Current Events.

How many assassination attempts have we seen from the radical right?

How about the radical left? Funny, you never hear the media voicing concern over that group, but it seems like they might have some violent people over there.
How many assassination attempts have we seen from the radical right?

How about the radical left? Funny, you never hear the media voicing concern over that group, but it seems like they might have some violent people over there.
They are blaming the assassination attempts on Trump actually
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The closing of the Dept of Education will not offset the tax cuts. Net = Increased Deficit.
This does not include keeping SS and Medicare intact, modernize cities and increased defense spending.
Changing the argument.
Jeff: There is no mention of shrinking government
The fact that I thought it might be fake tweet that was legitimate disinformation is a reflection of the absolute garbage that people tweet out these days. I would not be surprised if many MAGA supporters are believing it is real.
TJ just recently posted a legitimate tweet regarding covid that was ludicrous and a distortion of reality.

Stories like this will not be coming soon. Most stories that are coming out now are refuting the claim that Haitians eat
Except the stories do not refute what the Haitians are doing. There were stories supposedly refuting Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Aurora. Uber processed foods are bad for you. Uber processed foods are food for you. It’s a pattern of behavior.
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Great, Trump gets rid of Dept of Ed but increases the deficit. Who cares?
Based on the size of interest payments on all of the current debt, it will be a large hill for either candidate to avoid increasing the debt. A first term president that wants to be reelected is even less likely than one that doesn't have that concern. It would take some pain to lower the deficit. One candidate is for the party of larger government.
I think CPAC has a point. The V.P. has the tie breaking vote in the Senate. Instead of voting in favor of her President and party every time as the political system works, she should have voted the Republican position one-half of the votes, just to be non-polarizing. (CPAC has made the dumbest post ever, why re-post it?)
so what I am getting so far is another assassination attempt and no big deal at all…ho hum…

I said that to one of my friends this morning. He responded with “Trump’s own rhetoric is about as dangerous as possible.”

They think Trump’s words are worse than the bullets flying at him.
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Trump had Republican majorities for the first two years of his presidency and made no proposals to cut the budget deficit.
In fact, the Trump tax cuts increased the national debt.
Congress had Republican majorities and loser Paul Ryan fought against Trump at every opportunity he could. The Trump tax cuts created an economy where real wages increased and the wage gap decreased. First time in approximately 50 years. The neocon boobs you support never bothered to lower the national debt, except when Clinton was President. Bush? McCain and Romney lost. They wouldn't have lowered any debt either.
How many assassination attempts have we seen from the radical right?

How about the radical left? Funny, you never hear the media voicing concern over that group, but it seems like they might have some violent people over there.
More like easily programmed to do a job. Put a tin foil hat on me. I don't care.
Based on the size of interest payments on all of the current debt, it will be a large hill for either candidate to avoid increasing the debt. A first term president that wants to be reelected is even less likely than one that doesn't have that concern. It would take some pain to lower the deficit. One candidate is for the party of larger government.
I agree with you. Things will have to get very bad before things will change.

SS is a perfect example. If you keep SS unchanged, there will have to be an increase in payroll taxes and perhaps an increase of the retirement age to 68. One fix is to lift the cap for incomes over 400k and for income over 400k the government will pay benefits on that newly taxed income at 2% instead of 15% This change alone would solve about 67% of the shortfall. I worry that nobody will have the intestinal fortitude to make changes and the solution will be to use general revenue to plug the gap. This would just further increase the deficit.
Congress had Republican majorities and loser Paul Ryan fought against Trump at every opportunity he could. The Trump tax cuts created an economy where real wages increased and the wage gap decreased. First time in approximately 50 years. The neocon boobs you support never bothered to lower the national debt, except when Clinton was President. Bush? McCain and Romney lost. They wouldn't have lowered any debt either.
So you are saying that the country is doomed since Trump did not lower the national debt either even before Covid hit.
So you are saying that the country is doomed since Trump did not lower the national debt either even before Covid hit.
I’m saying your logic is extremely poor, because you are pointing out Trump will enlarge the deficit, but your ilk have happily pulled the trigger for Washington establishment neocons who had no issues previously enlarging national debt.
I’m saying your logic is extremely poor, because you are pointing out Trump will enlarge the deficit, but your ilk have happily pulled the trigger for Washington establishment neocons who had no issues previously enlarging national debt.
My logic is just fine, thank you. MAGA supporters are talking about how Trump will be shrinking the government which is just BS. MAGA should not make claims that are not true.
My logic is just fine, thank you. MAGA supporters are talking about how Trump will be shrinking the government which is just BS. MAGA should not make claims that are not true.

Jeff - your derangement is total. As I said, no kids, no stake - can afford to support Kammy and see the country go down the toilet since you won't be around.

Trump supporters are Republicans - you claim to have been one in the past. Now? A Biden voter in 2020 who wants a Kammy victory in 2024. Pound sand buddy. Be like Stone and have the courage to identify as a Democrat since that is your team post-Romney.

