This affects us all

But, but, but…. Stoneaxe told us that the laptop had been tampered with many times over!

What was the argument around Russia and the laptop? That they had made AI videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack and arguing with hookers before AI existed? Was that what the media blindly believed and repeated?
What was the argument around Russia and the laptop? That they had made AI videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack and arguing with hookers before AI existed? Was that what the media blindly believed and repeated?
Blinken got 51 former members of surveillance alphabets to sign a letter that it was Russian disinformation. If Trump just got prosecuted for election interference for doing something lawful, which was paying hush money, Blinken and all 51 of those very fine “intelligence” officials should be up for election interference charges, as well. Frankly, what they did was more egregious than Trump wanting to keep a one-nighter with a porn dancer quiet. Our government officials must be accountable to the people. Fauci is just one of many. Hell, the 2 FBI lovebirds got a settlement from the government. What are we doing?
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Joey dumbdumb can’t focus because he’s demented and his deplorable (an ACTUAL deplorable) son Hunter should be in prison. Well, they both should be, actually
I had the awful experience of caring for my Mom, living her amazing life till 92, with little memory of her long remarkable life. She required care from her family AND care givers as well. She moved in with us and my Sister retired from American Girl Place and moved from NYC to NJ, to assist in her care at home till we could locate a decent 24 hour care facility.

Dr. Jill and the rest of the Bidens need to step up for Joe and America.
Take care of Joe if they love the poor old guy.

Hunter lied on a form and lost a gun. Prison should not be the end result !
Losing his license to practice Law is appropriate and Just.
The 2 time Attorney General of the United States, who was confirmed the first time 100 - 0
has spoken.

His opinion that the current guilty verdicts were "crazy" and will be overturned was added to his declaration that he will Vote for Trump over Biden in November.
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When did the FBI claim the laptop wasn't Hunter's laptop?

That was the media and phony experts that were basically Dem mouthpieces. The FBI isn't releasing statements on this.

Lee is being intentionally obtuse (common for him these days) to obscure a valid point on the Dem shenanigans regarding the laptop. No idea how the FBI has responsibility for that, however.
The 2 time Attorney General of the United States, who was confirmed the first time 100 - 0
has spoken.

His opinion that the current guilty verdicts were "crazy" and will be overturned was added to his declaration that he will Vote for Trump in November.
And we know Bill Barr probably does not like Trump on a personal level, but he understands very well the damage Dems are doing to our institutions.
When did the FBI claim the laptop wasn't Hunter's laptop?

That was the media and phony experts that were basically Dem mouthpieces. The FBI isn't releasing statements on this.

Lee is being intentionally obtuse (common for him these days) to obscure a valid point on the Dem shenanigans regarding the laptop. No idea how the FBI has responsibility for that, however.
I don’t think Lee said what you think he did. However, let’s reverse this. As long as the laptop has been in the FBI’s possession, how many public statements has the FBI made indicating the laptop is real? If they haven’t made any statements publicly previous to being in court, why didn’t they?
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Blinken got 51 former members of surveillance alphabets to sign a letter that it was Russian disinformation. If Trump just got prosecuted for election interference for doing something lawful, which was paying hush money, Blinken and all 51 of those very fine “intelligence” officials should be up for election interference charges, as well. Frankly, what they did was more egregious than Trump wanting to keep a one-nighter with a porn dancer quiet. Our government officials must be accountable to the people. Fauci is just one of many. Hell, the 2 FBI lovebirds got a settlement from the government. What are we doing?

It never made sense, yet the media ran with it as a fact. First person videos, made by Hunter himself. That was supposed to be Russian misinformation?
I don’t think Lee said what you think he did. However, let’s reverse this. As long as the laptop has been in the FBI’s possession, how many public statements has the FBI made indicating the laptop is real? If they haven’t made any statements publicly previous to being in court, why didn’t they?

The tweet Lee is replying to seems an effort to lump in the FBI to the lies or misstatements of others.

To answer your question as to why the FBI shouldn't be commenting, because the FBI isn't and shouldn't be a mouthpiece for the online right's political hobby horses (same goes for the left's hobby horses). Releasing statements that "our evidence is real" is just bizarre. This isn't real world stuff.

Republicans are trying to pin Democratic actions on the FBI. Where that's appropriate, I'm all for it. It's wildly inappropriate here. But right now, neither party cares about truth even a little these days so far that I can tell.
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When did the FBI claim the laptop wasn't Hunter's laptop?

