This affects us all

Again, everyone should know this is a biased debate. If Trump can maintain a calm demeanor and stick to facts, he can win the debate.

No matter what occurs, CNN will say that Biden was poised and close to perfect, and that Trump is a danger to our country. Everyone knows that at this point.
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Man … I thought his supporters that rioted after hearing them were big Trump fans. Who knew it was a false flag???!!!
Oh boy…. Another misguided opinion on J6 due to deep and severe hatred of the orange one. It’s ok Doug… you still have many level-headed takes on a wide variety of topics. Trump, unfortunately, is not one of those topics.
The dems used govt plants and withheld the Natl Guard to encourage the less emotionally stable into acting a fool. It’s striking that trump can cause even the most sensible thinkers to lose their way….
If I were Trump, at some point I would calmly point out that CNN repeatedly parroted false info about the laptop. He should laugh and say “you really thought first person videos, filmed by Hunter, were Russian disinformation? That’s hilarious.”

Then move on.
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Again, everyone should know this is a biased debate. If Trump can maintain a calm demeanor and stick to facts, he can win the debate.

No matter what occurs, CNN will say that Biden was poised and close to perfect, and that Trump is a danger to our country. Everyone knows that at this point.
The big issue is definitely whether or not Trump can remain calm. I doubt it. I also doubt that CNN will just be “biased”. I almost want to record the debate and watch it to see how often Trump’s mic gets shut off and the moderators lead Biden to right answers.
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The voting scam is real
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The big issue is definitely whether or not Trump can remain calm. I doubt it. I also doubt that CNN will just be “biased”. I almost want to record the debate and watch it to see how often Trump’s mic gets shut off and the moderators lead Biden to right answers.

I’m sure they will do everything they can to make Biden look good and Trump bad.

Trump’s demeanor is going to be the biggest factor in the debate. Can he remain calm, and sound like a steady, non-emotional leader? That’s what he needs to do. If he loses it and constantly lashes out at CNN, CNN/Biden win the night.
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The General isn’t wrong.

I and 4 Generations of my family have spent time and effort to receive college degrees for nothing, either from the University attended or ACTIVE Duty Service in our armed forces.

Either from mental effort or physical effort. I resent that the cell phone generation are being played for their vote !
Oh boy…. Another misguided opinion on J6 due to deep and severe hatred of the orange one. It’s ok Doug… you still have many level-headed takes on a wide variety of topics. Trump, unfortunately, is not one of those topics.
The dems used govt plants and withheld the Natl Guard to encourage the less emotionally stable into acting a fool. It’s striking that trump can cause even the most sensible thinkers to lose their way….

There are plenty of arguments that put the riot in better context. Rage over Covid policy being the primary driver (same goes for the Floyd riots). But the idea it was “government agents” and not “lunatic Trump losers” who were leading the way into the Capitol seems pretty absurd.
There are plenty of arguments that put the riot in better context. Rage over Covid policy being the primary driver (same goes for the Floyd riots). But the idea it was “government agents” and not “lunatic Trump losers” who were leading the way into the Capitol seems pretty absurd.
I agree. It does seem absurd. Just like government agents creating the Patriot Front seems absurd but alas….
I and 4 Generations of my family have spent time and effort to receive college degrees for nothing, either from the University attended or ACTIVE Duty Service in our armed forces.

Either from mental effort or physical effort. I resent that the cell phone generation are being played for their vote !
I resent that we have an education system created by the Federal Government through it's research dollar$ and more importantly the backing of student loans that has exploded college campuses, added many useless majors that insulate well-paid, tenured college professors and universities from selling gullible young people and inexperienced families on these 99.9% useless degrees. There is no accountability from the universities who are the ones putting the families in debt. It's quite predatory. Next I absolutely hold the Democrats and their media accountable for an administration that completely ignored a SCOTUS decision and clearly doesn't care about the Constitution. After that comes the students in debt, who are getting their debt paid off. Plenty of whine, very little intestinal fortitude or integrity.
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The left prioritizes diversity over safety. Don’t forget the “children are resilient” statements from a few years ago. Unfortunately, many young girls are going to need to prove that as true.

The left was willing to sacrifice every freedom if it meant possibly saving 1 life, during COVID. How many kids need to be raped/murdered before they feel the same way about the border?
Maybe people need to take a stand and vote for a different administration that cares about better securing the border.
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I shared the study those lawsuits are based on and you had nothing to say because it doesn’t fit your death jab scenario.
You lack credibility and are deranged. I place very little value on anything you say since you don’t have the courage to back it up when it counts (see DJT).

Bottom line, if you truly believe the vaccine is safe, effective, and has no side effects, go get the booster Icky. It can do no harm. Further, vax the rest of your family if you believe it can only help. At that point, I WILL believe you as you put your family where your mouth is.

