This affects us all

Insane statement. The Southern Democrats, the Democrats of 1860, and their off shoot the Segregationist Party flipped in mass to Southern Republicans in the later 1960's and early 1970's due to Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. This is undeniable. So any similarity to the 1860 Democrats is shown by the current Southern Republicans. Not complicated unless you are trying to come up with a construct to avoid this truth.

Since we are talking about the United States House here, Democrats controlled almost the entirety of these seats in the South until 1994 and even had a few left until the 2014 election I believe.

The Solid South breakup started in the least "racist" parts of the South - the suburbs of places like Atlanta, Birmingham, and Charlotte. They definitely didn't start in rural parts of the region. Dems love to claim that people leaving the party was closet racism, but that makes little sense - Southerners who found ugly racial attitudes the most off putting were the first to move right, mostly due to their economic views being best represented by a free market GOP. Today, many of these same places are moving left, frankly because they don't feel well aligned with the social policy views of Republicans.

You create narratives in your head that justify your belief structure, no matter what the facts say. If you want to put modern politics in the Civil War context, let's do that. The Republican Party was first created in the rural Midwest (hence the reason it was founded in Wisconsin, its first standard bearer was a lawyer from central Illinois, and the most Republican place in America since the 1850s has been the state of Kansas). It found common anti-slavery cause with former Whigs in New England. The rural South (there wasn't much of an urban South outside of New Orleans, Atlanta, and perhaps Richmond) deeply opposed the Republican Party.

Today, the rural Midwest votes heavily Republican, as does the rural South. New England is heavily Democrat. Perhaps the issue mix has changed in ways not related to, say, slavery, which ended in 1865. I mean, that seems rather possible, doesn't it? Btw, this makes even more sense when the data is entirely clear that the place Republicans seem most poised to make gains among black men - rural Southern blacks. I'd even go so far to say as this phenomenon is why I think it's genuinely possible Trump will win GA and NC (2 of the 6 most critical states, both with large rural black populations) but lose all of WI/MI/PA (almost no rural black populations) and lose the election 270-268.
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Republicans and many Dems are moving Right because they don't identify with current Demo social policies. NOT become of Trump.
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Republicans and many Dems are moving Right because they don't identify with current Demo social policies. NOT become of Trump.

I realize data isn't your thing, but the biggest reason we've seen a re-sort in our politics the last 25 years is working class Americans agree with what you posted and higher income Americans mostly disagree. It's why Republicans have tanked among college-educated whites and keep on losing ground in the suburbs.

All that said, I suppose you could call this a function of a GOP victory on founding the economy on the free market. Go back pre-Clinton, and you will find a Dem Party of protectionism, high taxes, high minimum wage, and restrictive labor markets (pre-union). Today ... there are legacies of this in the Dem Party (including the dopey President), but a lot of that stuff is either gone or unimportant to the Dem Party today.
I see Ben Shapiro fired Candace Owens….

Two things.

1. First, it doesn't say much good that Ben Shapiro hired someone he knows is an idiot grifter.
2. I have zero idea how anyone doesn't see what an obvious grift Owens is. If she thinks her cringe audience wants to hear something, damn straight she's shouting it from the rooftops.
Two things.

1. First, it doesn't say much good that Ben Shapiro hired someone he knows is an idiot grifter.
2. I have zero idea how anyone doesn't see what an obvious grift Owens is. If she thinks her cringe audience wants to hear something, damn straight she's shouting it from the rooftops.
This is about Mr free speech firing someone for a perfectly reasonable opinion …
This is about Mr free speech firing someone for a perfectly reasonable opinion …

Lol ... free speech is about government compulsion. The dude has an actual business built around an opinion format. If he thinks someone's opinions don't fit with his vision, yeah he's entitled to fire her, and it has nothing to do with free speech.

Candace Owens is free to say dumb as **** shit anywhere she wants.

