Well, ya, you’re an idiot.
Drive 10 mph over the limit in Wyoming, and you’re getting a ticket. They have nothing to do and go after minor crime. Go an hour and a half south to Denver and you will never, ever get pulled over for a similar crime.
If people don’t think blue cities allow people to get away with more than small red towns, they aren’t willing to have a real conversation. Everyone who has lived in both urban and rural areas understands this.
Public marijuana use is another easy example. People aren’t getting arrested for smoking weed in public in big cities. Try that in a small town and you are getting arrested.
Public joint smoking is ANOTHER entirely different discussion to have, but not here on short posts !
Speeding is a problem for your DL and your ability to drive.
My best advice is not speed OR purchase and use a quality radar detector ! BUT the detector will NOT work if the Officer is paying attention with his type of speed detection; VASCAR (No radar), K-55 (has an off/on switch for emitting a detectable beam ), Visual (guesses from experience), stop watches (usually aerial), There's more !
My sneakiest was on the divided 6 (3x3) lanes on the Turnpike. Car on the inside was speeding 80 +/65, with radar det on (It was night and I could see the glow ) . He slowed and I switched my unit off. He sped up and I switched on, we went back and forth several miles. I finally stopped him and gave him a 85+/65 using certified speedometer, NOT radar !