Current Events

In 2008, the Fed Gov't provided support to major financial institutions to avert a liquidity crisis. I suppose you would have rather seen a replay of bank runs from the 1930s. Some people lost their homes during this time because they took out loans they could not afford and were counting on continued price appreciation to build equity. I think Bush/Obama did a pretty good job of managing this crisis.

From the US perspective, the Ukraine war is being managed quite well. Russia invaded another country and is paying dearly for it. The US has given a relatively small amount of aid without any boots on the ground. This war has curtailed any future Russian expansion. This will bring more stability to the world. It is only a crisis from a natavist perspective.

You sound like a living embodiment of the talking points of the right wing media.
IOW, you are a principled, diehard free trader until the free traders f up so bad they need government assistance to maintain their country club lifestyle.
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Dude, the hurricane hit like 4 days ago. Giving any type of recap on the response is premature.
No. It isn’t. Any leader understands what FEMA should be doing at the moment and at least provide words of what they are assessing and what they are currently assisting state/local agencies with response. Harris doesn’t have a handle on any facts.
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I can compare crises, because they are crises. The one Trump faced hadn’t had a similar one in 100 years. Most are manufactured. Others like economic crises happen every generation and not unusual. Did Trump pay for the virus enhances at Wuhan? Yes or no? No. That was Fauci. You say 4 more years of Trump makes things worse for the GOP. 4 more of the current administration is far worse for the country.
The potential end of the two party system.
Dude, the hurricane hit like 4 days ago. Giving any type of recap on the response is premature.

Trump couldn’t even ask Fauci the most basic questions about the virus or the response. Questions normal Americans were asking. He’s incapable, and proved it on the grandest stage. You know it, too.
You literally have no idea what was happening behind closed doors. He assigned Mike Pence a load of responsibility. Most other world leaders made the same type of decisions as Trump did. It was poorly handle worldwide.

You need something to justify your vote against your own self interest. Congrats!

You may now carry on complaining about our open southern border causing problems in your town.
Trump failed massively in 2020. Tell me the facts that dispute that. I don’t think you will, because you have agreed with that in the past.

Trump is 78, and looks/sounds like a shell of his old self. Tell me the facts that dispute that.

Trump chose a terrible VP candidates. Tell me the facts that dispute that.

And yes, I have a young family I’m raising. Trump is a terrible leader for them to look up to. Tell me the facts that dispute that.

Is this how political debate works? Give opinions then demand facts to disprove them? I’m not arguing with your opinions, just asking…

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IOW, you are a principled, diehard free trader until the free traders f up so bad they need government assistance to maintain their country club lifestyle.
Free trade had absolutely nothing to do with the financial crisis in 2008.

Mortgages were being originated by mortgage brokers who had no stake in the quality of the loans. I knew someone who worked in the industry and he told me incomes were not being verified and loans were given to people who could not afford them. The brokers didn't care since they would not be on the hook if the loans defaulted.

The loans were then sold to investment banks who deconstructed the loans and repackaged them into mortgage backed securities. These mortgage bonds were held by institutional investors including large financial institutions.

Of course, everything came crashing down when the housing market went bust. The Fed bought over a trillion dollars of these securities to prevent everything from going up in flames. The reason Lehmen Brothers went under was due to having a large portfolio of these securities and being highly leveraged.

If the Federal Government did not bail out certain financial institutions the entire banking system would have collapsed which would have cost much more than the 500 billion in bailouts.

There was a great deal of moral hazard going on but none of this had anything do with free trade.

The only other big bailout I can think of was GM. The cause of this was an undesirable portfolio of vehicles and high fixed costs that could not be reduced significantly. Now I suppose one could argue that if free trade did not exist then people would have been forced to buy vehicles they did not want. FYI, the bailout of GM only cost $11 billion which was peanuts.
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You literally have no idea what was happening behind closed doors. He assigned Mike Pence a load of responsibility. Most other world leaders made the same type of decisions as Trump did. It was poorly handle worldwide.

You need something to justify your vote against your own self interest. Congrats!

You may now carry on complaining about our open southern border causing problems in your town.
I did think Trump messed up. I was pretty irritated about Covid and the shut down. He certainly allowed unelected officials to heavily influence policy. As a person who did not vote for Trump in 2016, I did so in 2020, even with that irritation. Unlike JeffT, I knew exactly what was going to happen with the Biden Admin. Rilla can complain all he wants about the southern border. He is aiding the opposition. When Kamala wins and he's still here complaining about illegal alien gang members and anti-semitism, I will continue to remind him he chose not to do anything about it other than complain about the wrong person. Trump is 78 years old and not hiding in a basement. Comparing him to Basement Joe and complaining he is a shell of his former self is beta crap listening to Lincoln Project morons and leftist media. Is he getting old? Yes. Is he older than a candidate I would have wanted? Yes. Are his mental and physical faculties comparable to Biden's in 2020? Not even close. 4 more years of Biden policy or should I say the puppeteers of Biden/Harris will ensure the continued destruction of the US, it's citizens and its culture, let alone its government institutions. I will take William Barr's choice and opinion, the opinion of one who has seen Trump up close and personal and has also seen the Democrats up close and personal, far and above any crying whining unRepublicans posting in this thread.
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I will take William Barr's choice and opinion, the opinion of one who has seen Trump up close and personal and has also seen the Democrats up close and personal, far and above any crying whining unRepublicans posting in this thread.
I am glad you respect William Barr. He said the idea of significant voter fraud in the 2020 election was complete BS and that Biden won without a doubt.
Free trade had absolutely nothing to do with the financial crisis in 2008.

