Current Events.

I was talking about presidential elections and elections in the purple states. There are many states both red and blue that have one party rule. Nominating people like Trump and Lake in Arizona is a ticket to doom.

Economic theory states that labor intensive manufacturing will gravitate to countries with low labor costs and skill intensive manufacturing will gravitate to countries with an abundance of skilled workers like the US. The US will never be a manufacturing giant in such industries as clothing, shoes and toys nor should it try to be.
You specifically mentioned MAGA people in a negative way with purpose. I'm done with people like you acting like this towards many good people that I know. If the US is never going to be a major manufacturer again, the US is doomed to be subserviant to other countries. Who gives a sh*t about toys? You have zero solutions for how to fix the inner cities other than gentrification, which simply displaces the folks already living there and does nothing for the very people that needed a hand up in the first place.
You specifically mentioned MAGA people in a negative way with purpose. I'm done with people like you acting like this towards many good people that I know. If the US is never going to be a major manufacturer again, the US is doomed to be subserviant to other countries. Who gives a sh*t about toys? You have zero solutions for how to fix the inner cities other than gentrification, which simply displaces the folks already living there and does nothing for the very people that needed a hand up in the first place.
I have never participated in a discussion to fix the inner cities so I don't know where that is coming from.

The only thing I have against MAGA people is that they continue to believe and perpetuate the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. There was no proof of any widespread fraud yet they continue to believe Trump's BS. When the integrity of our elections are called into question, it tears at the fabric of our country. They are the unwitting dupes of Russia and China who try to cause unrest in our country. Is it not funny that there was no election fraud in 2016 when Trump won but it only became an issue in 2020 when he lost.

I just watched the new documentary Stop the Steal on HBO. The documentary contains interviews exclusively with Republicans who were directly involved in the election and it becomes obvious that the the idea that the election was stolen was a big lie with absolutely no substance.

For the sake of the country, I hope Trump gets crushed in the election so this election fraud crap can be put to rest. If Trump loses and the election is close, then there will be more unrest that will all be based on a lie.
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I have never participated in a discussion to fix the inner cities so I don't know where that is coming from.

The only thing I have against MAGA people is that they continue to believe and perpetuate the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. There was no proof of any widespread fraud yet they continue to believe Trump's BS. When the integrity of our elections are called into question, it tears at the fabric of our country. They are the unwitting dupes of Russia and China who try to cause unrest in our country.
Is it not funny that there was no election fraud in 2016 when Trump won but it only became an issue in 2020 when he lost.

For the sake of the country, I hope Trump gets crushed in the election so this election fraud crap can be put to rest. If Trump loses and the election is close, then there will be more unrest that will all be based on a lie.

Why do you think this will be put to rest? Let’s not act like Trump/MAGA is the first to do it.

You really think it will be different if Trump wins in a close election?

Why do you think this will be put to rest? Let’s not act like Trump/MAGA is the first to do it.

You really think it will be different if Trump wins in a close election?
What losing presidential candidate refused to recognize the legitimacy of an election due to voter fraud before Trump?

Hillary made her claim based on Russian interference but made no claim about voter fraud. Hillary is an ass and her claims were just sour grapes. However, her claims are not nearly as damaging as a claim of widespread voter fraud.

Even in 1960, Nixon conceded and did not claim he lost because of voter fraud.
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What losing presidential candidate refused to recognize the legitimacy of an election due to voter fraud before Trump?

Even in 1960, Nixon conceded and did not claim he lost because of voter fraud.

I see you edited your post to remove the part where you said no person that has lost an election has said it was stolen from them. That’s exactly what Hillary said. Who cares if she didn’t say it voter fraud, she said the election was illegitimate and stolen from her.

Acting like this is a new thing with MAGA is a personal choice. It’s not based on facts.
I see you edited your post to remove the part where you said no person that has lost an election has said it was stolen from them. That’s exactly what Hillary said. Who cares if she didn’t say it voter fraud, she said the election was illegitimate and stolen from her.

Acting like this is a new thing with MAGA is a personal choice. It’s not based on facts.
It makes a big difference. If you claim voter fraud then you are chipping away at the trust people have in the electoral process. That is much more damaging to the country.

Hillary claims that she lost because Russia helped Trump win the election by convincing voters to vote for Trump. Who cares?

I know there were protests after Trump won but they were mostly based on the fact that Hillary won the popular vote.

Also, MAGA was the first group to riot at the capital because their candidate lost. A new low for the country.
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It makes a big difference. If you claim voter fraud then you are chipping away at the trust people have in the electoral process. That is much more damaging to the country.