I'm admittedly not a big fan of chilling speech (I don't think employers should fire employees for "bad opinions"), but the product of this business is the content of the opinions. If there's a disagreement on what that should be, then Candace can seek excellence elsewhere, because other forums assuredly agree with her.
Lol ... free speech is about government compulsion. The dude has an actual business built around an opinion format. If he thinks someone's opinions don't fit with his vision, yeah he's entitled to fire her, and it has nothing to do with free speech.

Candace Owens is free to say dumb as **** shit anywhere she wants.

I'm admittedly not a big fan of chilling speech (I don't think employers should fire employees for "bad opinions"), but the product of this business is the content of the opinions. If there's a disagreement on what that should be, then Candace can seek excellence elsewhere, because other forums assuredly agree with her.
He has lost a lot of his audience due to his stance. It was surely not a business decision.
He has lost a lot of his audience due to his stance. It was surely not a business decision.

Then he's entitled to fire her for promoting views he doesn't want on his platform.

I think there's an incredible perversion in the market of political opinion. Fringe opinions can be extremely lucrative. If 3% of Americans believe something, that's still 10,000,000 people. Moreover, those with opinions more outside the mainstream are often more invested in said opinions, and they are easier to monetize. If you can get $10/year from merely 20% of those 10M people, you've got a business with a revenue of $20M. The same applies for $100/year from 2% of those 10M people.

If you want an explanation why the GOP has become increasingly unmoored from its beliefs of the last 60 years or so, the cacophony of voices trying to monetize the fringe is probably the best place to start. Very few people need to have their normie opinions validated, but those at the extremes seem to need it a lot (not just true of Rs).

At some point we will have a snap back among centrist voters against what we see (again, it's not exclusive to the GOP, but it is in fact worse for the Rs). It will be interesting when and how this comes.
Then he's entitled to fire her for promoting views he doesn't want on his platform.

I think there's an incredible perversion in the market of political opinion. Fringe opinions can be extremely lucrative. If 3% of Americans believe something, that's still 10,000,000 people. Moreover, those with opinions more outside the mainstream are often more invested in said opinions, and they are easier to monetize. If you can get $10/year from merely 20% of those 10M people, you've got a business with a revenue of $20M. The same applies for $100/year from 2% of those 10M people.

If you want an explanation why the GOP has become increasingly unmoored from its beliefs of the last 60 years or so, the cacophony of voices trying to monetize the fringe is probably the best place to start. Very few people need to have their normie opinions validated, but those at the extremes seem to need it a lot (not just true of Rs).

At some point we will have a snap back among centrist voters against what we see (again, it's not exclusive to the GOP, but it is in fact worse for the Rs). It will be interesting when and how this comes.
I think you are having a hard time evolving with the world . You are still stuck in the post world war 2 era. It is inevitable that America must change and take a path that is in its best interests. Arguably much of American foreign policy the past 60 years has been a failure and without question the last 30 years. It seems to me that your dislike of Owens stems from her anti war machine stance.
Then he's entitled to fire her for promoting views he doesn't want on his platform.

I think there's an incredible perversion in the market of political opinion. Fringe opinions can be extremely lucrative. If 3% of Americans believe something, that's still 10,000,000 people. Moreover, those with opinions more outside the mainstream are often more invested in said opinions, and they are easier to monetize. If you can get $10/year from merely 20% of those 10M people, you've got a business with a revenue of $20M. The same applies for $100/year from 2% of those 10M people.

If you want an explanation why the GOP has become increasingly unmoored from its beliefs of the last 60 years or so, the cacophony of voices trying to monetize the fringe is probably the best place to start. Very few people need to have their normie opinions validated, but those at the extremes seem to need it a lot (not just true of Rs).

At some point we will have a snap back among centrist voters against what we see (again, it's not exclusive to the GOP, but it is in fact worse for the Rs). It will be interesting when and how this comes.
Oh by the way, there is nothing centrist about your foreign policy stance….you are essentially dan Crenshaw …
I think you are having a hard time evolving with the world . You are still stuck in the post world war 2 era. It is inevitable that America must change and take a path that is in its best interests. Arguably much of American foreign policy the past 60 years has been a failure and without question the last 30 years. It seems to me that your dislike of Owens stems from her anti war machine stance.

