This affects us all

Im still waiting for my local newspaper to put up a picture of the parade murderer. Nothing yet. "A man fleeing a domestic disturbance hits Holiday Parade goers with his car, killing 5 and injuring unknown others". I could tell you what color of eyes that Rittenhouse has.
The most idiotic thing about local newspapers is they couldn't care less about their audience. Newspapers are bleeding subscribers, but they go full on commie in very red parts of the state. It's one thing to attempt to be persuasive. It's another to be ignorantly arrogant.
I love when you think you've made a poster look stupid with ONE sentence.


Now I come along and spoil your day in one post !
I am a licensed Security Guard in 2 States, NJ & NY , yes you MUST be licensed !

I Supervised over 100 sites in Manhattan, from the World Trade Center to cell phone stores in Harlem. NONE of those sites or stores allowed their Security to put their hands on anyone stealing. The cell phone stores even required the Security to have their Armed Guard License, ( which in NYC is VERY hard to get, unless you are retired NYPD ) .

Square Badges ( Security Guards ) are only there as window dressing, NOT to detain or arrest ANYONE. BY DIRECTION of the stores.
I just read an article about a SF news team who brought security with them to do a story about grab and go in Oakland. During the piece they received fire from someone, including hitting the hired security. The videos of the grab and go are pretty disturbing. Just a mob with hoodies and masks grabbing everything they can and running.

Anyway, we had the Big Will Football program, what would be the Big Will program to deal with mob looting? If square badges don't do much is there something that can be done?
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I just read an article about a SF news team who brought security with them to do a story about grab and go in Oakland. During the piece they received fire from someone, including hitting the hired security. The videos of the grab and go are pretty disturbing. Just a mob with hoodies and masks grabbing everything they can and running.

Anyway, we had the Big Will Football program, what would be the Big Will program to deal with mob looting? If square badges don't do much is there something that can be done?
Move your store to an area with a sane local government.
Happy Thanksgiving guys. Whether or not I agree with you doesn’t matter. I appreciate the dialogue and everyone’s willingness to speak their minds. Despite the topics, it’s been a lot of fun shooting the shit with all of you. I find this thread being the main reason why I visit this forum anymore.
I just read an article about a SF news team who brought security with them to do a story about grab and go in Oakland. During the piece they received fire from someone, including hitting the hired security. The videos of the grab and go are pretty disturbing. Just a mob with hoodies and masks grabbing everything they can and running.

Anyway, we had the Big Will Football program, what would be the Big Will program to deal with mob looting? If square badges don't do much is there something that can be done?

It's fortuitous that you ask me, because it ain't rocket science with criminals as well...

Matt has just been promoted to Detective within the NYPD into their Central Robbery Unit in Manhattan.

What do they do ? They research crimes for trends or crimes that are done by the same perps in different areas of the City and forecast where they will next strike or what to look for from the idiots. I assume his arrest of a DR gang member that uses BMW or MB high end cars with phony plates to armed robbery at high end restaurants that are dining on outside. He made the front page of The New York Post that arrest and made the bosses happy.

What to do ?

Make everyone have to make bail on MOST crimes, especially against other persons.
Prosecute all crimes without bargaining criminal act reduction.
Change parole length.
Decide what you are going to do with the current CDS criminal parameters.
Expand units that go out and rearrest perps that have jumped bail or have active warrants.
Have a unit at the prosecutor level that must approve every non trial decision.

Come to the decision that ONLY a small % commit actual crimes, BUT a large % of that number commit the crimes,
Yeah, cuz everyone can afford private security….
What an expectedly ignorant response. What you’ll actually get is more of your dreaded vigilantism because guaranteed if you loot someone’s house, you need to worry about armed homeowners….. you know, the ones who’s guns you and your kind want to confiscate.
I think Nordstroms and Malls selling Gucci and Tiffany's can afford it. Hell they have it now in the high end "shops" here that have all of that super high end brands..
My Glock will do just fine …… I forgot you are one of the defund and emasculate the police guy…
No one except a handful of extremists want to defund the police. It is a good talking point for the MAGA crowd though. That and CRT
Doesn't that handful of extremists include AOC and her squad? Joe is scared of them. Nancy is scared of them. Pretty much running the Dems. Meanwhile the scared Dems are letting millions of illegals into our country. No vaccine required.
I think Nordstroms and Malls selling Gucci and Tiffany's can afford it. Hell they have it now in the high end "shops" here that have all of that super high end brands..
All you are supporting increases costs for companies which get pushed on to the consumer. Not all consumers are wealthy. Most aren’t. Your solution, as usual, is bankrupt.
I think Nordstroms and Malls selling Gucci and Tiffany's can afford it. Hell they have it now in the high end "shops" here that have all of that super high end brands..

How about Walgreens and CVS? Stores that support the needs of communities around the country.

