This affects us all

There were many unvaccinated people who were hospitalized and dying that had regrets about refusing the vaccine.
They certainly gave those few people maximum exposure. OTOH, so many people regret taking it, just start with vax pusher and CNN HOST Chris Cuomo who continues to suffer to this day. Lots of dead people can’t complain about the vax. And how the hell did Vontae Davis die?
He is very wealthy regardless of how he made it or if he could have made more. Some people actually need the wealth of work, as opposed to sitting on their ass making money on investments. The Trump brand itself wouldn’t be a thing, if he just sat around collecting interest and investment cash either. He loves the limelight. Lots of things to chuckle about with Mr. The Art of the Deal. The articles claiming he could have made more don’t really move the needle.
The question is whether Trump a good businessman.

If he can't beat the S&P, then I believe he is not a very sharp businessman. I get he likes the attention and that is his motivation to work. Just because he likes to work does not mean he is any good at it.
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You and Jeff also cite the S&P 500 as proof of Trump's failure! LOL. That likely holds true for most people including me. Attempting to time the market like many people try to do is fool's gold. Just buy good stocks and hold and you will do better. But, being active is far more engaging and fun which makes Warren Buffett unique.

It must really bug you that you can't visit Miami, Chicago, NY, Vegas, Honolulu, NJ or even Scotland without passing by a DJT branded property. You even donated a cool grand to one of the men he put into power. He's made a lasting mark. For you it is a massive bruise that has prompted you to be a Joe Biden susupporter.
If Trump was just investing his money, then I would agree with you. However, he was building a business and if he cannot do better than if he was passively investing the money then he is not very good at it.

I did work for a Sam Zell company for a period of time. Sam Zell was a very sharp real estate man. He started with nothing and had a net worth of about 5 billion when he died. He greatly outperformed the stock market because he was a brilliant entrepreneur. Trump on the other hand received a chunk of money from daddy and did not do very much with it. It is pretty obvious that Trump isn't very good at what he does.
Writes several novels defending his orange calf and accuses me of rage. Vax rage is easily the stupidest thing you’ve come up with.

Big Will started it by continuously talking down to me. Now that it’s coming back at him all you cultists are out to play victim.
Hilarious! The one thing in life I am not is a victim. When I get a bad break, I overcome it and move forward.

If it isn’t vax rage, then you just must be a very angry, unhappy person. “Old man”, “Orange Calf”, “Cultists”, “I could do his pathetic job in 6 months”. You are all talk buddy. DJT stock will crash yet you don’t capitalize. You said just today that your civil liberties were violated by the mandates but instead of standing up for your rights and the future rights of your kids you bent over for Joe to expand your business. A truly courageous stand! You would be one of those dick cops consumed with your power. If the shots started flying, you would run away.
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Lol. Most people born rich get even richer, they just don’t market themselves like Trump. And it worked, fooled you.

The idea that rich kids are mostly wastrels is pretty silly. The best schools in the country aren’t filled with the children of the Top 1-2% because they generate losers.

Btw, I’d be more than happy for Trump to commission an independent audit of his assets and liabilities and lay them out. It’s now established he didn’t release his tax returns because they showed a loss for more than a decade due to his failed Chicago project.

Fooled me? I guess he fooled Bloomberg too since they place him on the worlds top 500 list.

And you cite the discredited fake news NYT? Lol.

How about an independent audit of the FED and US Treasury?

At the end of the day, his policies align with my beliefs. OTOH, let me ask you a question. If President Xi was President of the USA, what would he do differently policy wise than Biden?
If Trump was just investing his money, then I would agree with you. However, he was building a business and if he cannot do better than if he was passively investing the money then he is not very good at it.

I did work for a Sam Zell company for a period of time. Sam Zell was a very sharp real estate man. He started with nothing and had a net worth of about 5 billion when he died. He greatly outperformed the stock market because he was a brilliant entrepreneur. Trump on the other hand received a chunk of money from daddy and did not do very much with it. It is pretty obvious that Trump isn't very good at what he does.
Sam Zell is great. Sam Zell supported Donald Trump and much preferred Trumps policies to Obama’s policies. You should try to be more like Sam.