Hillary claims that she lost because Russia helped Trump win the election by convincing voters to vote for Trump. Who cares?

She said it was stolen. That’s what you are tired of hearing from MAGA.

People on both sides have accused the other side of stealing elections for the last couple decades. Only caring when they say it’s because of voter fraud seems odd. Any unproven accusation seems just as damaging.
She said it was stolen. That’s what you are tired of hearing from MAGA.

People on both sides have accused the other side of stealing elections for the last couple decades. Only caring when they say it’s because of voter fraud seems odd. Any unproven accusation seems just as damaging.
I don't recall any elections other than Hillary and Trump where people where making noise about stolen elections.

IMO, claims of voter fraud are much worse because if people don't trust that the elections are conducted properly, then it eats away at the legitimacy of the government. That is a huge problem.
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I don't recall any elections other than Hillary and Trump where people where making noise about stolen elections.

IMO, claims of voter fraud are much worse because if people don't trust that the elections are conducted properly, then it eats away at the legitimacy of the government. That is a huge problem.
I think it's a problem that could be largely eliminated by states auditing their voter rolls more rigorously, curbing the mail in voting to only cases where it is truly necessary, tightening the processes whereby people are enrolled to vote, etc. Some states are pretty good about that, others aren't. One party seems to be a proponent of it, one seems reticent. And to be fair, nowadays appearances as they are filtered out to the masses are often very deliberately deceiving.

I come at this as someone who is truly independent. By that I mean I'm not a former (R) who is now an independent because I have visceral hatred for Trump and/or agree with Clinton and others that the preponderance of white people of median middle class socioeconomic status and below (now labeled as MAGA) are deplorables. If you go back to how the terms were used in the Ford/Carter/Reagan era, when I was introduced to politics, my leanings have always been centrist, and probably slightly conservative. Back then you could find "conservatives" on both sides of the aisle. Much has changed since then, obviously. I really don't give a hoot about the success of either party over the other. I just want the "for the people" part of our government to hold true. I realize that makes me somewhat naive.

The thing that seems to get glossed over is that it often wouldn't take "widespread" voter fraud/election shenanigans to flip a presidential race. Several over the last 25 years have come down to a few counties in a few states. It's fairly predictable, though not perfectly. Campaigns target their resources accordingly, and any hypothetical nefarious attempts to "cheat" would likewise be targeted. IMO election integrity is similar to ethics--rule 1 is to avoid even a hint of an appearance of impropriety. I wish I could say it's blatantly obvious that resilience to dirty tricks is uniformly robust across the country. I can't. People will make their own judgements on correlation/causation/overlap of Venn diagrams.

I very much want to believe recent elections have resulted in the proper outcome. I've seen no conclusive evidence to the contrary. But the optics of some recent elections have been awful. Those optics are the true root of the "huge problem". I guess we'll see in a few weeks whether we've done enough as a nation to make integrity transparently obvious. Saying "Shut up and believe us, you bad person," isn't enough.

Chances are that someday the shoe will be on the other foot. So it's in everyone's interest to clean it up. Just ask those who jiggered the rules in the Senate for political expediency what happened when the other party gained control.

I agree there is a danger in having large swathes of the electorate mistrustful of election results. It's also dangerous to undermine electoral winners by attributing their victory to the actions of adversarial nations and relentlessly tattooing them as existential threats to democracy and freedom in the public domain. Bullets are already flying over that one. That last is just an observation of the climate at large, not something specifically directed at you or prior comments of anyone here. There are a lot of moving parts in the current ugly landscape, and the culpability spreads far beyond any individual or single party.
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I have never participated in a discussion to fix the inner cities so I don't know where that is coming from.

The only thing I have against MAGA people is that they continue to believe and perpetuate the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. There was no proof of any widespread fraud yet they continue to believe Trump's BS. When the integrity of our elections are called into question, it tears at the fabric of our country. They are the unwitting dupes of Russia and China who try to cause unrest in our country. Is it not funny that there was no election fraud in 2016 when Trump won but it only became an issue in 2020 when he lost.
Lots of proof, but no court rulings in their favor.
Too soon?

I think it's a problem that could be largely eliminated by states auditing their voter rolls more rigorously, curbing the mail in voting to only cases where it is truly necessary, tightening the processes whereby people are enrolled to vote, etc. Some states are pretty good about that, others aren't. One party seems to be a proponent of it, one seems reticent. And to be fair, nowadays appearances as they are filtered out to the masses are often very deliberately deceiving.