Way to personalize my take. It's very much a minority opinion to believe that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza. There is a fringe leftist worldview that is very supportive of this take tho.
Oh by the way, there is nothing centrist about your foreign policy stance….you are essentially dan Crenshaw …

Crenshaw is actually quite popular among normie Republicans and incredibly unpopular among "very online" Republicans. From an overall population standpoint, he's absolutely more aggressive internationally than the average American.

You seem to think that I gave one shit what the median American thinks when I view any issues. Might want to re-think that.
American FP keeps failing so badly that America continues to be the world's preeminent country that is only increasing the gap of the success of its people from the success of those in peer nations. Something is being done correctly. Which doesn't make every decision as being right.

We live in a unipolar world of great powers (the USA); it is very easy to see how ceding that to a multipolar world will have massive impact on things like trade, which will drag down quality of life here and elsewhere (no one in China has thought this through, their lack of resources might cause them to be hurt the most).

The reason I oppose Russia is because I don't want Eastern Europe turning back into a Russian opportunity zone (and neither does eastern Europe). I oppose Chinese ambitions because they are hostile to American and free market interests. I oppose Iran because its domination of the Middle East would be bad for most of the rest of the world (on a positive, the Gulf states agree totally with my take). I very much like RDS, but his idea of "invading Mexico to fight the cartels" (I don't think he'd do it) struck me as ludicrious and a way to bring real conflict to parts of America (in addition to alienating a trading partner). Probably better to incentivize Mexico to do more of our bidding on the border and fighting fentanyl and the like.
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Today, the rural Midwest votes heavily Republican, as does the rural South. New England is heavily Democrat. Perhaps the issue mix has changed in ways not related to, say, slavery, which ended in 1865.
No doubt, but I was talking solely about the change in the South in late 1960's early 1970's where the Southern Democrats became Soutern Republicans. Rural Mid-west was and remained Republican and that does extend back to Civil War. New England flip flopped from Republican to Democrats. There are changes going on today with black and Hispanic, but what I have seen and read leads me to believe it is more due to their being male rather than their racial profile. The divide today has several faces--urban, rural; male, female; college educated, less than college educated: white, nonwhite. The white, nonwhite being eroded by the male, female and college educated, noncollege educate faces.
Crenshaw is actually quite popular among normie Republicans and incredibly unpopular among "very online" Republicans. From an overall population standpoint, he's absolutely more aggressive internationally than the average American.

You seem to think that I gave one shit what the median American thinks when I view any issues. Might want to re-think that.
He is popular among the evangelicals that believe in the holy war stuff( like my folks that live in Texas) . AFA Ben Shapiro, the question isn’t about his right to fire her as much as his own free speech stance that he is happy to violate…..he is a hypocrite and that’s the point.
dtrain - if you are interested, another dichotomy in US politics I believe has recently been dissolved. That was the union/working class, suburban country club factor. In my opinion the union/working class has been eaten away and replaced by the male determinative factor, and mostly voting Republican. The suburban/country club eaten away by the college educated factor, and mostly voting Democrat.
If you want an explanation why the GOP has become increasingly unmoored from its beliefs of the last 60 years or so, the cacophony of voices trying to monetize the fringe is probably the best place to start. Very few people need to have their normie opinions validated, but those at the extremes seem to need it a lot (not just true of Rs).