You, Train, and Icky have a daddy problem. You have obvious disdain for Trump because he had a successful parent. It is just one of the realities of life that some people have a built in advantage. Train thinks the rich kids get into the top schools on merit. It has nothing to do with their name or a donation. The rest of us know better.

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Fooled me? I guess he fooled Bloomberg too since they place him on the worlds top 500 list.

And you cite the discredited fake news NYT? Lol.

How about an independent audit of the FED and US Treasury?

At the end of the day, his policies align with my beliefs. OTOH, let me ask you a question. If President Xi was President of the USA, what would he do differently policy wise than Biden?

So the Walton children are great businesspeople? Trump is a billionaire because in today’s dollars his father was one and handed him the company. He nearly destroyed it once, but he did better when he became a marketer. Note the Chicago project where Trump lost hundreds of millions involved actual performance, Trump not so good at that, much better at branding.

You voted for Trump in the primary. I don’t give a rat’s ass you think he’s better than Biden or not, I’m fine with that opinion. I’m not fine with (a) the GOP voters who can’t quit a freak show and (b) defending his indefensible behavior because you feel the need to justify your support.

If it were me and I were a Trump supporter, I’d say the guy sucks huge balls but is better on policy. It seems like more defensible than what every argument around here details, Trump’s character.
Sam Zell is great. Sam Zell supported Donald Trump and much preferred Trumps policies to Obama’s policies. You should try to be more like Sam.

You, Train, and Icky have a daddy problem. You have obvious disdain for Trump because he had a successful parent. It is just one of the realities of life that some people have a built in advantage. Train thinks the rich kids get into the top schools on merit. It has nothing to do with their name or a donation. The rest of us know better.

You are a broken human being who isn’t enough of a man to defend himself if you talked this shit in person.

Again, I don’t know why you are broken, but you are.

My parents are far more successful than you too. As am I. Which is the cherry of top of this shit sundae of your idiotic post.
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The question is whether Trump a good businessman.

If he can't beat the S&P, then I believe he is not a very sharp businessman. I get he likes the attention and that is his motivation to work. Just because he likes to work does not mean he is any good at it.
Easy to claim from the cheap seats. What’s your brand name? How many golf courses do you own? Any gold staircases? Realistically until he ran for President he was a rock star to many people, including democrats. I never cared for him, but it’s BS to claim he should have done this or that.
Hilarious! The one thing in life I am not is a victim. When I get a bad break, I overcome it and move forward.

If it isn’t vax rage, then you just must be a very angry, unhappy person. “Old man”, “Orange Calf”, “Cultists”, “I could do his pathetic job in 6 months”. You are all talk buddy. DJT stock will crash yet you don’t capitalize. You said just today that your civil liberties were violated by the mandates but instead of standing up for your rights and the future rights of your kids you bent over for Joe to expand your business. A truly courageous stand! You would be one of those dick cops consumed with your power. If the shots started flying, you would run away.
I didn’t say his job was pathetic. I have friends in law enforcement. I simply said I could do it in 6 months, which is true.

I’ve got a great life. I’m quite happy. I use curse words to get the point across, not because I’m angry. It appears to have worked because you’ve written me several love letters now.

Get some sleep. You wasted a Friday night ranting about your orange calf and a vaccine from 3 years ago.
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The question is whether Trump a good businessman.

If he can't beat the S&P, then I believe he is not a very sharp businessman. I get he likes the attention and that is his motivation to work. Just because he likes to work does not mean he is any good at it.
I have pointed out the flaw in this numerous times. They do not account for a guy that flies around in a jumbo jet and lives the lifestyle of a billionaire. They do not account for divorce settlements. They just assume an inheritance that was never touched and compounded. That model works only in fantasyland.

Even with all of that said, he outperformed the S&P according to Forbes until about 2021.