I come at this as someone who is truly independent. By that I mean I'm not a former (R) who is now an independent because I have visceral hatred for Trump and/or agree with Clinton and others that the preponderance of white people of median middle class socioeconomic status and below (now labeled as MAGA) are deplorables. If you go back to how the terms were used in the Ford/Carter/Reagan era, when I was introduced to politics, my leanings have always been centrist, and probably slightly conservative. Back then you could find "conservatives" on both sides of the aisle. Much has changed since then, obviously. I really don't give a hoot about the success of either party over the other. I just want the "for the people" part of our government to hold true. I realize that makes me somewhat naive.

The thing that seems to get glossed over is that it often wouldn't take "widespread" voter fraud/election shenanigans to flip a presidential race. Several over the last 25 years have come down to a few counties in a few states. It's fairly predictable, though not perfectly. Campaigns target their resources accordingly, and any hypothetical nefarious attempts to "cheat" would likewise be targeted. IMO election integrity is similar to ethics--rule 1 is to avoid even a hint of an appearance of impropriety. I wish I could say it's blatantly obvious that resilience to dirty tricks is uniformly robust across the country. I can't. People will make their own judgements on correlation/causation/overlap of Venn diagrams.

I very much want to believe recent elections have resulted in the proper outcome. I've seen no conclusive evidence to the contrary. But the optics of some recent elections have been awful. Those optics are the true root of the "huge problem". I guess we'll see in a few weeks whether we've done enough as a nation to make integrity transparently obvious. Saying "Shut up and believe us, you bad person," isn't enough.

Chances are that someday the shoe will be on the other foot. So it's in everyone's interest to clean it up. Just ask those who jiggered the rules in the Senate for political expediency what happened when the other party gained control.

I agree there is a danger in having large swathes of the electorate mistrustful of election results. It's also dangerous to undermine electoral winners by attributing their victory to the actions of adversarial nations and relentlessly tattooing them as existential threats to democracy and freedom in the public domain. Bullets are already flying over that one. That last is just an observation of the climate at large, not something specifically directed at you or prior comments of anyone here. There are a lot of moving parts in the current ugly landscape, and the culpability spreads far beyond any individual or single party.

People act like this isn’t happening, even though it has happened in several states. In 2022, Colorado admitted they sent about 30,000 non citizens a voter registration mailer.

Oregon just admitted a few days ago that hundreds of non citizens have registered to vote since 2021.

Many states don’t want to check their voter rolls against social security data.

Also, when they said the last election was “the most secure of all time”, people don’t believe that BS. You can convince us it wasn’t a stolen election. But don’t try to sell me something that obviously isn’t true.
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I don't recall any elections other than Hillary and Trump where people where making noise about stolen elections.

IMO, claims of voter fraud are much worse because if people don't trust that the elections are conducted properly, then it eats away at the legitimacy of the government. That is a huge problem.
2000. You are forgetting the dangling chads in Florida and Bush needing SCOTUS to cheat him into the WH. Bush was an illegitimate President, according to many Democrats.
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2000. You are forgetting the dangling chads in Florida and Bush needing SCOTUS to cheat him into the WH. Bush was an illegitimate President, according to many Democrats.

Al Gore, such a dangerous election denier. Thinking election deniers will go away once Trump/MAGA goes away is wildly optimistic. And it avoids our recent history.

2000. You are forgetting the dangling chads in Florida and Bush needing SCOTUS to cheat him into the WH. Bush was an illegitimate President, according to many Democrats.
I thought of that as more of a legal battle in a state that was very close. I will say there have been a number of very close elections with a similar demeanor.
The amount of crime that Diddy is accused of doing over the years is absurd. Pretty good reminder that most crime is not charged. His was pretty apparent over the years (we have seen the video of him assaulting a woman). It had to get to an insane level, and out in the public, for him to be charged.

I think people would be blown away by the amount of uncharged sex trafficking in this country. Let’s just say Robert Kraft didn’t find a unique massage studio.
Trump has stated he will not make any cuts to the following: Social Security, Medicare, Defense and Veterans. Assuming tax rates are unchanged, you would have to reduce spending by 85% in all other areas to eliminate the federal deficit.

You just don't seem to understand the magnitude of the problem.
Jeff - you are a fool. 1 Trillion added debt every 100 days shows an understanding of the problem. Voting for / supporting Kamala makes you a whining fool who recognizes a problem but is quite unserious about fixing it.