However, you won’t get it and you are smart enough not to vax your family. That tells me everything I need to know.
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This has nothing to do with cognitive ability. I mess people’s names up sometimes, including my own kids. My grandmother did this with her 3 daughters. I can look right at someone I know well and their name may escape me. That video is as dumb as it gets. Never Trumpers grasp at anything to try to justify why you aren’t voting to protect our borders, bring a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, end funding of Iran, lower tax burdens, lower inflation and bring back the economy. That Twitter moniker should be renamed Republicans against Republicans.
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This has nothing to do with cognitive ability. I mess people’s names up sometimes, including my own kids. My grandmother did this with her 3 daughters. I can look right at someone I know well and their name may escape me. That video is as dumb as it gets. Never Trumpers grasp at anything to try to justify why you aren’t voting to protect our borders, bring a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, end funding of Iran, lower tax burdens, lower inflation and bring back the economy. That Twitter moniker should be renamed Republicans against Republicans.

Verbal slip ups happen. But Trump struggles with complete, intelligent thoughts all the time.
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Jamaal Bowman becomes the first squad member to lose a primary. Good! He likely had many Jewish people or sympathizers to Israel’s cause in his district. From what I gather this was a major issue. I wish it was common sense. The squad needs to be gone from Congress, but I’m leaning towards this particular primary with Bowman losing is just a one-off.
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You lack credibility and are deranged. I place very little value on anything you say since you don’t have the courage to back it up when it counts (see DJT).

Bottom line, if you truly believe the vaccine is safe, effective, and has no side effects, go get the booster Icky. It can do no harm. Further, vax the rest of your family if you believe it can only help. At that point, I WILL believe you as you put your family where your mouth is.

However, you won’t get it and you smart enough not to vax your family. That tells me everything I need to know.
I didn’t “say” anything. I shared the actual study the Kansas lawsuit is referencing. You won’t read it because it doesn’t fit the death jab narrative you’ve succumbed to.

I’ve never stated the vaccines have no side effects. In fact I’ve warned about them from the moment they were released. I have posts about it that you’ve “liked.” You keep putting words in my mouth though because you argue like a child.

Fact is you’d rather spout off nonsense you’re fed on Twitter and misdiagnose celebrity deaths than know the truth. You have a problem.

Why don’t you just take a break from the vaccine mania? You’ve thoroughly embarrassed yourself over the Grayson Murray death and you can save yourself further embarrassment.
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This has nothing to do with cognitive ability. I mess people’s names up sometimes, including my own kids. My grandmother did this with her 3 daughters. I can look right at someone I know well and their name may escape me. That video is as dumb as it gets. Never Trumpers grasp at anything to try to justify why you aren’t voting to protect our borders, bring a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, end funding of Iran, lower tax burdens, lower inflation and bring back the economy. That Twitter moniker should be renamed Republicans against Republicans.
I just thought it was funny.

Both men are suffering from cognitive decline in my opinion.
Bottom line, if you truly believe the vaccine is safe, effective, and has no side effects, go get the booster Icky. It can do no harm. Further, vax the rest of your family if you believe it can only help. At that point, I WILL believe you as you put your family where your mouth is.
Some of my family has been vaccinated and some have also had boosters. My grandfather is in his late 80s with severe COPD and he absolutely benefits from the vaccine. The vaccines have helped people whether you like it or not.

Every drug you put in your body has risks and benefits. It’s up to your physician to weigh those factors and help you make a judgment.

Since you’re a doctor of Twitter cardiology, let’s go over a sample case study:

A middle to late aged man named TJ presents to your office suffering from depression and manic episodes of narcissism, paranoia, and delusion. He states he’s not happy with how his life has gone and he’s begun taking it out on others in unhealthy ways. He states his psychosis and paranoia has started impacting his day to day and he’s now inquiring about the new long acting antipsychotic he saw on a television commercial. You explain to him that atypical antipsychotics come with a risk of severe metabolic side effects and movement disorders, but they are highly effective at stabilizing his psychosis. Do you risk the side effects or let TJ continue to suffer?
A declared Democrat Arizona US Senate candidate was just busted for stealing the KeyFob for Maricopa County. Shocking, I know. Everything is fine in Arizona. That's why Fox was able to call Arizona in 2020 within 10 minutes! A state that Biden "won" by a hefty 11,000 votes. How long did it take them to call Florida which Trump won decisively in a state with well run elections?

Meanwhile, the "Republican" in charge of Maricopa elections is voting for Biden.

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Forget foreign agency influence in our elections.

A post-election survey by The Polling Company, for one, found that thanks to the discrediting and suppression of the laptop story, 45% of Biden voters in swing states said they were “unaware of the financial scandal enveloping Biden and his son” and that full awareness of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal would have led more than 9% of these Biden voters to abandon their vote for him – thereby flipping all six of the swing states he won over to Trump and giving Trump the victory.
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