That was the media and phony experts that were basically Dem mouthpieces. The FBI isn't releasing statements on this.

Lee is being intentionally obtuse (common for him these days) to obscure a valid point on the Dem shenanigans regarding the laptop. No idea how the FBI has responsibility for that, however.
Except I have first hand experience with the FBI.

Agents of the FBI took possession of the lap top and the upper levels (Seventh Floor) political appointees and held onto it for about 2 years, submerging the investigation of it's origin.

"Shenanigans" that you as an Attorney should not condone, became politics !
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Didn't Zuck testify the FBI told him it was Russian disinformation? I believe he also said it on Joe Rogan.
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The tweet Lee is replying to seems an effort to lump in the FBI to the lies or misstatements of others.

To answer your question as to why the FBI shouldn't be commenting, because the FBI isn't and shouldn't be a mouthpiece for the online right's political hobby horses (same goes for the left's hobby horses). Releasing statements that "our evidence is real" is just bizarre. This isn't real world stuff.

Republicans are trying to pin Democratic actions on the FBI. Where that's appropriate, I'm all for it. It's wildly inappropriate here. But right now, neither party cares about truth even a little these days so far that I can tell.
So you don't believe in reference to 51 former intelligence officials signing a letter that was false and they knew it and a current cabinet level official got the signatures to suppress the news that this was indeed Hunter's laptop the FBI should not have done something about that as soon as they had it in their hands and knew the story put out there by the officials is false? They just needed to keep it a secret from everyone until there came a court case? Sorry. That's what is wrong with out government. There was absolutely no reason to keep that a secret. This isn't about "right" or "left". This is about what is right and wrong.
It never made sense, yet the media ran with it as a fact. First person videos, made by Hunter himself. That was supposed to be Russian misinformation?
The media is only interested in reporting things that help their side. There are very few real reporters and sites that provide differing views and try to obtain the truth. The Free Press (Bari Weiss) is one of them. Substack is another that has varying views and news to form a more rounded opinion of the details/facts/feelings.
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So you don't believe in reference to 51 former intelligence officials signing a letter that was false and they knew it and a current cabinet level official got the signatures to suppress the news that this was indeed Hunter's laptop the FBI should not have done something about that as soon as they had it in their hands and knew the story put out there by the officials is false? They just needed to keep it a secret from everyone until there came a court case? Sorry. That's what is wrong with out government. There was absolutely no reason to keep that a secret. This isn't about "right" or "left". This is about what is right and wrong.

I've literally called Stoneax out about the letter being false. But it's irrelevant to the FBI, and they don't need to be issue public comments about pending investigations beyond things critical to the investigation itself. Lest we not forget Trump probably has one of their public comments (the brief Weiner investigation) to thank for being in the Oval Office at all.

We simply don't want LE weighing in on politics. Criticize the 51 Dem hacks all you want, they deserve it as it seemed clear to me from the jump the laptop was real and was Hunter's.
Didn't Zuck testify the FBI told him it was Russian disinformation? I believe he also said it on Joe Rogan.

Zuckerberg said that the FBI gave them a general warning, and then they later applied that warning to this particular matter.

That, my friends, is the height of smelling your own farts. Him blaming his own editorial failures on a party that made no such assessment lol.

Those persons that think Efram Zimbalist was an expert FBI agent should grow up and realize that organization is ripe with political interference and obstruction.

Not to mention illegal practices that they have been proved to have been involved.
I've literally called Stoneax out about the letter being false. But it's irrelevant to the FBI, and they don't need to be issue public comments about pending investigations beyond things critical to the investigation itself. Lest we not forget Trump probably has one of their public comments (the brief Weiner investigation) to thank for being in the Oval Office at all.

We simply don't want LE weighing in on politics. Criticize the 51 Dem hacks all you want, they deserve it as it seemed clear to me from the jump the laptop was real and was Hunter's.
I wasn't doubting you knew the letter was false. I just don't believe that is weighing in on politics, as much as weighing in on breaking the law (election interference). Shenanigans like this letter/Hunter's laptop erodes public trust in our government and is similar to the lack of accountability of Fauci.
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I wasn't doubting you knew the letter was false. I just don't believe that is weighing in on politics, as much as weighing in on breaking the law (election interference). Shenanigans like this letter/Hunter's laptop erodes public trust in our government and is similar to the lack of accountability of Fauci.

The shenanigan was the media openly allowing Dems to lie about the laptop.

I also think it didn't matter much, but you never know!

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