What is your definition of shrink government? My fellow Trump supporters (also called Republicans plus RFK/Tulsi independents) are looking for the rate of growth to be cut, the economy to expand, and for the increased revenues to approach the faster increasing expenditures. The problem is not with revenue growth, it is with expenditures.
What is your definition of shrink government? My fellow Trump supporters (also called Republicans plus RFK/Tulsi independents) are looking for the rate of growth to be cut, the economy to expand, and for the increased revenues to approach the faster increasing expenditures. The problem is not with revenue growth, it is with expenditures.

How are increased revenues going to happen? Taxes are already low. Any further cuts will not move the needle very much for further economic growth and will decrease government revenues. In addition, if Trump deports all the undocumented workers, the economy will shrink.

You are living in a fantasy world.
My logic is just fine, thank you. MAGA supporters are talking about how Trump will be shrinking the government which is just BS. MAGA should not make claims that are not true.
Perhaps I've missed the Trump diehards here suggesting he was going to slash the deficit. I'm sure it's part of his written agenda. I've not known any Republican Presidential candidate who didn't make the claim of reducing the deficit.

"Trump had Republican majorities for the first two years of his presidency and made no proposals to cut the budget deficit.
In fact, the Trump tax cuts increased the national debt." JeffT818, internet quote 9/16/24

The Trump tax cuts did not increase the national debt. They improved the economy with better paying jobs. "Shrinking the government" involves getting rid of the ED and fighting Deep State, which does exist. That alone shrinks government. All these government alphabet soups have to increase their budgets so they can make more hires. It's how people get more pay and more responsibility in the government sector. In 2018 the tax cuts and economy resulting from the magic wand Obama insisted did not exist,

article said:
The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high.

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How are increased revenues going to happen? Taxes are already low. Any further cuts will not move the needle very much for further economic growth and will decrease government revenues. In addition, if Trump deports all the undocumented workers, the economy will shrink.

You are living in a fantasy world.
"Undocumented workers". GMAFB, LMAO. They are here illegally. A lot of them are documented, because dumba$$3d states like Illinois are giving them driver's licenses. As for deporting, the wall needs to be built and the border secured. Then deport a bunch of them. Pass DACA for who was already here prior to Biden being elected.
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Perhaps I've missed the Trump diehards here suggesting he was going to slash the deficit. I'm sure it's part of his written agenda. I've not known any Republican Presidential candidate who didn't make the claim of reducing the deficit.

"Trump had Republican majorities for the first two years of his presidency and made no proposals to cut the budget deficit.
In fact, the Trump tax cuts increased the national debt." JeffT818, internet quote 9/16/24

The Trump tax cuts did not increase the national debt. They improved the economy

Many believe otherwise. This organization factored in the growth of the economy brought on by the cuts and it still increased the deficit substantially.
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How are increased revenues going to happen? Taxes are already low. Any further cuts will not move the needle very much for further economic growth and will decrease government revenues. In addition, if Trump deports all the undocumented workers, the economy will shrink.

You are living in a fantasy world.

Jeff - cut regulations, promote investment, don't penalize small businesses, cheap energy - all things that lead to growth. You may have once been a Republican 45 years ago, but at this point you sound like a Democrat. There are a lot of ways to grow the economy and not penalizing or placing obstacles in front of entrepreneurs is a huge one.

I mean, you are so DUMB. Kamala wants to increase the capital gains tax, tax unrealized capital gains, and spend/spend/spend. What the hell is that going to do?
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Jeff - cut regulations, promote investment, don't penalize small businesses, cheap energy - all things that lead to growth. You may have once been a Republican 45 years ago, but at this point you sound like a Democrat. There are a lot of ways to grow the economy and not penalizing or placing obstacles in front of entrepreneurs is a huge one.

I mean, you are so DUMB. Kamala wants to increase the capital gains tax, tax unrealized capital gains, and spend/spend/spend. What the hell is that going to do?
You are living in the land of make believe.

Wharton school details three plans to reduce the deficit and they all require major policy changes.

You talk about kids and grandkids. If you want something better for them, I would think you would want steps to be taken to address this issue.
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It will also eliminate all Federal financial aid.
Hope parents like that too!

I’m not for eliminating the Dept of Education, but this statement isn’t true.

Federal money would still be allocated and distributed to the states, who would be the holders of the loans. No change in the availability of student loans, Pell grants, etc.
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I’m not for eliminating the Dept of Education, but this statement isn’t true.

Federal money would still be allocated and distributed to the states, who would be the holders of the loans. No change in the availability of student loans, Pell grants, etc.
I do know that closing the Dept of Education is empty talk and that all the functions would either go to other federal agencies or the states.

It would be a fairly meaningless gesture.
I do know that closing the Dept of Education is empty talk and that all the functions would either go to other federal agencies or the states.

It would be a fairly meaningless gesture.
It isn’t meaningless. It’s at least 2 layers less of chief executives that have done nothing, but suck up tax payer money and pensions and push one party nonsense. One less lying spokes person/press secretary, one less mouth to feed at the cabinet level. It’s a beginning of accountability.