Current Events.

It will also eliminate all Federal financial aid.
Hope parents like that too!
The Fed getting involved with financial aid is a large reason for costs of a 4 year degree going up far and above the inflation rate. Federal funding has allowed too many worthless administrative positions that private enterprise would get rid of. There are all kinds of ways to get underwater basket weaving degrees without soaking taxpayers. I paid for my own education and I fully paid for one child’s education. I have more than enough to cover child 2 to be debt free when/where/if she decides to go to college…that is until the Left over does taxation, including unrealized capital gains and lays waste to America controlling the Federal Government with one party rule like California.
You are living in the land of make believe.

Wharton school details three plans to reduce the deficit and they all require major policy changes.

You talk about kids and grandkids. If you want something better for them, I would think you would want steps to be taken to address this issue.
No Jeff, I live in Realville. Here is the reality. You voted for Biden and his policies are a disaster (debt going up 1T every 100 days). This will continue with Harris and the current Congress - one can’t convince me an R Senate and House with Harris will be a fiscal improvement. Status quo which is horrid under your preferred scenario. But you really don’t care or have a stake.

However,,Trump given his mandate and hold over the party will be able to exert more influence over an R Congress. Is it certain? No. But it will 100 percent be better than your gal Kamala. Trump will also have a mandate as a guy who has been literally targeted for death twice. His economic plan which you claimed to support is still superior - less government, less regulation, lower taxes, and more energy.

My God Jeff, the way you act you just believe the US government is a well oiled machine. Scrap the stupid $250B going to Ukraine, freeze hiring, sell buildings if federal workers refuse to work in person, get rid of the illegals, quit flying illegals to the US, etc.. It won’t take Musk a day to come up with 1,000 improvements and cost savings. But, TDS allows you to equate your gal with a guy who is a super Alpha who threatens you to your very core.
My God Jeff, the way you act you just believe the US government is a well oiled machine. Scrap the stupid $250B going to Ukraine, freeze hiring, sell buildings if federal workers refuse to work in person, get rid of the illegals, quit flying illegals to the US, etc.. It won’t take Musk a day to come up with 1,000 improvements and cost savings. But, TDS allows you to equate your gal with a guy who is a super Alpha who threatens you to your very core.
Trump has stated he will not make any cuts to the following: Social Security, Medicare, Defense and Veterans. Assuming tax rates are unchanged, you would have to reduce spending by 85% in all other areas to eliminate the federal deficit.

You just don't seem to understand the magnitude of the problem.
Dumb and wrong on so many levels starting with one statement true the other false. One aimed at moving votes the other to get thousands to march to capitol and fight like hell . No proof that the two nuts that shot at Trump moved by anything but their mental illness.

Wouldn’t hurt the Dems to tone down the rhetoric a bit. But there was Hillary yesterday, trying to fire people up even more.
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No one asked me. It is against the law.
So why does AIPAC own every congressman and openly interfere in our elections? Why do the Chinese lobby and bribe our politicians ? I never hear you complaining about that but but but Russia has bots….
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So why does AIPAC own every congressman and openly interfere in our elections? Why do the Chinese lobby and bribe our politicians ? I never hear you complaining about that but but but Russia has bots….
AIPAC is made up of American Jews that support Israel. If Chinese are caught bribing politicians, the politicians are convicted and can go to prison. The numerous Russians and Americans caught collaborating in Trump's 2016 election were being prosecuted until the corrupt Bill Barr shut it down. You know, politicizing the Justice Department.
AIPAC is made up of American Jews that support Israel. If Chinese are caught bribing politicians, the politicians are convicted and can go to prison. The numerous Russians and Americans caught collaborating in Trump's 2016 election were being prosecuted until the corrupt Bill Barr shut it down. You know, politicizing the Justice Department.
So you would be fine with American Russians supporting Russia ? The notion that AIPAC is anything but a foreign entity is absurd and no one with common sense believes otherwise . The Chinese do bribe politicians. The Biden’s are a direct beneficiary of that.
LOL. Free trade diehards. China sees the US as something to conquer. Inflation about to happen for the Military Industrial Complex. If there was a reason to keep Bagram, this was it.