Mortgages were being originated by mortgage brokers who had no stake in the quality of the loans. I knew someone who worked in the industry and he told me incomes were not being verified and loans were given to people who could not afford them. The brokers didn't care since they would not be on the hook if the loans defaulted.

The loans were then sold to investment banks who deconstructed the loans and repackaged them into mortgage backed securities. These mortgage bonds were held by institutional investors including large financial institutions.

Of course, everything came crashing down when the housing market went bust. The Fed bought over a trillion dollars of these securities to prevent everything from going up in flames. The reason Lehmen Brothers went under was due to having a large portfolio of these securities and being highly leveraged.

There was a great deal of moral hazard going on but none of this had anything do with free trade.
Trade is why Wall Street gets bigger. Free trade allows multi-national US chartered companies to make much more profit by using cheap child labor in China, let alone the forced labor of Uighurs. There is nothing about Wall Street that is responsible.Then you add in the bailouts, it isn't any different than letting crooks out with no bail and not pressing charges just so they can commit more crimes. In fairness to Bush, he/Administration warned of the housing bubble and Congress did absolutely nothing. The government bailed out Chrysler for the 2nd time. Speaking as a current customer, Stellantis sucks. If Bush and DC elected officials wanted to do what was right, they could have figured out how to ward off bank runs without saving the likes of Goldman Sachs. Why does the government work for the wealthy, but not the people declaring bankruptcy because of overwhelming medical debt? Then you wonder why the little people don't believe Washington works for them and are made af.
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I am glad you respect William Barr. He said the idea of significant voter fraud in the 2020 election was complete BS and that Biden won without a doubt.
Former Attorney General William Barr on Friday stood by his widely criticized comments before the 2020 election that mail voting was vulnerable to fraud, even as he condemned former President Donald Trump’s false post-election claims that the 2020 contest had been stolen from him.

“I stand by all of that,” Barr told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead.” “My view is that in such a closely divided country with so much at stake, we have to keep strong protections against fraud and protect the integrity of the election, and I think when they are diluted and reduced – which they were – then people are not going to have confidence in the election, whether or not fraud occurs.”

Another quote from the same article
“I supported his policies. I was very conscious of his personal failings – especially his pettiness and his temper when he’s not getting his way,” Barr said. “But, up until the election, I felt that if you had strong Cabinet secretaries who are willing to do battle, you could keep things on track, and I personally felt that we did a pretty good job of that. But after the election … he just went off the rails.”“I supported his policies. I was very conscious of his personal failings – especially his pettiness and his temper when he’s not getting his way,” Barr said. “But, up until the election, I felt that if you had strong Cabinet secretaries who are willing to do battle, you could keep things on track, and I personally felt that we did a pretty good job of that. But after the election … he just went off the rails.”

So Bill Barr understands that mail-in ballots are a real issue with fraud potential. We do know as soon as Trump was defeated he was a baby. Barr says right here he went off the rails. Now why would someone who knows Trump went off the rails vote for him? #1 The Democrats. #2 Trump can't run in 2028, so he can't be a post-election baby. #3 Note he supported Trump's policies. As an AG with Trump going off the rails, why would he go out of his way to prove election fraud existed? He wouldn't. No one has still explained in any credible way how basement Joe received 81 million votes and Trump increased his vote totals from 2016, but lost. Fraud cannot be proven, but it's clearly a statistical anomaly that raises a lot of questions and Bill Barr point blank says he stands by the assessment about mail-in ballots. Article is from 2022.

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Why does the government work for the wealthy, but not the people declaring bankruptcy because of overwhelming medical debt? Then you wonder why the little people don't believe Washington works for them and are made af.
In regards to medical debt, the only solution I can see is to decouple medical insurance from employment. That would mean some sort of Medicare for all. However, you would have rationing of health care that would be an adjustment for all. The very wealthy could still bypass the system for better private care.
Barr says right here he went off the rails. Now why would someone who knows Trump went off the rails vote for him? #1 The Democrats. #2 Trump can't run in 2028, so he can't be a post-election baby. #3 Note he supported Trump's policies. As an AG with Trump going off the rails, why would he go out of his way to prove election fraud existed? He wouldn't. No one has still explained in any credible way how basement Joe received 81 million votes and Trump increased his vote totals from 2016, but lost. Fraud cannot be proven, but it's clearly a statistical anomaly that raises a lot of questions and Bill Barr point blank says he stands by the assessment about mail-in ballots. Article is from 2022.

I understand that Barr will vote for him based on policy and the fact that if he loses he can't be as troublesome as when he was in office.
I guess it comes down to this: if you are on the right and a populist Trump's policies make the tradeoff worth it. I am center right and I actually prefer some of Kamala's policies to Trump's so it is tradeoff I am not willing to make.
Free trade had absolutely nothing to do with the financial crisis in 2008.

Mortgages were being originated by mortgage brokers who had no stake in the quality of the loans. I knew someone who worked in the industry and he told me incomes were not being verified and loans were given to people who could not afford them. The brokers didn't care since they would not be on the hook if the loans defaulted.
All of these businesses employed people that worked their pay plans to the detriment of their company. When a company does does a poor job of directing and overseeing key employees, that is their fault. Not the US taxpayer. Free market.
Trump is a dummyhead.
Who cares that this administration opened the southern border creating chaos ?
Who cares that they satisfied the far left in the war on oil and caused a major spike in prices everywhere
Who cares that to solve the inflation crisis they spent absurd amounts of money in a bill that had the opposite affect
Who cares that they have promoted people to important positions based on a DEI order and that hasn't aged well
Who cares they weaponized the DOJ against their political opponents.
Who cares they plan on making legal voters out the newly imported illegals to further finish off the swing states into Blue
Who cares that the rest of the world is on fire right now with wars


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