccine yourself?
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You can make fun of someone for being poor and on welfare but making fun of someone's appearance crosses the line? You've tried to take as deep of stabs at me as you've possibly could get off your soapbox.

And I hate to break it to you but I don't care what you have to say about me and beyond simply pointlessly responding nobody else does either.

Keep it up. I lose no sleep over it. You need to at least get a bit more creative, though.
I didn’t make fun of you for being poor. I grew up poor. I made fun of you for being a lazy unemployed internet troll living off my taxes while claiming to be conservative.
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Hell,if that is his real picture,no wonder he freaked out when I was giving Gladeskat(who handled it perfectly) the exact same ridiculous type story that I have given every non Illini who trolls our sites(like I used to do when I trolled KU,Hoosier,Depaul sites for years).He was literally 10 years old when I started doing it.When I asked him if he had ever heard of Chip Schwartz,he had no idea what I was talking about.He would have freaked out if he would have seen the old board battles during the Weber days.
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I didn’t make fun of you for being poor. I grew up poor. I made fun of you for being a lazy unemployed internet troll living off my taxes while claiming to be conservative.
Lazy? I worked for the school system for the last 3 years as a substitute teacher. Before that I worked for a safety and rescue company working 7 12s all over the country for about a decade. Lookup suncoke energy sometime I got to work 7 16s for them one week. So correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I also paid some taxes. Additionally I was working on getting my masters in education online but I failed to disclose a 16 year old underage drinking ticket when that was supposed to be dropped.

Additionally, just in this thread, you took a shot at my height (a physical appearance zing right?) but turn around and say me insulting somebody's appearance is below the belt. That seems a bit hypocritical, no?

And your notion that if you are poor you have to be liberal has always been an idiotic one. Sorry I'm not sorry I took advantage of the free money the government gave out during covid you'd have to be an idiot not to. I'm glad we've went through the last few years as it's added a lot of perspective to my life. I've lived a life where I always had 10k+ just sitting in my checking with a paid off car and I've lived a life where I was on the opposite end.

And let's be real you've went after my personality plenty of times as well "attention seeking whore" etc. I did call you out about your PM about leaving the board which was below the belt but that was only after you backtracked on claiming you wouldn't get the vaccine while debating with dhaab. It's fine to change your mind but I'm not going to read you lie that you didn't say it.
Lazy? I worked for the school system for the last 3 years as a substitute teacher. Before that I worked for a safety and rescue company working 7 12s all over the country for about a decade. Lookup suncoke energy sometime I got to work 7 16s for them one week. So correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I also paid some taxes. Additionally I was working on getting my masters in education online but I failed to disclose a 16 year old underage drinking ticket when that was supposed to be dropped.

Additionally, just in this thread, you took a shot at my height (a physical appearance zing right?) but turn around and say me insulting somebody's appearance is below the belt. That seems a bit hypocritical, no?

And your notion that if you are poor you have to be liberal has always been an idiotic one. Sorry I'm not sorry I took advantage of the free money the government gave out during covid you'd have to be an idiot not to. I'm glad we've went through the last few years as it's added a lot of perspective to my life. I've lived a life where I always had 10k+ just sitting in my checking with a paid off car and I've lived a life where I was on the opposite end.

And let's be real you've went after my personality plenty of times as well "attention seeking whore" etc. I did call you out about your PM about leaving the board which was below the belt but that was only after you backtracked on claiming you wouldn't get the vaccine while debating with dhaab. It's fine to change your mind but I'm not going to read you lie that you didn't say it.
I’m not making fun of you for being poor. You’re a lazy ass unemployed internet troll. Get a job. There’s plenty out there. You don’t want to because it’s too easy to sit at home on your ass talking shit on the internet all day living off our taxes. Setting a great example for your kids.
I’m not making fun of you for being poor. You’re a lazy ass unemployed internet troll. Get a job. There’s plenty out there. You don’t want to because it’s too easy to sit at home on your ass talking shit on the internet all day living off our taxes. Setting a great example for your kids.
See back to this. I can't insult somebody's appearance or suggest they are slamming keys on a keyboard in grandma's basement but you can type this kind of vitriol and it's just just no biggy.

You're just repeating yourself at this point:

Points ignored:

1. I paid taxes and worked for a safety company probably putting more hours in in a year than you ever had for multiple years

2. I traveled all over the united states doing this basically having no life

3. when I settled down I substitute taught two different districts and did playground/lunch duty if I couldn't find a sub job that day

4. I've spent the last month fixing up a building so that my wife and I can start the studio which gets inspected officially tomorrow

And, before you say it, one single person does not run an entire tattoo studio. I'm the business/sales side and she does the tattoos. But I already know what's coming from this "you're just sponging off your wife".

Cool man. Continue to be this rage monster.

The funniest is you calling me lazy. I have ADHD so no matter what I'm going to be on a computer doing this that and the other but, yeah, I'm sure lots of people would apt to stay at home with a 5 and 3 year old instead of getting away and doing some sort of work like stocking shelves because it's so much easier.

How many children you got?

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