From what I've seen,
I'm simply a pro-American voter, and yeah, right now the (R)s more closely reflect my values. If I thought MAGA was what you characterize it to be, I would generally be against it.
You might be right, it would take a lot of work for the (D)s to come up with something beyond their tired tropes that (R)s are fascist, racist, misogynist, transphope, xenophobes, and relying telling a few lies while printing some money to throw around to distract voters from their cozy obeisance to their oligarch bedfellows, and maybe they can find future success in that. The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one and maybe that's too much to ask of them. And why would they want to expend effort to pick up a swing vote?
I do have to admit that there's a strong overlap between MAGA values and the traditional liberal/(D) environment I was raised in--what you could call Kennedy Democrats. I'm a few baby steps to the right of that, always have been, but still much closer to that than either what passes for the contemporary (D) party platforms or the neocons/tea partyers of the recent past. It's more of a case of the so-called MAGA movement landing near me than me being drawn to them.
Regarding Trump 47 I'm still observing. If he builds on the successes of his first term rather than its failures, I might be happy with him in the end. He can be his own worst enemy.
I still think that to pick up enough disaffected Trump voters the (D)s will still have to offer more than a reversion to the status quo of the Biden era with open borders, endless wars, outsourcing of business, exploding public debt, and tolerance to international trade practices that are almost uniformly arranged to be put the US in the disadvantaged position.
But what do I know?