People are easily sold some nonsense

I know when my net worth is calculated, I get a value for all of my restricted stock. So, if we add in his restricted stock he is probably up again. Subtract from the S&P model his high cost of living and settlements and it is probably not very close.

So, this liberal charade is mostly bogus.
You are a broken human being who isn’t enough of a man to defend himself if you talked this shit in person.

Again, I don’t know why you are broken, but you are.

My parents are far more successful than you too. As am I. Which is the cherry of top of this shit sundae of your idiotic post.
Yeah well I bet your parents don’t have any $NVDA and are too scared to short $DJT. I bet they bent over to Joe and got vaccinated too.
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So the Walton children are great businesspeople? Trump is a billionaire because in today’s dollars his father was one and handed him the company. He nearly destroyed it once, but he did better when he became a marketer. Note the Chicago project where Trump lost hundreds of millions involved actual performance, Trump not so good at that, much better at branding.

You voted for Trump in the primary. I don’t give a rat’s ass you think he’s better than Biden or not, I’m fine with that opinion. I’m not fine with (a) the GOP voters who can’t quit a freak show and (b) defending his indefensible behavior because you feel the need to justify your support.

If it were me and I were a Trump supporter, I’d say the guy sucks huge balls but is better on policy. It seems like more defensible than what every argument around here details, Trump’s character.
Yep, it is all personal with you - you are truly deranged. I posed one question of substance to you and you 100 percent avoided it. President Xi of China would do little different policy wise than Biden - flood America with illegals, limit oil and gas, kill coal, mandate all electric, use law fare against opponents, kill the culture, violate civil liberties, kick patriots out of the military for refusing to take an untested, unnecessary vax and so forth thereby killing future recruiting. Mission accomplished and you will vote for 4 more years of it. Take a look in the mirror, bud.

As for voting Trump in the primary? Hell, yes. It was OVER by the time Arizona rolled around. Zero point voting for Chris Christie or RDS who was long out. Should I vote for he war monger Nikki? Nope.
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You are a broken human being who isn’t enough of a man to defend himself if you talked this shit in person.

Again, I don’t know why you are broken, but you are.

My parents are far more successful than you too. As am I. Which is the cherry of top of this shit sundae of your idiotic post.
You don’t know much. Book smart? Yes. Common sense? Not much. I’ve seen it a lot.

Frankly, your desperation to be heard is hilarious. You were desperate to build a following on X and I for one unfollowed you due to your constant rants cluttering my feed. I then noticed that you unfollowed me who never posts just because. Funny stuff!.

For some reason you returned here after failing on X and have an audience of about 10..

Congrats to you and your parents on success. I do not begrudge others having greater actual or perceived success than me, Someone is always more successful. It’s life, try living it rather than being an angry dude all the time at the guy who gave you RDS and is out of power.
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I didn’t say his job was pathetic. I have friends in law enforcement. I simply said I could do it in 6 months, which is true.

I’ve got a great life. I’m quite happy. I use curse words to get the point across, not because I’m angry. It appears to have worked because you’ve written me several love letters now.

Get some sleep. You wasted a Friday night ranting about your orange calf and a vaccine from 3 years ago.
Icky is a happy guy.

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I have pointed out the flaw in this numerous times. They do not account for a guy that flies around in a jumbo jet and lives the lifestyle of a billionaire. They do not account for divorce settlements. They just assume an inheritance that was never touched and compounded. That model works only in fantasyland.

Even with all of that said, he outperformed the S&P according to Forbes until about 2021.

People are easily sold some nonsense

I know when my net worth is calculated, I get a value for all of my restricted stock. So, if we add in his restricted stock he is probably up again. Subtract from the S&P model his high cost of living and settlements and it is probably not very close.

