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Trump didn't take anything away. He didn't break and buy Iraq, which resulted in a fubar of epic proportions and the deaths of many thousands and thousands of innocent people and the attempted genocide of non-muslim minorities.

Sure he did. Jeff is right about Trump University. Pretty terrible to take advantage of people like that. He cheated on his wife with what he called a horse faced porn star. If I was going to show my son someone to look up to, Trump might be at the bottom of the list.

You can defend his policy decisions and I understand that. There is no defending his character.
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Keep telling yourself politicians are different. You and Train are the Republicans who gave us Trump, because you don't actually care that politicians are corrupt. It isn't as bad as a private sector @$$Hat. What is worse than betraying your countrymen by opening the border and bringing in over 10 million illegals, paying them and paying for their housing, creating a human trafficking/sex trafficking issue and allowing China and terrorist organizations to plan bad things for Americans, because tens of thousands of military aged men in those categories crossed the border? You just brush off a loser putting people behind bars for marijuana offenses while that same prosecutor was actually smoking marijuana. Your argument about a "normal" politician is pathetic.

If Trump was still capable, and had self control, he would have annihilated Kamala in the debate, using this topic alone. People don't want to hear unproven things about cats and dogs, they want to hear about the very real impacts this is having on housing, police resources, schools and hospitals.

He could have said "I don't know about these rumors about people's pets going missing, but I do know that when you bring in unlimited #s of migrants, and put them in terrible housing and work conditions, desperate people will turn to desperate measures." But again, he's incapable.

Then he could have asked Kamala, who is vetting the landlords? Who is deciding where to place these people? She wouldn't have answered and people could see how incapable she is. Instead, Trump looked like a terrible person incapable of winning a debate that should have easily been won.
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Sure he did. Jeff is right about Trump University. Pretty terrible to take advantage of people like that. He cheated on his wife with what he called a horse faced porn star. If I was going to show my son someone to look up to, Trump might be at the bottom of the list.

You can defend his policy decisions and I understand that. There is no defending his character.
You really missed the point of the post. Really missed it.
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If Trump was still capable, and had self control, he would have annihilated Kamala in the debate, using this topic alone. People don't want to hear unproven things about cats and dogs, they want to hear about the very real impacts this is having on housing, police resources, schools and hospitals.

He could have said "I don't know about these rumors about people's pets going missing, but I do know that when you bring in unlimited #s of migrants, and put them in terrible housing and work conditions, desperate people will turn to desperate measures." But again, he's incapable.

Then he could have asked Kamala, who is vetting the landlords? Who is deciding where to place these people? She wouldn't have answered and people could see how incapable she is. Instead, Trump looked like a terrible person incapable of winning a debate that should have easily been won.
Let me know when you can actually address the post I made.
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I did? You are the master of the archive search, prove it, or admit you lied.
Gotta love Fox. I notice most of the TdA stories and Haitian immigrant stories are Local Fox affiliates. They are going to go with immigration fears and crime to the election date.

Sorry, you didn't say they were all biased. You implied it. You just said they are biased with their immigration stories.
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No "all", because you only posted 2-3 stories. Those you posted were on Fox affiliates.

Pretty sure I've posted from several different sources. In the latest interaction, I followed up with an article from NBC after you pointed out the prior story came from a Fox affiliate. Of course the stories were still the same. And were true.

When you don't like the news, you attack the source, even if you know the news is true.
Trump taking over 3 hours to issue a tweet on 1/6 to tell the crowd to disburse.
All those protestors sitting on their phones on Twitter…. Yeah, that Trump tweet REALLY helped! Your beloved dems thwarted Trumps effort to have the area secured with Nat’l Guard troops because the dems WANTED the chaos so they could use it against that bad orange man politically. Their plan worked to perfection.
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Keep telling yourself politicians are different. You and Train are the Republicans who gave us Trump, because you don't actually care that politicians are corrupt. It isn't as bad as a private sector @$$Hat. What is worse than betraying your countrymen by opening the border and bringing in over 10 million illegals, paying them and paying for their housing, creating a human trafficking/sex trafficking issue and allowing China and terrorist organizations to plan bad things for Americans, because tens of thousands of military aged men in those categories crossed the border? You just brush off a loser putting people behind bars for marijuana offenses while that same prosecutor was actually smoking marijuana. Your argument about a "normal" politician is pathetic.
A President can be bad at the job and still be a person of character. Jimmy Carter for example. Bad policy and Incompetence does not equate to character issues of that person. No matter how hard you try, you cannot change the fact that Trump is a scumbag. Just own the fact you are voting for a scumbag. It is a reasonable approach to vote on policy.
All those protestors sitting on their phones on Twitter…. Yeah, that Trump tweet REALLY helped! Your beloved dems thwarted Trumps effort to have the area secured with Nat’l Guard troops because the dems WANTED the chaos so they could use it against that bad orange man politically. Their plan worked to perfection.
Nice deflection. Trump's tweet did help to break up the riot. Trump did not need any help on 1/6; he was able to screw himself quite nicely by inciting a riot all by himself.
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BTW, a certain poster here said something misleading when he said Trump’s former AG did not endorse Trump. No he did not endorse him by name, but in April with the reality that Trump was going to be the nominee, he said he would support the Republican ticket.