But hey, liberal elites just think about the Nordstroms of the world.
No one except a handful of extremists want to defund the police. It is a good talking point for the MAGA crowd though. That and CRT
Wow, are you serious? It has literally happened in major cities across the US. And their crime is out of control. Sounds like your news sources are either lying to you or withholding the truth.
I think Nordstroms and Malls selling Gucci and Tiffany's can afford it. Hell they have it now in the high end "shops" here that have all of that super high end brands..
You were talking about homeowners hiring private security. And even if we’re talking about Nordstrom and Tiffany, are you going to want a shootout at every store between security and the gangs of bandits?
All you are supporting increases costs for companies which get pushed on to the consumer. Not all consumers are wealthy. Most aren’t. Your solution, as usual, is bankrupt.

Focus. We were talking about high end stores--Gucci, Tiffany, Nordstroms. Not Walmart 🤡
Focus. We were talking about high end stores--Gucci, Tiffany, Nordstroms. Not Walmart 🤡

Again you just make soooo easy....with your ignorance

Security ( called Loss Prevention ) at Saks Fifth Avenue's main NYC store at 611 Fifth Ave ., where I worked in the management training program, was mainly there to reduce employee theft internally which was estimated at 1 of every 10 employees. They tracked visiting customers second for theft.

Further retail stores have what are called markups from cost to retail prices, but must remain competitive to make sales. Most retail stores maintain national shopping services to know that their store has competitive prices. Most pricing is done thus; dress costs you $ 50 in the Garment district, marked up to $ 100 for the store.

You can't decide to mark up to $ 150, when every other store has it ad $ 100, it won't sell.

Gucci used to be on Fifth Ave & 52 St. Mary Anne worked across on E 52, but couldn't buy stuff because they closed the store for the lunch hour.
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They should not be in a situation where they hire security. Besides the minute their security shoots at one of the thieves, you leftist loons will proceed to burn the store down…
They should not be in a situation where they hire security? Where have you been? Malls have had hired security for as long as I remember. You guys have never seen mall cops before?
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They should not be in a situation where they hire security? Where have you been? Malls have had hired security for as long as I remember. You guys have never seen mall cops before?

And look how successful the mall security is at stopping these shoplifters. They have been told to let people steal. One mall cop is not going to slow down dozens of thieves. You know that. You really think mall security can do anything to stop this stuff? I’ve seen mall cops before, and they aren’t going to put their lives on the line to stop these people. Nor should they. Paul Blart was a movie, not real life.

This happens at CVS and Walgreens every day. Costs will go up for Americans that do the right thing, and pay for goods and services. But hey, that won’t hurt the rich.

Low labor participation rate and a society that is being told it’s OK to steal. What could go wrong? Ready for you to laugh, because you are unwilling to have a real conversation. Just smile/laugh and change the subject.
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I think Nordstroms and Malls selling Gucci and Tiffany's can afford it. Hell they have it now in the high end "shops" here that have all of that super high end brands..
What an incredibly stupid take.

Similarly, the US can afford to ”lose” 85 Billion of military gear in Afghanistan. Not only that, the current fake president once said if we leave gear behind in Iraq that gear will be used to kill Americans. But, hey, we have 330 Million Americans so we can afford to lose a bunch. Hopefully among this group will be some high end liberals.
Nuff said;

Turkey last year ; .79 cents per pound for a 24 pound Gobbler
this year; 2.59 per pound in Conn.

Gas; last year; under $ 2.00 per gallon.
this year; over $ 3.25 per gallon.
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What an incredibly stupid take.

Similarly, the US can afford to ”lose” 85 Billion of military gear in Afghanistan. Not only that, the current fake president once said if we leave gear behind in Iraq that gear will be used to kill Americans. But, hey, we have 330 Million Americans so we can afford to lose a bunch. Hopefully among this group will be some high end liberals.
Obviously you clowns have never visited high end stores or shopping centers. I am not talking the Decatur Mall. The high end stores, again Gucci, Tiffany's, Dolce & Gabbana, DeBeers, etc have had security for many years. The glass is bullet proof, hurricane proof glass. The doors are locked. You can't just walk in. You have to buzz the door in order to be let in, which means someone that is dressed in street clothes does not get in. The goods inside have security on them. There is an armed security person standing by the door. Quit arguing arguing against the obvious.
Obviously you clowns have never visited high end stores or shopping centers. I am not talking the Decatur Mall. The high end stores, again Gucci, Tiffany's, Dolce & Gabbana, DeBeers, etc have had security for many years. The glass is bullet proof, hurricane proof glass. The doors are locked. You can't just walk in. You have to buzz the door in order to be let in, which means someone that is dressed in street clothes does not get in. The goods inside have security on them. There is an armed security person standing by the door. Quit arguing arguing against the obvious.

Just to be clear, you believe the stores buzzed all of those thieves in?

You still think 1% of those hospitalized with COVID are vaccinated, don’t you?

We do appreciate the education on elite stores.
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