So, this liberal charade is mostly bogus.
Sam Zell started with nothing and was worth over 5 billion. He lived like a billionaire. Every year he would have a birthday party for 150 of his closest friends. One year he had the Eagles play at his party. Another year Aretha Franklin. He also had three wives. Most billionaires live like billionaires with the exception of Warren Buffet. I don't get the motivation to portray Trump as some great businessman when he is not.
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Sam Zell is great. Sam Zell supported Donald Trump and much preferred Trumps policies to Obama’s policies. You should try to be more like Sam.

You, Train, and Icky have a daddy problem. You have obvious disdain for Trump because he had a successful parent. It is just one of the realities of life that some people have a built in advantage. Train thinks the rich kids get into the top schools on merit. It has nothing to do with their name or a donation. The rest of us know better.

By all accounts, Trump's dad was a terrible father. I truly feel sorry for Trump in that respect. It is not Trump's fault that he is the way he is; he is the product of crappy parents.
Easy to claim from the cheap seats. What’s your brand name? How many golf courses do you own? Any gold staircases? Realistically until he ran for President he was a rock star to many people, including democrats. I never cared for him, but it’s BS to claim he should have done this or that.
I have never posted anything specific about what Trump should have done or not done. Rock star? Trump was never seen as an astute businessman by the financial markets. My only point is that Trump is not a very good businessman.
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The question is whether Trump a good businessman.

If he can't beat the S&P, then I believe he is not a very sharp businessman. I get he likes the attention and that is his motivation to work. Just because he likes to work does not mean he is any good at it.
He is a billionaire . I am fairly certain he didn’t start out as one. He has lost net worth for political reasons. This is classic TDS that can’t seem to separate emotional rage from rational thought.
Sam Zell started with nothing and was worth over 5 billion. He lived like a billionaire. Every year he would have a birthday party for 150 of his closest friends. One year he had the Eagles play at his party. Another year Aretha Franklin. He also had three wives. Most billionaires live like billionaires with the exception of Warren Buffet. I don't get the motivation to portray Trump as some great businessman when he is not.
I don't know Sam Zell. I just know you can't fairly compare two models and only apply expenses to one of the models. If I remember correctly you are in the accounting field, so I imagine you get that.

The S&P outperforming Trump appears to currently be false.
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Oh man. What an insult.

The creator of Beavis and Butthead made a hilarious satire warning us about Trumpers like you.
Nope, it wasn’t even an attempt to insult you. That B&B laugh is simply my reaction to the self described happy guy. Have yourself a great day while Biden continues his destruction of America and you attack Trump.
So you’re the Beavis. Makes sense.

So dramatic. And you accuse others of derangement. LOL
This is essentially Obama’s third term of “fundamentally changing America”. There is nothing deranged about what TJ said. Left unchecked, these far left liars running the show are breaking down institutions and damaging our own citizens with garbage domestic policies.
This is essentially Obama’s third term of “fundamentally changing America”. There is nothing deranged about what TJ said. Left unchecked, these far left liars running the show are breaking down institutions and damaging our own citizens with garbage domestic policies.
Totally agree. The solution is to vote and distance yourself from their policies if possible. I’ll be voting against the democrats except for the President and I put my kids in private school to shield them from democrat indoctrination. I won’t give Trump a vote though because I have values I’d like to stick to.

The derangement I’m referring to is how TJ clearly lets this stuff seep into his day to day and mood. Look at how he reacted to someone simply questioning how Trump made his money or the viability of Truth Social. Don’t even mention the vaccine that 90% of adults took or he’ll lose it. He goes off the rails with insults and personal attacks while simultaneously accusing others of the exact same thing. He’s unhinged. Deranged.

Most of the big Trumpers act like this. Look no further than this ridiculous back and forth between BigWill and I. Dude talks down and belittles me to get a response then they are all up in arms when I give it to him. Deranged.

ILisBest is a little more sane but he’s not much different. I questioned him on his stormy stance and he gets all butthurt and decides to jumps in with BigWill. When I give him the response he was clearly looking for he accuses me of having the problem. Deranged.