At some point we will have a snap back among centrist voters against what we see (again, it's not exclusive to the GOP, but it is in fact worse for the Rs). It will be interesting when and how this comes.
Truer words never posted on this Board. Heard a writer of a book on Alex Jones and how he makes unbelievable millions of dollars selling "supplements" on his site. All worthless. His producers found that there was a correlation between Alex's talking of Sandy Hook, and the amount spent purchasing supplements. That is why he went off on his long rants and continued putting out his insane conspiracy theory as the Millions$ would increase dramatically. I guess it is sort of a chicken and egg matter with the fringe right and the voices monetizing them.
Way to personalize my take. It's very much a minority opinion to believe that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza. There is a fringe leftist worldview that is very supportive of this take tho.
No but a majority of Americans believe it’s none of our concern and to our detriment …..on both sides, especially the younger people, that is exactly why tik tok is a problem for them….
Truer words never posted on this Board. Heard a writer of a book on Alex Jones and how he makes unbelievable millions of dollars selling "supplements" on his site. All worthless. His producers found that there was a correlation between Alex's talking of Sandy Hook, and the amount spent purchasing supplements. That is why he went off on his long rants and continued putting out his insane conspiracy theory as the Millions$ would increase dramatically. I guess it is sort of a chicken and egg matter with the fringe right and the voices monetizing them.
Alex Jones is an idiot. Sandy Hook DID happen. 3 of my 4 Grandchildren in Conn attended the Elementary School that was attacked.

2 were in school and survived because the killer went one way up a corridor opposite their classrooms ! Grandson was in route for PM classes. Meanwhile Conn SP responded Code 3 past MadDog driving to school. It was hours till he found his 2 girls were alive.

A neighbor across the street was one murdered.
No but a majority of Americans believe it’s none of our concern and to our detriment …..on both sides, especially the younger people, that is exactly why tik tok is a problem for them….

The majority of Americans are against aid to Israel? You believe this?

Shit it’s 50/50 on Ukraine aid and we gave $100B already and one party is posturing against it.
I realize data isn't your thing, but the biggest reason we've seen a re-sort in our politics the last 25 years is working class Americans agree with what you posted and higher income Americans mostly disagree. It's why Republicans have tanked among college-educated whites and keep on losing ground in the suburbs.

All that said, I suppose you could call this a function of a GOP victory on founding the economy on the free market. Go back pre-Clinton, and you will find a Dem Party of protectionism, high taxes, high minimum wage, and restrictive labor markets (pre-union). Today ... there are legacies of this in the Dem Party (including the dopey President), but a lot of that stuff is either gone or unimportant to the Dem Party today.
"Data is not my thing..." EXCEPT when I understand how the US Census is organized every 10 years, and it appears the knowledge passes you bye. Called a decade here. How over 10,000,000 are allowed into the US illegally in a decade, between census data gathering..

Which OVER the pre invasion of illegals of most of the populations of many States.

The number of $ 3.00 + cost for a gallon of gas, up from $ 2.00 a gallon. Along with manufacturing costs increases with petro based products.

The poll number that has 65 % of white women likely voters for Trump, a HUGE swing !

Is numbers data ?
"Data is not my thing..." EXCEPT when I understand how the US Census is organized every 10 years, and it appears the knowledge passes you bye. Called a decade here. How over 10,000,000 are allowed into the US illegally in a decade, between census data gathering..

Which OVER the pre invasion of illegals of most of the populations of many States.

The number of $ 3.00 + cost for a gallon of gas, up from $ 2.00 a gallon. Along with manufacturing costs increases with petro based products.

The poll number that has 65 % of white women likely voters for Trump, a HUGE swing !

Is numbers data ?

What the **** are you talking about? I’m the one who pointed out when the last Census was, as if somehow I don’t know when the next one is.

The argument Musk made wasn’t about the next Census, when he clearly referenced past reapportionment in his argument (an argument that was laughably wrong).
Crenshaw is actually quite popular among normie Republicans and incredibly unpopular among "very online" Republicans. From an overall population standpoint, he's absolutely more aggressive internationally than the average American.

You seem to think that I gave one shit what the median American thinks when I view any issues. Might want to re-think that.
Crenshaw has become an inside the Beltway politician lately.
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Crenshaw has become an inside the Beltway politician lately.

He’s a normie Republican, always was.

I do wonder which party will decide appealing to normal voters is important first, many elections to be won.

Btw, it should shock no one that former Special Ops guys love a muscular American. They almost invariably joined hoping for that.
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