“I’ve said all along given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country,” Barr replied. “And in my mind, I will vote the Republican ticket. I will support the Republican ticket.”

“I think the real danger to the country — the real danger to democracy, as I say — is the progressive agenda,” he continued. “Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion.”
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Obama built more miles of the border wall than Trump,
I guess Trump did not do as good a job as Obama in regards to illegal immigration.
Obama had 8 years to deport illegals.

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Obama built more miles of the border wall than Trump,
Obama didn’t face opposition to building a wall. Trump had to take funds from somewhere other than those designated for a border wall and even then Congress fought him tooth and nail.
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I don't know why you keep trying to push the narrative that Trump is somehow as ethical as a normal politician which is admittedly a very low bar. Trump started a fraudulent university and had to pay out $25 million in damages. He would not send out a timely tweet on 1/6 to calm the crowd down. He refused to turn over classified documents. He threw his VP under the bus for not violating the constitution. He tried to stiff Barbara Corcorcan (of Shark Tank fame) out of a 4 million commission. She had to take him to court to get paid. Trump has a history of stiffing vendors.

Trump is a incomparable slimeball.
Says the guy voting for the side that still glorifies Bill Clinton. Didn't he bang a 19 year intern in the Oval Office and lie about it until that inconvenient dress popped up? Granted, she was one in a million of his crazy escapades. Remember how they used the Clinton Foundation to shake down foreign countries for donations? Didn't the DNC just march that hero out again at their convention because he polls great on the left ?

Kamal has not been a pillar of morals either. What was Willie Brown, like 60 when she was his side piece in her upper 20s?

Taking the moral high ground on political sides is a waste of time. RR was one of the best presidents of all time and he liked the side women.

It's politics, not the priesthood.
Sure he did. Jeff is right about Trump University. Pretty terrible to take advantage of people like that. He cheated on his wife with what he called a horse faced porn star. If I was going to show my son someone to look up to, Trump might be at the bottom of the list.

You can defend his policy decisions and I understand that. There is no defending his character.
There is little defending any of their character. Voting on that stuff is very college age thinking
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What, that her character is bad too? Ya, the Democrats have never really put character on a pedestal. The GOP has.
Wait, wut?? They have claimed the moral high ground on woman and race issues and have worked the character of Trump nonstop. They actively crapped on the character of the SC judges nominated by the right. They portray and say they are better.
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Wait, wut?? They have claimed the moral high ground on woman and race issues and have worked the character of Trump nonstop. They actively crapped on the character of the SC judges nominated by the right. They portray and say they are better.
You can’t tell these unRepublicans anything. They don’t want to know facts, and if they have them, they twist them in any way possible to fit in their box.
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Wait, wut?? They have claimed the moral high ground on woman and race issues and have worked the character of Trump nonstop. They actively crapped on the character of the SC judges nominated by the right. They portray and say they are better.
Bork, then Ginsburg backed out when it was found that he smoked pot when he was younger. So horrible! Enter Kennedy. Thomas supposedly harrassed someone who wasn’t believable, We must believe all women…unless they are Republicans. Feminists can only be lefties, but they support biological men in womens sports, being called birthing persons, etc. Man, if I feel like a woman. I think I will use the womens restroom.
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I think this election is mostly about Bill of Rights type things. Freedom of speech, right to privacy, due process, equal application of the law, etc., as well as whether we are willing to succumb to an oligarchy. Throw in the question of to what extent do we enable/encourage and participate in military conflict around the world for good measure.

I'm old enough I've pretty much got mine, as much as I'll get anyway, and while I can point to a lot of things I dislike about both major party candidates, my concern for my children and grandchildren outweighs any impulse I have to judge the candidates as human beings and determine which I look furthest down my nose at and support the other. The volume and intensity of gaslighting out there is staggering so it's not an easy task.
Says the guy voting for the side that still glorifies Bill Clinton. Didn't he bang a 19 year intern in the Oval Office and lie about it until that inconvenient dress popped up? Granted, she was one in a million of his crazy escapades. Remember how they used the Clinton Foundation to shake down foreign countries for donations? Didn't the DNC just march that hero out again at their convention because he polls great on the left ?

