Current events

More bullshit right now than I can remember during my lifetime following American politics.

Fear mongering, slander, hyper-hyperbole, etc. Stay classy, Illini fans.

No matter who wins, life on earth will continue.

The political class is living in the past. An October surprise won’t determine the outcome. There are very few undecided voters and early voting has began. Enthusiasm (positive and negative) will tip the scales in the battleground states.
Colleges campus around the USA were either shut down or barricaded in protest of the war in Viet Nam !

Bombs were set off on college buildings or apartments.

Weatherman AND BLA groups murdered New Jersy State Police !

I and many others believe this election will be seminal towards the future of the USA !

Either way !
It’s just that the BS is exposed now
This is false. In the 1970s and 1980s, there was ideological diversity in both parties (liberal Republicans and Conservative Democrats). The 2 parties were much more similar then they are today. That is why there much less rancor back then.
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It has a lot more to do with the climate change hoax than it does covid. Articles can easily be found that young couples are afraid to have children out of fear the global catastrophies predicted come true. Fear has been fed to them from when they were young.
Birth rates today are correlated with a country's development. Developed nations have lower birth rates and less developed countries have higher birth rates.
It has a lot more to do with the climate change hoax than it does covid. Articles can easily be found that young couples are afraid to have children out of fear the global catastrophies predicted come true. Fear has been fed to them from when they were young.

About 2/3 of young adults in Australia have “climate anxiety”
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About 2/3 of young adults in Australia have “climate anxiety”
US birth rate decline
2015 - 2024 2.5%
1997 - 2024 15.2%
1970 - 1997 13.8%

If you look at the data for the US, the fear of climate change impacting the birth rate does not hold up.

If you look at the data since 1997, the Great Recession had by far the biggest impact on declining birth rates.

My theory is that people who don't want kids in the first place are using climate change as an excuse. It is a more noble reason than to say I can't find a partner or children are too expensive.

Again since 2015 US birth rates have been relatively flat. If climate change was a major factor, there then would be a significant decline as climate change has become a much bigger issue today than ever before.
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2/3 of Americans support mass deportations. Since 2015 the percentage of non-white voters who are in favor of mass deportations has gone up 24 points. What was 33% in 2015 is now 57%. 57% of non-whites want illegals deported.

Oh, hey. BTW. Latest polling data has Trump +2 nationally over Harris. Best numbers he has had since Biden dropped out.
2/3 of Americans support mass deportations. Since 2015 the percentage of non-white voters who are in favor of mass deportations has gone up 24 points. What was 33% in 2015 is now 57%. 57% of non-whites want illegals deported.

Oh, hey. BTW. Latest polling data has Trump +2 nationally over Harris. Best numbers he has had since Biden dropped out.
What polls are those? I see something different.

They show a very close race.
Jeff said textiles wouldn’t come back. Welp. Here’s a jeans manufacturer doing just that in the US.

Jeff said textiles wouldn’t come back. Welp. Here’s a jeans manufacturer doing just that in the US.

One small company making jeans is not the entire textile industry. It is a niche manufacturer making jeans that cost about twice as much as similar jeans (Target Goodfellow jeans). You think you have made some great point; you have not. I previously said niche products could be made in the US.
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Social media is not the major reason.

The parties were more similar in the 1970s than today. In particular, Republicans have moved much more to the right.

Going back 50 years is irrelevant. That was the era of the eastern establishment that dominated American politics. It’s long gone, although some still cling to it.

The ideological shifts impacting today’s politics and political discourse began in earnest in the post Clinton era. Democrats have shifted further to the left over that period of time than Republicans have to the right. Moderates have declined in both parties. It coincides with the introduction and growth of the internet.

What’s probably more significant than ideological shifts is the new coalitions of voters who have emerged. Which is why politicians tend to take a divide and conquer approach, and why people can’t talk to each other like civilized human beings.

Social media may not be THE reason people hate each other and every aspect of American life is politicized, but it’s a major reason. And the most ideologically pure have the biggest mouths.

Other reasons: The catastrophic failure of our public education system; urbanization; competing interests (i.e. environmentalism vs energy industry jobs, intersectionality, etc.); competition and corruption in the mass media; political incentives that reward polarization; lack of social and economic mobility in the U.S. over the last 4 decades.

Biggest reason of all…stupid people.
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Going back 50 years is irrelevant. That was the era of the eastern establishment that dominated American politics. It’s long gone.

The ideological shifts impacting today’s politics and political discourse began in earnest in the post Clinton era. Democrats have shifted further to the left over that period of time than Republicans have to the right. Reagan Democrats are now Republicans. Neo conservatives are now Democrats.

What’s probably more significant than ideological shifts is the new coalitions of voters who have emerged. Which is why politicians tend to take a divide and conquer approach, and why people can’t talk to each other like civilized human beings.

Social media may not be THE reason people hate each other and every aspect of American life is politicized, but it’s a major reason.

Other reasons: The catastrophic failure of our public education system; urbanization; competing interests (i.e. environmentalism vs energy industry jobs); competition and corruption in the mass media; political incentives that reward polarization; lack of social and economic mobility in the U.S. over the last 4 decades.

Biggest reason of all…stupid people.
Per Pew Research, Republicans have moved more to the right in the last 20 years than Democrats to the left.

I agree that there are very significant shifts in the demographic coalitions of each party.
I have been a Republican all my life but with the Republican party becoming a nativist populist party I am moving more toward the Democratic party as are some of my suburbanite neighbors. Although, I don't see how this should create greater anger between people. I cannot stand Trump but I am friends with Trump voters.

I do agree social media adds gasoline to the fire.
Per Pew Research, Republicans have moved more to the right in the last 20 years than Democrats to the left.

That is demonstrably false, particularly as it applies to the electorate.

There are definitely pockets of the type of tribalism that you describe, but it doesn’t appear to be much of a trend.

One thing I would add. There is a minority group of extremists from both parties serving in government. That group has an inordinate amount of influence because of House / Senate rules, they get nearly all of the media attention, and they are relentless self promoters who are motivated only by personal ambition. People who only pay attention to the nightly news tend to define the parties based on that group of nuts. Other politicians are afraid of them.
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