Even you should know, but probably not, that you can deliver the same amount of money to all of the above while improving the efficiency of the respective groups. Block grants to states for education removes a lot of unnecessary overhead and saves money. FBI agents harassing people over constitutional posts on social media is a total waste. 88B for new IRS agents who recoup less than 10 percent of that - a total waste. Increase the penalties for cheaters. How about $250 B to Ukraine? How about 8B for a total of 8 EV charging stations? Cost effective?

Get rid of the Global Warming idiocy, cut regulations, decrease the cost of power and you have growth to complement a leaner but still bloated federal government. Musk is the answer, but you just want to complain.
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While this is genius, everyone with a cell phone could have this happen to them. It isn't just an Israeli/H*mas thing. Everyone should be concerned about governments/groups with capabilities like this.
It looks like it was more than a pager "battery". Anyway, who is liking the law for a government controlled "Kill Switch" in their car come 2026? I'm sure Jeff is for it!
I see you edited your post to remove the part where you said no person that has lost an election has said it was stolen from them. That’s exactly what Hillary said. Who cares if she didn’t say it voter fraud, she said the election was illegitimate and stolen from her.

Acting like this is a new thing with MAGA is a personal choice. It’s not based on facts.
Let's not forget Stacy Abrams in Georgia denying the legitmacy of a Jeff-approved Republican named Kemp.

I"m sick of whiners like Jeff who don't get their candidate through the primary (be it RDS, Rubio, etc.). Hell, I supported McCain and Romney despite the fact that they weren't my favorite by a longshot. But, when Jeff doesn't get his way, he is suddenly for the Marxist Kamala. Wow!
Jeff doesn’t believe Elon can help make government more effective. Before you cut SS or Defense, attack the low hanging fruit of which there is plenty. Jeff wants 4 more years of this.

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Let's not forget Stacy Abrams in Georgia denying the legitmacy of a Jeff-approved Republican named Kemp.

I"m sick of whiners like Jeff who don't get their candidate through the primary (be it RDS, Rubio, etc.). Hell, I supported McCain and Romney despite the fact that they weren't my favorite by a longshot. But, when Jeff doesn't get his way, he is suddenly for the Marxist Kamala. Wow!
Well I am not the only one!

I have never participated in a discussion to fix the inner cities so I don't know where that is coming from.

The only thing I have against MAGA people is that they continue to believe and perpetuate the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. There was no proof of any widespread fraud yet they continue to believe Trump's BS. When the integrity of our elections are called into question, it tears at the fabric of our country. They are the unwitting dupes of Russia and China who try to cause unrest in our country. Is it not funny that there was no election fraud in 2016 when Trump won but it only became an issue in 2020 when he lost.

I just watched the new documentary Stop the Steal on HBO. The documentary contains interviews exclusively with Republicans who were directly involved in the election and it becomes obvious that the the idea that the election was stolen was a big lie with absolutely no substance.

For the sake of the country, I hope Trump gets crushed in the election so this election fraud crap can be put to rest. If Trump loses and the election is close, then there will be more unrest that will all be based on a lie.
You poopooed bringing manufacturing into the inner cities. It's smart and gives people a hand up. You just want the money. Election fraud crap isn't going away until we get back to single day elections with voter ID and only military and GSO or folks away from their home traveling or in college to send in absentee ballots. They were absentee ballots for a reason.
You poopooed bringing manufacturing into the inner cities. It's smart and gives people a hand up. You just want the money. Election fraud crap isn't going away until we get back to single day elections with voter ID and only military and GSO or folks away from their home traveling or in college to send in absentee ballots. They were absentee ballots for a reason.
IIRC, you suggested that NIKE open a facility in the inner city. It is completely unrealistic. Manufacturing shoes is a very labor intensive process. Nobody is going to open a facility in the US where labor costs are 30-60x that of Asia.

Now I suppose if NIKE marketed this line of shoes as being made in the US to help rebuild American inner cities it might work. It would have to be a premium product that would serve a niche market. You could not bring general shoe manufacturing to the US.

Back in the day when I worked in an office with a suit and tie, I would wear Allen Edmonds shoes. They are manufactured in the US with a price range of $300 -$400 for dress shoes. It is possible to manufacture premium products in the US but the markets for those products will be much smaller.
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Like you Jeff, these people have exposed themselves as total frauds. Congrats!
That would include Mike Pence who said anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States.
Of course you know much more about Trump's fitness for the presidency than Pence who only worked closely with Trump for 4 years.
That would include Mike Pence who said anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States.
Of course you know much more about Trump's fitness for the presidency than Pence who only worked closely with Trump for 4 years.
So voter fraud is ok per the constitution
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