This affects us all

I want the people who violated our Constitutional rights and lied about everything to be held accountable. Frankly, Fauci should be in jail for essentially paying off the researchers who quickly discovered the virus was not natural. Those researchers who did the 180 and then kept silent should be held accountable, as well. Most of the safety protocols Fauci “recommended” were made up BS. How are people so stupid with face masks? It’s a basic biology class in high school where you learn how small viruses are. A cloth mask isn’t going to do jack to prevent anything. I’d like to know who the Karen was that reported us to the PoPo during early covid when we met up with some close friends a few hours away and were throwing a frisbee in an empty parking lot. We were breaking rules…spreading teh covidz. Fauci is a weasel.
I wonder what the final legal disposition is for the LONE paddle surfer in Cali, who was led off in handcuffs by 2 police officer, none in face masks, walking alongside the arrestee, or the Father playing catch with his young Daughter by themselves in a public park ?

Was it the "old man" that, advised all here that cloth masks would not work ?
What the "Old Man" remembers :

Red Grange was my Father's favorite athlete as a youngster.
Mickey Mantle pre-college, Mike Ditka thru college/pro, were mine.

My Dalmation (Duke) was allowed to leave the home and go to my school, (me 1st Grade) and my teacher would let him into the classroom till school ended, then we would walk home together.

We were at Vanderbilt and my Dad taught me how to swim the "Hondo method", which was throwing me into the Vandy pool. Just like John Wayne in the movie "Hondo".

When my Dad was hired as AD, at the Greer School (me 5th Grad.), Hope Farm, NY, the first thing we did (I helped) was throw out the leather football helmets and buy plastic shell helmets.
Riddell came along with their "suspension" helmets, years later (me 9th grade) and they had traveling salesmen, that would tape measure everyone's head and ship the order from their factory. We were then at Thompson Academy, Thompson's Island, Boston.
Mine didn't fit and Dad took it as some type of personal affront and Mom had to yell at him that Riddell had made the error not me ?

Unless you don’t believe Trump reimbursed Cohen for a $130K payment - in which case you think Michael Cohen is a total moron who simply gives away $130K with the hope he may get it back - this stuff is completely irrelevant.

The factual case against Trump is pretty strong. The actual question - should Trump not be able to hang the jury - is whether what Trump obviously directed is actually a violation of law (and whether the way it was charged by the Manhattan DA was fair).

The biggest problem Trump has in this case is that he has to make a credible factual case that he didn't authorize the original payment and the repayment. Without his testimony or the testimony of Allen Weisselberg or Keith Schiller - all of whom could presumably saying Cohen is lying about the specific facts at issue here - he can't do it. Note none of those three witnesses have been called, and none will be unless the defense changes overnight. What does that tell you?
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You guys are citing to Kevin Sorbo's Twitter account for your political opinions.

What in the actual ****?

I too think heart issues have probably risen some post Covid -- MOSTLY BECAUSE ****ING COVID ITSELF CAUSES THEM TOO. Could a vaccine designed to replicate the disease have similar side effects? Sure it could (tho they likely wouldn't be worse than the actual disease itself).

The right was so undeniably correct on how harmful lockdowns were, how stupid masking was, and how the Wuhan flu likely came from a lab. But yet ... it's now obsessed with one of the items that actually wasn't a problem in the Covid era and almost certainly saved lives - the vaccines. Is there a reasonable argument that healthy people under 40-45 didn't need vaccines (and giving it to children was almost silly, not because of the harm but because the risk was so low)? Of course. But that's not the argument these folks are making, they are contending that the vaccines themselves were terrible.

It's extra hilarious that Trump still supports the vaccine too. And you know what? He's 100% right about this. They were a big accomplishment of his and they definitely saved lives.
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Is there a reasonable argument that healthy people under 40-45 didn't need vaccines (and giving it to children was almost silly, not because of the harm but because the risk was so low)? Of course. But that's not the argument these folks are making, they are contending that the vaccines themselves were terrible.
Giving these vaccines to anyone in any age group that was not in danger(excluding any people that were in a high risk health category), should be shamed. Who knows the long term affects of mRNA technology? I suspect we will learn over time what is real here, but I would not call it silly. Best case, I would call it irresponsible of any health care professional or government leader to push an untested vax(untested in the long term sense) on a group that didn't need it.
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Giving these vaccines to anyone in any age group that was not in danger(excluding any people that were in a high risk health category), should be shamed. Who knows the long term affects of mRNA technology? I suspect we will learn over time what is real here, but I would not call it silly. Best case, I would call it irresponsible of any health care professional or government leader to push an untested vax(untested in the long term sense) on a group that didn't need it.