Yes but they would have to register under FARA. You have it wrong about AIPAC. They support republican politicians with political contributions and it is most certainly a foreign entity. AIPAC just got rid of a bunch of the squad members that dared to support Palestinian causes , you know all the people you claim to support because they are from a marginalized class…
FARA applies if they are agents working for Russia. If they are US citizens and they think the US should do more for or be friendly to Russia they have the right to tell their Congress people, President.
FARA applies if they are agents working for Russia. If they are US citizens and they think the US should do more for or be friendly to Russia they have the right to tell their Congress people, President.
No one believes this nonsense any more…the Israelis directly coordinate with AIPAC. Also, the Biden’s among tons of politicians are cashing in on China. Don’t doubt it for a minute…
that is until the Left over does taxation, including unrealized capital gains and lays waste to America controlling the Federal Government with one party rule like California.

Well if the Republicans would quit nominating people like Trump and his merry band of MAGA acolytes, then there would not be a danger of one party rule. The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves.
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Well if the Republicans would quit nominating people like Trump and his merry band of MAGA acolytes, then there would not be a danger of one party rule. The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves.
Dude, the Democrats and the media hated GWB and repeatedly labeled him a nazi….your entire premise “well, one party rule is fine because of Trump” wreaks of TDS. You think the Democrats put out a welcome sign at the border because of Trump? They were going to do it no matter what. The same thing is happening in Europe. It’s by design across any western “Democracy”
No one believes this nonsense any more…the Israelis directly coordinate with AIPAC. Also, the Biden’s among tons of politicians are cashing in on China. Don’t doubt it for a minute…
Long article which proves you are wrong. It mentions several non-profits directed by Israel, but excludes any mention of AIPAC as one funded or under Israel control.
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Long article which proves you are wrong. It mentions several non-profits directed by Israel, but excludes any mention of AIPAC as one funded or under Israel control.
Yeah right. Keep believe that the Chinese and Israelis (among others) don’t interfere directly in our elections…oh and without question, the US probably interferes with foreign elections more than anyone.
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Dude, the Democrats and the media hated GWB and repeatedly labeled him a nazi….your entire premise “well, one party rule is fine because of Trump” wreaks of TDS. You think the Democrats put out a welcome sign at the border because of Trump? They were going to do it no matter what. The same thing is happening in Europe. It’s by design across any western “Democracy”
I never said one party rule is fine. All is said is if the Republicans would nominate better candidates for office, the danger of one party rule would never be a concern. If the Republicans would have nominated RDS, Rubio or half of a dozen other possibilities, the Republicans would easily take back the White House this year. As far as the conspiracy theories go, I will take a pass.
I agree with you. Things will have to get very bad before things will change.

SS is a perfect example. If you keep SS unchanged, there will have to be an increase in payroll taxes and perhaps an increase of the retirement age to 68. One fix is to lift the cap for incomes over 400k and for income over 400k the government will pay benefits on that newly taxed income at 2% instead of 15% This change alone would solve about 67% of the shortfall. I worry that nobody will have the intestinal fortitude to make changes and the solution will be to use general revenue to plug the gap. This would just further increase the deficit.
How bout this change, take all the money the left has wasted on climate change the last four years and drop it into SS. Try googling that number:eek:
Well if the Republicans would quit nominating people like Trump and his merry band of MAGA acolytes, then there would not be a danger of one party rule. The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves.
This is false. California is one party rule. Lost to Dems long before MAGA was a thing. You neocons did a great job creating MAGA with your BS of job exportation and turning America into a service sector instead of a manufacturing giant. That doesn’t even count Dick Cheney chickenhawk completely fubaring the middle east. Romney/Ryan? LOL. No answers. Two politicians who can’t relate to people.
The sheep on the left being fed these lines now so they can punish conservative thinkers as they see fit if elected. We all know what speech was labeled misinformation on the HB laptop and Wuhan lab among other things.

But Trump is dumb, so this is ok.

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This is false. California is one party rule. Lost to Dems long before MAGA was a thing. You neocons did a great job creating MAGA with your BS of job exportation and turning America into a service sector instead of a manufacturing giant. That doesn’t even count Dick Cheney chickenhawk completely fubaring the middle east. Romney/Ryan? LOL. No answers. Two politicians who can’t relate to people.
I was talking about presidential elections and elections in the purple states. There are many states both red and blue that have one party rule. Nominating people like Trump and Lake in Arizona is a ticket to doom.

Economic theory states that labor intensive manufacturing will gravitate to countries with low labor costs and skill intensive manufacturing will gravitate to countries with an abundance of skilled workers like the US. The US will never be a manufacturing giant in such industries as clothing, shoes and toys nor should it try to be.
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