I think he’s brainstorming how to help the area get back to normal in a better way. Do I think it’s a good idea or not? I would say no, but I don’t know the details. Unless I missed it, the war activities between Israel and Hamxs would have to be finished before the US would get involved. Isn’t stopping the fighting what the people want? Why are we jumping at every little thing Trump says? That’s what people like Glen want. They hate Trump so badly, they have to be right and they couldn’t wait 2 weeks before trying to post gotchas. What wars did Trump get the US involved in last time? All Presidents prior to Trump were afraid of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem fearing it would set off WW3. When Trump moved it, well, we’re still here. The negotiations in the mid-east done by the SIL Kirschner in 45 admin was nothing short of very good.