They gave it to them because it helped alleviate Covid symptoms, which even for an occasional healthy person could mean serious illness or death. (The mRNA stuff is probably a canard as it sounds scary to people and they respond accordingly; the vaccine we took likely had some but rather limited risks).

I do think campaigns on things like "vaccinating children" were anti-scientific and extremely silly. But on balance, it is quite unlikely they were more harmful than Covid itself.

It's as if the anti-vaccine crowd is unable to weigh the vaccine against COVID ITSELF, which we were all going to get, and accordingly is intentionally framing this debate in a false way. Which I suppose is the same as the left for much of Covid, so yet again we have two shitty options with limited connection to the truth.

It is 100% why I've left this didactic behind.
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You guys are citing to Kevin Sorbo's Twitter account for your political opinions.

What in the actual ****?

I too think heart issues have probably risen some post Covid -- MOSTLY BECAUSE ****ING COVID ITSELF CAUSES THEM TOO. Could a vaccine designed to replicate the disease have similar side effects? Sure it could (tho they likely wouldn't be worse than the actual disease itself).

The right was so undeniably correct on how harmful lockdowns were, how stupid masking was, and how the Wuhan flu likely came from a lab. But yet ... it's now obsessed with one of the items that actually wasn't a problem in the Covid era and almost certainly saved lives - the vaccines. Is there a reasonable argument that healthy people under 40-45 didn't need vaccines (and giving it to children was almost silly, not because of the harm but because the risk was so low)? Of course. But that's not the argument these folks are making, they are contending that the vaccines themselves were terrible.

It's extra hilarious that Trump still supports the vaccine too. And you know what? He's 100% right about this. They were a big accomplishment of his and they definitely saved lives.
Kevin Sorbo wasn’t the source. Sorbo commented on the source. Looks like you just channeled your inner stonedhead.
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Giving these vaccines to anyone in any age group that was not in danger(excluding any people that were in a high risk health category), should be shamed. Who knows the long term affects of mRNA technology? I suspect we will learn over time what is real here, but I would not call it silly. Best case, I would call it irresponsible of any health care professional or government leader to push an untested vax(untested in the long term sense) on a group that didn't need it.
Global warming was man made until it wasn’t. Eggs were good for you, then they were bad, then they became good for you again. The strains of Covid continue to be much weaker than the original that hit the States and the rest of the world. The evil “omicron” was given an evil name to scare people into taking it. Nobody needs to take the mRNA vaxxes except the immunocompromised, extremely unhealthy and the old and infirm. Period. End of story. The data continues to show a large percentage of otherwise healthy people having increased issues thanks to the mRNA vax. There isn’t any reason to push this 💩 on people.
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IOW, they didn’t come from Kevin Sorbo. Thanks for playing.

On balance, taking the vax was more beneficial than not for basically anyone above 40 and it may well be 30.

But of course, it’s a close call for many in the range of 30-55. No one should have been compelled to take it, and like you I was totally against mandates.

But Covid was a very serious disease for quite a few healthy people, even as young as early 30s. Under 30, not really. 20K Covid deaths in 30s and close to 50K in 40s.

A lot of people on the right have forgotten that this was a very deadly disease early on, I guess in part because so many on the left acted like it was the Black Plague when it was not.

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So…this Valentina Gomez running for MO SOS…is she just crazy trying to make a name for herself or really cray cray? I feel like it’s a schtick.
Libs always just want to throw money at issues.

I don't believe anyone said "all societal needs", but many more than typically realized. Dallas Schools offer Departments of:
Counseling; Cultures and Belonging; Early learning; Family and community engagement; several Food services; Health services; Homeless Educ.; LGBTQ Youth; Mental Health Services; Minority and Women Business; Off Campus Physical Education; Racial Equity; Refugee Support Services; Transformation and Innovation; Urban Community Specialists; Visas

Golden Corral offers every type of food. If schools narrowed their focus, they might get back to properly educating children.

This conversation from a few months ago seems relevant.
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Biden is trying to thread an incredibly thin needle. He is trying to convince the majority of the country that we are in great shape. At the same time, he’s trying to convince black Americans that life is terrible for them, and the Dem party is the only thing that can propel them forward.
Biden is trying to thread an incredibly thin needle. He is trying to convince the majority of the country that we are in great shape. At the same time, he’s trying to convince black Americans that life is terrible for them, and the Dem party is the only thing that can propel them forward.

The Democratic Party strategy with respect to black voters is going to explode in its face soon enough. Whether it will be Trump 2024 is an open question, but it seems completely unsustainable to continue adopting the social views of the progressive left while demanding that working class black voters maintain racial solidarity as a voting bloc when large segments of the bloc are adverse to the party's promoted social views.
The Democratic Party strategy with respect to black voters is going to explode in its face soon enough. Whether it will be Trump 2024 is an open question, but it seems completely unsustainable to continue adopting the social views of the progressive left while demanding that working class black voters maintain racial solidarity as a voting bloc when large segments of the bloc are adverse to the party's promoted social views.
I mean….has it really changed in decades?
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I mean….has it really changed in decades?