Kamal has not been a pillar of morals either. What was Willie Brown, like 60 when she was his side piece in her upper 20s?

Taking the moral high ground on political sides is a waste of time. RR was one of the best presidents of all time and he liked the side women.

It's politics, not the priesthood.
I did not vote for Clinton either and I think the Clintons are slimeballs as well. Kamala dating a much older man! What an ethical lapse! That is almost as bad as Trump university.

Even if you set the ethics aside, Trump is a bully; his only tool in politics is bullying which does not get him very far as president. Trump is not very bright (he speaks at a fourth grade level) and cannot understand complex issues. In addition, Trump shows evidence of cognitive decline. Trump has all the characteristics of a bad president.

Go ahead and vote for a bullying dope based on policy. I understand.
There is little defending any of their character. Voting on that stuff is very college age thinking

I’m not voting for either of them, so I’m not “voting on that stuff”.

He’s an incapable leader and I think the same of her. They have both failed during their time at the top. Character concerns are a secondary problem for both.
Says the guy voting for the side that still glorifies Bill Clinton. Didn't he bang a 19 year intern in the Oval Office and lie about it until that inconvenient dress popped up? Granted, she was one in a million of his crazy escapades. Remember how they used the Clinton Foundation to shake down foreign countries for donations? Didn't the DNC just march that hero out again at their convention because he polls great on the left ?

Kamal has not been a pillar of morals either. What was Willie Brown, like 60 when she was his side piece in her upper 20s?

Taking the moral high ground on political sides is a waste of time. RR was one of the best presidents of all time and he liked the side women.

It's politics, not the priesthood.

See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. The Clintons are such terrible people that recently the GOP had the moral high ground. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, in a religious home. The GOP was certainly looked at as the party that cared about character and morals. The Dem party had a serial womanizer and possible predator as their leader, and his wife was an even worse person. She was still the leader of the party just 8 years ago.

Then the GOP adopted Trump, a lifelong Democrat and a person whose character ranks similarly to the Clintons. Massive mistake, and they are paying for it. He almost lost to Hillary, who almost everyone loathes. Then he got crushed by Biden, who should have retired years ago. Now he’s in a battle with Kamala, who has shown no ability to lead at all.

I don’t know how anyone can watch Trump, or Kamala, and think either are capable of leading this country. And to cap it off, they both chose terrible VP candidates. Tough to not think we are screwed either way.
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If Trump screwed a bunch of side pieces, but was a very capable leader, I’d vote for him. He’s not, he’s proven that. He failed massively during a crisis in his first term. I have little doubt there will be at least 1 crisis over the next 4 years, and I believe he is entirely incapable of managing that.

Every move he’s made over the last couple months has been a massive failure. Vance was a horrible choice. He looked like a weak old man during the debate with Kamala, incapable of any self control. He’s a bad a candidate in 2024. Much worse than he was 8 years ago.
You can’t tell these unRepublicans anything. They don’t want to know facts, and if they have them, they twist them in any way possible to fit in their box.

Trump failed massively in 2020. Tell me the facts that dispute that. I don’t think you will, because you have agreed with that in the past.

Trump is 78, and looks/sounds like a shell of his old self. Tell me the facts that dispute that.

Trump chose a terrible VP candidates. Tell me the facts that dispute that.

And yes, I have a young family I’m raising. Trump is a terrible leader for them to look up to. Tell me the facts that dispute that.
I think this election is mostly about Bill of Rights type things. Freedom of speech, right to privacy, due process, equal application of the law, etc., as well as whether we are willing to succumb to an oligarchy. Throw in the question of to what extent do we enable/encourage and participate in military conflict around the world for good measure.

I'm old enough I've pretty much got mine, as much as I'll get anyway, and while I can point to a lot of things I dislike about both major party candidates, my concern for my children and grandchildren outweighs any impulse I have to judge the candidates as human beings and determine which I look furthest down my nose at and support the other. The volume and intensity of gaslighting out there is staggering so it's not an easy task.

Best post I’ve seen this morning, and I agree with what you said.

I do believe the GOP has a better vision for our future. The Dems change their vision depending on who they are talking to. If the GOP had someone that I believed could lead us to that future, I’d vote for them. I think Trump will set the GOP back further, not propel them ahead. That’s part of why I don’t support Trump.
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