There was ZERO chance of the Houthi's being able to use any information from that chat.I agree but the Atlantic doesn't help America by sharing the texts with the Houthis and anyone else that wants to harm the US. I guess I am old fashioned and wish the media would be more patriotic. The Atlantic got their clicks yesterday,
The US technology and efficiency of delivering ordnances is BEYOND Iran OR Houthi equipment or capabilities !
For example, normal planes on Carriers can deliver bomb loads of MULTIPLE 3,000 pounds for sunken bomb cellars !
They can all be on delay fuses that explode AFTER impact and penetration ! Additional 3,000 'ers can hit thru the SAME hole and explode after the first bombs penetration !
Growlers can emit to or collect radar from sites to jam OR destroy. Emitting pulses to jam/destroy sites can pulse electricity to destroy receivers with the same amount of electricity a normal US house uses in a week !