I mostly get on here when I’m taking a shit or need a quick break from work. It’s entertaining to push their buttons and it’s so easy. Acting like that is a lifestyle for Trumpers like TJ though. It’s become their identity.
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ILisBest is a little more sane but he’s not much different. I questioned him on his stormy stance and he gets all butthurt and decides to jumps in with BigWill. When I give him the response he was clearly looking for he accuses me of having the problem. Deranged.
My Stormy stance was clearly defined by me. If you missed it, it was intentional.

I didn't convict Trump or Biden on the outside women/ daughter issues. I am sure that makes me an extremist, idiotic or whatever else I was referred to by the anti Trumpers here. Congrats!
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Totally agree. The solution is to vote and distance yourself from their policies if possible. I’ll be voting against the democrats except for the President and I put my kids in private school to shield them from democrat indoctrination. I won’t give Trump a vote though because I have values I’d like to stick to.

The derangement I’m referring to is how TJ clearly lets this stuff seep into his day to day and mood. Look at how he reacted to someone simply questioning how Trump made his money or the viability of Truth Social. Don’t even mention the vaccine that 90% of adults took or he’ll lose it. He goes off the rails with insults and personal attacks while simultaneously accusing others of the exact same thing. He’s unhinged. Deranged.

Most of the big Trumpers act like this. Look no further than this ridiculous back and forth between BigWill and I. Dude talks down and belittles me to get a response then they are all up in arms when I give it to him. Deranged.

ILisBest is a little more sane but he’s not much different. I questioned him on his stormy stance and he gets all butthurt and decides to jumps in with BigWill. When I give him the response he was clearly looking for he accuses me of having the problem. Deranged.

I mostly get on here when I’m taking a shit or need a quick break from work. It’s entertaining to push their buttons and it’s so easy. Acting like that is a lifestyle for Trumpers like TJ though. It’s become their identity.
Local elections matter, but the big solution is to get the chumps out of the White House that are writing executive orders and creating bad policies, because they own the cabinet level positions and thus regulatory institutions, let alone nominate SCOTUS and Fed judges. Your kids in private school won’t be shielded when they are in the public.

Oh and here’s the sign for when we post from the crapper. 💩 💩
Good thing no rational person on the board lives in the Chicago area because Biden’s illegals are bringing nasty diseases to the area. They may even reach the private schools.

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Totally agree. The solution is to vote and distance yourself from their policies if possible. I’ll be voting against the democrats except for the President and I put my kids in private school to shield them from democrat indoctrination. I won’t give Trump a vote though because I have values I’d like to stick to.

The derangement I’m referring to is how TJ clearly lets this stuff seep into his day to day and mood. Look at how he reacted to someone simply questioning how Trump made his money or the viability of Truth Social. Don’t even mention the vaccine that 90% of adults took or he’ll lose it. He goes off the rails with insults and personal attacks while simultaneously accusing others of the exact same thing. He’s unhinged. Deranged.

Most of the big Trumpers act like this. Look no further than this ridiculous back and forth between BigWill and I. Dude talks down and belittles me to get a response then they are all up in arms when I give it to him. Deranged.

ILisBest is a little more sane but he’s not much different. I questioned him on his stormy stance and he gets all butthurt and decides to jumps in with BigWill. When I give him the response he was clearly looking for he accuses me of having the problem. Deranged.

I mostly get on here when I’m taking a shit or need a quick break from work. It’s entertaining to push their buttons and it’s so easy. Acting like that is a lifestyle for Trumpers like TJ though. It’s become their identity.

The personalization of Trump butt boys of attacks on Trump is amazing. I say I think Trump is a PoS, it’s not a commentary on anyone but Trump. And yet it sets off fireworks among several here.

I really like RDS. Stoneax attacks him and most of the time I dont even reply. Why? Because an attack on RDS is not an attack on me. If I think the attack is unfair, I might explain why I think it’s unfair but not hostilely.

Attack Trump and we have several weirdos here who fall apart mentally. It’s why Trump needs to be gone, his abnormal actions spawns the same among many people.
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