Sure, progressives (or the left) has always had a voice in the Dem Party, but they didn't dominate the party's social policy like they do today until the Trump era (or if you are generous, right before). Obama actually got a whole lot of working class white votes, especially in the Midwest and still some in Appalachia, in 2008, but that began slipping a whole lot in 2012 when Obama pushed more black turnout but lost white support (much of which simply stayed home because Mitt was not their favorite either).

There's a crazy counterfactual where Trump runs in 2012. He probably would have stood a good chance to win the GOP nomination. He almost certainly wouldn't have beaten Obama and may have lost worse than Romney in the popular vote (by virtue of bringing in the disaffected working class white but losing some of the suburban support where Romney was exceedingly strong). Coming off a Trump 2012 loss, the GOP probably turns to a more traditional Republican in 2016, who beats Hillary's ass and stands a strong chance of re-election in 2024. Of course, Dems would likely be solid favorites for 2020 in that hypothetical, but the relative ideologies of the parties would be far different than it is today. And maybe an actual Republican President (a) doesn't fold on lengthy lockdowns early in Covid and (b) spends a lot less than Trump/Biden and prevents a good deal of the inflation that's hit the country (under those circumstances the GOP does look stronger in 2024).
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Unless you don’t believe Trump reimbursed Cohen for a $130K payment - in which case you think Michael Cohen is a total moron who simply gives away $130K with the hope he may get it back - this stuff is completely irrelevant.

The factual case against Trump is pretty strong. The actual question - should Trump not be able to hang the jury - is whether what Trump obviously directed is actually a violation of law (and whether the way it was charged by the Manhattan DA was fair).

The biggest problem Trump has in this case is that he has to make a credible factual case that he didn't authorize the original payment and the repayment. Without his testimony or the testimony of Allen Weisselberg or Keith Schiller - all of whom could presumably saying Cohen is lying about the specific facts at issue here - he can't do it. Note none of those three witnesses have been called, and none will be unless the defense changes overnight. What does that tell you?

I would wait until Robert Costello, former DAG for the Criminal Division of the Southern District of NY, and former Attorney representing Cohen, completes his testimony !

Then then release your TDS and think like an Attorney, not one subjoining (sp) perjury to the original Grand Jury and to this Court !

Bye the Prosecution.
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I would wait until Robert Costello, former DAG for the Criminal Division of the Southern District of NY, and former Attorney representing Cohen, completes his testimony !

Then then release your TDS and think like an Attorney, not one subjoining (sp) perjury to the original Grand Jury and to this Court !

Costello by all accounts was a bad witness and didn’t appear to address much of importance. His testimony also ended 2.5 hours ago.

I don’t think anyone believes there’s been a bunch of perjury in this trial, even if Cohen is a total POS. It takes a lot to believe Cohen simply gifted Trump $130K. You might believe it, most jurors won’t.
DJT as a company lolololol. 773K in revenue and 327M in net loss. Seems near impossible.

The funny part is Truth Social has already maxed out its market share. The cultists are already 100% on board. Nobody else is going to join the echo chamber, especially since Musk addressed some of the censorship issues on Twitter. It’s only down from here.
The funny part is Truth Social has already maxed out its market share. The cultists are already 100% on board. Nobody else is going to join the echo chamber, especially since Musk addressed some of the censorship issues on Twitter. It’s only down from here.

Oh yeah, the only thing that matters for those running Truth Social is how much they can grift out of it when their currently restricted shares can be sold. Best guess is less than they'd like ... but not nothing. The lawsuits that come thereafter should be fun, maybe BigWill and TJ will get a settlement check for like $35 some day 6-8 years from now!
Biden is trying to thread an incredibly thin needle. He is trying to convince the majority of the country that we are in great shape. At the same time, he’s trying to convince black Americans that life is terrible for them, and the Dem party is the only thing that can propel them forward.
What the Dems are going to regret is that both Black and Hispanic populations are generally socially conservative. I do not mean they aren't sexually promiscuous like almost every other American group, but rather when it comes to this radical left agenda of LGBTQ+ as even more letters get added and the trans movement keeps getting pushed. They don't like it. Then you add in the Hispanic population that is also quite entrepreneurial and Biden's radical green/economic/anti-business policies turn them off, as well. Many Central American/Venezuelan and Chinese immigrants are bothered by the increasingly intrusive government and suppression of speech/truths/news online that reminds them of where they came from.
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